Dragon Quest 9 Chest / Key guide by Daytimefrogger. (daytimefrogger [@] hotmail.com. (Note: To find something faster, hit CTRL + F on your keyboard to search the page for it.)
Contents List
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Credits
(Top) Introduction This guide is about all of the "unlockables" in this game. Get it unlockables? It includes all the location of places or chests that need a key to unlock them. Now do you get the joke? Anyways there are 3 keys that you need. They are the Thief's Key, Magic Key, and the Ultimate Key, listed in order. Now let me be clear, not every chest in the game requires a key to open. There are 2 colors of chests. Red and blue chests, the red chests is a one-time-open kind of chests. Once you open a red chest you won't be able to open it again. Now the blue ones are different. I think its once a day the chest will reclose and you can open them again. The loot is probably different, I haven't been able to test this yet. Now back to the "unlockables" they are all red chests so you won't be able to reopen them. So your thinking 'wow why did I just waste my time reading the last 2 paragraphs for nothing?'Well the answer to that is yes and no. This being a chest guide I thought I would at least explain the difference between the red and the blue chests. Now for the list of keys and how to get them: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Key Name: How to Get it: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thief's Key: Turn in 4 Mini Medals in the city of Dourbridge for this key. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Key: This key can be found in Gleeba on the top of the palace, if start heading up the palace you will eventually come out of with you and a chest one the other side of a fence. Go around the dome and enter through the back and get the chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Key: After defeating the Goreham-Hogg in Gortress. The chest to your left will hold this key. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Now for the explanation part. The Thief's Key will open some chests not really that many but it will open some of them. The Magic Key will open those magical slime purple doors. As for the Ultimate Key it will open up anything really, but the real addition is that it will open up those prison cells. Apparently. people in this universe like to lock up treasure chests in prison cells but not the prisoners themselves? Well thats that, enjoy the guide and I hope it helps! (Top) Chest Locations So the main part of my guide. Let me expain how I have broken down the location of each chest. I have broken each chest down into 6 parts. Here they are and what each part means. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Label: Explaination: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Place: This show the map that the chest can be found in game. This is also the exact name of the map. Which can be found in the top screen of your DS in the upper right corner of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: This is a vaguer direction to the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Level: As I have explained ealier in this guide there are 3 level of keys and this will tell you which one you will need in orderto unlock the chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Chests: The number of chests in the area that needs to be unlocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Loot: What each chest contains. Loot wise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: This is where I will give the most specific directions to the chest and anything else that you might need to know *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* (Top) Observatory Place: Observatory-L2 Location: The North East Corner of the Map Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 2 Loot: Goddess Ring x1 and Orichalcum x1 Notes: This chest is located inside the observatory, next to where Apus Major (the head angle) is. (Top) Stornway Castle Place: Stornway Castle- B1 Location: The North East Corner of the Map Key Level: Thief's Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Cautery Sword x1 Notes: First go inside the Stornway castle and go to the top left corner. You should see 2 sets ofstairs, one going down and the other going up. Pick the one that goes down and go all the way tothe right and you should see 2 chests. The one on the right doesn¡¯t require a key but the one on the left does. Place: Stornway Castle- B1 Location: South West Corner of the Map Key Level: Ultimate Number of Chests: None Loot: None Notes: This is the Stornway prison or dungeon if you perfer. These cell are located inside the actual castle and for "releasing" these prisoniers you get to smash the pots inside some of their cells for goods. I found it strange that even after you unlocked the cells, none of them wanted to get out of the cells. If they don't want to be free then why not just put them in a room? (Top) Zere Place: Zere Location: Inside the Zere Inn Key Level: Magic Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Mini Medal x1 Notes: First go to Zere, and go behind the inn. Stand right behind the inn and if you have a key your character should open a door that you can¡¯t see. To door should lead you into a small room with some boxes, 3 barrels and the chest. (Top) Coffinwell Place: Coffinwell Location: Inside the Mayor's House Key Level: Magic Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Suit of Spiked Armor x1, Alchemy Recipes Notes: First head for Coffinwell then go to the mayor's house. Now right outside the mayor's house you should see a set of stairs go down those stairs and then go right and you should see a magical door. Unlock the door and claim your chest, and look on the bookcase for the recipes. Place: Coffinwell Location: Inside the Well Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: Quest Notes: This opens up a door to a locked prison. Talk to the guy and he will give you a quest (#11 The Not-So-Great Escape). He will ask you for 1 Hammer Handrill which are Claws. You can get the Hammer Handrill through Alchemy. (Top) Porth Llaffan Place: Porth Llaffan Location: In the Mayor¡¯s House Key Level: Thief's Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Pink Pearl x1 Notes: Go to Porth Llaffan and go to the house on the far left of the town. The house looks kind of like a blocky N. Go inside and you should see a chest. (Top) Slurry Quay Place: Slurry Quay Location: Behind the Item Shop Key Level: Thief's Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Agility Ring x1 Notes: Go to Slurry Quay and go to the house which is really the Inn. Right beside that house is a sign for the Item shop and behind the 2 guys you should see 2 chests, one of them requires a key and the other one doesn¡¯t. (Top) Dourbridge Place: Dourbridge Location: South of the Eastern Stairs Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: Secret Shop Notes: Go to the base of the Eastern staircase in Dourbirdge and the walk south until you hit the bridge and go a little bit to the left while facing the south bridge and you should find the door.Once you have unlocked the door follow the stairs down into the shop. Place: Dourbridge Location: Captain Max Meddlin¡¯s Tent Key Level: Thief¡¯s Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Mini Medal x1 Notes: Go to Dourbridge and go the North East Corner of the map and you should see a purple-salmon tent. Go inside and you will see 2 chests. This is also the place where you can turn in mini-medals for rewards. Place: Dourbridge Location: Captain Max Meddlin¡¯s Tent Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 4 Loot: Mini Medal x1, 3,000 Gold Coins, Skull Ring, Demon Whip Notes: Go to Dourbridge and go the North East Corner of the map and you should see a purple-salmon tent. Go inside and you will see 4 chests inside a cage. This is also the place where you can turn in mini- medals for rewards. (Top) Bloomingdale Place: Bloomingdale Location: Inside the Well Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Mayoress's Mittens x1 Notes: Go to Bloomingdale and find the well. The well is that circle north of the town¡¯s inn. Go inside the well and go to the left and open the door then unlock the chest. (Top) Place: Bloomingdale Location: Inside the Mansion Key Level: Magic Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Magical Robes x1 Notes: Go to Bloomingdale and go inside the Mansion. The Mansion is that huge house at the top of the map. Once inside go left and then head up the stairs. Once upstairs go left and you should see one of those magical doors, unlock it and you should be in a room with pots, barrels and a chest. Break the pots and open the chest. (Top) Your Ship Place: Ship- Hold Location: The Lowest Level of Your Ship Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 2 Loot: Seed of Agility x1, Falcon Blade x1 Notes: First get on to your ship and push B. You should be right in front of the steering wheel foryour ship. Head to the stairs on the left side of map, once downstairs find the set of stairs thatleads even farther down. Break the pots and barrels in order to get to the prison that is located on the right side of the map. Unlock the door and claim your chests. (Top) Gleeba Place: The Plumbed Depths- B1 Location: The Dungeon In Gleeba Key Level: Magic and/or Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Saint¡¯s Ashes x1 and a Room of Mummies/Zombies Notes: Go in to the dungeon inside the well. The well that is inside the castle, the one that you have to go into in order to get the Fygg. Inside the dungeon, go up the stairs and through the door. Go north until you have to go left and up some stairs, farther left you should see some stairs. Go down those stairs and out the door. Now go left and up and you should see a blue chest and a magical door. Open the door and if you have the Ultimate Key you can open the cells. If not then head left and down the stairs to find a room of Mummies/Zombies. (Top) Gerzuun Place: Gerzuun- B1 Location: The Dungeon For the 6th Fygg Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Thug¡¯s Mug x1 Notes: Starting at Batsureg go north then on the next screen go east. After heading east, head for the cave. Once inside the cave you should see a door which will be unlocked by continuing the story. This is the creepy abandoned city for those of you returning to get this chest. Then go north and at the first intersection go south and then head for the stairs. Go down the stairs, then head left and on the map you should see 2 cubbies on the left the southern one has a chest andthe northern one has a pot. (Top) Swinedimples Place: Swinedimples Academy- L1 Location: In the Main Building of the Academy Key Level: Magic Key Number of Chests: 1 Loot: Red Tights x1 Notes: Go to Swinedimples Academy and head north and into the main building. Inside head right and you should see a slime purple magical door near the entrance. Unlock the door and open the chest. (Top) Gortress Place: Goretress- Cells Location: The bottom level of Goretress Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: Mini Medal x1 Notes: First head to Goretress. Then go to the center of the place where the stairs are. Go down the stairs and out of the little room. Where you will find yourself surrounded by the cells. There are pots in 2 of the cell but when I broke them there was nothing inside the pots. However, go to the second to last cell starting on the left side. The one you were in being cell number 1. The second to last cell contains a skeleton which after examining it, contains 1 mini medal. (Top) Oubliette] Place: Oubliette- B1 Location: Underground After You Beat King Godwyn Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: None Notes: After defeating King Godwyn head for the door that was locked by a while seal. It should show it being unlocked head towards it and go down the stairs, then head down the next set of stairs by the priest. You should see one unlockable cell with nothing in it, continue down the path and you should see another one but this time with a ghost person inside and a pot. The only reward you get for doing this is whatever is inside the pot. Talking to the person doesn't get you anything. Place: Oubliette- B3 Location: Underground After You Beat King Godwyn Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: Continue The Story Notes: After defeating King Godwyn head for the door that was locked by a while seal. It should show it being unlocked head towards it and go down the stairs, then head down the next set of stairs by the priest. Continue the path until you get to the map 'Oubliette- B3' and head north west until you see 4 prison cell gates with celestrians inside. Release these celestrians in order to continue the story. Place: Oubliette- B6 Location: Underground After You Beat King Godwyn Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: Continue The Story Notes: After defeating King Godwyn head for the door that was locked by a while seal. It should show it being unlocked head towards it and go down the stairs, then head down the next set of stairs by the priest. Continue the path until you get to the map 'Oubliette- B6', go around the spiral untill you see a cell door with a celestrian inside, unlock the door and then unlock the chains one the celestrian to continue the story. (Top) Urdus Marshland Place: Urdus Marshland Location: South of Batsureg Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: None Loot: None Notes: First you will need the train. Find Batsureg and go south and you should see some mountains. Find a circle thing that looks like a well. Land near it and you will see that it is a well. Go inside and unlock the prison cell for some pots. (Top) Western Wormwood Place: Western Wormwood Location: South of Angle Falls Key Level: Ultimate Key Number of Chests: 3 Loot: 2000 Gold Coins, Gold Bar x1, Spellspadrilles x1 Notes: First you will need the train. Starting at Angel Falls go south east until you see a island surrounded by water, then go south west and see a elevated part of the island that has a well on it. Get off the train and head into the well. Once inside the well head east and unlock the door. This is the well southeast of the Bowhole. ** III.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS[CHFAQS] ** Q: Do any of the quest require any of the keys? A: Yes there are a few quest that will require you to have the Ultimate key in order to start the quest. I don't see this as a problem since you will need the Ultimate key in order to finish the story. ** IV. CREDITS [CREDIT] ** The credits for this guide goes to: Gamefaqs.com- For allowing me to put this guide up and for making the site Ameblo.jp.com- For helping me giving me vague locations Square Enix- For making this series Nintendo- For making this game available in the United States Level-5- For developing this game Me- For writing the guide Enelysion- For giving me the contents of the 4 chests in Dourbridge Crazysurfertje- For helping out with the Goretress location and one content mistake Masamunecyrus- For giving me an another magic door location in Coffinwell ** V. CONTACT INFO/LEGAL MESS [CONTCT] ** I can be contacted by emailing [email protected] As this is a new guide if you spot any errors feel free to email me about them. Also I need loots in some of the chests. Seeing as I opened them before I started writing this guide. I Will include anyone that helps me in the credits of this guide This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2010 Ping Lee