Here is a Red Dead Redemption walkthrough written by J.F. Fox. This helps you beat the game and complete all the side missions as well. It teaches you the gameplay mechanics, characters, and much more.
Red Dead Redemption FAQ (version 0.30) DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is meant for personal use only. You may host this FAQ on your own website if you so wish, don't bother asking me for permission--in fact, I'd rather you didn't. The latest copy of this FAQ will always be available at http://www.gamefaqs.com/ (c) Copyright 2010 by J.F. Fox ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Table of Contents ~ < < < < / / /__/ \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ *Note: use the search function of your browser (CTRL+F) to jump to the desired section. Introduction.................................................[RDR-01] \--Game Information........................................[RDR-01A] \--Controls...............................................[RDR-01B] \--Gameplay Mechanics....................................[RDR-01C] \--Characters...........................................[RDR-01D] \--Contact Information.................................[RDR-01E] Story Missions - Act I: The Frontier.........................[RDR-02] \--Bonnie MacFarlane.......................................[RDR-02A] \--Marhsal Johnson........................................[RDR-02B] \--Nigel Dickens.........................................[RDR-02C] \--Seth.................................................[RDR-02D] \--Irish...............................................[RDR-02E] Story Missions - Act II: Mexico..............................[RDR-03] \--Landon Ricketts.........................................[RDR-03A] \--Vincente DeSanta.......................................[RDR-03B] \--Luisa Fortuna.........................................[RDR-03C] \--Abraham Reyes........................................[RDR-03D] Story Missions - Act III: The North..........................[RDR-04] \--Agent Edgar Ross........................................[RDR-04A] \--Professor MacDougal....................................[RDR-04B] \--Home Missions.........................................[RDR-04C] Strangers....................................................[RDR-05] Bounty Hunting...............................................[RDR-06] Activities...................................................[RDR-07] \--Ambient Challenges......................................[RDR-07A] \--Jobs...................................................[RDR-07B] \--Crimes & Bounties.....................................[RDR-07C] Gang Hideouts................................................[RDR-08] \--Tumbleweed..............................................[RDR-08A] \--Twin Rocks.............................................[RDR-08B] \--Pike's Basin..........................................[RDR-08C] \--Gaptooth Breach......................................[RDR-08D] \--Nosalida............................................[RDR-08E] \--Fort Mercer........................................[RDR-08F] \--Tesoro Azul.......................................[RDR-08G] \--Solomon's Folly (PS3 only).......................[RDR-08H] Weapons......................................................[RDR-09] Shops & Items................................................[RDR-10] \--General Store...........................................[RDR-10A] \--Gun Store..............................................[RDR-10B] \--Tailor................................................[RDR-10C] \--Doctor...............................................[RDR-10D] \--Skinnable Items.....................................[RDR-10E] Mini-Games...................................................[RDR-11] Challenges...................................................[RDR-12] Outfits......................................................[RDR-13] Downloadable Content.........................................[RDR-14] Cheats & Extras..............................................[RDR-15] Online Multiplayer...........................................[RDR-16] Trophies & Achievements......................................[RDR-17] Frequently Asked Questions...................................[RDR-18] Update Log...................................................[RDR-19] Acknowledgments..............................................[RDR-20] ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Introduction ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-01 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Welcome to my FAQ for Read Dead Redemption. I realize it may not be a whole lot to look at right now, but I aim to make it a lot bigger, and a lot better. Regardless of its current state, I sincerely hope you'll be able to derive some use from it as you journey through this absolutely incredible game. I have and will continue to try my best to assemble all of the pertinent information regarding Read Dead Redemption in a clear, concise and organized manner. With luck, everything should be easy to find and understand. Again, I hope you'll find this FAQ useful, and will be able to enjoy this fantastic game just as much as I've enjoyed it, and shall doubtlessly continue to enjoy it for a long time to come. Current FAQ Status: I've begun work in earnest. My first priority was to organize the item tables. That task is now 100% done. By monday, I hope to have both the multiplayer, challenges, outfits and gang hideouts done. With a bit of luck, the whole FAQ/Walkthrough could be 100% done by the 28th of May. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Game Information ~ < < /__/ RDR-01A \__\ "America. 1911. The wild west is dying. When federal agents threaten his family, former outlaw John Marston is forced to pick up his guns again and hunt down the gang of criminals he once called friends. Experience an epic fight for survival across the sprawling expanses of the American West and Mexico, as John Marston struggles to bury his blood-stained past, one man at a time." Red Dead Redemption is an open-world third-person action game, produced by Rockstar San Diego and released on both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles in May 2010, in North America, Europe and Australia. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Controls ~ < < /__/ RDR-01B \__\ On Foot L2 Target/Zoom L1 Draw/Holster Weapon/Hold for Weapon Wheel R2 (While Aiming With L2) Fire Weapon/Punch/(With Weapon Holstered) Push R1 (Without Gun While Aiming With L2) Block/Enter/Exit Cover Left Stick Movement Right Stick Rotate Camera/Change Targets (Casual Mode) L3 Crouch R3 Look Behind/(While Aiming With L2) Trigger Dead Eye Triangle Mount Horse or Vehicle/Interact with Vehicle Circle Perform Greeting/Focus on Important Event/(With Weapon Drawn) Reload Weapon Cross (Hold) Run/(Tap) Sprint Square Jump/Climb/(With L2 Button) Roll/(With L2 Button, in Melee) Dodge D-Pad Up Whistle for Horse D-Pad Right Right Shoulder Aim D-Pad Down Zoom Out Mini-Map D-Pad Left Left Shoulder Aim Select Satchel Start Pause Menu On Horse/Vehicle L2 Draw Weapon/Target L1 (Tap) Draw/Holster/(Hold) Weapon Wheel R2 (While Aiming With L2) Fire Weapon R1 (Tap) Slow/(Hold) Stop Left Stick Movement Right Stick Rotate Camera/Change Targets (Casual Mode) L3 N/A R3 Look Behind/While Aiming With L2) Trigger Dead Eye Triangle Dismount Circle Perform Greeting/Focus on Important Event/(With Weapon Drawn) Reload Weapon Cross (Hold) Trot/(Tap) Gallop/(Hold Near Companion) Match Speed Square Jump/Hitch Horse/Rear D-Pad Up Whistle D-Pad Right Right Shoulder Aim D-Pad Down Zoom Out Mini-Map D-Pad Left Left Shoulder Aim Select Satchel Start Pause Menu ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Gameplay Mechanics ~ < < /__/ RDR-01C \__\ Read Dead Redemption is a third-person action game, very similar to Rockstar's previous titles--the Grand Theft Auto series, and the oft-overlooked Bully. The controls are simple, intuitive and easy to learn. There are, however, a number of minor mechanical elements that players new to Rockstar's style, or the "GTA-style," may be unfamiliar with. This sub-section endeavors to enlighten that demographic. Saving & Loading Like most games, you can load previous saves from the main menu. But saving your game is a bit different. In Read Dead Redemption, you must be at a "camp" to save--which is anywhere you can sleep. You can set up camp in the wilds (by selecting "camp" from the satchel menu). You can rent beds for the night. You can purchase rooms. And, early on in the story, you are given your very own "home." Inside a camp, you can not only save your game, but change your character's outfit and restock on ammunition as well. Venturing through the West Travel is a fairly simple affair. When you set up camp in the wild, you can fast-travel to certain destinations. You can hitch rides on carriages, and either sit back and enjoy being a passenger, or skip the travelling sequence entirely. Going by foot can be fun, but also very time consuming, so most of the time you'll be using a horse. Horses 1. When you tame a wild horse, you will not "own" it until you tether it. 2. You can only own one horse at a time. 3. When you own a horse, whistling will ALWAYS call that horse to you, no matter where you are, unless the horse is dead. 4. When you buy a horse from the general store, you can re-set it as your owned horse (after either abandoning it or it dies) by selecting that horse's deed from the menu. Dead Eye Similar to the VATS system in Fallout 3, Dead Eye is a mechanic whereby you slow down time and paint your target. Fame & Honor As you interact with the world of Red Dead Redemption, you will accumulate fame and honor. Your fame stat stats at zero and can only increase as you play; the honor stat starts at "neutral" and will increase or decrease depending on how you react to the various peopel and events you encounter in your travels. Note: all perks stack on top of each other. Fame Rank Perks Legend Your bounties are halved. Gunslinger You will no longer be reported for stealing /jacking horses. Mercenary Doubles the amount of time you have between law attacks from one to two days. Buckaroo It costs 25% less to bribe lawmen. Greenhorn Increases the number of ambient challenges. Nobody N/A (starting rank) Honor Rank Perks Desperado No eyewitnesses report crimes below murder, but lawmen still respond to all crimes if seen. Road Agent All shops in Thieves Landing charge you 50% less when you purchase from them, and 50% more money when you sell to them. As long as you are below Drifter rank, a special black horse will appear when you whistle. Rustler The amount of money it costs to bribe a witness is reduced by half. Drifter N/A (starting rank) Honest Joe All jobs, including bounty-hunting, pay at twice the normal rate. Peacemaker All shop prices are cut by 50% when making purchases; all shops pay out 50% when buying items from you. Hero Eyewitnesses and lawmen will only report your crimes after the first unprovoked murder. Bandana You can purchase a Bandana from Thieves Landing or Escalera. Wearing the Bandana hides your identity, allowing you to commit all kinds of atrocities without effecting your fame or honor ranks. Removing the bandana after committing a crime will also cause your wanted level to decrease more quickly than normal. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Characters ~ < < /__/ RDR-01D \__\ Read Dead Redemption features an impressive cast of individuals, representing the swath of people one migh encounter in the old west--from Chinese immigrants to native americans, to the typcial snaggletoothed prospectors and idealistic revolutionaries with a bone to pick against their own government. Here are just a few of the many characters you will encounter as you traverse the world or Read Dead Rememption. Seth Briars A fortune seeker, driven insane by his infatuation with wealth. Eva Cortes A fallen woman trying to get back on her feet. Nigel West Dickens A flamboyant traveling salesment with a unique line in miracle cures. Archer Fordham A keen-eyed, ambitious government agent on the make. Randall Forrester A man of the hills, with a remarkable appetite. Moses Forth A man who would stab his best friend in the back. Luisa Fortuna A 19-year old teacher and revolutionary in Mexico. Irish A teller of tall tales, who'll try to talk his way out of anything. Jenny A naive young woman, struggling to come to terms with her faith. Marshal Leigh Johnson Armadillo's long-serving town marshal. Jonah One of marshal Johnson's deputies, lazy, sarcastic and the hero of every tale he tells. Charles Kinnear A spirited inventor who makes up in guts what he lacks in science. Walton Lowe Leader of a gang of reprobates terrorizing the people of Armadillo. Professor Harold MacDougal A highly-strung anthropology professor, on a forced sabbatical from Yale. Bonnie MacFarlane A headstrong woman working in a man's world. D.S. MacKenna An aspiring movie mogul with dreams of turning New Austin into the next Hollywood. John Marston The protagonist of Read Dead Redemption, John Marston is a former outlaw, tasked by federal agents to help bring law and order to the wild west. Quique Montemayor A colorful mexican waiter who respects a man in uniform. Andreas Muller An angry German silver prospector often found at the poker table. Nastas A Native American unsure about the joys of life on a reservation. Sam Odessa A dreamer searching for both meaning and for California. Abraham Reyes A Mexican rebel and would-be political leader, with a tendency to bask in his own glory. Edgar Ross A federal agent bringing order and governance to the last chaotic regions of the west, any way he can. Jimmy Saint A humorist from the east coast, attempting to capture the spirit of the west for a New York magazine. Shaky A two-bit hoodlum who struggles to get his point across. Uncle A work-shy old ranch hand with a love for the bottle. Welsh A smalltime criminal with anger issues and a sing song voice. Zhou A romantic Chinese slaughterhouse worker, with some unfortunate habits. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Contact Information ~ < < /__/ RDR-01E \__\ For any questions, comments, and concerns, you may contact me via my email address ([email protected]) or attempt to reach me through the Nier 3 message board (either one) at GameFAQs.com. In general, I reply to any emails I get within two days, unless the email is asking for information that is clearly within the FAQ. ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Story Missions - Act I: The Frontier ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-02 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Act I opens in the far frontier of the American West. Former outlaw John Marston arrives in Armadillo, the largest town in the New Austin territory, with orders to confront and deal with one of the most dangerous, notorious gangs in the West. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Bonnie MacFarlane ~ < < /__/ RDR-02A \__\ "Exodus in America" Objectives: 1. Find Jake in the Armadillo Saloon. 2. Accompany Jake to Fort Mercer. Walkthrough: ??? "New Friends, Old Problems" Objectives: 1. Take a tour of the ranch with Bonnie MacFarlane. 2. Patrol the ranch perimeter with Bonnie. 3. Kill rabbits in the garden and coyotes in the corrals. Walkthrough: ??? "Obstacles in Our Path" Objectives: 1. Mount up and go to the starting point. 2. Race Bonnie around the MacFarlane Ranch. Walkthrough: ??? "This is Armadillo, USA" Objectives: 1. Drive the wagon to Armadillo. 2. Buy medicine from the doctor. Walkthrough: ??? "Women and Cattle" Objectives: 1. Drive the cattle out of the pen. 2. Herd the cattle down the road. 3. Herd the cattle out to pasture. 4. Drive the cattle herd over to the oak tree. Walkthrough: ??? "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions" Objectives: 1. Find the herd of wild horses. 2. Lasso and break two horses. 3. Drive a wild horse herd into the canyon. 4. Catch and break the stallion. Walkthrough: ??? "A Tempest Looms" Objectives: 1. Ride with Bonnie to the first herd. 2. Drive the first herd to the oak tree. 3. Stop the stampeding cattle. 4. Drive the entire herd back to MacFarlane Ranch. Walkthrough: ??? "The Burning" Objectives: 1. Ride with Bonnie to find her father. 2. Go back to the Ranch. 3. Climb the windmill to get into the barn. 4. Save the horses. Walkthrough: ??? ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Marshal Leigh Johnson ~ < < /__/ RDR-02B \__\ "Politcal Realities in Armadillo" Objectives: 1. Visit the saloon with Marshal Johnson. 2. Follow walton to the hideout. 3. Take out Walton's gang. 4. Take Walton dead or alive. Walkthrough: ??? "Justice in Pike's Basin" Objectives: 1. Follow Marshal Johnson to Pike's Basin. 2. Anihilate the Bollard gang. 3. Resuce the hostages. Walkthrough: ??? "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit" Objectives: 1. Follow Marshal Johnson to Ridgewood Farm. 2. Free the hostages. 3. Hunt down the remaining bandits. Walkthrough: ??? "Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane" Objectives: 1. Ride into Tumbleweed with the lawmen. 2. Rescue Bonnie. Walkthrough: ??? "The Assault of Fort Mercer" Objectives: 1. Use Nigel's wagon to sneak into the fort. 2. Use the machine gun on the bandits. 3. Rejoin your allies. 4. Kill the remaining bandits. Walkthrough: ??? ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Nigel Dickens ~ < < /__/ RDR-02C \__\ "Old Swindler Blues" Objectives: 1. Drive Nigel's wagon to Armadillo. 2. Fight off the attacking highwaymen. Walkthrough: ??? "You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit" Objectives: 1. Take Nigel to Ridgewood Farm and watch the show. 2. Shoot the skull and the thrown hat. 3. Beat up Aquilo. 4. Disarm Aquilo (using Dead Eye). Walkthrough: ??? ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Activities ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-07 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ In addition to the hunting bounties, completing story missions and helping out strangers, Red Dead Redemption offers a number of other activies with which to pass the time. These range from jobs--simple mini-games you can play to earn money--to ambient challenges, which are random encounters in the game world. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Jobs ~ < < /__/ RDR-07A \__\ Jobs are simple tasks, or mini-games, that you can repeat any number of times to earn money. There are only two different jobs to choose from, found in a total of five locations. In order to earn 100% game completion, you will need to complete each of the jobs in each area at least once. Horsebreaking (Chuparosa) Horsebreaking (Ridgewood Farm) Night Watch (Blackwater) Night Watch (Chuparosa) Night Watch (MacFarlane Rang) Horsebreaking involves taming a wild steed and then riding the horse into a barn. Night Watch involves patrolling the grounds and dealing with any trouble you might encounter--from horse thieves and bandits to foxes getting in the chicken coop. You cannot begin Horsebreaking jobs until you have completed the mission, "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions." You cannot complete Night Watch jobs until you have completed the mission, "New Friends, Old Problems." JOB TIPS Horsebreaking First you'll need to lasso the horse. Once you've got it, keep holding down L2/LT to keep the beast tethered. Once you get close enough, you'll be able to mount the equine. The trick now is to maintain your balance while the bronco bucks wildly back and forth. Just keep an eye on your position on top of the horse, and use the left analog stick to keep yourself level. Night Watch Very easy: stay close to the dog. When the dog starts barking, that means he's spotted trouble. Remember: you don't always have to kill troublemakers. Some fights can be avoiding simply by shooting into the air, drawing your weapon, or by using your lasso to restrain the disorderly element. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Ambient Challenges ~ < < /__/ RDR-07B \__\ While travelling the world, you'll often hear or see strange thimgs. More often than not, you'll hear the sound of gunfire or screaming. If you follow those sounds, you may find a blue circle on your mini-map marking an ambient challenge. These challenges are random, recurrent, and time-sensitive. You have to be both quick and posses sound judgment to complete them. _______________________________________________________________________ | EVENT | GOAL | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Abduction |Stop the drunkard from hurting or | | |absconding with the victim | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Ambushes |Kill all of the outlaws | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Duels |Use deadeye to kill your opponent | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Dynamite Transport |Deliver the cargo without blowing | | |yourself up | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Escort |Safely escort the client to his or her | | |destination | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Firing Squad |Save the victim from the gunmen | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Fleeing Outlaw |Kill the criminal without shooting at | | |the pursuing lawmen | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Herbalist Challenges |Collect the requisite number of plants | | |before the timer runs out | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Holdup |Defeat the bandits and save their prey | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Horse Thief |Kill the thief and return the horse to | | |its owner | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Lynching |Shoot the rope around the victim's neck| | |before he or she dies, then kill all of| | |the lynch mob | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Person attacked by wild animals|Kill the animals before the person dies| |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Sharpshooter Challenges |Kill the requisite number of targets | | |before the timer runs out | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Skinning Challenges |Skin the requisite number of animals | | |before the time runs out. | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Wagon Thief |Kill the thief and return the wagon to | | |its ownder | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Crimes & Bounties ~ < < /__/ RDR-07C \__\ When you commit a crime within sight of law enforcement, you will become a wanted man. If you commit a crime and no one is around to see you, you will not face any consequences. If, however, your crime is witnessed, you must either kill the witnesses (marked on your mini-map with a special icon) or become a wanted man. When you are a wanted man, you will be hounded by lawmen and bounty hunters. The greater the bounty, the greater your harassment. When wanted, you can either surrender to the law, attempt to evade capture, bribe lawmen (can only be done with your weapons holstered) or remove your bounty at a telegraph office, either by paying it off yourself or by using a pardon letter. _______________________________________________ | CRIME | BOUNTY | |_______________________________|_______________| |Vandalism |$1 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Assault on an animal |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Assault on livestock |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Assault to a horse |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Murder of an animal |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Property destruction |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Threatening lawmen |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Trespassing |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Vandalism to a vehicle |$5 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Property destruction (vehicle) |$10 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Robbery |$10 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Arson |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Assault |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Assault of a lawman |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Horse theft |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Kidnapping a civilian |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Murder of a horse |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Murder of livestock |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Vehicle theft |$20 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Cheating |$25 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Kidnapping a lawman |$30 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Murder |$40 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Murder of a lawman |$50 | |_______________________________|_______________| |Safe cracking |$50 | |_______________________________|_______________| Each town or settlement can only sustain a certain number of lawmen. If you kill all of that number, no new lawmen will attack you unless you begin committing new crimes. Each area's limits are as follows: Armadillo 20 Lawmen Ridgewood Farm 5 Lawmen Coots Chapel 6 Lawmen Benedict Point 6 Lawmen Rathskeller Fork 5 Lawmen MacFarlane Ranch 6 Lawmen Plainview 7 Lawmen Escalera 30 Lawmen (+10 soldiers) Las Hermanas 8 Lawmen Agave Viejo 5 Lawmen Chuparosa 20 Lawmen El Matadero 9 Lawmen (+ 5 soldiers) El Presidio 0 Lawmen (+12 soldiers) Blackwater 50 Lawmen Pacific Union Railroad Camp 7 Lawmen Manzanite Post 7 Lawmen Furthermore, once your bounty reaches a certain amount, vigilante gangs will begin to target you, hoping to bring you in for your bounty. The size of these posses vary depending on the size of your bounty. Bounty >$ 150 3-4 person posse Bounty >$1700 6 person posse (+1 dog) Bounty >$3700 8 person posse (+2 dogs) Bounty >$5000 10 person posse (+3 dogs) Bounty >$7000 12 person posse (+4 dogs) Like lawmen, you can surrender to the posse to be captured alive by holstering your weapon and standing still. Similar to posses, you will also be targetted by bounty hunters, when your bounty reaches the same intervals. Bounty >$ 150 2 bounty hunters (+1 dog) Bounty >$1700 3 bounty hunters (+1 dog) Bounty >$3700 4 bounty hunters (+2 dogs) Bounty >$5000 5 bounty hunters (+3 dogs) Bounty >$7000 6 bounty hunters (+4 dogs) Like lawmen and posses, you can only survive encounters with bounty hunters by either bribing them, killing them all, or surrendering. ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Gang Hideouts ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-08 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Gang hideouts are small, sequestered encampments of bandits, highwaymen and all manner of nasty individuals. These small communities are typically found in abandoned forts or towns. Raiding gang hidouts and defeating all of the members net you numerous rewards, from money and ammunition to new weapons, honor, fame and new outfits. In order to obtain 100% completion, you will need to raid every gang hideout at least once. After you've cleared out a hideout, that area will remained abandoned for a while. But, after a certain amount of time, the gang will return and you'll be able to clear out the hideout all over again. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Tumbleweed ~ < < /__/ RDR-08A \__\ Reward: Winchester Repeater Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "New Friends, Old Problems." Objectives: 1. Save the captured lawman. 2. Kill all of the outlaws in the town. 3. Kill all of the outlaws near the mansion. Walkthrough: Once you get close enough to the town, several outlaws will appear and start shooting at you. Most of them have pretty good cover, so you'll want to find something to duck behind. Keep an eye on your map so that you don't get outflanked, and take them allout. Remember: some outlaws will hide inside ruined buildings, or shoot at you from second-floor balconies. Once you've killed all of the enemies in the town, free the sheriff. Then head up to the manor. Kill the outlaws on the porch, then swing around the left side of the mansion and go down into the cellar. Kill the outlaws in the cellar, then go up the stairs into the main floor and kill the few remaining outlaws. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Twin Rocks ~ < < /__/ RDR-08B \__\ Reward: Volcanic Pistol Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "New Friends, Old Problems." Objectives: 1. Meet to rancher near Twin Rocks. 2. Defeat the Walton gang. 3. Rescue the rancher's daughter. Walkthrough: ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Weapons ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-09 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Knife Power: 1 Range: N/A Rate of Fire: 3 Reload Speed: N/A Ammo Capacity: N/A Notes: Unlocked at the begining of the game. Cattleman Revolver Power: 1 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 5 Reload Speed: 2 Ammo Capacity: 3 Notes: Unlocked at the begining of the game. Volcanic Pistol Power: 3 Range: 2 Rate of Fire: 5 Reload Speed: 1 Ammo Capacity: 5 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Amradillo, or clear the Twin Rocks gang hideout. Semi-Automatic Pistol Power: 4 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 8 Reload Speed: 9 Ammo Capacity: 4 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Escalera, or clear the Fort Mercer gang hideout. High Power Pistol Power: 5 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 8 Reload Speed: 9 Ammo Capacity: 5 Notes: Complete the mission, "Bear One Another's Burden." Mauser Pistol Power: 5 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 9 Reload Speed: 9 Ammo Capacity: 8 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Blackwater. Schofield Revolver Power: 4 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 6 Reload Speed: 4 Ammo Capacity: 4 Notes: Complete the mission, "The Gunslinger's Tragedy." Double-Action Revolver Power: 4 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 9 Reload Speed: 4 Ammo Capacity: 4 Notes: Clear the Tesoro Azul gang hideout. Lemat Revolver Power: 4 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 7 Reload Speed: 1 Ammo Capacity: 6 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Escalera (after the revolution). Repeater Carbine Power: 3 Range: 6 Rate of Fire: 3 Reload Speed: 2 Ammo Capacity: 3 Notes: Complete the mission, "Old Friends, New Problems." Winchester Repeater Power: 5 Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 5 Reload Speed: 1 Ammo Capacity: 6 Notes: Complete the mission, "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit," or clear the Tumbleweed gang hideout. Henry Repeater Power: 7 Range: 6 Rate of Fire: 5 Reload Speed: 1 Ammo Capacity: 7 Notes: Clear the Nosalida gang hideout. Evans Repeater Power: 6 Range: 6 Rate of Fire: 6 Reload Speed: 1 Ammo Capacity: 10 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Blackwater. Springfield Rifle Power: 7 Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 1 Reload Speed: 2 Ammo Capacity: 2 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Thieves Landing, or clear the Gaptooth Breach gang hideout. Bolt Action Rifle Power: 8 Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 3 Reload Speed: 8 Ammo Capacity: 3 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Escalera, or complete the mission, "The Gates of Presidio." Buffalo Rifle Power: 9 Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 1 Reload Speed: 9 Ammo Capacity: 1 Notes: Purchase from any gun shop once you've become a level 5 master hunter. Double-Barreled Shotgun Power: 6 Range: 1 Rate of Fire: 9 Reload Speed: 5 Ammo Capacity: 1 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Armadillo, or complete the mission, "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit." Sawed-Off Shotgun Power: 7 Range: 1 Rate of Fire: 9 Reload Speed: 5 Ammo Capacity: 2 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Thieves landing, or clear the Pike's Basin gang hideout. Pump-Action Shotgun Power: 8 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 4 Reload Speed: 4 Ammo Capacity: 4 Notes: Complete the mission, "And the Truth Will Set You Free." Semi-Auto Shotgun Power: 9 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 8 Reload Speed: 4 Ammo Capacity: 4 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Escalera. Dynamite Power: 9 Range: 4 Rate of Fire: N/A Reload Speed: N/A Ammo Capacity: N/A Notes: Complete the mission, "Father Abraham." Throwing Knife Power: 4 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: N/A Reload Speed: N/A Ammo Capacity: N/A Notes: Complete the mission, "The Great Mexican Train Robbery." Fire Bottle Power: 7 Range: 3 Rate of Fire: N/A Reload Speed: N/A Ammo Capacity: N/A Notes: Complete the mission, "The Demon Drink." Rolling Block Rifle Power: 9 Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 1 Reload Speed: 6 Ammo Capacity: 1 Notes: Complete the mission, "Empty Promises." Carcano Rifle Power: 8 Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 3 Reload Speed: 7 Ammo Capacity: 3 Notes: Purchase from the gun store in Blackwater. Lasso Power: N/A Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 2 Reload Speed: N/A Ammo Capacity: N/A Notes: Complete the mission, "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions." ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Shops & Items ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-10 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ There are four different kinds of shops in Red Dead Redemption for you to purchase and sell items. General stores, gun smiths, tailors and doctors. By increasing your level of Fame and/or Honor, you can obtain special discounts on items you purchase, and earn more from the items you sell. For the purpose of clarity, the tables in this section all use the default pricing for every item in the game. ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ General Store ~ < < /__/ RDR-10A \__\ The general store is the basic shop, and here is where you'll be spending most of your money. You can choose from a vast assortment of goods, from upgraded equipment to new horses to treasure maps and more. General Items: _______________________________________________________________________ |Rabbit's Foot |$25 |Armadillo, Thieve's Landing, Manzanita | | | |Post, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Bait |$15 |Escalera, Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Campfire Upgrade |$175 |Armadillo, Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Maps: _______________________________________________________________________ |Suvivalist Map |$25 |Any general store | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Hennigan's Map |$25 |Hinnigan's | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Cholla Springs Map |$30 |Armadillo | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Rio Bravo Map |$35 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Gaptooth Ridge |$40 |Armadillo | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Perdido Map |$45 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Diez Coronas Map |$50 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Great Plains Map |$55 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Tall Trees Map |$60 |Manzanita Port | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Outfit Scraps: _______________________________________________________________________ |Bandito Scrap |$50 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Rebel Scrap |$50 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Weapons: _______________________________________________________________________ |Throwing Knife |$20 |Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Fire Bottle |$25 |Chuparosa, Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Dynamite |$45 |Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Ammunition _______________________________________________________________________ |Revolver Ammo |$12 |MacFarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Pistol Ammo |$15 |Macfarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Repeater Ammo |$25 |Macfarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Rifle Ammo |$20 |Macfarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Shotgun Ammo |$30 |Macfarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Sniper Rifle Ammo |$40 |Macfarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Consumable Items _______________________________________________________________________ |Apple |$1 |Armadillo, Thieves Landing, Blackwater,| | | |Escalera, Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Horse Pills |$20 |Armadillo, Thieves Landing, Blackwater,| | | |Manzanita Post. | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Medicine |$25 |Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Snake Oil |$30 |MacFarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Chewing Tobacco |$35 |Thieves Landing, Chuparosa, Manzanita | | | |Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Moonshine |$60 |Blackwater, Manzanita Post | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Horse Deeds _______________________________________________________________________ |Infested Adennais |$50 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Jaded Tersk |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Lusitano Nag |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Adennais |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Cleveland Bay |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Dutch Warmblood |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Highland Chestnut |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Lusitano |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Painted Quarter Horse |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Painted Standardbred |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Quarter Horse |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Standardbred Pinto |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Tersk |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Tobiano Pinto |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Turkmen |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Welsh Mountain |$250 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |American Standardbred |$750 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Hungarian Half-bred |$750 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Kentucky Saddler |$750 |Armadillo, Blackwater, Escalera, | | | |Manzanita Post, MacFarlane Ranch | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Gun Store ~ < < /__/ RDR-10B \__\ The gun smith sells weapons and ammunition. When you meet certain conditions, you will be able to purchase new weapons from different smithies. See the Weapons Section for details. General Items: _______________________________________________________________________ |Bait |$15 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Bandolier |$125 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Maps _______________________________________________________________________ |Survivalist Map |$25 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Punta Orgullo Map |$45 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Weapons _______________________________________________________________________ |Lemat Revolver |$1250 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Volcanic Pistol |$100 |Armadillo | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Semi-Automatic Pistol |$300 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Mauser Pistol |$800 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Winchester Repeater |$350 |Armadillo | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Evans Repeater |$1000 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Springfield Rifle |$300 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Bolt-Action Rifle |$750 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Buffalo Rifle |$475 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Double-Barrel Shotgun |$150 |Armadillo | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Sawed-Off Shotgun |$250 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Semi-Auto Shotgun |$1000 |Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Carcano Rifle |$1100 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Throwing Knife |$20 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Fire Bottle |$25 |Escalera, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Dynamite |$45 |Escalera, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Ammunition _______________________________________________________________________ |Revolver Ammo |$12 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Pistol Ammo |$15 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Repeater Ammo |$25 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Rifle Ammo |$20 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Shotgun Ammo |$30 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Sniper Rifle Ammo |$40 |All gun stores | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Tailor ~ < < /__/ RDR-10C \__\ You can purchase new outfits from from a tailor once you have met all of the pertinent requirements. Remember, you can only change your outfit while in a room or in a camp. Note: the Tailor in Thieves Landing can be a bit difficult to spot, as the Tailor icon does not show up well on the map. The Thieves Landing Tailor resides in thes same building as the doctor, on the first floor. Special Items _______________________________________________________________________ |Bandana |$20 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Outfit Scraps _______________________________________________________________________ |Bollard Gang Scrap |$50 |Thieves Landing, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Walton's Gang Scrap |$50 |Thieves Landing, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Teasure Hunter Scrap |$50 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |U.S. Military Scrap |$200 |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Full Outfits _______________________________________________________________________ |Elegant Suit |$70 |Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Doctor ~ < < /__/ RDR-10D \__\ Doctors sell an assortment of healing items and items that grant you temporary stat boosts and/or abilities. General Items _______________________________________________________________________ |Rabbit's Foot |$25 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Bait |$15 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Bandolier |$125 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Improved Campsite |$175 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Survivalist Map |$25 |Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| Consumable Items _______________________________________________________________________ |Apple |$1 |Armadillo, MacFarlane Ranch, Chuparosa | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Horse Pills |$20 |MacFarlane Ranch, Chuparosa, Escalera | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Medicine |$25 |All doctors | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Snake Oil |$30 |MacFarlane Ranch, Thieves Landing | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Chewing Tobacco |$35 |Armadillo, MacFarlane Ranch, Escalera | | | |Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| |Moonshine |$60 |Thieves Landing, Chuparosa, Blackwater | |_______________________|_______|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ / / > > ~ Skinnable Items ~ < < /__/ RDR-10E \__\ After you kill an animal, you can skin it to obtain various materials that can then be sold to shopkeepers for a profit. Some animals are more common in certain areas than in others, so selling animal parts in an area where an animal is rare will net more profit than selling those parts in areas where the animal is common. Included in this table is the default sales price, as well as the locations where the item can be sold for 50% more than it's original value (1.5x multiplier) or 100% more than it's original value (2x multiplier). _______________________________________________________________ | ITEM | SALE | +50% | +100% | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Armadillo Carapace |$5 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Armadillo Meat |$3 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bear Meat |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bear Fur |$12 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bear Claw |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bear Teeth |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Beaver Meat |$5 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Beaver Fur |$12 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bighorn Antlers |$10 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bighorn Meat |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bighorn Fur |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Boar Meat |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Boar Skin |$3 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Boar Tusks |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bobcat Meat |$5 |The Frontier |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bobcat Fur |$8 |The Frontier |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bobcat Claws |$12 |The Frontier |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buck Meat |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buck Fur |$4 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buck Antlers |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buffalo Meat |$10 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buffalo Fur |$12 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Buffalo Horns |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Chicken Feathers |$1 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cow Meat |$4 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cow Hide |$4 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cougar Meat |$5 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cougar Fur |$8 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cougar Claw |$12 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Cougar Fang |$8 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Coyote Meat |$3 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Coyote Fur |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Crow Feathers |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Deer Meat |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Deer Skin |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Dog Meat |$1 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Dog Fur |$2 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Duck Feathers |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Eagle Feather |$20 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Elk Meat |$8 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Elk Fur |$9 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Elk Antlers |$12 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Fox Meat |$5 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Fox Fur |$12 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Goat Meat |$5 |The North |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Grizzly Bear Meat |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Grizzly Bear Fur |$12 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Grizzly Bear Claw |$8 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Grizzly Bear Teeth |$12 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Grizzly Bear Heart |$20 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Gull Feather |$4 |The Frontier |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Hawk Feather |$18 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Horse Meat |$2 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Horse Hide |$2 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Mule Meat |$1 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Mule Hide |$1 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Owl Feather |$16 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Pig Meat |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Rabbit Meat |$3 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Raccoon Meat |$3 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Raccoon Fur |$5 |Mexico |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Sheep Meat |$5 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Sheep Fur |$6 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Skunk Meat |$3 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Skunk Fur |$5 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Snake Skin |$6 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Songbird Feather |$10 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Vulture Feather |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Wolf Meat |$8 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Wolf Fur |$10 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Wolf Heart |$12 |N/A |N/A | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Lobo the Wolf Meat |$32 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Lobo the Wolf Fur |$48 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Lobo the Wolf Heart |$44 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bruma the Bear Meat |$36 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bruma the Bear Fur |$48 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bruma the Bear Heart |$36 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bruma the Bear Claw |$32 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Bruma the Bear Teeth |$44 |The Frontier |Mexico | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Khan the Jaguar Meat |$32 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Khan the Jaguar Fur |$24 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Khan the Jaguar Heart |$36 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Khan the Jaguar Fang |$42 |The Frontier |The North | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Gordo the Boar Meat |$32 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Gordo the Boar Fur |$36 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Gordo the Boar Heart |$48 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| |Gordo the Boar Tusk |$36 |Mexico |N/A | | | |The North | | |_______________________|_______|_______________|_______________| ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Cheats & Extras ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-15 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Cheat Codes Note: when you enable a code, you will be unable to save the game or earn any trophies until the code has been disabled. _______________________________________________________________________ | EFFECT | PASSWORD | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Become a nobody |HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Change character model to Jack |OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Decrease bounty |THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Enable sepia filter |THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Get $500 |THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU! | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Obtain buffalo rifle, sawed-off|I'M AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS | |shotgun, semi-auto pistol, | | |Schofield revolver, Winchester | | |repeater and fire bottle x3 | | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Infinite ammunition |ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Infinite horse stamina |MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Invincibility |HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Spawn a horse |BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Unlock all areas |YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| |Remove bounty/wanted level |I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM | |_______________________________|_______________________________________| ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Mini-Games ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-11 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Poker Locations: MacFarlane Ranch, Armadillo, Thieves Landing, Casa Madrugada, Chuparosa, Blackwater, Blackwater Hotel. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "This is Armadillo, USA." Tips: ??? Blackjack Locations: Blackwater, Thieves Landing, Chuparosa, Rathskeller. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "This is Armadillo, USA." Tips: ??? Five Finger Fillet Locations: Manzanita Post, Armadillo, Escalera, Thieves Landing, Torquemada. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "This is Armadillo, USA." Tips: ??? Horseshoes Locations: MacFarlane's Ranch, Rathskeller Fork, Las Hermanas. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "Women and Cattle." Tips: ??? Liar's Dice Locations: Thieves Landing, Casa Mandrugada, Escalera. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "Old Swindler Blues." Tips: ??? Arm Wrestling Locations: Pacific Union Railroad Camp, Plainview, El Matadero, Agave Viejo. Prerequisite: Complete the mission, "We Shall Be Together in Paradise." Tips: ??? ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Challenges ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-12 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Outfits ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-13 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Downloadable Content ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-14 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ There is currently no Downloadable Content for the game. Read Dead Redemption will have DLC at some future date, but when that will be and what it might be are not yet known. As soon as more information becomes available, this section will be updated. ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Cheats & Extras ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-15 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Online Multiplayer ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-16 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Trohpies & Achievements ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-17 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ Trophies are listed in alphabetical order, separated by type--first bronze, then silver, then gold and, lastly, platinum. Achievements are sorted similarly: they are in alphabetical order, separated according to value--from least worth to greatest worth. TROPHIES: Bearly Legal (B) Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears. Buckin' Awesome (B) Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred and the Hungarian half-bred. Bullseye (B) Get 250 headshots. Clemency Pays (B) Capture a bounty alive. Exquisite Taste (B) Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith. Fightin' Around the World (B) Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game offline. Friends in High Places (B) Use a pardon letter with more than a $5,000 bounty offline Frontiersman (B) Obtain Legendary rank in any offline ambient challenge. Gold Medal (B) Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission offline. He Cleans Up Well! (B) Obtain the Elegant Suit. High Roller (B) Win over 2,000 chips in a single hand of poker. Hit the Trail (B) Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session. Man of Honor/Chivalry's Dead (B) Attain the highest Fame rank and either highest or lowest Honor rank. More than a Fistfull (B) Earn $10,000 offline. Most Wanted (B) Become a public enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session. No Dice (B) Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die. On the Trail of de Vaca (B) Uncover every location on the map offline. Posse Up! (B) Create a posse and get the maximum number of members. Red Dead Rockstar (B) Kill a Rockstar or someone with this trophy in a public multiplayer match. Slow on the Draw (B) Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session. Strange Things are Afoot (B) Complete a task for a stranger. Unnatural Selection (B) Kill one of every animal species in the game. What About Hand Grenades? (B) Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes. Austin Overpowered (S) Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin and Gabtooth Breach hideouts offline. Evil Spirits (S) Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul hideouts offline. Go Team! (S) Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches. Have Gun Will Travel (S) Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session. How the West Was Won (S) Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience. In a Hail of Bullets (S) Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver. Instinto Asesino (S) Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts offline. Long Arm of Marston (S) Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater or shotgun. Mowing Them Down (S) Kill 500 enemies while mounted. People are Still Strange (S) Complete 15 tasks for strangers. The Gunslinger (S) Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targetting mode. The Quick and Everyone Else... (S) Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in pulbic matches. Redeemed (G) Attain 100% in the single player game completion stat. Legend of the West (P) You've become a true legend of the west! ACHIEVEMENTS Bearly Legal (5) Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears. Dastardly (5) Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death. Fightin' Around the World (5) Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game offline. Heading South on a White Bronco (5) Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-bred offline. Manifest Destiny (5) Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains offline. The Gunslinger (5) Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targetting mode. A Savage Soul (10) Complete "At Home with Dutch" Buckin' Awesome (10) Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred and the Hungarian Half-bred. Clemency Pays (10) Capture a bounty alive. Exquisite Taste (10) Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith. Friends in High Places (10) Use a pardon letter with more than a $5,000 bounty offline. He Cleans Up Well (10) Obtain the Elegant Suit. High Roller (10) Win over 2,000 chips in a single hand of poker. Hit the Trail (10) Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session. More than a Fistful (10) Earn $10,000 offline. Most Wanted (10) Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session. No Dice (10) Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die. On the Trail of de Vaca (10) Uncover every location on the map offline. Posse Up! (10) Create a posse and get the maximum number of members. Red Dead Rockstar (10) Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match. Slow on the Draw (10) Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session. Spurred to Victory (10) Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse or hitching at a post. Strange Things are Afoot (10) Complete a task for a stranger. That Government Boy (10) Complete "Exodus in America" What About Hand Grenades? (10) Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes. Bullseye (20) Get 250 headshots. Frontiersman (20) Obtain Legendary rank in any offline ambient challenge. Go Team! (20) Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches. Have Gun Will Travel (20) Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session. How the West Was Won (20) Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience. In a Hail of Bullets (20) Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver. Long Arm of Marston (20) Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater or shotgun. Mowing Them Down (20) Kill 500 enemies while mounted. No More Fancy Words (20) Complete "An Appointed Time" The Quick and Everyone Else... (20) Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in pulbic matches. Unnatural Selection (20) Kill one of every animal species in the game. Austin Overpowered (25) Complete Twin Peaks, Pike's Basin and Gaptooth Breach Hidouts offline. Evil Spirits (25) Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts offline. Gold Medal (25) Earn a Gold Medal rank for a combat mission offline. Instinto Asesino (25) Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts offline. Man of Honor/Chivalry's Dead (25) Attain the highest Fame rank and either highest or lowest Honor rank. People are Still Strange (25) Complete 15 tasks for strangers. Land of Opportunity (30) Complete "The Assault on Fort Mercer." Sons of Mexico (40) Complete "The Gates of El Presidio" Nurture or Nature? (50) Complete "Remember My Family." The Benefits of Civilization (90) Complete "And the Truth Will Set You Free." Into the Sunset (100) Complete "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed." Redeemed (100) Attain 100% in the single player game completion stat. ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Frequently Asked Questions ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-18 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ ___ ___ \ \ ___ ___ / / \ \ \ \ / / / / > > > > ~ Update Log ~ < < < < / / /__/ RDR-19 \__\ \ \ /__/ \__\ May 2010 (v.0.05) -Basic FAQ construction complete. There's a little bit of content, but it's still pretty sparse. May 2010 (v.0.10) -Added controls section. -Added characters section. -Added trophies & achievements section. May 2010 (v.0.30) -Added gameplay mechanics sub-section. -Added and completed activities section. -Added and completed weapons section. -Added and completed shops & items section. -Added gang hideouts section. -Added Act I walkthrough section. -Added mini-games section. -Completed characters section.