Here are the Mass Effect cheats, codes, unlockables and secrets.
Unlockable Difficulties & New Game+
In order to unlock more difficulties and a new game+ mode, you need to complete the requirements listed on the right.Hardcore Mode
Complete the game onceInsane Difficulty
Beat the game on hardcore without changing the difficultyNew Game +
To unlock the ability to play through the game again with your characters (with all the items and skills intact) you must first start a new game, and then select to use an existing career.
To unlock each of the following perks for future plays through the game, complete the requirements on the right.
Unlockable - How to Unlock
- +10% Experience Bonus - Complete 75% of Game
- +10% Hardening Bonus - Complete 75% of Game with Ashley in Squad
- +10% Health Bonus - Kill 150 Organic Beings
- +10% Shield Bonus - Kill 250 Synthetics
- +25% Marksman Cooldown Bonus - Attain 150 Kills with Pistol
- +5% Experience Bonus - Reach 50th level with one character
- 10% Reduced Cooldown for Barrier and Stasis - Complete 75% of Game with Liara in Squad
- 10% Reduced Cooldown for Lift and Throw - Complete 75% of Game with Kaiden in Squad
- 10% Reduced Cooldown for Overload and Damping - Complete 75% of Game with Garrusin Squad
- 10% Reduced Cooldown for Sabotage and AI Hacking - Complete 75% of Game with Tali in Squad
- 10% Shield Increase - Sustain More Shield Damage than Health Damage on One Playthrough
- 5% Increase in Weapon Damage - Complete the Game Twice on any Difficulty
- Assault Rifle Skill for New Characters - Attain 150 Kills with Assault Rifle
- Barrier Skill for New Characters - Use Barrier 75 Times
- Decryption Skill for New Characters - Use Sabotage 75 Times
- Electronics Skill for New Characters - Use Overload 75 Times
- First Aid Skill for New Characters - Use 150 Medi-gel
- Hacking Skill for New Characters - Use AI Hacking 75 Times
- Lift Skill (for non-biotics) - Use Lift 75 Times
- Medicine Skill for New Characters - Use Neural Hacking 75 Times
- Regenerate 1 Health per Second - Complete 75% of Game with Wrex in Squad
- Shielding Skill for New Characters - Use Dampening 75 Times
- Shotgun Skill for New Characters - Attain 150 Kills with Shotgun
- Sniper Rifle Skill for New Characters - Attain 150 Kills with Sniper Rifle
- Spectre Grade Weapons for Purchase - Attain 1,000,000 Credits in your Wallet.
- Statis Skill for New Characters - Use Statis 75 Times
- Throw Skill for New Characters - Use Throw 75 Times
- Unlocks "Singularity" skill for future characters - Use "Singularity" 75 times
- Warp Skill for New Characters - Use Warp 75 Times
Hades Gamma Cluster Hidden Missions
To play the hidden mission in the Plutus system of the Hades Gamma Cluster, get 75% Renegade. To play the hidden mission in the Cacus system, get 75% Paragon.
Infinite Credits
The following trick only works between the two indicated vendors. You can usually buy items back from Expat at half the price you sold them to Dr. Michel for. First, successfully complete the side quest involving Dr. Michel (from the Med Clinic) and her blackmailer.
After the quest is complete, you will get a discount from all the goods she sells. Start selling her all of your expensive equipment. Then, travel to the Wards Markets, and talk to the merchant named Expat. You can buy all of your items back for cheaper than you sold them for.
Return to Dr. Michel, and sell her all of your items again. Repeat this process as many times as desired.
Complete the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:- Medal of Honor (100 points): Complete one Mass Effect Playthrough on any setting.
- Medal of Heroism (25 points): Complete Feros.
- Distinguished Service Medal (25 points): Complete Eden Prime.
- Council Legion of Merit (25 points): Complete Virmire.
- Honorarium of Corporate Service (25 points): Complete Noveria.
- Long Service Medal (25 points): Complete 2 Mass Effect Playthroughs on any setting.
- Distinguished Combat Medal (25 points): Complete one Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.
- Medal of Valor (50 points): Complete one Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.
- Pistol Expert (10 points): Register 150 Pistol Kills.
- Shotgun Expert (15 points): Register 150 Shotgun Kills.
- Assault Rifle Expert (15 points): Register 150 Assault Rifle Kills.
- Sniper Expert (15 points): Register 150 Sniper Rifle Kills.
- Lift Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Lift 75 times.
- Throw Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Throw 75 times.
- Warp Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Warp 75 times.
- Singularity Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Singularity 75 times.
- Barrier Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Barrier 75 times.
- Stasis Mastery (15 points): Use biotic Stasis 75 times.
- Damping Specialist (15 points): Use Damping Field 75 times.
- AI Hacking Specialist (15 points): Use AI Hacking 75 times.
- Overlord Specialist (15 points): Use Shield Overload 75 times.
- Sabotage Specialist (15 points): Use Sabotage 75 times.
- First Aid Specialist (15 points): Use medi-gel 150 times.
- Neural Shock Specialist (15 points): Use Neural Shock 75 times.
- Scholar (25 points): Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries.
- Completionist (25 points): Complete the majority of the game.
- Tactician (25 points): Complete playthrough with shield damage greater than health damage.
- Medal of Exploration (50 points): Land on an uncharted world.
- Rich (25 points): Exceed 1,000,000 Credits.
- Dog of War (25 points): Register 150 organic enemy kills.
- Geth Hunter (25 points): Register 250 Synthetic enemy kills.
- Soldier Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance soldier squad member.
- Sentinal Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance sentinel squad member.
- Krogan Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Krogan squad member.
- Turian Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Turian squad member.
- Quarian Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Querian squad member.
- Asari Ally (20 points): Complete the majority of the game with the Asari squad member.
- Power Gamer (20 points): Reach 50th level with one character.
- Extreme Power Gamer (50 points): Reach 60th level with one character.
- Renegade (15 points): Accumulate 75% of total Renegade points.
- Paragon (15 points): Accumulate 75% of total Paragon points.
- Paramour (10 points): Complete any romance subplot.
- Spectre Inductee (15 points): Become a Spectre.
- Charismatic (10 points): Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation.
- Search and Rescue (10 points): Locate Dr. T'Soni in the Artemis Tau cluster.
- The following achievement requires the "Bring Down The Sky" bonus downloadable content:
- Colonial Savior (50 points): Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.
The following achievements require the "Pinnacle Station" bonus downloadable content
- Undisputed (50 points): Complete Ahern's survival mission.
- New Sheriff in Town (50 points): Take first place in any combat scenario on Pinnacle Station.
- Best of the Best (50 points): Take first place in 12 combat scenarios on Pinnacle Station points.
Do you have any cheats, codes, or secrets for Mass Effect that we missed? Please post them in the comments below. Thanks for your contributions and for visiting.