Written by Gamejust4u (Gamejust4u[@]yahoo.com)<
Introduction - This is my first guide. I hope I do a decent job. I welcome
constructive criticism, advice and help. I will try not to give
away any spoiler, but in turn paraphrase and not give too much
specific details. To search for something specific press
Table of Contents
(Choose a section or if you want to find something specific, you can use CTRL + F to search for it)
(Back to Menu) -These are the main story titles. 1. Life in the Castle 2. Leaving the Castle 3. A new hero 4. IN Wolf's clothing 5. Leaders and followers 6. Mistpeak Monorail 7. The Hollow Legion 8. Bowerstone ResistanceQuests
(Back to Menu) -These are the major quest attached to the story 1. Life in the Castle a. Find Elise/Elliot b. Address the Staff c. Follow Walter d. Sign Contract e. Follow Elise/Elliot f. Choose who dies g. Escape the castle with Walter and jasper h. Road to Rule 2. Leaving the Castle a. Pick up the spell b. Escape through the underground tunnel c. Interact with the map 3. A new hero a. Follow Walter b. Buy appropriate Clothing c. Talk to Sabine d. Follow Walter e. Find the Librarian f. Show guild Seal g. open the door to Reliquary h. Enter reliquary i. Find your Mother's/Father's Treasure for Sabine j. Pick up Music Box k. Road to Rule l. open the Music Box 4. IN Wolf's clothing a. Meet Walter in the Pub b. Purchase Beard and Tattoo 5. Leaders and followers a. Find Captain Saker b. Defeat Saker c. Meet Sir Walter in Brightwall d. Need 30 Seals for followers e. Road to Rule 6. Mistpeak Monorail a. Meet Sir Walter at Mistpeak monorail station b. Follow Walter c. Use the Lift d. Find Monorail Wreckage e. Exit Cave f. Find a way around to the Summoner Hobbe g. Defeat Hobbes h. Enter Portal i. Road to rule j. Enter portal k. Exit Cave 7. The Hollow Legion a. Find allies in Mourningwoood b. Follow Ben Finn to the Mortar c. use the Mortar d. Defend the rear gate e. Defeat Lt. Saunders f. Promise Major Swift You'll restore old Guard g. Enter portal h. Go to Bowerstone 8. Bowerstone Resistance a. Follow Sir Walter b. Find the Bowerstone Resistance headquarters c. Enter Portal d. Gather 100 or More seals e. Return to Resistance Headquarters.Area Information
(Back to Menu) -This section describes what is in each area- (besides individual quests) Brightwall Village Silver Keys |5 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |5 Dweller Camp Silver Keys |1 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |1 Mistpeak Valley Silver Keys |6 Gold Keys |1 Gnomes |7 Mercenary Camp Silver Keys |1 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |1 Silver Pines Silver Keys |2 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |2 Millfields Silver Keys |7 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |5 Mourningwood Silver Keys |4 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |3 Bowerstone Market Silver Keys |3 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |3 Bowerstone Industrial Silver Keys |4 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |5 Bowerstone Old Quarter Silver Keys |2 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |2 Sunset House Silver Keys |2 Gold Keys |0 Gnomes |1Keys
(Back to Menu) -There are silver keys and gold keys needed to open chests and doors Catacombs -Down the steps, turn left, you will see a pathway on the left, there's the key MistPeak -Near the cave "the hole" off to the left -From Dweller Camp go towards the left, pass the bridge make a right, pass the second bridge make a right, pass the third bridge make a right, make a left inside Chillbreath Caverns (Green area) cross the bridge -From Dweller Camp go towards the left, pass the bridge make a right, pass the second bridge make a right, pass the third bridge make a right, make a right after the Chillbreath Caverns (Green area) you will be in a snowy area and there is a gold key before you vault. -Turn around, cross the bridge (again), make right, cross the bridge Bowerstone old quarter -From bowerstone industrial entrance make a right, after the entrance make a right at the light post, by the fat tree there's a keyChests
(Back to Menu) Castle (Garden Area) - From outside go down the second steps, make a right, behind the water fountain go up the steps. Dweller's Camp -Next to the Crooked Caravan on the right Mistpeak Valley -From Dweller Camp gate when you come through the fork in the road make a right, cross the bridge the chest will be on your right -from the position above, get back on your path and stay straight, you'll find the second chest -Turn around, pass 3 bridges, at the post that says Dweller Camp make a left, cross a long bridge chest towards the right. -Turn around, at the post (should be to your right) make a left, make a left, cross the bridge before the chillbreath cavern the chest in on your right. -Turn around, cross the bridge, make a left towards Brightwall Village, before the flags make a left and the chest will be there. -Right by "the Hole" towards the grassy area on the left, there's a chest. Chillbreath Cavern (near Mercenary Camp) -From the entrance, from the fork stay on the right, the chest is straight ahead -turn around, go straight, on the left there's a chest -Pass the Ice, on the right there's a chest -Go straight make a left there's a chest -Go up the steps, stay straight and there's a chest -Turn around, after the ice, make a left, cross the rocky bridge the chest is on the end of the path. -Turn around, cross the rocky bridge, make a left there's a chest (need 15 keys) - go straight, pass the circle, on the left there's a chest. Brightwall Village Mercenary Camp -After the flags, pass the sandbags on your right, the chest will be on your right below the tower. -Keep moving, when you see cages on your left make a right and head up the steps, straight ahead is the chest -Turn around and make a right, pass the gate behind the house "The cowards den" on the right -Pass 2 gates, when you see cages to the left make a right the chest is on the tower so go up - keep moving forward, next to the cages on the left there is another chest. -After the gate to the left( may be locked) towards the left there is a chest. Bowerstone Market -chest in "Save the Princess" Game Bowerstone Old Quarter -by the light post make a left towards the left side behind the tree there's a chest. -by the ocean, at the end of the path there's a chest -before the statue, make an immediate right, there's a chest Bowerstone Industrial -after the bridge make a left there a chest.Demon Doors
(Back to Menu) Mistpeak Valley Located: The grassy area towards the left (before Mercenary Camp), under the bridge. The door asks for 2 heroes Live Brightwall Village Located: Behind the tavern The Door asks for 'innocent, happy and pure" Sunset House Located: to the left The Door asks "For for the Ruler of Albion: you must be King/Queen Treasure: $1000000Gnomes
(Back to Menu) -Before you can the gnomes you must complete the "Gnomes are great" quest in Brightwall VillageDig Spots
(Back to Menu) -Dig, dig, dig- the dog will find the spots. Just make sure you are near the areas. When the dog digs, you dig. Bowerstone Market -dig spot next to "The old townhouse" on the right. -dig spot in patch of grass before you get to "old quarter" home -near the key by the ocean there is a dig spot. Bowerstone Old Quarter -dig spot next to the patch of grass by the house "Crumble’s Topping -dig spot next to the house "Nightshade house". -bowerstone old quarter- dig spot in front of statue Bowerstone Industrial -dig spot chest next cage:Kipnapped Linda's fiancĂ© quest ( Only if Elliot/Elise is alive) Dive Spots (divespotsx) -swim, swim swim- As you swim through the water you will see a tiny whirlpool. Press A to Dive.Real Estate
(Back to Menu) - Includes Homes and Businesses, but remember to unlock the Land lording and entrepreneur pack -Beware that prices vary- as your complete jobs prices will go up Dweller’s Camp 1. Name: Old Reliable Owner: Rachel the Dweller Price: 629 House Condition: 4% 2. Name: Winter Wagon Owner: Chik the Dweller Price: 907 House Condition: 28% 3. Name: Crooked Caravan Owner: Layla the Dweller Price: 603 House Condition: 0% 4. Name: The house of riddles Owner: Ben the Dweller Price: 657 House Condition: 9% 5. Name: Mrs. Tibbins Caravan Owner: Rachel the Dweller Price: 752 House Condition: 25% 6. Albion Ink (Tattooist) Owner: Neil the Tattooist Price: 3358 Brightwall Village 1. Name: Bumbler's gruff Owner: Karen the Housewife Price: 2460 House Condition: 13% 2. Name: Spurious Nuttock (outside the gate) Owner: Paul the Village Price: 16315 House Condition: 33% 3. Name: Two-Knock House Owner: Cathy the housewife Price: 2693 House Condition: 35% 4. Name: Mourir's Mansion Owner: Alice the Housewife Price: 1422 House Condition: 26% 5. Name: The old Smokehouse Owner: Gemma the housewife Price: 1607 House Condition: 42% 6. Name: House of Slats Owner: Caroline the Furniture Seller Price: 2041 House Condition: 21% 7. Name: Brightwall Bling (Gifts) Owner: John the stall vendor Price: 2816 8. Name: House of slats Owner: Caroline the Furniture Seller Price: 2041 House Condition: 21% 9. Name: Fabulous Furnishings (furniture) Owner: Caroline the furniture Seller Price: 47529 Mercenary camp 1. Name: the Thuggets Owner: Vacant (After you complete a quest) Price: Not for Sale House Condition: 100% 2. Name: Coward's Den Owner: Vacant (After you complete a quest) Price: Not for Sale House Condition: 100% Mourningwood 1. Name: Raven's Nest Owner: Flower the Stall Vendor Price: 1533 House Condition: 1% 2. Name: Peas & Love (Food & Potion) Owner: Flower the Stall Vendor Price: 7200 3. Name: The mellon Emporium (General Good) Owner: Gnoll the stall vendor Price: 6300 4. Name: Organic Ink(Tattooist) Owner: Bryn the tattooist Price: 4500 5. Name: Drop out House Owner: Gaia the Eco Warrior Price: 1485 House Condition: 0% 6. Name: Mourningwood Fort Owner: Vacant Price: 44960 Bowerstone Industrial 1. Name: The Fair Trader(Trade item) Owner: Price: 3360 2. Name: The Riveter's Rest (pub) Owner: Kiernan the Barman Price: 27240 3. Name: Bumfrey How Owner: Debbie the Villager Price: 1571 House Condition: 8% 4. Name: Guildford Owner: Claire the villager Price: 2178 House Condition: 0% 5. Name: House of Filth Owner: Price: 1773 House Condition: 0% 6. Name: The Plum House Owner: Gareth the Villager Price: 2062 House Condition: 0% 7. Name: Rotter's Flump Owner: Vacant Price: 1342 House Condition: 0% 8. Name: Sailor's retreat Owner: Matt the Stall Vendor Price: 1468 9. Name: House of Bilge Owner: Any the Villager Price: 1659 House Condition: 8% 10. Name: Crunge House Owner: Charlie the Villager Price: 1551 House Condition: 0% 11. Name: The Smoogles Owner: Bob the Stall Vendor Price: 1479 House Condition: 0% 12. Name: The Cruddocks Owner: Dean the Villager Price: 1723 House Condition: 0% 13. Name: Flannigan’s Clump Owner: Val the Villager Price: 1509 House Condition: 0% 14. Name: Hot, Yummy and Circular (Food) Owner: Bob the Stall Vendor Price: 840Clothing
(Back to Menu) -click to examine for details on specific items of the outfit- -Prices may vary depending on economy- Dweller Camp 1. Dweller Men's suit Total Value: 301 Individual Item |Value --------------------- a. Bandana |56 b. Coat |94 c. Trowser |75 d. Boots |38 e. Gloves |38 Brightwall Village 1. Women's Mercenary Suit Total Value: 610/ Normal Value: 872 Individual Item |Value |Normal value ------------------------------------- a. Hat |131 |188 b. Jacket |197 |281 c. Shorts |164 |234 d. Boots |66 |94 e. Gloves |52 |75 2. Men's Highwayman Suit Total Value: 8269/ Normal Value: 11812 Individual Item |Value |Normal value ------------------------------------- a. Hat |1969 |2812 b. Jacket |2953 |4219 c. Trowser |2461 |3516 d. Boots |492 |703 e. Gloves |394 |562 3. Military Gloves (found in tunnel/Academy) Total Value: 4. Women's Highwayman Suit Total Value: 8269/ Normal Value: 11812 Individual Item |Value |Normal value ------------------------------------- a. Hat |1969 |2812 b. Jacket |2953 |4219 c. Trowser |2461 |3516 d. Boots |492 |703 e. Gloves |394 |562 5. Men's Pyjama Suit Total Value: 391/ Normal Value: 558 Individual Item |Value |Normal value ------------------------------------- a. Night Cap |92 |131 b. Long John |115 |164 c. Bed Socks |46 |66 6. Women's Pyjama Suit Total Value: 391/ Normal Value:558 Individual Item |Value |Normal value ------------------------------------- a. Night Cap |92 |131 b. Nigh Shirt |138 |197 c. Bloomers |115 |164 d. Slippers |46 |66Weapons
(Back to Menu) -You will have three types of weapons to engage in combat 1. Melee: i. Sword: a. Hero Sword Damage: 10 Value: 4000 ii. Hammer: a. Hero Hammer Damage: 10 Value: 4000 2. Range/Firearm: a. Hero Pistol Damage: 14 value: 4000 b. Hero Rifle Damage: 19 value: 4000 c. Bonesmasher Damage: 30 Value: 8200 3. Spell: a. Fire Spell Level 2 6000 b. Shock Spell Level 2 1000 c. Vortex Spell d. Force Push Spell e. Ice spell 1000Interactions
(Back to Menu) -Interaction with people is extremely important for the status that you want and for the progress of the game. -To interact with someone get close and press A. -As you unlock more packages on Road to Rule, the more options you will have. 1. Dog Press A to whistle at the dog to get his attention -Then you have 3 choices- 1. Press A to Pet 2. Press X to Tell Off 3. Press Y to Fetch 2. Adults Press A to interact or press LT to Hold hands -If pressed A you have a few choices- 1.Press A to Shake Hands/ Whistle/ Chat/ Dance/ Pat-a-Cake/ Tickle 2. Press Y to Belch/ Chicken 3. Press RB to give money 3. Children 1. Press Y to Belch 2. Press RB to give moneyAchievements
(Back to Menu) -warning *spoiler alert* 1. Hand in Hand- Grab Someone's hand 2. The Guild Seal- Grab the Guild Seal 3. Wizard's revenge- Kill 500 enemies using magic 4. Gunning Warrior- Kill 5000 enemies using firearm 5. chest Grandmaster-unlock all chests on Road to Rule 6. Brightwall Book club- Collect all 30 rare books for the Brightwall academy 7. And so it Begins- Win support of the Dwellers 8. Swift Justice- Win support of the Swift Brigade 9. The Resistance- Win support of Bowerstone 10. For Albion- *Spoiler* when you defeat the darkness 11. Distant Friends- Win support of Aurora 12. The Ruler of Albion- Become the ruler of Albion 13. Tragical/Comical/Historical- Help celebrate thespians Lamber and Pinch put on the world's greatest play 14. save the Princess- Rescue the princess from evil Baron 15. Ghost Brothers- Make sure max and Sam get home in time for tea 16. The Dark Sanctum- Reinstate an ancient evil temple 17. Coronation Chicken- Perform a royal judgment while dressed as a chicken 18. Island Paradise- Establish the island of driftwood 19. Knight Jumps Chesty- Defeat Chesty at his own game 20. Spell weaver- Combine two gauntlets to cast a "woven" spell 21. Arch mage- Cast all 15 possible spell combinations 22. Total Warrior- Kill enemies with melee, ranged and magic 23. Pull- Send an enemy flying into the air and kill him while he's airborne 24. If it Bleed, we will kill it- Kill 500 enemies with Melee attacks 25. Super Hero- Fully upgrade your melee, ranged and magic abilities from the Road to rule. 26. You can't bring me down- Complete Fable III without being knocked out in combat 27. My weapon's better than yours- Complete 3 unique upgrades on 1 of the Legendary Weapons around Albion. 28. I am the Key master- Collect all 50 silver keys and 4 gold keys 29. Flower Power- Collect all 30 Auroran Flowers 30. Gnomes Invasion- Destroy all 50 gnomes 31. Digger- Dig up 50 items 32. We need guns, lots of guns- Collect all 50 Legendary Weapons. They won't all be in your world so trade 33. Fashion Victim- Collect every item of clothing 34. He's a woman, She's a man- Wear a full set of clothing intended for the opposite sex 35. Dye hippie, Dye- Dye each part of an outfit you're wearing a different color & have long hair 36. Long distance relationship- Get married to another Xbox live player 37. Cross Dimensional Conception- Have a child with another Xbox live player 38. Online Merger- Enter into a business 0partnership with another Xbox live player 39. Barrel of laughs- Kill 30 enemies with explosive barrels 40. We can be Heroes- Earn 1,000 gold in henchmen wages in another hero's world. 41. Kaboom- Score 2000 on the mourning wood fort mortar game 42. Lute Hero Tour- Play in each town as a 5 star lute player 43. Touched by a hero- Use the touch expression to interact with 20 different people 44. Popularity Contest- Make 20 Friends 45. Remodeling- Remodel 5 different homes by changing furniture 46. Magnate personality- Build a property empire worth 2,000,000 gold 47. Crime Spree- get a 15,000 gold bounty placed on your head 48. Henry VIII- As ruler of Albion, get married 6 times and kill 2 of your spouses. 49. Touch Love- Save the Maximum amount of Albion citizens 50. Adopt or Die- Adopt a child.Road to Rule
(Back to Menu) -Road to Rule is where you unlock many packs such as land lording and upgrades. To unlock the chests you must accumulate seals by engaging in combat. Also Interaction with different people will add seals. a. The first gate 1. Fire Ball Spell Value:1 Seal b. The second gate 1. Melee level 1 value: 20 Seals 2. Ranged level 1 value: 20 Seals 3. Dye Pack 1 Value: 2 seals 4. Friend Expression Pack value: 2 Seals 5. Magic Level 1 value: 20 Seals 6. Landlord Pack value: 2 Seals 7. Shock Spell value: 40 Seals c. The third gate 1. Lover Expression Pack value: 5 Seals 2. Melee Level 2 value: 40 seals 3. Family Pack value: 10 seals 4. Ranges Level 2 value: 40 Seals 5. Upgrade Blacksmith to level 2 value: 5 seals 6. Upgrade Pie maker to level 2 value: 5 seals 7. Upgrade lute to level 2 value: 5 seals 8. Magic Level 2 value: 40 seals d. The fourth gate 1. Ice Storm Spell value: 40 Seals 2. Upgrade Lute to Level 3 value: 10 Seals 3. Upgrade Pie Maker to Level 3 value: 10 Seals 4. Upgrade Blacksmith to level 3 value: 15 seals 5. Dye Pack II value: 5 Seals 6. Joker Expression Pack value: 5 Seals e. The fifth gate 1. Dye Pack III value: 5 Seals 2. Entrepreneur Pack value: 5 Seals 3. Spell Weaving value: 50 Seals 4. Vortex Spells value: 40 Seals f. The sixth gate 1. Bully Expression Pack value: 5 Seals 2. Theft Pack value: 5 Seals 3. Upgrade Blacksmith Level 4 value: 25 Seals 4. Range Level 3 value: 60 Seals 5. Upgrade Pie Maker Level 4 value: 25 Seals 6. Upgrade lute to level 4 value: 25 Seals 7. Magic level 3 value: 60 Seals 8. Melee level 3 value: 60 seals g. The seventh gate 1. Force Push Spell value: 40 seals 2. Good Parenting Pack value: 5 Seals 3. Hooligan Expression Pack value: 5 Seals 4. Upgrade Blacksmith to level 5 value: 85 Seals 5. Upgrade pie maker to level 5 value: 85 Seals 6. Upgrade lute to level 5 value: 85 sealsJobs
(Back to Menu) - We all need money. Here is the 411 on that- Use the A, X and Y buttons to clear the blocks. Each round gets faster and faster and the gold multipliers grow quickly as well. Brightwall Village Pie maker Level 1 average gold $4 Lute Hero Level 1 average gold $6Books
(Back to Menu) Brightwall Village Academy - In the reliquary turn right, make a left and there is a stand with an individual book "How to be a Master Swordsman" Mistpeak Valley -Near the "the hole" on the left side "How to be a crack shot" -In the chillbreath cavern (near mercenary camp) after the first fork make a left, turn right, after the dig spot, walk forward there's the book " Xavier Medley" Bowerstone Industrial -Inside the Pub on the table - "Famous Killers: Terrance Posture" -a book dangerous things :gunpowder? kidnapped Linda fiancé questSide Quests
(Back to Menu) -These are optional quests that can help you make friends which will give you gifts. Most quest you will receive a seals. Brightwall Village Relation Quest- Find hidden item in Mistpeak Valley for Louisa. Follow the glowing trail- it's before Mercenary Camp to the left. Return to her when complete. Take a Gift to a friend in Mistpeak Valley for Rob. Follow the glowing trail- Right before you reach Mercenary Camp you will see a Man standing there. give him the gift. Take him to Brightwall Village.Sanctuary
(Back to Menu) -The sanctuary is the heart of the game as it contains information on your progress. It has many rooms with several tasks and the main room where the map is. In the Map room 1. the Gift section- Here is where the gifts that people give you are stored. You can open them here one by one. it is next to the dog bed. 2. The Map- is in the middle of the room. Takes you anywhere you want to go and shows you the quests available 3. Contracts- are on the wall, every time you sign a contract. 4. Options- are for the game mode such as save/ load and changing settings 5. Hero Status- Shows your hero's strength, Stature, Magical Aura, Morality, Attractiveness, weight and the weapons you are currently equipped with levels 6. Portal to "Road to Rule"- When you have enough seals and don't want to wait go can use this portal. Armory Room 1. Melee Weapons- Interchange weapons 2. Range Weapons- Interchange Weapons 3. Gauntlets- Interchange Magic Dressing Room 1. Change Suits 2. Hairstyles 3. Makeup 4. Facial Hair 5. Tattoo Sets 6. Dyes (on the right side of the wall) 7. Manikins (on the left side of the wall) for custom outfits Achievement Room 1. Trophies- On the left side of the wall 2. Achievement- on the right side of the wall 3. Book- is the Ledger that informs you of Personal Finances, Previous Balance and Recent Transaction such as Gifts, Treasure, Job and rent 4. Money- A big pile of money that we all would love to roll around in Online Room 1. For all of your Live needs and pleasure