Alien Swarm Cheats / Console Codes

Alien Swarm Cheats and Console Codes

Console Codes and Commands

Use the ~ key during gameplay and type in "sv_cheats 1" to enable cheat codes, then enter any of the following commands (can not be used in offline practice):

EffectConsole Command
Disable auto-reloadasw_auto_reload 0
Enable The Directorasw_horde_override 1
Enables 360 controller supportexec 360_controller_pc.cfg
Full ammo (all weapons)asw_gimme_ammo
Full healthasw_gimme_health
God modeasw_god 1
Let's you play in first person viewfirstperson
Open the level tile-based generatorasw_tilegen
Open the server browser/td>openserverbrowser