Fallout New Vegas item crafting guide by Johnny H. H. the 4th (Lancet Jades).
Navigation: (You can also use CTRL+F to find something specific quickly.)
- Reloading Bench
- Default Guns ammo recipes
- Ammo Breakdown recipes
- Hand Loader perk recipes
- Hand Loader perk & Schematics recipes
- Workbench
- Default Energy Weapons ammo recipes
- Default crafting recipes
- Schematics recipes
- Vigilant Recycler perk recipes
- Nuka Chemist perk recipes
- Campfire
- Default cooking recipes
- Other cooking recipes
- Other sources
- Found recipes
- Ingredients list
- Misc Items (Not Ammo Parts)
- Contact info
- Credits
- Version history
- Boilerplate
Author: Johnny H. H. the 4th (Lancet Jades)
Author's Homepage: http://www.evermoreforums.com/forums/index.php
Version: 1.00 (completed December 12th, 2010)
Sites with permission to post this document:
This guide for Fallout: New Vegas covers all item crafting features. It
details each type of item creation (Reloading Bench, Workbench, Campfire),
each recipe, the skill requirement to make, and each ingredient therein.
It also covers finding new recipes, and the many ways one may go about the
The effects given for most recipes dealing with recovery are the baseline
stats, with Medicine (for things like Stimpaks), or Survival (for all other
food) at 5, the bare minimum the stat can be. A higher Medicine and Survival
will increase the HP recovery, FOD/H2O/SLP reduction, and stat boosts, as well
as increase negative stats, too. 50 gives double the effect, and 100 gives
triple. Rads, however, are unaffected, but will decrease based on your Rad
Although this guide does not go out of its way to give spoilers, be aware
that some spoilers may be present. Those that are will mostly be minor, and
usually names of locations, quests, or people.
Crafting recipes and schematics given by people may be missable if the person
that provides them dies before you get the recipe.
Reloading Bench
(Back to Top)The reloading bench is used to work with ammunition for conventional guns,
which use the Guns skill. You can make ammo, break down old ammo, or convert
Scrap Metal into extra Lead.
When Guns are fired, there is a small chance of recovering the casing of the
ammo used. The Hand Loader perk increases this chance, and unlocks new
recipes. Powder and Primers can be bought from various merchants, including
the Gun Runners.
If a recipe name has a number in parentheses next to it, it produces the
listed amount of the item. Item (3) would make 3 of the Item at a time, with
the listed ingredients only being used once per batch of 3.
This is not true for Breakdown recipes, see the note at the top of that
section for more information.
Default Guns Ammo Recipes
(Back to Top)------------------
These recipes are available from the start of the game, and produce ammo for
use with Guns-class weapons.
.308 Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, .308 (1)
--Lead (17)
--Powder, Rifle (5)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
.357 Magnum Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, .367 Magnum (1)
--Lead (16)
--Powder, Pistol (8)
--Primer, Small Pistol (1)
.44 Magnum Round
(50 Repair)
--Case, .44 Magnum (1)
--Lead (30)
--Powder, Pistol (10)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
.45-70 Gov't Round
(65 Repair)
--Case, .45-70 Gov't (1)
--Lead (30)
--Powder, Rifle (4)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
.50 MG Round
(75 Repair)
--Case, .50 MG (1)
--Lead (70)
--Powder, Rifle (22)
--Primer, .50 MG (1)
10mm Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, 10mm (1)
--Lead (17)
--Powder, Pistol (9)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
12 Ga. Buckshot
(10 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Lead (40)
--Powder, Pistol (30)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
12 Ga. Buckshot, Magnum
(25 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Lead (40)
--Powder, Pistol (40)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 1.15; DAM x 1.15
12 Ga. Coin Shot
(25 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Legion Denarius (8)
--Powder, Pistol (30)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
12 Ga. Slug
(25 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Lead (45)
--Powder, Pistol (30)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
++Special effect: Gun Spread x 0.35
20 Ga. Buckshot
(10 Repair)
--Hull, 20 Gauge (1)
--Lead (30)
--Powder, Pistol (20)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
20 Ga. Buckshot, Magnum
(25 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Lead (30)
--Powder, Pistol (28)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 1.15; DAM x 1.15
20 Ga. Slug
(25 Repair)
--Hull, 20 Gauge (1)
--Lead (33)
--Powder, Pistol (20)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
++Special effect: Gun Spread x 0.35
5.56mm Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, 5.56mm (1)
--Lead (12)
--Powder, Rifle (4)
--Primer, Small Rifle (1)
5mm Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, 5mm (1)
--Lead (13)
--Powder, Rifle (5)
--Primer, Small Rifle (1)
9mm Round
(25 Repair)
--Case, 9mm (1)
--Lead (13)
--Powder, Pistol (6)
--Primer, Small Pistol (1)
Breakdown Scrap Metal to Lead (200)
(10 Repair)
--Scrap Metal (1)
NOTE: This makes 200 Lead items.
Ammo Breakdown Recipes
(Back to Top)------------------
These recipes convert the listed item into the specified amount of components.
All are available from the beginning of the game. Reclaiming ingredients from
existing ammo only gives a portion of the total Lead and Powder needed to
make the ammo, however it always gives the Case and Primer needed.
Unlike normal recipes, it is unknown what the number in parentheses next to
the recipe name means for Breakdown recipes. A single 9mm Round will break
down into the listed components, despite it having (3) next to the name. If
anyone knows what it means, let me know.
Only the specific ammo listed can be broken down, so while a .308 Round can
be broken down, .308 AP cannot be.
Breakdown .22 LR (3)
(10 Repair)
--Lead (2)
--Powder, Pistol (3)
Breakdown .308
(25 Repair)
--Case, .308 (1)
--Lead (15)
--Powder, Rifle (4)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
Breakdown .357 Magnum
(25 Repair)
--Case, .357 Magnum (1)
--Lead (14)
--Powder, Pistol (6)
--Primer, Small Pistol (1)
Breakdown .44 Magnum
(50 Repair)
--Case, .44 Magnum (1)
--Lead (27)
--Powder, Pistol (8)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
Breakdown .45-70 Gov't
(65 Repair)
--Case, .45-70 Gov't (1)
--Lead (27)
--Powder, Rifle (3)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
Breakdown .50 MG (20)
(75 Repair)
--Case, .50 MG (1)
--Lead (64)
--Powder, Rifle (20)
--Primer, .50 MG (1)
Breakdown 10mm
(25 Repair)
--Case, 10mm (1)
--Lead (15)
--Powder, Pistol (7)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
Breakdown 12 Ga. (26)
(10 Repair)
--Hull, 12 Gauge (1)
--Lead (37)
--Powder, Pistol (26)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
Breakdown 20 Ga. (18)
(10 Repair)
--Hull, 20 Gauge (1)
--Lead (26)
--Powder, Pistol (18)
--Primer, Shotshell (1)
Breakdown 5.56mm (3)
(25 Repair)
--Case, 5.56mm (1)
--Lead (10)
--Powder, Rifle (3)
--Primer, Small Rifle (1)
Breakdown 5mm (4)
(25 Repair)
--Case, 5mm (1)
--Lead (11)
--Powder, Rifle (4)
--Primer, Small Rifle (1)
Breakdown 9mm (5)
(25 Repair)
--Case, 9mm (1)
--Lead (11)
--Powder, Pistol (5)
--Primer, Small Pistol (1)
Hand Loader Perk Recipes
(Back to Top)------------------
These recipes are obtained by taking the Hand Loader perk, available at level
6 and requiring a Repair skill of 70. On top of these recipes, Hand Loader
increases the chance of keeping the spent cases and hulls of ammo you fire,
making it easier to craft new ammunition (hand load or not).
.308, JSP Hand Load
(50 Repair)
--Case, .308 (1)
--Lead (19)
--Powder, Rifle (6)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.50
.357 Magnum, JFP Hand Load
(50 Repair)
--Case, .357 Magnum (1)
--Lead (20)
--Powder, Pistol (10)
--Primer, Small Pistol (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.25; Target DT - 3.00; Gun Spread x 0.80
.45-70 Gov't, SWC Hand Load
(90 Repair)
--Case, .45-70 Gov't (1)
--Lead (40)
--Powder, Rifle (5)
--Primer, Large Rifle (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.20; Target DT - 6.00; Gun CND x 3.00
.50 MG Match Hand Load
(100 Repair)
--Case, .50 MG (1)
--Lead (75)
--Powder, Rifle (25)
--Primer, .50 MG (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.15; Gun Spread x 0.65
10mm, JHP Hand Load
(50 Repair)
--Case, 10mm (1)
--Lead (21)
--Powder, Pistol (12)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.65; Target DT x 2.00
Hand Loader Perk & Schematics Recipes
(Back to Top)------------------
This recipe requires both the Hand Loader perk and the Schematics to make. It
is probably intended to be one or the other, but it takes both to learn it.
.44 Magnum, SWC Hand Load
(75 Repair)
--Case, .44 Magnum (1)
--Lead (32)
--Powder, Pistol (12)
--Primer, Large Pistol (1)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.20; Target DT - 6.00
==Found: The schematics are found in North Vegas Square. Talk to Jules, and
proceed to pass a Guns skill check of 50, then a Survival check of 65. He
will give you the schematics. This also requires having the Hand Loader perk
to unlock, so it will not be available until both conditions are met.
(Back to Top)The Workbench serves two purposes: one is working with Energy Weapons ammo,
and the other is general item crafting. Energy Weapons recipes use the Science
skill, while others use a variety of skills (mainly Explosives, but also
Science and Repair).
Stimpaks, Super Stimpaks, Healing Powder (made at campfires), and Doctor's
Bags have a base amount of healing, modified by the Medicine skill. As
Medicine goes up, the healing per second increases. A list of the healing:
0: 100% (theoretical)
5: 110%
25: 150%
50: 200%
75: 250%
100: 300%
Note that any amount below a whole number is rounded down. Healing Powder
recovers 1 HP a second until 50 Survival, where it is bumped up to 2. Even
at 49, it will still be 1 per second, and likewise, even at 99, it will be 2,
not 3 (which it reaches at 100 Medicine). The PER decrease also goes up, with
100 Medicine causing Healing Powder to give PER -3.
Default Energy Weapons Ammo Recipes
(Back to Top)These are recipes for converting one type of power cell to another,
overcharging (or max charging) power cells, and recycling spent cells.
ECP = Electron Charge Pack
MFC = Microfusion Cell
SEC = (Small) Energy Cell
Conversion, ECP to MFC
(45 Science)
--Electron Charge Pack (3)
Conversion, ECP to SEC
(25 Science)
--Electron Charge Pack (2)
Conversion, MFC to ECP (3)
(40 Science)
--Microfusion Cell (1)
Conversion, MFC to SEC (3)
(20 Science)
--Microfusion Cell (1)
Conversion, SEC to ECP (2)
(50 Science)
--Energy Cell (1)
Conversion, SEC to MFC (2)
(30 Science)
--Energy Cell (3)
Electron Charge Pack, Max Charge (2)
(85 Science)
--Electron Charge Pack (5)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.75; Gun CND x 2.50
Electron Charge Pack, Over Charge (2)
(55 Science)
--Electron Charge Pack (3)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 1.50; DAM x 1.25
Energy Cell, Max Charge (2)
(70 Science)
--Energy Cell (5)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.75; Gun CND x 2.50
Energy Cell, Over Charge (2)
(30 Science)
--Energy Cell (3)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 1.50; DAM x 1.25
Flamer Fuel, Homemade (20)
(50 Science)
--Box of Detergent (1)
--Maize (2)
--Sugar Bombs (1)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 3.00
Microfusion Cell, Max Charge (2)
(75 Science)
--Microfusion Cell (5)
++Special effect: DAM x 1.75; Gun CND x 2.50
Microfusion Cell, Over Charge (2)
(45 Science)
--Microfusion Cell (3)
++Special effect: Gun CND x 1.50; DAM x 1.25
Recycling, Electron Charge Pack
(40 Science)
--Drained Electron Charge Pack (4)
Recycling, Energy Cell
(10 Science)
--Drained Small Energy Cell (4)
Recycling, Flamer Fuel
(15 Science)
--Drained Flamer Fuel Tank (4)
Recycling, Microfusion Cell
(25 Science)
--Drained Microfusion Cell (4)
Default Crafting Recipes
(Back to Top)These are recipes for making items unrelated to Energy Weapons ammo. These
cover a variety of functions, including the rather superfluous Stimpak and
the wonderful Weapon Repair Kit. Stimpak, Super Stimpak, and Doctor's Bag use
the Medicine skill to determine efficacy (see section 3 for more details).
Bottlecap Mine
(75 Explosives)
--Bottle Cap (10)
--Cherry Bomb (5)
--Lunchbox (1)
--Sensor Module (1)
Doctor's Bag
(40 Medicine)
--Forceps (1)
--Medical Brace (1)
--Scalpel (1)
--Surgical Tubing (1)
++Effects: Restore Limb Condition
(70 Science)
--Broc Flower (1)
--Empty Syringe (1)
--Xander Root (1)
++Effect (0): HP +5(6s)
++Effect (50): HP +10(6s)
++Effect (100): HP +15(6s)
Super Stimpak
(90 Science)
--Leather Belt (1)
--Mutfruit (1)
--Nuka-Cola (1)
--Stimpak (1)
++Effect (0): Super Stimpak Debuff; HP +20(3s)
++Effect (50): Super Stimpak Debuff; HP +40(3s)
++Effect (100): Super Stimpak Debuff; HP +60(3s)
Time Bomb
(50 Explosives)
--Duct Tape (1)
--Dynamite (5)
--Egg Timer (1)
--Scrap Electronics (2)
Weapon Repair Kit
(50 Repair)
--Duct Tape (1)
--Scrap Electronics (1)
--Scrap Metal (3)
--Wonderglue (2)
--Wrench (2)
++Effect: Repairs current weapon.
Schematics Recipes
(Back to Top)These recipes require finding the listed schematics to make.
Dog Tag Fist
(30 Repair)
--NCR Dogtag (20)
==Found: Enter the Camp Guardian Caves (entrances around Guardian Peak,
including next to the tent in Camp Guardian). Find Private Halford, treat his
wounds (requires a Doctor's Bag, or a 50 Medicine skill check), and either
help him clear out the Lakelurks, or send him on his way. After doing either
one, he will give you a note, which includes the schematics for this weapon.
Powder Charge
(10 Explosives)
--Duct Tape (1)
--Dynamite (2)
--Sensor Module (1)
--Tin Can (1)
==Found: In the NCR Correctional Facility, in Cell Block B. It is in the
(Easy) locked room on the north side. Either pick the lock or pickpocket
Carter (a Powder Ganger in the cell block) for the key. It is on the top bunk
in the back right corner of the room. It is marked as a Steal item.
Vigilant Recycler Perk Recipes
(Back to Top)These recipes require taking the Vigilant Recycler perk, available at level 6
with a Science of 70. This perk not only lets you reclaim a lot more drained
power cells from Energy Weapons, but also gives access to these recipes, more
efficient versions of existing recycling ones.
Efficient Recycling, Electron Charge Pack
(65 Science)
--Drained Electron Charge Pack (3)
Efficient Recycling, Energy Cell
(35 Science)
--Drained Small Energy Cell (3)
Efficient Recycling, Flamer Fuel
(40 Science)
--Drained Flamer Fuel Tank (3)
Efficient Recycling, Microfusion Cell
(50 Science)
--Drained Microfusion Cell (3)
Nuke Chemist Perk Recipes
(Back to Top)These recipes require taking the Nuka Chemist perk, available at level 22 with
a Science of 90. This perk offers no benefits besides unlocking the ability to
craft these three items. All of these items may be found in the game world
without the perk, but are in limited quantity. The Survival skill boosts the
effectiveness of these items (see section 3 for more information).
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola (2)
(90 Science)
--Nuka-Cola (3)
++Effect (0): SLP -30; H2O +5; Rads +2; HP +2(20s)
++Effect (50): SLP -60; H2O +10; Rads +2; HP +4(20s)
++Effect (100): SLP -90; H2O +15; Rads +2; HP +6(20s)
Nuka-Cola Quartz
(90 Science)
--Nuka-Cola (3)
++Effect (0): Low-Light Vision; DT +2; HP +3(20s); SLP -15; H2O +10; Rads +10
++Effect (50): Low-Light Vision; DT +4; HP +6(20s); SLP -30; H2O +20; Rads +10
++Effect (100): Low-Light Vision; DT +6; HP +9(20s); SLP -45; H2O +30; Rads +10
Nuka-Cola Victory
(90 Science)
--Nuka-Cola (3)
++Effect (0): HP +3(20s); AP +10; SLP -15; H2O +10; PER -1; Rads +10
++Effect (50): HP +6(20s); AP +20; SLP -30; H2O +20; PER -2; Rads +10
++Effect (100): HP +9(20s); AP +30; SLP -45; H2O +30; PER -3; Rads +10
(Back to Top)Campfires are used for cooking and tanning recipes, as well as the occasional
chem. Most of these convert mediocre animal meat and other raw ingredients
into foods that not only reduce your Hunger by a lot more than raw food (for
Hardcore mode), but also give other benefits, and give much greater HP
recovery. Tanning hides is pretty much purely for extra profit, as the tanned
hides are worth much more than plain hides.
When (Xs) is listed under effects, the effect lasts for X seconds, with the
effect applied each second. (Xm) is X minutes, with the effect applied each
second. And obviously, 1 minute = 60 seconds.
Each food has a base amount of healing, modified by the Survival skill. All
numerical stats will go up, including negative ones like H2O increase from
Atomic Cocktail, and PER decrease of Healing Powder. The healing increases
are listed as such (this applies to both Survival and Medicine-based items):
0: 100% (theoretical)
5: 110%
25: 150%
50: 200%
75: 250%
100: 300%
The healing amounts at 0, 50, and 100 Survival are all listed, for easy
reference. If there are not multiple effects listed, the effect is the same
regardless of Survival. Note that Healing Powder is classified as medicinal
and thus uses the Medicine skill, not Survival.
The Rads stat is an exception. Rads stay the same, regardless of Medicine and
Survival, however the displayed amount will be modified based on your
character's Rad Resist stat. The listed Rads amounts assume 0% Rad Resist.
Default Cooking Recipes
(Back to Top)These are all available from the beginning of the game, at any campfire.
Antivenom (2)
(40 Survival)
--Night Stalker Blood (1)
--Radscorpion Poison Gland (4)
++Effect: Cures animal poison
Atomic Cocktail (4)
(25 Science)
--Mentats (1)
--Nuka-Cola Victory (2)
--Vodka (2)
--Wine (1)
++Effect (0): SLP -100; H2O +30; Ener. Resis +25; Fire Resis +25; Rads +10
++Effect (50): SLP -200; H2O +60; Ener. Resis +50; Fire Resis +50; Rads +10
++Effect (100): SLP -300; H2O +90; Ener. Resis +75; Fire Resis +75; Rads +10
Bighorner Steak
(50 Survival)
--Bighorner Meat (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -75; STR +1; Rads +2; HP +2(10s)
++Effect (50): FOD -150; STR +2; Rads +2; HP +4(10s)
++Effect (100): FOD -225; STR +3; Rads +2; HP +6(10s)
Bleak Venom (3)
(50 Survival)
--Bark Scorpion Poison Gland (3)
--Cazador Poison Gland (1)
--White Horsenettle (5)
++Effect: HP -15(10s)
Bloatfly Slider
(20 Survival)
--Bloatfly Meat (1)
--Prickly Pear Fruit (2)
++Effect (0): H2O -30; FOD -75; Rads +1; HP +3(15s)
++Effect (50): H2O -60; FOD -150; Rads +1; HP +6(15s)
++Effect (100): H2O -90; FOD -225; Rads +1; HP +9(15s)
Brahmin Steak (2)
(35 Survival)
--Brahmin Meat (2)
--Wine (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -50; STR +1; Rads +2; HP +2(15s)
++Effect (50): FOD -100; STR +2; Rads +2; HP +4(15s)
++Effect (100): FOD -150; STR +3; Rads +2; HP +6(15s)
Cactus Water
(30 Survival)
--Empty Soda Bottle (1)
--Prickly Pear Fruit (3)
++Effect (0): H2O -50; HP +2(5s)
++Effect (50): H2O -100; HP +4(5s)
++Effect (100): H2O -150; HP +6(5s)
NOTE: This makes Purified Water. There is no "Cactus Water" item.
Caravan Lunch
(30 Survival)
--Cram (1)
--InstaMash (1)
--Lunchbox (1)
--Pork N' Beans (1)
--RadAway (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -200; H2O -15; Rads -4(10s); HP +3(15s)
++Effect (50): FOD -400; H2O -30; Rads -4(10s); HP +6(15s)
++Effect (100): FOD -600; H2O -45; Rads -4(10s); HP +9(15s)
Coyote Steak
(50 Survival)
--Coyote Meat (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -35; Rads +1(3s); HP +2(12s)
++Effect (50): FOD -70; Rads +1(3s); HP +4(12s)
++Effect (100): FOD -105; Rads +1(3s); HP +6(12s)
Desert Salad
(55 Survival)
--Barrel Cactus Fruit (2)
--Brahmin Steak (1)
--Pinyon Nuts (2)
++Effect (0): FOD -80; H2O -40; HP +7(15s)
++Effect (50): FOD -160; H2O -80; HP +14(15s)
++Effect (100): FOD -240; H2O -120; HP +21(15s)
Dog Steak
(40 Survival)
--Dog Meat (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -35; Rads +3; HP +2(10s)
++Effect (50): FOD -70; Rads +3; HP +4(10s)
++Effect (100): FOD -105; Rads +3; HP +6(10s)
Fire Ant Fricassée
(75 Survival)
--Cazador Egg (1)
--Cram (1)
--Fire Ant Meat (2)
--Flour (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -80; HP +1(1m)
++Effect (50): FOD -160; HP +2(1m)
++Effect (100): FOD -240; HP +3(1m)
Gecko Kebab (2)
(60 Survival)
--Banana Yucca Fruit (1)
--Buffalo Gourd Seed (1)
--Gecko Meat (1)
--Jalapeno Pepper (1)
++Effect (0): H2O -50; FOD -88; Rads +1; HP +1(40s)
++Effect (50): H2O -100; FOD -160; Rads +1; HP +2(40s)
++Effect (100): H2O -150; FOD -240; Rads +1; HP +3(40s)
Gecko Steak
(25 Survival)
--Gecko Meat (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -75; Rads +1; HP +2(15s)
++Effect (50): FOD -150; Rads +1; HP +4(15s)
++Effect (100): FOD -225; Rads +1; HP +6(15s)
Grilled Mantis Leg
(30 Survival)
--Honey Mesquite Pod (2)
--Mantis Foreleg (1)
--Wine (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -75; Rads +1; HP +1(30s)
++Effect (50): FOD -150; Rads +1; HP +2(30s)
++Effect (100): FOD -225; Rads +1; HP +3(30s)
Healing Powder
(no skill req.)
--Broc Flower (1)
--Xander Root (1)
++Effect (0 Medicine): PER -1; HP +1(18s)
++Effect (50 Medicine): PER -2; HP +2(18s)
++Effect (100 Medicine): PER -3; HP +3(18s)
Hydra (2)
(75 Survival)
--Cave Fungus (5)
--Night Stalker Blood (3)
--Radscorpion Poison Gland (2)
++Effect: Restores Limb Condition
Mass Purified Water (30)
(50 Survival)
--Dirty Water (30)
--Glass Pitcher (3)
--Pressure Cooker (1)
--RadAway (1)
--Surgical Tubing (3)
++Effect (0): H2O -50; HP +2(5s)
++Effect (50): H2O -100; HP +4(5s)
++Effect (100): H2O -150; HP +6(5s)
NOTE: This makes 30 Purified Water items.
Mole Rat Stew
(65 Survival)
--Beer (1)
--Honey Mesquite Pod (2)
--Maize (1)
--Mole Rat Meat (1)
--Pinto Bean Pod (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -30; STR +1; HP +2(30s)
++Effect (50): FOD -60; STR +2; HP +4(30s)
++Effect (100): FOD -90; STR +3; HP +6(30s)
Mother Darkness (3)
(75 Survival)
--Bark Scorpion Poison Gland (3)
--Cazador Poison Gland (1)
--White Horsenettle (5)
++Effect: AGL -3(1m); PER -3(1m); HP -8(10s)
Mushroom Cloud
(35 Survival)
--Gum Drops (1)
--Pile of Nightstakler Eggs (2)
--Sugar Bombs (1)
++Effect (0): AP +3; HP +3(20s)
++Effect (50): AP +6; HP +6(20s)
++Effect (100): AP +9; HP +9(20s)
Party Time Mentats
(50 Science)
--Honey Mesquite Pod (1)
--Mentats (1)
--Whiskey (1)
++Effect: CHR +5; PER +2; INT +2
(50 Science)
--Box of Detergent (1)
--Jet (1)
--Nuka-Cola (1)
++Effect: AP +30
Silver Sting (3)
(30 Survival)
--Bark Scorpion Poison Gland (3)
--Cazador Poison Gland (1)
--White Horsenettle (5)
++Effect: STR -2(1m); HP -8(10s)
(50 Science)
--Banana Yucca Fruit (2)
--Psycho (1)
--Stimpak (2)
++Effect: Damage +25%; Dam. Res. +25
Tanned Fire Gecko Hide
(50 Survival)
--Fire Gecko Hide (1)
--Turpentine (2)
--White Horsenettle (7)
NOTE: The only purpose this serves is for selling. Base value is 125 caps.
Tanned Gecko Hide
(25 Survival)
--Gecko Hide (1)
--Turpentine (1)
--White Horsenettle (5)
NOTE: The only purpose this serves is for selling. Base value is 50 caps.
Tanned Golden Gecko Hide
(65 Survival)
--Golden Gecko Hide (1)
--RadAway (1)
--Turpentine (2)
--White Horsenettle (10)
NOTE: The only purpose this serves is for selling. Base value is 250 caps.
Trail Mix
(25 Survival)
--Fresh Apple (1)
--Fresh Pear (1)
--Pinyon Nuts (5)
--Sugar Bombs (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -150; Rads +3; AP +5; HP +5(15s)
++Effect (50): FOD -300; Rads +3; AP +10; HP +10(15s)
++Effect (100): FOD -450; Rads +3; AP +15; HP +15(15s)
Tremble (3)
(90 Survival)
--Bark Scorpion Poison Gland (3)
--Cazador Poison Gland (1)
--White Horsenettle (5)
++Effect: Guns -50(20s); Explos. -50(20s); Melee Weap. -50(20s);
Ener. Weap. -50(20s); HP -2(20s)
Other Cooking Recipes
(Back to Top)These recipes must be acquired from outside sources.
Brahmin Wellington
(80 Survival)
--Ant Egg (2)
--Blamco Mac & Cheese (1)
--Brahmin Meat (1)
--Flour (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -100; HP +5(10s)
++Effect (50): FOD -200; HP +10(10s)
++Effect (100): FOD -300; HP +15(10s)
==Found: Found in the kitchen of the Ultra-Luxe casino and hotel in fabulous
New Vegas. This is on the end of the counter near the main entrance to the
kitchen (where the intercom is). It is the room Philippe is in, and is a
required location during the quest "Beyond the Beef." The corridor that leads
to it is considered a trespass location, and you must either pass a Repair
check of 35, Speech of 55, or endure the hostility of the White Glove Society
to get there.
Cass' Moonshine (2)
(75 Survival)
--Fission Battery (1)
--Maize (1)
--Mutfruit (2)
--Yeast (1)
++Effect: H2O +25; CHR +2; INT -2; STR +2
==Found: Talk to Cass after recruiting her as a companion (complete "You Can
Depend On Me" until asked to buy out Cass' contract, then ask her to join
you). Choose the following options:
"Is whiskey your drink of choice?"
"Whiskey Rose?"
"Where do you usually go to drink?"
"Wait, you can make Moonshine?" (this will unlock the recipe)
NOTE: When unlocked, Cass also offers a dialogue option to make the item
herself, at any time (if she's a companion). The only advantage this offers
is making the item when away from campfires, or if you do not meet the
Survival skill requirement. Additionally, Moonshine's effects are static, and
unaffected by the Survival skill (unlike other alcoholic drinks).
NOTE 2: This item is just called Moonshine in inventory.
Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew (2)
(75 Survival)
--Beer (2)
--Brahmin Meat (2)
--Fresh Carrot (1)
--Fresh Potato (2)
--Jalapeno Pepper (2)
++Effect (0): FOD -80; STR +1; HP +2(1m)
++Effect (50): FOD -160; STR +2; HP +4(1m)
++Effect (100): FOD -240; STR +3; HP +6(1m)
==Found: On a shelf in a Fiend campsite inside a ruined building directly
north of the South Vegas Ruins West Entrance. This is also where Cook-Cook
resides, a bounty target in the mission "Three-Card Bounty" for Major Dhatri
in Camp McCarran.
Rose's Wasteland Omelet
(65 Survival)
--Blamco Mac & Cheese (2)
--Crunchy Mutfruit (1)
--Deathclaw Egg (1)
--Lakelurk Meat (2)
--Tin Can (1)
++Effect (0): FOD -150; HP +4(1m)
++Effect (50): FOD -300; HP +8(1m)
++Effect (100): FOD -450; HP +12(1m)
==Found: Talk to Jas Wilkins in the Mess Hall in Sloan. She'll mention her
Wasteland Omelet recipe, which she'll give you if you bring her a Deathclaw
Egg. These are acquired by killing Deathclaws and getting lucky. They can be
found on any Deathclaw, not just ones in the nearby quarry. Once she has the
Deathclaw Egg, she'll hand over the recipe and a free sample.
NOTE: This item is just called "Wasteland Omelet" in inventory.
(50 Science)
--Broc Flower (2)
--Cazador Poison Gland (1)
--Jet (1)
--Turpentine (3)
++Effect: Turbo +1
==Found: Take the "Aba Daba Honeymoon" quest from Diane in the Red Rock Drug
Lab (north of Red Rock Canyon). This quest requires a positive Great Khans
reputation to obtain, so doing other quests for them may be necessary.
Complete the first part of the quest (rescuing Anders from the cross west of
Cottonwood Cove), then return to Diane and ask for the recipe as a reward.
Other Sources
(Back to Top)These are food items that require ingredients, but you don't get the recipe
for. Another NPC prepares them and gives you the results.
Cass' Moonshine (2)
--Fission Battery (1)
--Maize (1)
--Mutfruit (2)
--Yeast (1)
++Effect: H2O +25; CHR +2; INT -2; STR +2
==Found: Talk to Cass after recruiting her as a companion (complete "You Can
Depend On Me" until asked to buy out Cass' contract, then ask her to join
you). Choose the following options:
"Is whiskey your drink of choice?"
"Whiskey Rose?"
"Where do you usually go to drink?"
"Wait, you can make Moonshine?"
The last dialogue option will unlock the normal recipe, as well as a new
option to have Cass make it herself. This can be done anywhere with Cass as a
companion, and will work regardless of your Survival skill.
NOTE: Unlike other alcoholic drinks, Moonshine's effects are static, and not
affected by Survival.
NOTE 2: This item is just called Moonshine in inventory.
Ruby's Casserole
--Radscorpion Poison Gland
++Effect (5): FOD -110; Rads +3; HP +1(30s)
++Effect (50): FOD -200; Rads +3; HP +2(30s)
++Effect (100): FOD -300; Rads +3; HP +3(30s)
==Found: Talk to Ruby Nash in Primm. She will make one Ruby's Casserole for
each Radscorpion Poison Gland you provide.
NOTE: She will make these in quantities of 1, 3, 4, or 5 at a time. There is
only one dialogue option, and that gives her all of your poison glands, or
five (if you have more than that). There is no option if you have two glands,
oddly enough, so in that case you'd need to drop one, turn in the other, then
pick the one you dropped back up. With over five glands, she will take 5 at a
Found Recipes
(Back to Top)This section serves as a quick list of the locations and requirements of all
recipes that are not available from the beginning of the game. Schematics are
for Workbench crafting, and Recipes for campfire crafting.
.44 Magnum, SWC Hand Load: The schematics are found in North Vegas Square.
Talk to Jules, and proceed to pass a Guns skill check of 50, then a Survival
check of 65. He will give you the schematics. This also requires having the
Hand Loader perk to unlock, so it will not be available until both conditions
are met.
Brahmin Wellington: Found in the kitchen of the Ultra-Luxe casino and hotel
in fabulous New Vegas. This is on the end of the counter near the main
entrance to the kitchen (where the intercom is). It is the room Philippe is
in, and is a required location during the quest "Beyond the Beef." The
corridor that leads to the kitchen is considered a trespass location, and you
must either pass a Repair check of 35, Speech of 55, or endure the hostility
of the White Glove Society to get there.
Cass' Moonshine: Talk to Cass after recruiting her as a companion (complete
"You Can Depend On Me" until asked to buy out Cass' contract, then ask her to
join you). Choose the following options:
"Is whiskey your drink of choice?"
"Whiskey Rose?"
"Where do you usually go to drink?"
"Wait, you can make Moonshine?" (this will unlock the recipe)
Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew: Found on a shelf in a Fiend campsite inside a ruined
building directly north of the South Vegas Ruins West Entrance. This is also
where Cook-Cook resides, a bounty target in the mission "Three-Card Bounty"
for Major Dhatri in Camp McCarran.
Dog Tag Fist: Enter the Camp Guardian Caves (entrances around Guardian Peak,
including next to the tent in Camp Guardian). Find Private Halford, treat his
wounds (requires a Doctor's Bag, or a 50 Medicine skill check), and either
help him clear out the Lakelurks, or send him on his way. After doing either
one, he will give you a note, which includes the schematics for this weapon.
Powder Charge: Found in the NCR Correctional Facility, in Cell Block B. It is
in the (Easy) locked room on the north side. Either pick the lock or
pickpocket Carter (a Powder Ganger in the cell block) for the key. It is on
the top bunk in the back right corner of the room. It is marked as a Steal
Rose's Wasteland Omelet: Talk to Jas Wilkins in the Mess Hall in Sloan. She'll
mention her Wasteland Omelet recipe, which she'll give you if you bring her a
Deathclaw Egg. These are acquired by killing Deathclaws and getting lucky.
They can be found on any Deathclaw, not just ones in the nearby quarry. Once
she has the Deathclaw Egg, she'll hand over the recipe and a free sample.
Turbo: Take the "Aba Daba Honeymoon" quest from Diane in the Red Rock Drug
Lab (north of Red Rock Canyon). This quest requires a positive Great Khans
reputation to obtain, so doing other quests for them may be necessary.
Complete the first part of the quest (rescuing Anders from the cross west of
Cottonwood Cove), then return to Diane and ask for the recipe as a reward.
Cass' Moonshine: After unlocking the Cass' Moonshine, she offers a dialogue
option to make the item herself, at any time (if she's a companion). The only
advantage this offers is making the item when away from campfires, or if you
do not meet the Survival skill requirement.
Ruby's Casserole: Talk to Ruby Nash in Primm. She will make one Ruby's
Casserole for each Radscorpion Poison Gland you provide.
MISC. SCHEMATICS (these don't actually unlock anything, but are still present)
Rock-It Launcher: Found in the Nellis AFB Hangar with Loyal and Jack. It is
on a metal shelf in the southeastern corner of the hanger, next to a locker
and some filing cabinets. A large wooden shelf is perpendicular to it. It's a
large blue sheet of paper, and difficult to miss in the well-lit hangar. It
is marked as a Steal item. Unfortunately, this weapon was cut from the game,
and the schematic is essentially just another entry in your Notes section of
the PipBoy.
"HAND LOADER" PERK: Requires level 6 and Repair 70
Gives the following recipes at the Reloading Bench:
.308, JSP Hand Load
.357 Magnum, JFP Hand Load
.44 Magnum, SWC Hand Load (requires the matching Schematics as well)
.45-70 Gov't, SWC Hand Load
.50 MG Match Hand Load
10mm, JHP Hand Load
"VIGILANT RECYCLER" PERK: Requires level 6 and Science 70
Gives the following recipes at the Workbench:
Efficient Recycling, Electron Charge Pack
Efficient Recycling, Energy Cell
Efficient Recycling, Flamer Fuel
Efficient Recycling, Microfusion Cell
"NUKA CHEMIST" PERK: Requires level 22 and Science 90
Gives the following recipes at the Workbench:
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola
Nuka-Cola Quartz
Nuka-Cola Victory
Ingredients List
(Back to Top)This is a quick list of items used in recipes and crafting. No ammo parts are
listed, as all Cases and Hulls, Primers, and Powders are always used solely
for ammunition, as is Lead. The same goes for drained power cells. This also
does not discriminate between "useless" recipe items like Empty Syringes (for
Stimpaks), and useful ones like the in-demand Scrap Metal.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are what could be considered high priority
ingredients, used in extremely useful recipes. Some of these include Weapon
Repair Kits, enhanced chems like Slasher and Rocket, and high-yield recovery
items like the Caravan Lunch, Trail Mix, and Wasteland Omelet.
Ant Egg
Banana Yucca Fruit*
Barrel Cactus Fruit
Bighorner Meat
Blamco Mac & Cheese*
Bloatfly Meat*
Brahmin Meat*
Broc Flower
Buffalo Gourd Seed
Cave Fungus
Coyote Meat
Crunchy Mutfruit*
Dirty Water
Dog Meat
Fire Ant Meat
Fresh Apple*
Fresh Carrot*
Fresh Pear*
Fresh Potato*
Gecko Meat
Gum Drops
Honey Mesquite Pod*
Jalapeno Pepper*
Lakelurk Meat*
Mole Rat Meat
Nuka-Cola Victory
Pinto Bean Pod
Pinyon Nuts*
Pork N' Beans*
Prickly Pear Fruit*
Sugar Bombs*
White Horsenettle
Xander Root
Misc. Items
(Back to Top)(Note: Not ammo parts.)
Bark Scorpion Poison Gland
Box of Detergent*
Cazador Egg
Cazador Poison Gland
Cherry Bomb
Deathclaw Egg*
Duct Tape*
Egg Timer
Empty Soda Bottle
Empty Syringe
Fire Gecko Hide
Fission Battery
Gecko Hide
Glass Pitcher
Golden Gecko Hide
Leather Belt
Mantis Foreleg
Medical Brace
Night Stalker Blood
Pressure Cooker
Radscorpion Poison Gland*
Scrap Electronics*
Scrap Metal*
Sensor Module
Sugar Bombs
Surgical Tubing
Tin Can*
(Back to Top)Q: I can't start the Aba Daba honeymoon quest!
A: This quest requires a positive Great Khan reputation to start. Without
that, it cannot be done, and so Turbo is unobtainable. Try teaching Jack some
chem recipes to get rep.
Q: I took Hand Loader, or got the schematics for the .44 SWC ammo from Jules,
but can't make it!
A: That recipe requires BOTH Hand Loader and the schematics to make.
Q: Rock-it Launcher? Where is it?
A: The Rock-it Launcher was apparently cut from the game entirely. The
schematic for it does nothing but add a useless note to your Notes list.
Contact Information
(Back to Top)My screenname is LancetJades on GameFAQs.
If you wish to contact me, just email me:
lancet jades at g mail dot com
(remove the spaces, obviously, and replace the at with the proper sign)
Alternatively, IM me at:
AIM: Lancet Jades
YIM: lancetjades (not on often)
MSN: [email protected] (rarely on)
I never check my @hotmail.com address, so don't send mail to it.
I don't mind being contacted about this game, so don't hesitate if you
have a question or comment. But if you're gonna flame me, it won't
work (I'll just have a good laugh and ignore you). I also don't check my
yahoo email address, so don't bother sending any mail there either.
I'm a perfectionist, so if you have anything to contribute or correct,
please do so. You'll receive full credit (credit goes to the
screenname you talk to me from, so if you want another name, you have
to specify it). Even if you're pointing out a spelling or grammatical
mistake, please do so, no matter how small. Note however, I live in the
U.S., and as such, spelling it "color" instead of "colour" is NOT a
If you wish to use this guide on your site, aside from asking my
permission, I require you in question to automatically fetch any
updates I make from GameFAQs.com yourselves. I only update to
GameFAQs.com and if I discover other sites carrying my guides have
out-of-date versions, I will ask that it be removed.
(Back to Top)13eoh13
~Gave me detailed instructions on finding the Rock-It Launcher schematic.
~Info on the Rose's Wasteland Omelet recipe.
Jason McArthur
~Info on the Brahmin Wellington, and Cass' Moonshine recipes.
Justin Fuller
~Told me where to get the recipe for the Dogtag Fist weapon.
~Told me about an extra Hand Loader recipe from an outside source (.44 SWC).
Moraya Morningstar
~Informed me of the Turbo recipe.
~Directed me to Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew recipe.
~Let me know about where to find Dog Tag Fist, as well as told me where the
Rock-It Launcher schematic is found.
Version History
(Back to Top)0.75 Completed November 5th, 2010.
First release, missing nearly all found recipes.
0.80 Completed November 8th, 2010.
Added info on Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew, and am preparing to write up the Rock-It
Launcher and Powder Charge.
0.85 Completed November 12th, 2010.
Added locations for all found recipes and schematics thus listed. Added info
on effects of recipes with 5 and 50 Survival (100 will come later).
0.90 Completed November 15th, 2010.
Refined the ingredients section and added much more information on many
recipes. Added Nuka Chemist perk recipes.
0.91 Completed November 16th, 2010.
Revised some things about Survival and Medicine stats in section 3.
0.92 Completed November 18th, 2010.
Added info on the Wasteland Omelet at last, and finally have a detailed
location write-up for the Rock-It Launcher schematics (for what little that's
0.95 Completed November 30th, 2010.
Added Cass' Moonshine and Dog Tag Fist. Fixed up some entries' stats (mainly
0.97 Completed December 2nd, 2010.
Added Brahmin Wellington, at long last. Also added Turbo. These are Fast Times
we live in, man.
1.00 Completed December 12th, 2010.
Added the .44 SWC rounds, and added the value of Tanned Golden Gecko Hide. All
known recipes and information are now present in the guide, so it is complete!
This will likely next be updated after the patch hits the 360, since it
apparently alters many recipes.
(Back to Top)This document Copyright 2010 John Hoffnagle IV.
Do not reproduce this document for any purpose besides personal use
without asking me first. I'm not stingy; if you ask, you'll most likely
get permission to host it. Otherwise, it's a violation of copyright,
and I WILL pursue legal action, especially if you sell it for money.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders. None of which are me.