Here is a Halo Reach walkthrough / guide by Hessam ShM (halo[@]rocketmail.com)
Intro: Halo reach is the last installment of world famous franchise which will be made by Bungie. This guide is for those who want to beat the game on legendary difficulty and looking for some tips with tough situations. If you are a Halo guru or an online elite better stop reading cause likely will find this guide useless. There are no skulls to find like in Halo 3. All the skulls are open to use from start, so there are no collectibles.
Choose a section:
Noble Actual
Winter Contingensy
Oni: Sword Base
Tip Of The Spear
Long Night Of Solace
New Alexandria
The Package
The Pillar Of Autumn
Lone Wolf
Note: If you want to find something specific quickly, you can also hit CTRL + F to find what you need fast.
Noble actual
(Back to Top)Just watch somehow familiar movie nothing to play here.
Winter Contingency
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Noble Team
First there's no enemy on your way so head south to buildings, follow other
nobles to the mountain side road to reach the farmers and head east. Enter
the building with two dead bodies, past the little circular building and
there inside the next building your first battle begins.
Here some tips for the first battle if you're playing on legendary (guide
is intended for that) stay inside, maybe it seems like a NO BRAVE TIP but
call it SPECIAL TIP and just save the bravery for easier difficulties unless
you're a Halo elite. So back to game there's just cheap enemies like Grunts.
Go down to see a drop ship brings more to you. Cross the bridge and take
cover behind the large rock. Try to go out shoot till they hit you and your
shield drains then get back to cover never over expose yourself. Don't let
this battle takes too long, grunts will do come to your hiding spot. Now you
have to cross the river, try to cross from the right side of the river to
keep your safe distance from upcoming battle. Sure you'll be alone but it's
far better than Elites. Try to be hyperactive or they easily kill you, never
go for melee on them just some headshots. Now go ahead refill your health if
you've lost any and get on Warthog.
Rebels Don't Leave Plasma Burns
Continue with warthog no need to kill everybody just keep moving at full
throttle. Sure you can run over enemies whenever you can but don't risk your
life on it. Continue alongside the valley to the building but this is not
your ultimate target so keep moving explore this area later on easier
difficulties. Upon reaching the lake like area you'll see a drop ship firing
at allies so get off warthog, George and Carter will attack them, better you
stay away from them. Kill enemies from distance to lighten their density then
head to the building. there's a health pack on the silo but don't rush to use
it go behind silo or inside building. Now you'll be warned another drop ship
is coming, better grab M392 DMR to use its scope. A rain of grunts and elites
is about to drop. Inside the building and using scoped M392 is the ultimate
way to victory. At last two Falcons will land so get on the right one. Enjoy
the scenic till the next area. Now you're heading to other nobles. Inside
courtyard you have to fight jackals and grunts. Personally I don't waste my
bullets on Jackals so just melee them but if you don't like this way try
shooting their hand (the hand with gun is visible) then head shot. In outpost
Kat is trying to shut the damn door and your job is to fight. This is the
first real tough battle in Reach, for a SPECIAL TIP head inside the outpost
next to Kat pop up shoot and back, but to have fun go out and stay at the
right side of door but when objective changes to “Flank into the outpost”
head inside asap. To make things worse I must warn you drop ship will shoot
you so try to stay out of its sight. You can find some health pack around.
Just try to head shot elites when they're in distance and throw grenades at
GROUPS of grunts and jackals.
In the dark area follow the group and when Kat says to search the body for
ID do that. Now follow George, he light up an area so go there. Some enemies
are ahead kill as much as you can silently, likely you'll kill just one of
them this way so prepare for battle. You're equipped with popular MA37
assault rifle and M66 magnum, latter is quite reliable weapon. In mainframe
like room some enemies will attack you for SPECIAL TIP just stay right
behind George and shoot enemies occasionally but you can go and try to kill
more but keep in mind never fight elites at the other side. To kill elites
you can use T50 DER/H. Again never try to melee elites this time they've got
T1EW/S energy sword so you're doomed. Kill one with grenade and grab the
favorite sword, now it's payback time. Kill the remaining elites and activate
the switch.(if you think some weapon I recommend is not your type feel free
to go with your favorites, Reach is a sandbox game so chances are my way
doesn't suit you well)
Oni: Sword Base
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The Best Defense...
This time you're with my favorite noble 2 aka Kat and some allies go ahead
here you'll likely see drivable forklifts the only use I found for them is as
movable covers if you use them other ways please let me know. Don't go down
before infiltrating all grunts and jackals down there, use your scoped rifle.
Now continue the way with covers there's a lot of elites and other enemies
here so just keep your safe distance shoot them and take cover whenever
you're not shooting or aiming. At the target you can grab ammo guns and Armor
health pack and Lockup ability. I strongly recommend to equip it, in heavy
firefights sprint has no use. Get the H-165 FOM.
Get The Hell Off My Lawn
This time enemy tanks are back and in pack, you have to destroy some here.
Try to use you target locater on them. If it's temporary down after two use
(mine was) kill the gun old way stay behind rocks get close and get on board
Bingo. Absolutely you have to kill all the enemies before this terrific move.
To kill them keep running around and shoot them. This way the tank's canon
won't harm you. You'll be presented by a warthog. I go west for AA guns.
Don't bother with grunts and Ghosts on your way unless you want one of them.
Near gun use your locater on Banshees and prevent them from dropping forces
and shooting you. Try to get to the roof inside there's ammo health pack and
abilities. Never try to infiltrate enemies here first activate the target on
roof then kill the remaining enemies. If it takes too long to activate some
ghosts and reinforcements will come. So do it quickly.
Here's another warthog, but I got a Ghost here and Kat drove the warthog.
Expect some enemies in U turn so better kill ghosts before the turn. Kill the
enemies on turn and head for generator building but DO NOT get close. Try to
kill as much enemies as you can by unlimited ammo ghost before getting any
closer. No need to try to turn your cursor red they will die eventually. Now
make sure any visible enemy is dead so get closer. Revenant will come so
concentrate on it and keep maneuvering with your ghost to dodge it's powerful
canon. Destroy it and get inside generator room and turn it on. Now QUICKLY
head to the roof of other building, before enemies of the drop ship reach
you. Done with target now you have deal just with a limited amount of enemies
from that drop ship. You can stay on top and do some sniping stuff or head to
your lovely ghost and kick some butt or SPECIAL TIP way hide inside and let
others do the job.
Minimum Safe Distance
the way along the iced lake will take you to some enemies. Elites here can
easily replace you on vehicles so keep your safe distance and be hyperactive,
hyper aggressive. Go crazy and shoot whatever moves. I used revenant here,
this vehicle is no way comparable to cheap ghosts. Open the ramp like doors
and in front of you there are some concrete blocks so say goodbye to your
vehicle. Inside refill yourself. A little further you can see grunts jackals
and elites. Stay inside and kill grunts first jackals are slowly moving
toward you but don't worry they won't get inside. So try some head shots on
standing elites and then it's jackals' turn. Go up the ramp to reach the end
of the way. Some allies are fighting two Covenant Hunters hopelessly. First
you should know their only vulnerable part is their bare back. One way is to
get inside grab grenades and a M45 TS shotgun go right into the heart of
battle, while turning around them steadily take out one with some grenades
then put some bullets on others back. But for SPECIAL TIP section stay out
and quiet when one of them attack an ally and expose its back to you shoot it
with scope gun, likely it will charge plasma to you so flee back and repeat
this to kill them easily. They will come out for you but won't follow you a
lot. Now get rid of some grunts and an elite on your way to the elevator.
Office Of Naval Intelligence
Gear up and go ahead, for the first battle just don't cover behind glasses
they're breakable. Out of the door you'll join other nobles fighting jackals.
There are allies too so you're completely over powered in this fight. I get
between lazy jackals with a shotgun and got some fun close combat, feel free
to do the same if you think it's fun. As a miscellaneous tip here is you're
out of ammo and like some guys think T25 DEP plasma pistol is a useless piece
of junk you're totally wrong. It's not the best weapon out there but it's
quite useful specially its charged fire. At the end of the building you have
to fight banshees, this means Banshees plus a lot of other enemies. But point
of interest here is your first encounter with arbiters. These invisible
elites are killing machines. Get close to you one hit and die. When you see
any strange movement never think twice just shoot, suddenly you can see them
now use your most powerful weapon on them, yes even if it's rocket launcher.
You can find some rockets here so don't afraid of spending two rockets on
them. Try to stay in one way places and out of opens to kill arbiters then
use M41SSR MAV/AW rocket launcher on banshees. You can find one at the far
left room of building and one at front right corner in the open. I brought my
locater all the way here so it backed me the favor and make all this a
breeze. Bring down all banshees and enjoy the vista.
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Too Quiet...
At this level you're equipped an SRS99 sniper rifle and your longtime
companion, Magnum. SRS99 is one of the deadliest weapons in reach most of the
time expect a one shot kill. Follow Jun till he tells you to kill the elite
silently. Go behind it and RB. Likely you'll be spotted at this point so get
ready to kill all grunts on your right. Do not go down. You should see a
narrow way on your left go there to the green light, you can get the Hologram
ability here, just know this sends a copycat of you to the battlefield that
enemies will keep shooting it till it disappears.
Now head for the big camp. You're first shot is the easiest one so look for
a big hunt. No matter how hard you try you'll be spotted. Banshees will come
with heavy reinforcements so head down and stay out of banshees' sight. Stick
to Jun. Sniper is powerful but get ready for some close combat. Go to the far
end and head up the ramp on your right. Now get all the way back and use
night goggles if you need. Follow Jun to the silo. Another fight here for
some SPECIAL TIPS stays behind silo and pop up rarely. No one will go up to
you so don't worry. Now jump down and kill one or two enemies on your way.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
further you encounter some sort of enemies that are totally new for Halo
series (Kat gives you some information about them). Use your sniper on them
obviously never try to melee them. Chances are they attack you so get ready
to circle the stone across and shoot them. Stop and you're doomed. This way
they will never catch you. After dealing with these big enemies get rid of
others. Follow Jun to reach th open and help civilians fight Banshees. You
can storm in and slain the enemies but this act barely leads to victory.
So first put some sniper bullets on elites' head then get closer. Now go to
the circular area in middle. Grab some health and ammo inside the building,
also you can find Drop Shield ability here. Now banshees will come one by one
and throw you some enemies to kill. For early sets of enemies reach the
higher ground and use your sniper. Keep an eye on ways to your sniping spot.
When Jun and others head to river bed follow them. Maybe you'll attack by
some elites in river so a shotgun will makes things much easier.
I'll Just Leave This Here...
You can see a patrolling elite and some sleeping grunts on a bridge so
first head to the bridge and quietly kill the elite then send all sleeping
beauties to heaven. Use melee attack no need to make a chaos. Go up the
guarding tower on your right and kill grunts. By now not only you're no
longer worried about those cannons also you can use them. Now look up and
kill all enemies there. No limit in ammo means shoot as much as you can. If
you think your place is not safe detach the gun and jump down but keep in
mind detached cannons have limited ammo so use them wisely. Better shoot
arbiters with your plasma cannons, they're totally defenseless against this
cool baby. Take care of all enemies and Jun will start placing the charge.
You have defend him but in my opinion you have to defend yourself more. Two
covenant hunters will appear. Detach another plasma cannon exclusively for
them. Make sure to not sit behind a placed cannon, one of their charged
attack will send you to oblivion. Circle them and just some shot of cannon on
their back will kill them.
Follow Jun and past the opened door. There are all kind of enemies here so
use your plasma cannon. Whenever you see a cannon shoot it with your sniper.
Try to FULLY destroy these cannons cause if you just shoot the gunner someone
else will replace it. On your have you can continue your way on higher
grounds. This way you can find health packs but enemies will see you easily.
If you take lower levels instead enemies may surprise attack you. Anyway
continue to hit the jackpot.
Tip Of The Spear
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Tempest Perimeter
After the explosion of warthog head to the cannons. Use your M319 IGL
grenade launcher or hit them with M392 DMR designated marksman rifle just
like the old days. If you choose latter go ahead and use it against
themselves. Now get on a vehicle and head for the first AA gun. There's two
ways to approach the first one. You can round the gun shoot everyone then go
in and destroy it. In order to bring down the gun you have to enter it and in
the first floor shoot the shield door, when the core is exposed shoot it,
after the alarm get the hell out of it asap. You have to shoot it fast or the
shield will be regenerated. SPECIAL TIP is once in the gun area there's a
tiny ramp on your right, head up throw some grenade and storm in, shoot the
gun and get our fast. Jump in the car and finish. If you think the front part
of gun is hot use your vehicles turret.
Now get the left way. Some ghosts are on your way but don't worry warthog
gunner will nicely do the job. Never stop in this area or tanks cannon will
meet you. Go round the area and now say hello to little Tanky. Get close to
it as much as you can, this way he will no longer use it's cannon, some shots
from your gun and good bye tank. Cross the bridge while your gunner is
cleaning the remaining enemies. Continue jump and kill to reach the open.
Hand Over Fist
Get on the bridge. You can maneuver between blocks but there's no way to
the other side but on foot. For SPECIAL TIPS here park your vehicle on the
bridge and get in the gunner position, shoot as many enemies as you can this
makes things whole lot easier in future. Kill all in the house and go ahead.
Up the stairs enemies will come but one by one so no problem. There's a group
of Jackals ahead so on grenade to rule them out. While you're dealing with
grunts try to find an elite in a cannon, shoot him in the head and go behind
the column and take the cannon. Before going down the stairs and jumping down
to the battle zone, clear all the elites with scoped rifle, you can shoot
jackals this way but they don't deserve such attention. So head there
powerfully and kill them all. Head to the balcony with elite you shot before
with sniper next jump inside through the hole. Beware as soon as you land
grunts will approach, this time they're deadly cause carrying live grenades.
So treat them like zombies and keep your distance. There's a benefit in such
enemies too, shoot one and all will be blown up. A little further you can
grab T52 GML/E plasma launcher. This is a powerful weapon but not my type.
Once out you can choose to drive a revenant or a ghost, by now you should
be familiar with both vehicle but this time put your personal ideas away and
get on revenant. When you get to the AA gun shoot whatever moves, this way is
safer. Before getting closer to the gun kill as many enemies as you can then
go stick to the tank to disable it's cannon and put some fire on it. Now deal
with elites. There are also two covenant hunters here. Revenge is a dish best
served cold, if they've frustrated you till now kill them fast and enjoy it.
Go inside the gun and destroy it like former this time be ready for some
banshees. Use your revenant gun to kill enemy groups before they spread.
After all a chopper will come, get in the Falcon.
The Spire
inside the chopper is a safe haven. You're ridiculously overpowered if you
don't believe me hit a tank. After the fall once on foot get the white
ability aka Jetpack. Refill your health and enter the mountains. For the
first time our SPECIAL TIPS is sabotage. Whenever you see an sniper just
approach it and kill. If it's unreachable quickly draw your scoped rifle and
shoot it. Be quick whoever shoots first, kills. Chance of a missed shot from
them is zero. Try to be a sharpshooter and spot them quickly. At the end kill
the plasma cannon gunner.
You can approach Spire on foot by jetpack or use the truck. Latter makes
George a gunner so you can just round the Spire and George will shoot
enemies. If you choose this way be ware of plasma cannons. If you goo on foot
or by jetpack try to get below the Spire this way there's no annoyance from
cannons. Any way kill some cheap enemies and enter the Spire. Use a light
beam to get to the top. There's an activate button around press it to disable
the shield and watch the long cutscene.
Long Night Of Solace
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First Floor: Aliens, Beaches, Secret Launch Stations
Follow Noble one and noble five. Grunts are everywhere while killing them
watch for drop shocks. They carrying an elite so if they land near you just
get away. Your way is full of enemies if you want a SPECIAL TIP just stay
back and let George and Carter clear the way for you. Inside building you can
see an elite throw a body unless you're doing after SPECIAL TIP above.
Operation: Uppercut
I can't say much about this section. Just for some tips don't heavily rely
on your missiles, it's powerful but slow. Your machine gun is as good as
missiles. Concentrate on attacking ships. Not so hard section but could be
quite frustrating.
And The Horse You Flew In On
Once on foot kill enemies. Gravity is low here, so expect hyper jumps that
you can use in your advantage. Jump down through the shield and infiltrate
the enemies. isn't so hard, is it? Now head for hangar to see George. This
section is quite tough, get ready for some firefight like challenge. Enemies
will attack you from all directions. Try to cover behind columns to refill
your shield. Having an energy sword is useful against approaching elites.
Toss a lot of grenades, and look for safer spots in corners. Now go up and
disable shield to pave the way for Pelican. Now follow groups but let them to
the killings, or go ahead of them and deal with elites. Next area kill elite
silently. Wait for the door to be opened and prepare yourself. Upcoming area
is full of nearly any kind of enemies. You can kill your first enemy silently
so choose wisely. If you haven't got grenades you're in a big trouble. Never
surrender among elites. You have to do most of killings, your buddies won't
do any favor here. Use whatever weapon you find, but try to get used to
energy sword.
Get back to George in hangar. On your way kill enemies. Your job is to
defense the Pelican. In comparison to this area, last one is walking in park.
Expect a tough firefight session. Another time use whatever you've got, spare
nothing for future, there's no future. Try to kill horde of enemies before
they spread in area, tossing a grenade precisely kill them all. Equip shield
abilities, Sprint is useless in such a small area. But despite your hard
works your tries may fail so I've a good SPECIAL TIP here. Head upstairs and
jump over the Pelican. Enemies won't be able to reach you but they WILL shoot
you. So maybe it's a good sniping spot but not a completely safe place, so
keep your eyes open.
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The Devil His Due
who said leave lone wolf stuff behind. You've got just a magnum with
limited ammo and half health so count your shots. Go ahead up the stairs. You
have to reach to lower levels. Now go straight ahead and through the half
open malfunctioning door. Further you can see a convey of enemies. Do some
head shots and grab the T25 DEP, your magnum will be out of ammo soon. If you
think grunts are piece of cake, think twice. Equip night goggles and shoot
grunts upon spotting them. They're carrying live grenades so NO melee. Use
Armor lockup ability so if a grenade explodes near you, activate it. At the
end you will see a row of grunts on stairs shoot on and watch the domino.
Get out to see new enemies, Brutes. There are civilians here and some
allied troops fighting troops. Don't worry about civilians death they will be
regenerated so you'll never be out of civilian to save. Banshees won't attack
you either, so forget about them. Don't be scared of giant brutes, don't dog
fight with them and they're done. This place is flooded with animal style
enemies, so melee out in this zoo. Your goal is to find an elevator here. Go
ahead and you can see a big set of stairs with water. Up these stairs find
you elevator. Call the elevator and while civilians are waiting fight
enemies. Easy for a waiting part ha? The door n your left will be opened and
you'll be flooded by brutes and grunts just to name a few. Go behind the side
of doors and shoot them but you'll barely keep the door till the end so
retreat to elevator. Beware of a brute who will absolutely storm you and try
to kill you with infamous Gravity Hammer T2EW/H. Maintain your distance with
this damned one hit killer and shoot it. Sticky grenades are awesome. Kill
him and grab the hammer, this time serve the revenge hot. Go and kill all the
brutes with this uber powerful weapon. If you doubt about this hammer or
simply don't like it try the old ways to kill brutes. For a gun advice use
T25C Spike Rifle, with this you won't be out of ammo ever. Near elevator you
can find some health. When you signaled to enter the elevator quickly jump in
to put an end to this mess.
Too Close To The Sun
don't care about Hornets because they don't care about you. Grab a jetpack
on right and follow your allies to the other side of the structure. Just
watch out jetpack is just another ability so it drains up. Time your jumps
well. You can use jetpack to kill enemies by (I call it) stomp move. Jump
with jetpack and land above their head. Shoot while approaching, they're
pretty defenseless against this. Never jump among brutes. This is a one way
flight. Jump to the enemies and kill them to reach a hall with some hallways
around. jump up to these hallways to reach th up most level. If you find it
hard to get to the top. Go to the far end of hallways and jump. Now head to
the other side then right and up the stairs on your left. From now on all
areas in this level is overcrowded by brutes. If you thinks it's not an even
fight there's three weapons to help you. First use brute's gun against
themselves and melee them with Gravity hammer and sticky grenade is last
weapon to use. Kill the jackals and grunts. Head up stairs for some brutes
and a hammer one. Use the same formula for all the way here. Whenever you
encounter a set of stairs go up and kill all the brutes. Try to surprise
attack to make things easier.
At last you'll be inside a building and your target changes to “Secure the
landing zone”. Get ready for a big fight. Do NOT go down at any cost. Just
remain in top level, pop up, shoot and cover. There's a health pack in upper
level. There's a brute with a plasma launcher that really goes on nerve. A
rain of grenade will finish him. Personally I killed all his companions and
go down and introduce him with Gravity hammer.
The door will open but don't rush out. There are two plasma cannons aiming
at the door a hammer brute and others waiting for you. Once the door is open
the hammer one will come in. spare your grenades for plasma cannons but if
you think it's hard just toss them and use plasma launcher on cannons. I
killed three with hammer but don't recommend it. Needs some tries and errors.
Kill them all and wait for the chopper. Get on it and take a break for next
I Should Have Become A Watchmaker
This is one of the most frustrating areas of reach. I give some tips and
at last an special way to finish it up. Just to know how bad is this consider
two tanks, some ghosts, covenant hunters, hammer brutes and an awful lot of
enemies some with powerful weapons like plasma launcher. You have to activate
two batteries right in the heart of enemies and to make thing worse you have
to get inside a building finally. First never ever try to destroy tanks.
Second infiltrating this area is nearly impossible. If you think these are
not enough read further. I don't call this a SPECIAL TIP. This is a way to
royal flush in this area. From start use the turret of chopper to kill all
enemies. Then equip jetpack and ride the Mongoose. Go straight and head up
the ramp. Go up the stairs and get inside the building. Turn left and go to
the balcony. From here use jetpack to jump to the first battery across. Make
sure to land at the side with the activate button(left side). Once activated
don't bother with enemies make a shortcut to other battery on your left. You
can cross the bridge but never use the way below the bridge. A tank is
waiting for you. After activating the second battery make your way to the
inside of building through the lake. If you need health head to the chopper
to grab one. In the lake watch out for ghost. If you can get the ghost from
him you've done a big step for next part. Use that ghost or go on foot inside
the building. Kill the plasma launcher and brute. If you havent got the ghost
first kill the hammer one then cover behind a column and start shooting the
plasma launcher with a good gun like T50 DER/H. If it takes too long others
will attack you. Enter the building and use the activation button to finish
this. This way is not an absolute perfect way without chance of fail. Expect
a lot of tries here.
New Alexandria
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Fly By Night
Now get on Falcon but this time as a pilot. Controls may not be the best
but hold LT to go up and release it to lower the altitude. If you want to
maintain your current altitude just press RB to lock it up. Get to the target
and land. Kill grunts and make your way down. Try to walk not so you will
encounter brutes one by one. There's an engineer in the middle I killed it by
I'm sure it makes regeneration process faster. When in lowest level head east
to see a door. Go through the door and straight forward in the way full of
brutes. Again don't run to fight them one by one. At last you can see another
engineer beside the target. Kill it or spare it for next battle. Overload the
jammer and Kat warn you about incoming tangos. This jetpack equipped brutes
are a real pain. Don't waste your grenades. I found T31-R needle rifle quite
nice. Feel free to use any mid range weapon you like. Try to jump around then
stop quickly aim and head shot. If you stay next to the target they will not
usually come to you for close combat. Remember you haven't got jet pack. Now
get all the way back to chopper. Watch out for elites. I didn't kill them
just rushed to them wile using a machine gun then I runaway with sprint no
matter they die or not. Get on the falcon for the next objective.
On your way you have to fight banshees. Before landing kill covenant
hunters. Request evac and jump in the new Falcon quickly or banshees will
kill you. Before landing in the target kill all enemies in the building,
slightly change your altitude to see more enemies inside. Now get off and go
to the far end but expect heavy resistance. You can find health pack and an
elevator at the end. Sadly there are brutes to so proceed with caution. Stick
to northern walls. This way you're out of snipers sight. Off the elevator
head up the structure, continue through left or right an to the other side.
Upon destroying the jammer the area will be swarmed by Yanme'es. It seems
there's an infinite number of these insectoid covenants so don't waste your
bullets just run. Get back to your Falcon.
Now head to your new objective and clear the roof. It's time for the last
jammer. Leaving chopper before killing two covenant hunters is suicide. Now
kill all the enemies inside building with turret and head inside. Check
upstairs for remaining enemies. Across from falcon below stairs is your way.
This place contains an army of enemies mostly covenant hunters, so just go
crazy and run for jammer, overload it and get your body out of this area.
NEVER try to kill all guys here. Jammer is straight across the entrance.
Last One Out... Turn On The Lights
Your objective is to head for Olympic Tower and destroy 4 targets while
fighting banshees. Concentrate on target and if a banshee disturbs you a lot
shoot it.
The Package
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Torch And Burn
Go inside the water and move towards structures. So not start any fight
here, situation is hot. Just go a little further to gain access to the most
powerful vehicle in franchise, yes Scorpion. Now you've got the power. You
can get back and kill all enemies in those structures or just move ahead.
Once AA guns in sight shoot ghosts and Hornets (I wasn't able to see them
exactly so maybe they were banshees). Go ahead and shoot inside the AA guns.
This will kill some enemies inside randomly. Park your scorpion away from
guns and head inside. Do as always and blow up the guns. There's a lot of
banshees here so shoot them down. Next area shoot miserable ghosts and
cannons. At the entrance of next area wait and bring down all banshees then
sadly get off the tank and go further.
Further you'll unite with remaining nobles. Nobles will kill enemies so you
can stay back and watch. Detach the plasma cannon at the parking entrance.
Grab some health and ability on your way. Now with the help of cannon make
your way up to the narrow hallways. Further there will be some arbiters
waiting for you. Kill one silently and start a tough battle. Use whatever
you've got and kill the engineer at the end of the hall. Up the stairs on
your right there's a control room with broken glasses. Go in and open the
The Cave Is Not A Natural Formation
After speaks of Dr. Hasley go further and activate four automatic turret
in the area ASAP. Then head back to the defense position with all nobles. As
you can see this place is like a big armory. There are abilities, health
packs, grenade launchers, rocket launchers and... but even such equipments
won't help a lot. This area is absolutely a firefight in campaign. You have
to deal with incoming waves of enemies. Always have a heavy gun in hand.
M6G/GNR is a powerful gun but to slow. First waves are just grunts. Then
elites and brutes, if you think this is not enough add ghosts and banshees.
Totally forget about banshees, just shoot them while they're dropping
enemies. This way you can lighten the attack. Whenever doctor says somethings
means things going to get worse. Try to not loose health. When your shield is
drained hed back behind nobles and to your left next to health pack. I
haven't found any safe area here yet, maybe there's not any. Turrets are
great help here. Sorry but I can't give any special advice here, good luck.
The Pillar Of Autumn
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Once More Unto The Breach
Now it's just you and Emile. Go down from right. You have to fight a lot of
enemies. Head below the bridge so no enemies on the bridge can shoot you. Go
over the bridge from the truck at the end. Plan a surprise attack. No need to
kill all enemies in this area. Continue the long way and cross the bridge
across the road. Keep moving so banshees won't harm you. Don't forget to get
in the Mongoose on your way. Now head to the open with max speed. Go ahead
past the first Scarab from below and be fast to get past the second one.
After the tunnel Emile will tell you to jump. Maintain your high speed then
This Town Isn't Big Enough
When you reach the area with enemies first get up the tower and kill
snipers then get inside the house. This house contains health and guns also
it protects you against tanks. Now approach the tank from left. Unfortunately
tank is in the open but you can destroy it. Go left and shoot grunts who
carry live grenades to blow up others. Now infiltrate remaining grunts and
jackals. After the cutscene you reach the caves. The caves are full of drones
so just get past them.
Out of caves you should be in a place with overlook to an open with a huge
battle. Bad news is you have to go there, good news is there's a workaround
to make things easier. Get there and avoid open areas. Stick to some
obstacles and kill approaching grunts. Don't go too far and avoid close
combats. Further there's another war zone. There are ghosts elites and plasma
cannons. Get a ghost if you can and go to the heart of battle. But if you
find frustrating to fight for a ghost get back for some scoped shooting but
keep in mind ghost will destroy plasma cannons much sooner. Get inside the
building. First room contains 4 elites so it's an absolute death trap. Go in
fire some bullets and get out they may follow you, so kill them from
distance. Do not try to escape to next area, more elites and covenant hunters
are waiting for you. In the hunters area try to kill elites first then go to
the containers area. Try to put hunters between yourself and Emile. Whenever
Emile shoot them they'll turn their back to you so pop up and shoot. When
they turn for you cover behind the container. They may come to you so get
ready to circle around the container. I would rather to use the favorite
designated marksman rifle here. This way I can keep my distance from hunters
and shoot more precisely.
Go through the opened door. This room is much easier than previous area.
There are just jackals and grunts. Try to find and kill the energy sword
equipped elite first. Get the sword and go up the stairs then inside the
hallway and help the allies.
In this large open area banshees will come and drop some enemies. Maybe the
messiest fight you've ever seen in a video game. Brutes will attack you from
every direction. For a safer area go right and up the stairs. Feel free to us
any other close place to get in. This place makes brutes to enter just from
front so you can easily kill them. Use brutes gun to always have a good
amount of ammo. After the cutscene you have to go to the familiar upper area.
Yes go upstairs on your left. The last area is on of the hardest one. You are
alone so no SPECIAL TIP you have to be brave. Try to use M392 on elites but
it's much harder in action. Really I have no special idea for here just
retreat fast whenever your shield is down.
Hopefully you will past the previous section and now “you have the gun.”
Just shoot slow big banshees and don't care about little ones. Try to keep
the big ship in sight. When it gets near and your objective highlights it,
shoot it.
Lone Wolf
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There Will Be Another Time
There's no walkthrough here because there's no loosing. Just keep fighting
till you die.
Will be added soon.
I should thanks Shahab for his unvaluable helps, without him there was no
guide at all. thanks BUNGIE for making the best game EVER, and Microsoft for
making the most powerful gaming machine!
I appreciate any help from others to improve this guide. Contact me by this
email: halo [@] rocketmail.com.
This guide should be used just by the permission of its author.
copyright 2008 Hessam ShM.