Here is a Monster Hunter Tri walkthrough by blackXstar.
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- Version History
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- Introduction
- Farm Upgrade Requests
- Village Guild Quests
- Town Guide Quests
- Cha-Cha's Masks
- Weapon Overview
- Monster Bosses
- Skills Guide
- Credits
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Version History
(Back to Menu) 4/23/10, Version 1.0 is released. Stay posted for updates when I can. 4/26/10, Version 1.1 is released. Quests to Lv*****, new monsters added, new armor sets. 80% done with village quests. 4/30/10, Version 1.2 is released. Finished all offline quests, and added armor skills. Almost done with boss guide and starting minion guide. Also adding online quests...eventually.Introduction
(Back to Menu) Hi, I’m Johnny and I take pride in being a monster hunter. My hunter name is Johnny and my ID is 4529HP. The reason I am writing this guide is because this is thanks to all the people who have written guides for every game I have played. Also that bounty list is a good bonus =). I am currently a college student as well as an unemployed (for now) EMT. This guide is not a guide, I won’t tell you how to play or what to do just use this as a reference for quest info, armor sets and whatnot. For any comments, additions (I’ll give you credit =D) and questions you can send me an email at [email protected]. Please keep it decednt, if I totally killed something, let me know. Without further ado, I present Monster Hunter Tri.Controls
(Back to Menu) Wii Classic Controller ______ ______ / L \ / R \ ___________________________________ / \ / \ | | (x) | | -- -- - H + (y) (a) | | | (b) | | | | __ __ | | /L2\ /R2\ | | \__/ \__/ | | | \ / \___________________________________/ L: When held - Opens inventory list When pressed: Sets camera to back of hunter R: When held - Runs Directional Buttons: Use to change camera angles and boxes in chat/menu. -: Opens menu +: When on land: Kicks When underwater: Small Tackle H: HOME menu, pause x: Unsheathe weapon, attack a: Accept, attack, gather, carve, change item option b: Cancel, Roll when moving, crouch when still y: Sheathe Weapon, use selected item, change item option L2: To move R2: Change camera angle, change pages in chatVillage Guild Quests
(Back to Menu) Lv* ~Harvest ‘Shroom Prescription Pick-Up Goldenfish Opportunity ~Farm Aid ~Guts: It’s what’s for Dinner Sunken Treasure ~Urgent – No Love for Ludroth Lv** Big Hunt Secret of the Crystal Bones No Guts, No Glory ~Big Game Hunting ~Who’s the Boss? ~No Love for Ludroth ~Urgent –Shakalaka Savior Lv*** Rhenoplos Rampage! Herbivore Egg Hunt! Pest Control The Deadliest Catch ~Playing with Fire Trapping a Trickster ~Save Our Boat ~Leading the Charge A Royal Pain ~Urgent – Accident Investigation Lv**** Lost in the Blue ~Leader of the Icepack Cold Stones ~Hunter Killer Harvest Tour: Sandy Plains Harvest Tour; Flooded Forest ~Urgent – Trial of the Sea Dragon ~Dragon Lady The Creeping Venom A Royal Rumble Poached Wyvern Eggs ~Accident Investigation ~Urgent – Fell the Lagiacrus Lv***** Best the Lava Beasts! Heat Exhaustion ~The Lord of the Seas Harvest Tour: Tundra ~The Wrath of Rathalos ~A Bard's Tale The Horned Dragon The Omen Denizen of the Molten Deep ~The Volcano's Fury Urgaan's Trail ~Fell the Lagriacrus ~Urgent - Save Moga Village! Urgent Quests Mating Season Four Horns Dangerous Waters White Wind of the Tundra The Death of Sky and Sea A Burnt Offering The Decisive BattleTown Guild Quests
(Back to Menu) Lv* Harvest 'Shrooms Sunken Treasures The Perfect Panacea The Jaggi Menace Help the "Hunter" Playing with Fire The Fisherman's Tale Secret of the Crystal Bones No Guts, No Glory Jaggi Population Control Tracking the Trickster Goldenfish Opportunity No Love for Ludroth The Fisherman's Tale Must be hunter rank 9 to unlock Lv** ~ Means that these are the key quests.Resource Requests
(Back to Menu) Farming Fields Upgrade to Level 2 Res 300p Dung x2 Super-sized Dung x1 Upgrade to Level 3 Res 500p Fertile Mud x2 Super-sized Dung x2 Catalyst x2 Shrooms Upgrade to Level 2 Res 80p Upgrade to Level 3 Res 500p Monster Fluid x1 Shroom Germ+ x3 Big Fin x1 Insects Upgrade to Level 1 Res 150p Monster Fluid x1 Upgrade to Level 2 Res 400p Funky Pheromones x4 Bughopper x3 Upgrade to Level 3 Res 500p BugMaker! Pro x4 Killer Beatle x3 Honey Upgrade to Level 1 Res 300p Cactus Flower x2 Earth Crystal x2 Upgrade to Level 2 Res 400p Dash Extract x1 Cactus Flower x2 Bizzy Bes x2 Masks Fluffy Mask Res 300p Qurupeco Feather x2 Warm Pelt x2 Velvety hide x2 Grill Mask Res 400p Double BBQ Spit x1 Flintstone x1 Fire Herb x3 Lamp Mask Res 500p Flame Sac x1 Gobul Lantern x1 Machalite Ore x4 Ancient Mask Res 500p Lagiacrus Scale x2 SharqSkin x1 Pelagicite Ore x4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lv* ****************************************************** Harvest ‘Shroom – D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 5 Unique Mushrooms – Reward 500z Subquest A: Deliver 2 Ripened Mushroom – Reward 500z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Choice Mushroom – Reward 500z Quest fee – 0z This is a tutorial quest so just follow what they say. Mushroom locations are in area 2 and 3. If you want to finish both Subquests there is also a mushroom point in area 7, if you haven’t gotten all of the mushrooms. Completing this quest unlocks more quests. ****************************************************** Prescription Pick Up – D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 2 Kelbi Horns – Reward 600z Subquest A: Slay 5 Kelbi – Reward 500z Subquest B: None Quest fee – 100z You can only carve kelbi when they are stunned. The best way to do this is to get a sword and shield, and hold your direction stick and press b to bash them with a shield. After a few carves you should have enough kelbi horns. ****************************************************** Goldenfish Opportunity – D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 3 Goldenfish – Reward 1500z Subquest A: Deliver 2 Small Goldenfish – Reward 600z Subquest B: None Quest fee – 150z To get goldenfish bait, just combine Firefly and Snakebee Larve, or do the subquest. To do the subquest just fish with the worms you got. Fishing spots are at base camp and 10, but you can only get the goldenfish at area 10. ****************************************************** Farm Aid – D. Island Main Quest: Slay 5 Jaggia – Reward 800z Subquest A: Slay 10 Jaggi – Reward 600z Subquest B: None Quest fee – 100z Jaggia can be found in areas 4, 5, 6. Try to slay 10 jaggi as well since you need the money and resources. ****************************************************** Guts: It’s what’s for Dinner – D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 3 Monster Guts – Reward 800z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest fee – 100z You get monster guts from the Epioth (the underwater aptonoth) from areas 10 and 11. When you reach area 11 you encounter the Lagiacrus. Don’t try to take him; you do not have enough time or good enough weapons to try him. ****************************************************** Sunken Treasures – D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 8 Red Coral Stones – Reward 600z Subquest A: Slay 3 Sharq – Reward 600z Subquest B: Quest Fee – 100z Red Coral Stones can be found underwater in areas 10 and 11. They are found in piles that look like bones. ****************************************************** Urgent – No love for Ludroth - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt 6 Ludroth – Reward 700z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 100z Ludroth can be found in areas 9, 10 and 11. They are borderline harmless ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lv** ****************************************************** Bug Hunt - D. Island Main Quest: Slay 12 Altaroth - Reward 600z Subquest A: Deliver 2 Ripened Mushroom - Reward 550z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Choice Mushroom - Reward 550z Quest Fee – 100z This is a good quest to get monster fluid. Also note that if you kill the bugs while they are collecting items they will drop an item like monster fluid. ****************************************************** Secret of the Crystal Bones - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Deliver 4 Crystal Bones - Reward 600z Subquest A: Slay 4 Giggi - Reward 200z Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 100z To get crystal bones you need to mine. Every mining spot has a chance for crystal bones. ****************************************************** No Guts, No Glory - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Deliver 3 Monster Guts - Reward 800z Subquest A: Slay 8 Delex - Reward 800z Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 100z Killing Delex gives monster guts as well as some other items. By the time you get 3 monster guts you should usually have killed 8 Delex ****************************************************** Big Game Hunting - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Great Jaggi – Reward 1000z Subquest A: Wound Great Jaggi’s Head – Reward 300z Subquest B: Stun Great Jaggi – Reward 300z Quest Fee – 100z Great Jaggi starts off in area 6, followed by a swarm of jaggi and Jaggia. This is a pretty good fight to start with since he is pretty fun to fight. For the Subquest, start with Subquest B since you are supplied a flash bomb and then start to work on his head while stunned. He can call more allies which can be a pain since it seems like he can call for a few minions at a time. When he is low on health he will stagger to either area 6 and take a nap. ****************************************************** Who’s the Boss? - D. Island Main Quest: Capture a Great Jaggi – Reward 2000z Subquest A: Slay 3 Jaggia – Reward 550z Subquest B: Slay 10 Jaggi – Reward 650z Quest Fee – 100z Same as Big Game Hunting. Also don’t worry too much on the Subquest because chances are you will complete them without trying. ****************************************************** Urgent: Shakalaka Savior – D. Island Main Quest: Protect the Shakalaka – Reward 600z Subquest A: Protect the Shakalaka – Reward 600z Subquest B: Protect the Shakalaka – Reward 600z Quest Fee – 100z You will encounter a lost shakalaka kid and you must protect him. First encounter is in area 6 and he is being attacked by 3 Jaggia. Second encounter is in area 9 and he is being attacked by 3 ludroth. The final encounter is in area 2 and there will be a swarm of jaggi, around 10. You only need to protect him once but the reward and the monster carves make protecting him all 3 times worth it. Also don’t worry about hurting him when you attack, you don’t hurt him. After completing your mission you unlock Lv*** quests and will gain a companion during your quests. I like him better than the felyne companions in MHFU (I don’t even kick him as much as I did with the cats) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lv*** ****************************************************** Rhenoplos Rampage! - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Slay 6 Rhenoplos - Reward 900z Subquest A: Deliver 4 Crystal Bones - Reward 800z Subquest B: None Quest Fee - 100z Rhenoplos are everywhere. As for the crystal bones, just mine at random mining spots. Easy enough. ****************************************************** Herbivore Egg Hunt - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Deliver 2 Herbivore Eggs Subquest A: Deliver 1 Herbivore Egg Subquest B: Slay 5 Jaggia Quest Fee The path from area 2 and 7 is blocked off so you gotta take the long way. The eggs are found in area 7, under the tree. You can take 7>5>4>1 for an easy deliver. The second run, they blocked off the path to 1 and 4 so we gotta do a lot more. It is better to go through 5 instead of 6, the Jaggia go for cha-cha and the monsters in area 4 are slow. Cats also don't pose a threat, as long as you don't stop. ****************************************************** Pest Control - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Slay 12 Bnababra - Reward 800z Subquest A: Deliver 3 Royal Rhinos - Reward 800z Subquest B: None Quest Fee - 100z Bnababra are the flying bugs, easy to kill. If you want carves just toss the poison smoke bomb to kill them. Royal Rhinos can be found at bug spots. ****************************************************** The Deadliest Catch - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Slay 7 Ludroth - Reward 800z Subquest A: Slay 3 Catfish - Reward 600z Subquest B: None Ludroth are everywhere, catfish are found underwater. ****************************************************** Playing with Fire – Sandy Plains Main Quest: Hunt a Qurupeco – Reward 1800z Subquest A: Pitfall Trap a Qurupeco – Reward 200z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear – Reward 800z Quest Fee – 150z Entering area 8 triggers a scene with the Qurupeco. After the video head to area 4, this will be his starting area if you redo his quest. Aim for his chest, face and wings. More about him in my monster guide (MB02). He is able to call 2 jaggi which don’t pose too much of a threat. After a while he will run to area 3. Also note that he has fire attacks and if you do get hit by his flames you will be on fire that slowly drains your hp. If you are by water just roll in the water to put it out, if you aren’t near water just stop drop and roll a few times. The great jaggi will sometimes enter your area, he sometimes lends a hand or sometimes will team with the Qurupeco. To get rid of him just kill his minions and he will flee. Make sure to bring some extra whetstones since you will most likely run out. To get the wyvern tear can be pretty hard. To make him drop it you need him to flinch when he is dancing. When you turn in the tear you will get a pitfall trap. Best time to pitfall is when he is sleeping or when he is switching maps and is still flying. Beating him unlocks 2 new Lv*** quests. Also note that his armor is probably the best set for starting out ****************************************************** Trapping a Trickster - D. Island Main Quest: Capture a Qurupeco - Reward 3600z Subquest A: Wound Qurupeco's head - Reward 400z Subquest B: Destroy Qurupeco's Flint - Reward 400z Use the same tactic as above. To break his face you need a large wep that can reach his face. His flint is on his wings. When he limps he let him go to sleep so you can set a trap because he might fly off while you set the trap. Trapping him unlocks him in the arena. ****************************************************** Save Our Boat - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Hunt a Royal Ludroth – Reward 2000z Subquest A: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear – Reward 800z Subquest B: Slay 5 Ludroth – 600z Quest Fee – 200z This seal/eagle sounding monster starts off in area 4 or 2. It is best not to fight him underwater since he has an advantage. This guy is quick, he does very wide attacks and can be a pain. He usually wanders around areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. When he is damaged he will retreat to area 10. A pretty tough fight with your current equipment ****************************************************** Leading the Charge - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Hunt a Barroth – Reward 2600z Subquest A: Sever Barroth’s Tail – Reward 500z Subquest B: Destroy 2 desert anthills – Reward 500z Quest Fee – 250z Barroth starts in area 3 and found swimming under the mud. He is pretty challenging your first few rounds. Also note cutting his tail off not only gives a reward, it reduces his range when he uses his tail. His legs also seem to have pretty low damage thresholds and will be staggered often. For the 2 desert anthills, it has come to my attention that there are 2 mounds in areas 4 and 8. I have also seen Barroth destroy a mound and eat from it. ****************************************************** A Royal Pain - D. Island Main Quest: Capture a Royal Ludroth - Reward 4000z Subquest A: Wound Royal Ludroth's Mane - Reward 400z Subquest B: Sever Royal Ludroth's Tail - Reward 400z Same quest as before, when he limps let him sleep to set the trap without him walking away. Trapping him unlocks him in the arena. ****************************************************** Urgent: Accident Investigation – Flooded Forest Main Quest: Hunt a Gobul – Reward 3000z Subquest A: Destroy Gobul’s Lanterns – Reward 600z Subquest B: Fish out Gobul once – Reward 800z Quest Fee – 300z Entering area 6 triggers a pretty cool scene with this tadpole blowfish. This can be a tough fight if fought underwater. If he ever goes below the sand make sure to keep away from him since he can suck you in and cause waterblight (slow stamina regen). When you first start head to area 2 and walk all the way till you reach the area right before area 4. To your left is a plant thing where you can pick up frogs, for subquest B. After getting a few frogs continue to area 6, or 4 if you are redoing this quest. Now Gobul likes to hide under the sand which can be a pain to find, but if you know what to look for you are set. When you are underwater look for red plants and bubbles. There are a fewthings you can do at this point; ninja it, surprise attack, and sonic bomb. Ninja is carving him while he is under the sand, this makes the quest much longer and also if he comes up while you are above him he can paralyze you for a fairly long amount of time.When fighting him underwater it is best to aim for his lantern (the light on his head) and when on land aim for his tail, but watch out when he attacks with his tail since it can paralyze you. Also to fish him out you need to be in either area 4 or 10, and he must be underwater but not hiding under the sand. Beating him unlocks Lv**** as well as some new village quests and store weapons. You also unlock tundra. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lv**** ****************************************************** Lost in Blue - Tundra Main Quest: Slay 20 Baggi - Reward 900z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 100z This quest is mostly to get baggi hide, which are hard to get. It's pretty simple but the baggi have pretty high health, so it may be a pain. ****************************************************** Leader of the Icepack – Tundra Main Quest: Hunt a Great Baggi – Reward 1400z Subquest A: Wound Great Baggi’s Head – Reward 400z Subquest B: Stun Great Baggi –Reward 400z Quest Fee – 100z Great Baggi is pretty much a Great Jaggi with one exception, he can put you to sleep. Treat him as a Great Jaggi and you will be fine. Also if you are hit with his sleep spit, you will enter a drowsy state for a couple of seconds before falling asleep, make sure to take an energy drink or have cha-cha hit you. Subquest A is easy, aim for his head, you are given a flash bomb for Subquest B so time your throwing just right and you should stun him. ****************************************************** Cold Stones - Tundra Main Quest: Deliver 8 Bloodstones - Reward 900z Subquest A: Deliver 3 Popo Tongues - Reward 600z Subquest B: Light up cave in area 5 - Reward 300z Quest Fee – 100z Bloodstones can be gotten from mining, also good for getting lightcrystals. Popo tongues can be carved off popos (wooly mammoths) and lighting up the cave, just use the torch to light the cave. ****************************************************** Hunter Killer – Sandy Plains Main Quest: Hunt a Barroth and a Great Jaggi – Reward 3800z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 350z This can be very easy if you managed to get Gobul’s sword and shield, Azi Dahaka. Just take one monster at a time and you should be fine. If you get low you can always run to camp and take a nap. Try taking Barroth in area 4 because a Qurupeco is also present and may be a challenge if you are fighting all three. Then again they might turn on each other and make your quest easier. Also Barroth has less health then he normally does since this is a double monster quest. ****************************************************** Urgent: Trial of the Sea Dragon – D. Island Main Quest: Repel a Lagiacrus – Reward 2100z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 200z Entering area 5 will start a short video of the Lagiacrus, you should start working on his tail since he has few attacks that reach behind his tail, eventually you will be able to cut off his tail. After a while he will head to area 9, where you should aim for his tail stub, and his face when he is idling or after he does a thunder ball. By the time you reach area 10 he should be fairly weak.You should be able to repel him before he can make it to area 11. Finishing this quest unlocks the rest of Lv**** quests, as well as a glimpse into the Lagiacrus armor set, very nice =0 ****************************************************** Harvest Tour: Sandy Plains - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Deliver a Paw Pass Ticket - Reward 15z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 0z This is a good quest for getting cactus flowers in area 9 and ice stones in area 6. Takes 5 mins for the pass to appear ****************************************************** Harvest Tour: Flooded Forest - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Deliver a Paw Pass Ticket - Reward 15z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 0z This quest is all about getting Pelagicite Ores, found in areas 4,5 and 6. Takes 5 mins for the pass to appear ****************************************************** Dragon Lady - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Rathian – Reward 2800z Subquest A: Sever Rathian’s tail – Reward 600z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear – Reward 1000z Quest Fee – 250z Enter area 3 for a scene of Rathian flying away. Follow her to 7 for the real fight. She has gotten smarter since MHFU, she doesn’t trip after charging. Also she has a couple new moves, like swooping down from the sky and doing a backflip while in the air. A break from a new list of monsters, but don’t underestimate her. Beating her unlocks a final rematch with Lagiacrus as well as the long sword weapon. Yippie ****************************************************** The Creeping Venom Main Quest: Hunt a Gigginox - Reward 3400z Subquest A: Slay 10 Giggi - Reward 500z Subquest B: Destroy 5 Gigginox Eggs - Reward 500z Quest Fee – 300z This boss is optional and his armor set kinda sucks. He does drop pale extract which can be used to make mega demondrugs and mega armorskins. Might be a good idea to come back to him when you have gotten a good fire weapon like the Wyvern Blade "Fire" ****************************************************** A Royal Rumble - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Capture a Rathian - Reward 5600z Subquest A: Wound Rathian's head - Reward 600z Subquest B: Sever Rathian's Tail - Reward 600z Quest Fee – 250z Just use the same tactics on a rathian and when capturing a monster. Capturing her unlocks her in the arena. ****************************************************** Poached Wyvern Eggs - D. Island Main Quest: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs - Reward 2000z Subquest A: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg - Reward 2000z Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 200z Eggs can be found at the nest, don't jump off the cliff thought. Pretty straight forward. ****************************************************** Accident Investigation – Flooded Forest Main Quest: Hunt a Gobul – Reward 3000z Subquest A: Destroy Gobul’s Lanterns – Reward 600z Subquest B: Fish out Gobul once – Reward 800z Quest Fee – 300z Same quest as above. ****************************************************** Urgent: Fell the Lagiacrus! - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Lagiacrus – Reward 4200z Subquest A: wound Lagiacrus’ chest – Reward 600z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear – Reward 1200z Quest Fee – 400z After some encouraging words from the guild sweetheart, we are off to area 10 to get our butts whooped. Not only is he pissed, you must fight him underwater which is pretty tough AND he has restored his health and grew his tail back and fixed his face. Oh did I forget to mention he also does more damage than he did? This guy doesn’t not only have an awesome video to show his anger, he’s going to show it to you. Start with his chest, since it’s a reward and it’s an easier target while underwater. Watch out for his occasional electric aura and tackle, his thunder ball (he can rapid fire it) and his tail sweep, which can push you back with wind, or current w/e the correct term is. If you see his back start to shine, get away from him, he is charging for an electric aura. Eventually he will jump out of the water, so it’s the perfect time to go for his tail. He also has a new slide attack, electric slide, which is a combination of slip n’ slide and electric aura. When he becomes weaker, he will return to the water and eventually charge up for an electric explosion by curling up, get the heck out of his vicinity since there are random electric explosions around him, but only when he has stored electricity. When injured he will slowly limp swim away. Sleeps at area 11 Defeating Lagiacrus unlocks Lv***** as well as some new store goodies and a 'symbol color' which changes your armor color and Cha-Cha also disappears. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lv***** ****************************************************** Best the Lava Beasts! - Volcano Main Quest: Slay 7 Uroktor - Reward 900z Subquest A: Slay 5 Rhenoplos - Reward 600z Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 100z This is a good quest to mine and hunt for bugs, since theres no harvest tour. ****************************************************** Heat Exhaustion - Volcano Main Quest: Deliver 2 Powderstones - Reward 2500z Subquest A: Deliver 1 Powderstone - Reward 2500z Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 250z Powderstones can be found in area 10. Also a good quest for getting ores. Hopefully cha-cha will dance for you since you will most likely get low. ****************************************************** Lord of the Seas - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Capture a Lagiacrus - Reward 7200z Subquest A: Wound Lagiacrus' chest - Reward 600z Subquest B: Sever Lagiacrus' tail - Reward 600z Quest Fee – 400z This quest is tough. This fight is almost all underwater AND a Gobul is right in the middle. Just use the monster reference and whatnot and just practice. And for the Longsword users, the starter longsword is a good wep against this guy. Good luck When you complete the quest cha-cha returns with a funny story. Also you are now given a side quest, the ancient mask. You must complete this before you can continue. You can get Sharqskin by killing a Sharq in D. Woods (weaken the sharq first then finish him off with a harpoon). ****************************************************** Harvest Tour: Tundra - Tundra Main Quest: Deliver a Paw Pass Ticket Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 0z Good quest for isisium and lightcrystals. After 5 or so minutes a paw pass will appear. ****************************************************** The Wrath of Rathalos - Volcano Main Quest: Hunt a Rathalos - Reward 4800z Subquest A: Sever Rathalos' tail - Reward 800z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear - Reward 1200z Quest Fee – 450z Rathalos hasn't gotten too many new attack, although he mostly stays in the air now. This is an optional quest so if you are worried, wait till you get better armor. ****************************************************** A Bard's Tale - Tundra Main Quest: Hunt a Barioth - Reward 4800z Subquest A: Wound 1 of Barioth's wings - Reward 800z Subquest B: Pitfall Trap Barioth - Reward 400z Quest Fee – 450z This guy is tough, like a Nargacuga. You will need a quick weapon like Sword and Shield. He starts off at area 2, a good area to fight him. When fighting make sure to stay away from his face since he throws his Ice Twister very often. Aim for his tail since it causes Iceblight, and its also a good spot to attack. One of my favorite bosses and his armor is one of the best. After the fight you are told to evacuate, game over. Or is it. With a chat w/ the Cheif and Junior...the Cheif's Son, you are now given a villager request. You need: Res 1500, Flabby Hide x2, Rath Talon x2, Mach. Ore x8. Flabby from Gigginox, Rath Talon from a Rathalos/ian, and Machalite ore from anywhere. After completing the side quest you unlock more quests. ****************************************************** The Horned Dragon - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Hunt a Diablos - Reward 5600z Subquest A: Break both Diablos' horns - 1000z Subquest B: Sonic Bomb Diablos mid-dig - 500z Quest Fee – 550z Another optional quest, might be a good idea to wait till you have better armor. Diablos also hasn't changed from the previous games. ****************************************************** The Omen - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Rathalos - Reward 5200z Subquest A: Wound Rathalos' head - Reward 800z Subquest B: Sever Rathalos' tail - Reward 800z Quest Fee – 450z An easier quest when fighting rathalos since there are no worries about cool drinks. Watch out for rathian though since she can sometimes join the fight and cause big problems. ****************************************************** Denizen of the Molten Deep - Volcano Main Quest: Hunt an Agnaktor - Reward 6000z Subquest A: Would Agnaktor's Chest - Reward 1000z Subquest B: Sever Agnaktor's Tail - Reward 1000z Quest Fee – 600z Optional quest, I haven't tried him yet. Anyone with any stategies can send in some. ****************************************************** The Volcano's Fury - Volcano Main Quest: Hunt an Urugan - Reward 5600z Subquest A: Wound Urugans's Jaw - Reward 1000z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear - Reward 1000z Quest Fee – 550Z Entering area 6 triggers another scene with another monster. This guy is slow but he also has huge attacks. A couple to watch out for is his roll attack and his sleep gas. When he raises his chin, run to his left or right since that is a safe spot. For his sleep gas, just keep away and if cha-cha is near, have him hit you or take an energy drink, since his attacks may kill you if you are sleeping, since you take more damage sleeping. When he digs this is a good opportunity to eat, sharpen et, but when he comes out, get ready for a dangerous attack. He will roll in different directions for about 30 secs. After he stops, he idles for a little bit so this is a good chance to go all out. He will limp, not roll away when weak. Killing him unlocks the final Lv***** quest, as well as the final battle with Ceadeus. Make sure you are prepared for this final battle. ****************************************************** Uragaan's Trail - Volcano Main Quest: Capture an Uragaan - Reward 8600z Subquest A: Sever Uragaan's tail - Reward 1000z Subquest B: Stun Uragaan - Reward 1000z Quest Fee – 550z Same battle as before, same capturing technique. Capturing him unlocks him in arena. ****************************************************** Fell the Lagiacrus! - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Lagiacrus – Reward 4200z Subquest A: wound Lagiacrus’ chest – Reward 600z Subquest B: Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear – Reward 1200z Quest Fee – 400z Same quest as above. ****************************************************** Urgent: Save Moga Village - UnderWater Ruins Main Quest: Repel a Ceadeus - Reward 6000z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee - 600z Prequest - Make sure cha-cha is wearing the mask. Also it is wise to have a meal, they give different bonuses. I prefer Kirin Butter and Royale Cheese for the +30 health and Def L bonus. Also bring any potionsa you have as well as Air Philters (Mega - Airweed + Dash Extract, Regular - Airweed +catalyst). Demondrugs, Armorskin, Pills are good to have too. Ceadeus is pretty much a swimming lao shan lung. For the people who never played any other monster hunters, then just know that this guy doesn't really attack you. He just mostly swims toward the goal, area 3. If you made the Fire Longsword, then you are set, just aim for his beard. He does have some attacks that you should watch for, one is where he starts sucking everything infront of him, he will release a cyclone. Just stay below him to dodge this. Another is when he starts to swing back, make sure you are not anywhere in front of this because this is his kill move. Also he will dash forward which can damage you. Just watch out for when he starts to wiggle because that damage can pile up. Make sure to bring any air philters you have to increase your oxygen level. When you reach the big circular room in area 2, he will start to swim faster. Don't worry if you can't catch him. Area 3 is where the real battle starts. When you swim torwards him try swimming from below or above because by the time you reach him he may attack. Just keep your health above 80% and learn where the dragonator and ballistas are. There is also a shortcut on either side of the bed that lead to areas 2 and 3. If you get really low, theres a farcaster for you. When he starts to swim torwards the top, make sure to be as far away from the center as possible. He will do a water cyclone, and take about 75% of your health. If redoing this quest, areas 1 asnd 2 are skipped so take the shortcut to the right of the tent, in the corner. Use the ballistas to break his horn then when he is in front of the pillars by the ballista head to the pillars and activate the dragonator. This will drain his health and make him near death. All that is left is to finish him off. Good Luck. You can carve his horn x2. This music and the monsters face reminds me of .Hack, the skeith battle. After beating him you will now beat the game congrats. You have now finished the main (only) story. But wait theres more, now that you saved a village you are now given a ton of new quests. ****************************************************** Mating Season - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Rathalos and Rathian - Reward 7600z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 750z These wyverns have less health since the quest is asking to kill 2 bosses. Same battle as before pretty much. ****************************************************** Four Horns - Sandy Plains Main Quest: Hunt 2 Diablos - Reward 11200z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 1100z Same diablos fight, less health. Still a long fight though. ****************************************************** Dangerous Waters - Flooded Forest Main Quest: Hunt a Royal Ludroth and a Gobul - Reward 6000z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 600z Very simple quest, same as before, less health. ****************************************************** White Wind of the Tundra - Tundra Main Quest: Hunt 2 Barioth - Reward 9600z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 950z Pretty hard since you cannot notice an health difference. If you are making Barioth armor, stick with the solo Barioth quest. Just because they have less health doesnt mean they are easy. ****************************************************** The Death of Sky and Sea - D. Island Main Quest: Hunt a Lagiacrus and a Rathalos - Reward 9000z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 900z A pretty fun quest, the monsters are not fought together which makes it easier. ****************************************************** A Burn Offering - Volcano Main Quest: Hunt an Agnaktor and an Uragaan - Reward 11600z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 1100z Fight the monsters separate and you should be fine. ****************************************************** The Decisive Battle - Underwater Ruins Main Quest: Slay or repel a Ceadeus - Reward 12000z Subquest A: None Subquest B: None Quest Fee – 1200z This quest is divided into 2 parts, a repel and slay battle. The first time is a repel, so he starts at area 1. Pretty much the same as before. After he takes so much damage he will swim away. If you kill him in one round, good job. The second round starts at area 3 so take the shortcut. If you do not kill him within the given time it will be counted as a fail. Usually after one full round you can make the armor set. Congrats you have beaten all the solo offline gameplay. Make the best armor possible then get ready to move on to Online. ******************************************************Cha-Cha's Masks
(Back to Menu) Acorn - Nothing Abilities x1 Health: 100 Attack: No Boost Defense: No Boost Stam: No Boost Rec Speed Avg Lamp - Lights dark caves Abilities x2 Health 100 Attack: Small Boost Def:Cut by 1/8 Stam: No Boost Rec Speed Avg Ancient - Replenishes oxygen Abilities x2 Health 110 Attack: Halved Def: Small Boost Stam: No Boost Rec Speed Avg Fluffy - Tracks Monsters Abilities x1 Health 85 Att: No Boost Def: Cut by 1/4 Stam: No Boost Rec Speed AvgWeapon Overview
(Back to Menu) Sword and Shield The most balanced weapon in the game, this weapon can block attack and stun monsters. Greatsword Slowest but strongest weapons in the game. If used right they can be very powerful and kill monsters fast. Longsword Longswords are faster than greatsword but they cannot block. They are common and very good to use. They also have a bar, where you damage a monster and it fills. When full can be used for a demonic combo. A new attack was added, Demonic Slash, which is the strongest attack and can kill multiple enemies. Hammer Hammers are blunt weapons, they cannot cut a monsters tail off but can cause stun. Lance Lances are piercing weapons, they are fairly slow but have a very good guard Switch Axe Switch axes are slow but powerful weapons. They are also given a gauge that starts full, and by pressing R can change the shape of the weapon into a sword like weapon. The gauge refills after time. Bowgun Long Range weapons. They are now divided into different parts, barrels and stocks. Since you will most likely be out of monsters range, gunners have lower defense but usually higher elemental defense.Monster Bosses
(Back to Menu) Here is an example of how each monster set is. I will add more, like weapon, strategies etc. ______________________________ Monster Boss Name (MB##) Health: Monster roar: Wyvern Wind: Weakness: Stunned: Sound bombed: Trapped: Poisoned: Breakable parts: Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________________ Great Jaggi (MB01) Health: Low Monster roar: No Wyvern Wind: No Weakness: Fire Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Yes Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Face Attacks: •Ram: Thrusts his body towards you. Easy to dodge •Tail Spin: Spins in a 180 degree circle damaging you with his tail. Can be hard to dodge, roll towards the tail. •Bite: Bites at you usually throwing you back. Easy to dodge. •Call for help: Calls for additional help. Carves: Jaggi Scale Great Jaggi Claw Great Jaggi Hide Screamer King's Frill (Breaking Face) Armor set: ______________________ Qurupeco (MB02) Health: Low Monster roar: No Wyvern Wind: Small Weakness: Ice Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Yes, only when he is dancing. Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: •Face •Wings x2 Attacks: •Call for help: Depending on the area different monsters appear. •Fire Clap: Will clap his wings together to create an explosion. Then will jump after you. Easily dodge by rolling. If on fire, roll around a couple times or roll in water. •Fire Jump: Will clap his wings together while jumping backwards giving off an explosion. Sometimes hard to dodge if you are in front of him •Peck: Will peck in front of him 5 times while jumping forward. Easily dodged by moving to the side •Spit: Will stand on one leg and spit 3 balls of green stuff that cause defense down. Can be done while flying. Easily dodged by staying behind or to the side of him, or by rolling towards him if you are facing him •Tail Spin: Spins in a 180 degree motion, can be done multiple times. Dodged by rolling away from tail •Charge: Charges after you, falls when he is in rage. Can be done while flying. Dodged by rolling to the side •Fly: Will push his wings back and lift his tail giving a sweeping motion. No damage but there is some wind which can stun you. •Dance: Dances around clapping his wings and jumping side to side. Can raise his attack, defense or other monsters attack. No damage but if flinched while dancing he will trip and drop an item. Carves: •Qurupeco Scale •Qurupeco Feather •Vivid Feather •Monster Bone M •Strange Beak (Breaking Face) •Flintstone (Breaking Wings) Armor set: Blademaster: 12 Def. Fire 2/Water -2/Ice -3/Thunder 0/Dragon 1 •Qurupeco Helm Requirements: Strange Beak x2, Qurupeco Feather x3, Qurupeco Scale x4 Skills: Defense +4, Evasion +1, Rec Level +1, Ice Res -3. •Qurupeco Mail. Requirements: Vivid feather x1, Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x3 Skills: Defense +2, Evasion +2, Rec Level +2, Ice Res -1 •Qurupeco Vambraces Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 3, Flintstone x1 Skills: Defense +3, Evasion +2, Rec Level +1, Ice Res -1 •Qurupeco Coil Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 4, Monster Bone M x3 Skills: Defense +1, Evasion +2, Rec Level +2, Ice Res -2 •Qurupeco Greaves Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 3, Monster Bone M x3 Skills: Defense +1, Evasion +3, Rec Level +4, Ice Res – 3 Gunner: 6 Def. Fire 2/Water -2/Ice -3/Thunder 0/Dragon 1 •Qurupeco Cap (* 7 on fire resistance.) Requirements: Strange Beak x2, Qurupeco Feather x3, Qurupeco Scale x 4 Skills: Defense +3, Evasion +2, Rec Level +3, Ice Res -1 •Qurupeco Vest Requirements: Vivid feather x1, Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 3 Skills: Defense +1, Evasion +2, Rec Level +2, Ice Res -2 •Qurupeco Guards Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 3, Flintstone x1 Skills: Defense +1, Evasion +3, Rec Level +2, Ice Res -1 •Qurupeco Coat Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 4, Monster Bone M x3 Skills: Defense +2, Rec Level +1, Evasion +1, Ice Res -3 •Qurupeco Leggings Requirements: Qurupeco feather x 3, Qurupeco scale x 3, Monster Bone M x3 Skills: Defense +4, Evasion +2, Rec Level +2, Ice Res – 1 _____________________ Royal Ludroth (MB03) Health: Medium Monster roar: No Wyvern Wind: No Weakness: Fire Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Yes, while charging underwater Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: •Face x2 •Mane (Sponge) •Tail Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________ Barroth (MB04) Health: Medium Monster roar: Small Wyvern Wind: No Weakness: Fire, Ice Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Yes, while underwater Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: •Face •Tail •Arms •Back (destroys some mud) Attacks: •Head-Butt: Pounds his head on the floor. Sometimes hard to dodge because it’s quick •Bulldoze Charge: Charges with his forehead in the ground and throws you in the air. Not too hard to dodge •Roll around: Rolls around in the mud to cover his back with mud. Good opportunity to attack. •Mud Rain: Shakes his body throwing mud around him. The range mud is thrown can be long or short, easily avoided by being under him or away. •Toss Up: Scoops the ground throwing you up in the air. Easy to dodge, stay on his left (your right) and watch for his tail. •Tail Spin: Spins around in a 180 degree turn. Can be a challenge to dodge Carves: Barroth Shell Barroth Scalp (Breaking Face) Barroth Ridge Barroth Claw Barroth Tail (Cutting Tail off) Fertile Mud (Drops) Armor set: Blademaster 15 def. Fire -4/Water 4/Ice -3/Thunder 3/Dragon 0 •Barroth Helm * Fire 0/Water 0/Ice -3/ Thunder 3/Dragon 0 Requirements: Bar. Shell x3, Bar. Scalp x1, Rheno Scalp x2, Rheno Shell x3 Skills: Attack +4, Stamina +2, Potential +1, Expert -2 •Barroth Mail Requirements:Barroth Ridge x1, Barroth Shell x3, Mon Bone Mx3, Rheno Shellx3 Skills: Attack +3, Stamina +1, Potential +2, Expert -3 •Barroth Vambraces Requirements: Bar. Claw x2, Bar. Ridge x2, Bar. Shell x2, Mon Bone M x3 Skills: Attack +4, Stamina +1, Potential +3, Expert -1 •Barroth Faulds Requirements: Bar Ridge x2, Bar. Shell x2, Bar. Tail x1, Fertile Mud x5 Skills: Attack +1, Stamina +3, Potential +3, Expert -2 •Barroth Greaves Requirements: Bar. Shell x3, Bar. Scap x1, Rheno Scalp x2, Fertile Mud x5 Skills: Attack +1, Stamina +4, Potential +2, Expert -2 Gunner 8 def. Fire -4/Water 4/Ice -3/Thunder 3/Dragon 0 •Barroth Cap * Fire 5/Water 5/Ice -3/ Thunder 3/Dragon 0 Requirements: Bar. Shell x3, Bar. Scalp x1, Rheno Scalp x2, Rheno Shell x3 Skills: Attack +4, Stamina +2, Potential +1, Expert -2 •Barroth Vest Requirements:Barroth Ridge x1, Barroth Shell x3, Mon Bone Mx3, Rheno Shellx3 Skills: Attack +3, Stamina +1, Potential +2, Expert -3 •Barroth Guards Requirements: Bar. Claw x2, Bar. Ridge x2, Bar. Shell x2, Mon Bone M x3 Skills: Attack +4, Stamina +1, Potential +3, Expert -1 •Barroth Coat Requirements: Bar Ridge x2, Bar. Shell x2, Bar. Tail x1, Fertile Mud x5 Skills: Attack +1, Stamina +3, Potential +3, Expert -2 •Barroth Leggings Requirements: Bar. Shell x3, Bar. Scap x1, Rheno Scalp x2, Fertile Mud x5 Skills: Attack +1, Stamina +4, Potential +2, Expert -2 ______________ Gobul (MB05) Health: Medium Monster roar: No Wyvern Wind: Small, when underwater charging Weakness: Thunder Stunned: No Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Yes, when under the sand Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Lantern Tail Attacks: •Flash: Lantern starts to spark then flash causing stun. Roll as it flashes, break lantern to stop. •Spike Roll: Pull his spikes out and rolls, can be done underwater and on land. If you see him curling up try to get away. Hard to dodge. •Vaccuum: Done while under sand, sucks you in and bites you. Causes waterblight. Stay behind him while he is under sand. Chomp: Burys under sand and jumps out at you. Done both underwater and on land. Easy to dodge. •Breach: Done while under sand, jumps into the air and crashes down. Roll away from him if you are below him. Can cause paralysis. •Tail Sweep: Done on land, sweeps his tail to the left and right, causing paralysis.Can be hard to dodge if near his tail. •Charge: Charges at a fast speed. Jumps at you if on land. Easy to dodge. Carves: Gobul Whisker Gobul Spike Gobul Hide Gobul Fin Gobul Lantern (Breaking lantern) Monster Bone M Paralysis Sac Armor set: Blademaster 16 def. Fire -2/Water 3/Ice 0/Thunder -3/Dragon 2 •Gobul Helm Requirements: Gobul Whisker x2, Gobul Lantern x1, Gobul Hide x3, Mon Bone Mx5 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +3, Water Res +1, Stun +1, Rec Speed -2 •Gobul Mail Requirements: Gobul Hide x3, Gobul Fin x2, Gobul Spike x2, Mon Bone L x3 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +2, Water Res +3, Stun +2, Rec Speed -1 •Gobul Vambraces Requirements: Gobul Fin x1, Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Hide x3, Paralysis Sacx3 Skills: Eating +2, Water Res +3, Stun +1, Rec Speed -1 •Gobul Faulds Requirements: Gobul Hide x3, Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Whisker x1, Gobul Lanternx1 Skills: Eating +4, Water Res +2, Stun +4, Rec Speed -1 •Gobul Greaves Requirements: Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Hide x4, Gobul Fin x1, Mon Bone M x5 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +4, Water Res +1, Stun +2, Rec Speed -1 Gunner 8 def. Fire -2/Water 3/Ice 0/Thunder -3/Dragon 2 •Gobul Cap * Fire -2/Water 8/Ice 0/Thunder -3/Dragon 2 Requirements: Gobul Whisker x2, Gobul Lantern x1, Gobul Hide x3, Mon Bone M x5 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +3, Water Res +1, Stun +1, Rec Speed -2 •Gobul Vest Requirements: Gobul Hide x3, Gobul Fin x2, Gobul Spike x2, Mon Bone L x3 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +2, Water Res +3, Stun +1, Rec Speed -2 •Gobul Guards Requirements: Gobul Fin x1, Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Hide x3, Paralysis Sac x3 Skills: Eating +2, Water Res +3, Stun +1, Rec Speed -1 •Gobul Coat Requirements: Gobul Hide x3, Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Whiskr x1, Gobul Lanternx1 Skills: Eating +4, Water Res +2, Stun +4, Rec Speed -1 •Gobul Leggings Requirements: Gobul Spike x2, Gobul Hide x4, Gobul Fin x1, Mon Bone M x5 Skills: Attack +1, Eating +3, Water Res +1, Stun +3, Rec Speed -1 ______________________ Great Baggi (MB06) Health: Low Monster roar: No Wyvern Wind: No Weakness: Fire Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: No Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Face Attacks: •Ram: Thrusts his body towards you. Easy to dodge •Tail Spin: Spins in a 180 degree circle damaging you with his tail. Can be hard to dodge, roll towards the tail. •Bite: Bites at you usually throwing you back. Easy to dodge. •Sleep Spit: Spits a liquid at you that causes drowsy then eventually sleep. Easy to dodge, if hit use an energy drink or if cha-cha is still there, he will wake you up. Don’t try to run it off though •Call for help: Calls for additional help. Carves: •Baggi Scale •Great Baggi Claw •Leader’s Crest (Breaking Face) •Sleep Sac •Baggi Hide Armor set: ______________________ Lagiacrus (MB07) Health: High Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes, small Weakness: Fire Stunned: Yes Paralyzed: Yes Sound bombed: Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: •Face •Chest •Tail •Back Attacks: •Slip n’ Slide: Works on wet land, pushes himself forward at a very fast speed. Stay away from limbs and front and you should be fine. •Electric Slide: Slides on wet land with an electric aura. Stay behind him •Neck Snap: Extends his neck and whips it from left to right then curling up into a ball and turning a 180 degree circle. Pretty hard to dodge from the front and it’s hard to see from behind. •Thunder Ball: Throws a thunder ball in front of him, Roll out away from his head. •Ram: Similar to the Great Jaggi/Baggi Ram. Block if you are on the side he is tackling. •Body Slam: Throws his body into the air and slams down. Causes some wind. •Electric Aura: Similar to Khezus electric aura. Causes thunderblight. Stay away for a couple seconds. Only done underwater. •Thunder Tackle: Tackles you with an electric aura. Do a barrel roll down or up. •Electric Explosion: After charging with an electric aura, will release a similar electric aura but with explosions around him, this is his strongest attack. Carves: Armor set: ______________________________ Rathian (MB08) Health: Medium Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes, small Weakness: Dragon, Thunder Stunned: Yes Sound bombed: No Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Face Wings x2 Tail Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________________________ Uragaan (MB09) Health: Medium Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes, small Weakness: Water Stunned: Yes Sound bombed: No Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes, vulnerable Breakable parts: Jaw Tail Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________________________ Barioth (MB10) Health: Medium Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes Weakness: Fire, Thunder Stunned: Yes Sound bombed: No Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Face Wings x2 Tail Attacks: Carves: Barioth Pelt Barioth Claw (Breaking Wings) Amber Tusks (Breaking Face) Barioth Spike Barioth Tail Frost Sac Barioth Shell Armor set: Blademaster •Barioth Helm Reqs: Amber Tusks x2, Barioth Claw x2, Barioth Pelt x3, Frost Sac x2 Skills: Evasion +1, Stamina +1, Cold Res +5, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Mail Reqs: Barioth Shell x2, Barioth Spike x1, Amber Tusks x2, Baggi Scale x4 Skills: Evasion +2, Stamina +2, Cold Res +1, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Vambraces Reqs: Barioth Claw x2, Barioth Shell x4, G Baggi Claw x2, Baggi Scale x4 Skills: Evasion +5, Stamina +2, Cold Res +1, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Faulds Reqs: Barioth Pelt x2, Barioth Shell x4, Leader's Crest x1, M. Bone L x3 Skills: Evasion +2, Stamina +4, Cold Res +4, Heat Res -1 •Barioth Greaves Reqs: Barioth Pelt x2, Barioth Shell x4, Baggi Hide x4, M. Bone L x3 Skills: Evasion +3, Stamina +1, Cold Res +2, Heat Res -1 Gunner •Barioth Cap *Ice 9 Reqs: Amber Tusks x2, Barioth Claw x2, Barioth Pelt x3, Frost Sac x2 Skills: Evasion +1, Stamina +1, Cold Res +5, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Vest Reqs: Barioth Shell x2, Barioth Spike x1, Amber Tusks x2, Baggi Scale x4 Skills: Evasion +2, Stamina +2, Cold Res +1, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Guards Reqs: Barioth Claw x2, Barioth Shell x4, G Baggi Claw x2, Baggi Scale x4 Skills: Evasion +5, Stamina +2, Cold Res +1, Heat Res -2 •Barioth Coat Reqs: Barioth Pelt x2, Barioth Shell x4, Leader's Crest x1, M. Bone L x3 Skills: Evasion +2, Stamina +4, Cold Res +4, Heat Res -1 •Barioth Leggings Reqs: Barioth Pelt x2, Barioth Shell x4, Baggi Hide x4, M. Bone L x3 Skills: Evasion +3, Stamina +1, Cold Res +2, Heat Res -1 ______________________________ Rathalos (MB11) Health: High Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes Weakness: Dragon, Thunder Stunned: Yes Sound bombed: No Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Face Wings x2 Tail Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________________________ Diablos (MB12) Health: High Monster roar: Yes, small Wyvern Wind: Yes Weakness: Weakest to Ice, weak to everything except Fire Stunned: Yes Sound bombed: Yes, when undergound Trapped: Yes Poisoned: Yes Breakable parts: Horns x2 Tail Attacks: Carves: Armor set: ______________________________ Ceadeus (MB13) Health: Very High Monster roar: Yes, large Wyvern Wind: Yes Weakness: Dragon, Thunder Stunned: No Sound bombed: No Trapped: No Poisoned: No Breakable parts: Horn Attacks: •Tail Flip - Flaps its tail upwards striking everything in front of it. To dodge move to the side •Vortex - Sucks in for a couple of seconds then releases a vortex that can cause waterblight and death if you are weak. To dodge go to the side since he may shoot it up and down. Do not try to go behind his head because he pushes back when he releases. •Neck Snap - Similar to lagiacrus's neck snap. To dodge go up or down. •Charge - Charges at you with a frightening speed. Hard to dodge, swim up or down. Carves: Ceadeus Hide Ceadeus Horn Luminous Organ Ceadeus Scale Ceadeus Fur Deep Dragongem Elder Dragonblood Armor set: Blademaster 21 Def. Fire 0/Water 4/Ice 3/Thunder -3/Dragon -4 •Helios Helm Requirements: Ceadeus Horn x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x2 Skills: Hearing +3, Handicraft +2, Sharpness -2, Protection -4 •Helios Mail Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Fur x2, Deep Dragongem x1 Skills: Hearing +2, Handicraft +2, Sharpness -3, Protection -2 •Helios Vambraces Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x1 Skills: Hearing +2, Handicraft +3, Sharpness -3, Protection -1 •Helios Coil Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x1 Skills: Hearing +5, Handicraft +3, Sharpness -2, Protection -1 •Helios Greaves Requirements: Ceadeus Hide x2, Ceadeus scale x2, Lagiacrus Plate x1 Skills: Hearing +3, Handicraft +5, Sharpness -1, Protection -2 Gunner 12 Def. Fire 0/Water 4/Ice 3/Thunder -3/Dragon -4 •Helios Cap * Water 9 Requirements: Ceadeus Horn x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x2 Skills: Hearing +3, Loading +2, Recoil -2, Protection -4 •Helios Vest Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Fur x2, Deep Dragongem x1 Skills: Hearing +2, Loading +2, Recoil -3, Protection -2 •Helios Guards Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x1 Skills: Hearing +2, Loading +3, Recoil -3, Protection -1 •Helios Coil Requirements: Ceadeus Scale x2, Ceadeus Hide x2, Luminous Organ x1 Skills: Hearing +5, Loading +3, Recoil -2, Protection -1 •Helios Leggings Requirements: Ceadeus Hide x2, Ceadeus scale x2, Lagiacrus Plate Skills: Hearing +3, Loading +5, Recoil -1, Protection -2Skill Guide
(Back to Menu) Status Skills •Poison -10: duration is doubled +10: duration is halved +15: status effect negated •Paralysis -10: duration is doubled +10: duration is halved +15: status effect negated •Sleep -10: duration is doubled +10: duration is halved +15: status effect negated •Stun -10: duration is doubled +10: duration is halved +15: status effect negated •Mud/Snow -10: duration is doubled +10: duration is halved +15: status effect negated •Sense -10: less likely to sneak on monster +10: more likely to sneak on monster •Health -15: health is decreased by 30 -10: health is decreased by 10 +10: health is increased by 20 +15: health is increased by 50 •Rec Speed (only recovers red portion) -15: recovery speed is decreased even more -10: recovery speed is decreased +10: recovery speed is increased +15: recovery speed is increased even more Blademaster Skills •Handicraft -10: The sharpness (color) on the weapon decreases +10: The sharpness (color) on the weapon increases •Sharpness -10: Weapon duration is lowered +10: Weapon duration is increased •Expert (effects chances for critical hit) -20: -30% affinity -15: -20% affinity -10: -10% affinity +10: +10% affinity +15: +20% affinity +20: +30% affinity •Sharpener +10: Sharpening only takes one second •Guard -10: Takes more stamina to block +10: Takes less stamina to block +15: Takes even less stamina to block •Guard Up +10: Blocks all attacks •Punish Draw Gunner Skills •Recoil -15: Recoil increased even more -10: Recoil increased +10: Recoil decreased +15: No recoil •Normal S Up •Pellet S Up •Normal S+ •Pierce S+ •Pellet S+ •Crag S+ •Loading •Precision Battle Skills •Status -10: decreases status attack +10: increases status attack •Elemental -10: decreases attack attack +10: increases elemental attack •Hunger -15: stamina bar decreases even faster -10: stamina bar decreases faster +10: stamina bar decreses slower +15: stamina bar does not decrease •Gluttony +10: stamina bar may increase with medicine, doubles ration effect •Attack -10: attack decreased +10: attack increased +15: attack increased even more +20: attack increased a lot more •Defense -10: defense decreased +10: defense increased +15: defense increased even more +20: defense increased a lot more •Protection -10: may take more damage when hit +10: may take less damage when hit •Hearing +10: small roars do not affect you +15: all roars do not affect you •Anti-Theft +10: Cats never steal from you •Wide-Range +10: Healing items affect those close to you Resistance Skills •Fire Res +10: resistance increased •Water Res +10: resistance increased •Ice Res +10: resistance increased •Thunder Res +10: resistance increased •Dragon Res +10: resistance increased •Heat Res -10: more damage taken in when cool drink wears off +10: some hot areas do not affect you -15: all hot areas do not affect you •Cold Res -10: stamina decreases faster when hot drink wears off +10: some cold areas do not affect you +15: all cold areas do not affect you •Wind Res +10: small wyvern winds do not affect you +15: all wyvern winds do not affect you Gathering Skills •Map +10: map fully revealed •Gathering +10: gather more items from one spot •Speed Gather +10: gather items faster •Whim +10: pickaxes, harpoons, bugnets last longer •Fishing +10: catch better fish Hunting Skills •Psychic +10: Shows detailed monster info (flying, noticed you, etc) when paintballed +15: Always shows location and detailed info •Rec Level +10: Recovery items heal more •Combo Rate •Combo Plus •Evasion +10: can dodge monster attacks when timed right +15: can dodge monster attacks better when timed right •Potential +10: attack power increased when 10% of health left +15: attack power increased when 20% of health left •Lasting Power +10: support items last longer (demondrug, dash juice, etc) •Stamina +10: Stamina decreases slower when running •Eating +10: eat items faster •BBQ +10: cook well-done steaks easier •Constitution •Perception •Fast Charge •Oxygen •Current Res •Swimming •DungmasterCredits
(Back to Menu) I would like to thank CAPCOM, my friends who I have teamed with, the dude from GameStop who got me hooked on monster hunter, Christian G., Shaun P. R., emperorpocky, guayo, alex g., Thomas M. Craig P., Monster Hunter Wiki; a great reference, and to you, who bothered to read this.