
Page three of the LA Noire Walkthrough. (Back to Main Menu)
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Homicide Desk Cases
The Red Lipstick Murder
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|Crime Scene|
Clue- Size 8 shoe prints
There are shoe prints all over the place. You'll notice one of them has some
white stuff around it. A cast has been made of it. Examine it and you'll find
that the prints were caused by a size 8 men's shoe.
Clue- Blunt force trauma
Examine the victim's head. Turn it so you can see the right side and you'll
gather this clue.
Clue- Missing jewelry
Examine the victim's left hand. Turn it and you'll notice a ring has been
violently ripped off.
Clue- Writing on body
Examine the victim's stomach. The writing, in lipstick, says "Fuck you BD" and
Clue- Lipstick
Find the handbag laying on the ground near the victim. It's next to a
hairbrush. Open it and further examine the lipstick inside. It hasn't been
used, which means the killer must've brought some of his own.
Clue- Bamba Club lighter
Look on the ground closer to the bench. You'll find a globe. Move the pieces
around so that they make North and South America. The globe will open,
revealing a lighter and the Bamba Club marking/address.
|The Bamba Club|
Suspect seen with victim- Truth; You get the license plate of the car the
victim left in- 2B8899. You also get an achievement.
You'll need to use the phone to get info on the
Ring stolen from victim- Doubt
Knowledge of husband- Doubt; You also get a new clue- the husband's alibi. He
wasn't home, it would seem.
|Henry Residence|
On the ground in front of the cabinet just after you enter.
Clue- Female shoe
On the floor in the dining room. Tilt it and you'll find that it's a size 9
Clue- Missing jewelry
More of an update to the same clue. Look on the dresser in the bedroom for
a ring box. Open it up. There's nothing inside. You can also look at the
picture next to it. It's not a clue, but it gives you a good look at the ring.
It's pretty distinct.
Location- Jacob Henry's apartment
Look at the note on the refrigerator.
Clue- Forced entry
Check the window next do the back door. It's been broken.
Clue- Marital problems
Go out the back door and turn left. You'll need to talk to the neighbor at the
next house. Enter the yard and she should drive up.
|Jacob Henry's Apartment|
Clue- Death threat note
Look on the cabinet in the kitchen with the phone on it for a notepad. You can
use the pencil to shade the paper, revealing what was written on top of it.
Clue- Size 11 shoes
In the bedroom, look in the open suitcase on the bed. Tilt the shoe to get a
look at the size on the bottom. Not a match to the shoe prints at the crime
scene, that's for sure.
Jacob Henry
Movements of victim- Lie; Use the Bamba Club lighter to prove the lie.
Last contact with victim- Truth
Motive for murder- Lie; Use the death threat note to prove the lie.
Henry puts up a fight after the questioning. Punch him a few times to subdue
him. Use the phone to get some people to pick up the Henry. You'll also hear
from the coroner, who lets you know that a socket wrench was used to bash
Celine Henry's skull in. She was also sexually abused. Finally, you get a new
P.O.I., Alonzo Mendez, the owner of the vehicle that the victim got into.
|Central Police Station|
Jacob Henry
Access to murder weapon- Lie; Use the husband's alibi to prove the lie.
Lipstick markings- Truth
Deterioration of marriage- Lie; Use the marital problems to prove the lie.
Missing jewelry- Truth
|Mendez's Apartment|
Mendez is in apartment 16. It's the very last door on the top floor.
Clue- Size 8 shoes
Look in the bedroom. There's a shoe laying by the bed. It's a size 8, same
size as the shoe prints at the crime scene.
Clue- Used lipstick
Look in the box on the bedroom floor with all the blood in it. The lipstick
has definitely been worn down, and with force.
Clue- Socket wrench
Laying in the box next to the lipstick.
Mendez will come into the apartment after you examine these items. Chase him
out of the window onto the rooftops. Once he gets back on the ground, he'll
get into a car. Drive after him. Try to get on his left side and your partner
will try to shoot out his tires, making it a whole lot easier to stop him.
Catch him to close this case up.
The Golden Butterfly
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|Crime Scene|
Clue- Small men's footprints
Check the footprints leading up to the victim.
P.O.I.- Deidre Moller
Check the victim's handbag. It's laying by the tree. Inside you'll find her
name and some money. Guess that rules out any kind of robbery motive.
Clue- Rope pattern
Check the victim's head. Tilt it to the side and you'll get a good look at a
distinct rope pattern around her neck.
Clue- Missing jewelry
Examine both hands. A ring was violently torn off her left hand, and a watch
was torn off of her right wrist.
P.O.I.- Hugo Moller
After examining the body you'll get this. Also, talk to the coroner to get his
take on the situation.
|Moller Residence|
Clue- Size 8 work boots
Look in the parent's bedroom, on the floor by the window.
Clue- Missing watch and rings
In the parent's bedroom, on the dresser. There are two empty boxes for a watch
and a ring, the same ones snatched from the victim's body.
Michelle Moller
Last contact with victim- Doubt; You get a new location to check out- Belmont
High School, and a new clue- the husband's alibi (or
lack thereof).
Missing watch and rings- Truth
State of parents' marriage- Doubt; You get a new clue- a butterfly brooch.
Hugo Moller
Footprints at crime scene- Lie; Use the size 8 work boots to prove the lie.
Alibi for Hugo Moller- Lie; Use the husband's alibi to prove the lie.
Missing persons report- Doubt
History of violence- Lie; Use the butterfly brooch to prove the lie.
After you leave the house, the neighbor across the street waves you over. She
tells you that the Moller's were having quite the argument last night.
Eventually you notice Hugo Moller outside putting something in the incinerator.
You'll have to chase him down. Press A when you get close to tackle him.
Clue- Bloody shoes
Check the incinerator. You'll see a bloody shoe in there, size 8.
|Central Morgue|
Talk to the coroner. He'll direct you to some pieces of rope on the counter.
Compare each piece of rope to the picture of the rope imprint on the victim.
The last piece is a match.
Clue- Size 8 footprints
More of an update. Examine the footprint casts next to the piece of rope for
some more insight. After this, go over to the body and examine it. You'll just
make a remark, but looking at it stops the investigation music, so you might
as well.
Get on the phone after you're done here. The victim's car has turned up in the
parking lot of the Belmont High School. Another reason to head over there
right now.
|Belmont High School|
Shortly after arriving you'll have to chase down the local pedophile, Eli
Rooney. After you catch him you find out that he's holding the butterfly
brooch belonging to the victim.
Clue- Rope
Check the trunk of the car for the bloody rope.
Clue- Bloody tire iron
Again in the trunk of the car. It's from a Chrysler.
Clue- Overalls
Also in the trunk. Covered in blood with the letters H.M. on them.
Make a call to central to set up the interrogations, then head over there.
|Central Police Station|
Eli Rooney
Footprints at crime scene- Doubt
Place of employment- Doubt; H.M. refers to the company Rooney works for.
Access to braided rope- Truth
Motive for Moller murder- Doubt
Hugo Moller
Disposal of evidence- Truth; The blood on the shoes could be rabbit's blood.
Access to braided rope- Doubt
Access to tire iron- Lie; Use the bloody tire iron to prove the lie. Turns out
Hugo Moller drives a Chrylser.
Victim's vehicle recovered- Lie; Use the overalls with H.M. to prove the lie.
At this point you can charge either of the suspects. Your partner seems to
think Mr. Moller is the killer, but putting a child molester behind bars is
never a bad thing. Either way, it's up to you. Charge someone to close this
The Silk Stocking Murder
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|Crime Scene|
At the crime scene, examine the body. You don't get any clues, but you do
get some insight. She was strangled, again, and her ring was ripped off of
her finger...again. She's also holding half of a library card in her right
hand. There's also writing on her body in lipstick. Again. The coroner fills
you in on other stuff after you examine the body.
Clue- Bloodied stocking
Laying on the ground by the body and some blood.
Clue- Blood trail
There's a trail of blood leading away from the body to a door on the other
side of the alley. Follow it.
Clue- Ladies hat
Along the blood trail, laying in front of the door. Has Antonia written on the
Clue- Personal effects
Keep following the blood trail to a trash can. Look inside to find a green
shoe. Turn around and examine the blood trail leading away after you put the
shoe back.
Clue- Key
Follow the blood trail. You'll come across a key with the number 5 on it
hanging from a pipe.
Clue- Dot pattern note
Follow the blood trail. Shortly after the key, you'll find this note on the
ground. It has 2 dots, then 5 dots, then 3 dots. Examine the blood trail
when you get to the fire escape and you'll see that you have to go up, onto
the rooftop. Up here, follow the blood trail to some kind of pigeon coop.
There's an envelope inside labeled A. Maldonado. There's no letter in the
envelope though. Hop to the next rooftop and keep an eye out on the ground
along the blood trail for some make-up. Climb the pipe at the end and you'll
come across the victim's ring hanging on the next rooftop. Keep going and
you will come across a bucket of blood with a paint brush laying next to it.
Clue- Library card
At the end of the blood trail you find the victim's handbag. Look inside to
find the other half of the library card.
|Antonia's Residence|
Clue- Iron Picket; Clue- Broken Window
Examine the window to your right after you enter Antonia's room. Go through
the window and examine the iron picket more closely.
Clue- Attorney's Letter; P.O.I.- Angel Maldonado
Take a look at the suitcase on the bed. Open the envelope. Inside you'll find
the letter.
Clue- Charm bracelet photograph
You'll find an overturned picture frame on the dresser. The picture of
Antonia shows her wearing a charm bracelet, something that wasn't anywhere at
the crime scene.
Barbara Lapenti
Possible suspects- Truth; The Maldonado's were getting a divorce.
Movements of victim- Doubt; Antonia liked to hang out at the El Dorado Bar.
Evidence of break-in- Lie; Use the broken window to prove the lie.
Breakdown of marriage- Lie; Use the charm bracelet photograph to prove the lie.
|El Dorado Bar|
Clue- Divorce papers
After talking with Diego for a bit, he hands you some divorce papers that
Antonia left behind.
Diego Aguilar
Missing jewelry- Doubt; Antonia called for a cab using the phone at the fruit
market across the street.
Movements of victim- Truth
If you go out the back door you'll exchange a few words with a delivery man
from the Just Picked Fruit Market across the street. Don't bother trying to
go over there yet though, the place is closed for now.
|Maldonado Residence|
Go up to the top floor, room 304. You'll be forced to fight Angel and his
Clue- Bloodied shirt
In the kitchen in Angel's apartment, hanging on the wall.
Clue- Husband's alibi
Talking with the neighbors gives you some insight. Talking with the woman in
room 302 gives you this clue.
Use a phone as soon as you get a chance. You'll be called back to central. A
letter from the Black Dahlia killer has turned up.
|Central Police Station|
Go downstairs and enter the technical services office down there. Take a look
at the two Dahlia letters, then head back upstairs and into interview 2 to
interrogate Angel.
Angel Maldonado
Last contact with victim- Lie; Use the husband's alibi to prove the lie. You
get a new clue- Angel says he saw Antonia get into
someone else's brown Ford coupe.
Divorce proceedings- Lie; Use the divorce papers to prove the lie.
Jewelry taken from body- Truth
Bloodstained shirt found- Doubt
|Just Picked Fruit Market|
Clem Feeney
Distinctive necklace- Doubt
Contact with victim- Doubt
Movements of victim- Truth
After talking with Clem, go through the green doors to your left. Look on
the desk in here for a wooden box. You'll notice three dice coming out of it.
They act like a combination. You'll have to rotate them until each reads the
right number. This should be familiar. Pull out the dot pattern note you
found at the crime scene. The combination is 2, 5, 3. Inside you'll find the
disassembled charm bracelet.
Clue- Scalpel
Look on the other desk in the back room for the bloody scalpel.
After finding the scalpel you'll have to chase Clem down in your car. Remember
to get on his left side so your partner can shoot out his tires. Once you
catch him, this case is closed.
The White Shoe Slaying
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|Crime Scene|
Clue- Laundry label
Examine the victim's head and tilt it to the side. You'll spot a laundry label
on the collar of her blouse.
Clue- Boot prints
There are boot prints around the tree and the victim.
Clue- Tire tracks
Pretty obvious pair of tire tracks in the middle of the crime scene.
Catherine Barton
Suspicious persons- Truth; You gain a new P.O.I., a hobo that's been hanging
around the area, and a new location, a hobo camp. Use
the phone when you get a chance to get addresses for both
the hobo camp and the laundry service.
|Superior Laundry Services|
Location- 43 Emerald Street
Open up the laundry ledger when the guy gives it to you and find the entry
for F1363. It belongs to a T. Taraldsen.
|43 Emerald Street|
Clue- Matchbook; Location- Baron's Bar
Look on the dresser in the parent's bedroom. There's also a picture next to it
of the couple that's been turned down.
Clue- Victim's handbag
Look by the sink in the laundry room. It's the very last room in the house.
Inside the handbag you'll find her driver's license. First name is Theresa.
Clue- Muddy boots
On the floor in the laundry room. Not only are they muddy, but they're size
8s as well.
Clue- Wet jacket
Hanging on the door handle of the open door seperating the kitchen and laundry
Clue- Bow rope
There's a boat on the right side of the house. Go to the front of it and
inspect the rope. It's triple braid, the same type used to strangle the various
murder victims.
Lars Taraldsen
Possible suspects- Lie; Use the bow rope to prove the lie.
Alibi for Lars Taraldsen- Doubt
Victim's state of mind- Doubt
Last contact with victim- Lie; Use the wet jacket to prove the lie.
Don't forget to use the phone to send someone over to check on Mr. Taraldsen's
alibi, Bobby Ross.
|Baron's Bar|
Benny Cluff
Last contact with victim- Truth; You also get a new clue- the cab Mrs.
Taraldsen left in, Yellow Cab 3591.
Vagrant male suspect- Doubt; You gain two new P.O.I.s- Richard Bates and an
unidentified sailor.
Yellow Cab 3591- Truth
After you question Cluff, Bates will run away. As he runs across the street,
a car has to stop to avoid hitting him and the driver gets out. Get into this
car, because Bates will get into his truck. Chase him down.
Richard Bates
Contact with victim- Doubt
Account of movements- Doubt
After talking to Bates, use the phone to get an APB put out on the cab. You'll
also learn that the sailor's name is James Jessop.
|Yellow Cab Trace|
Clue- Victim's movements
When leaving Baron's Bar, don't set a new destination. After you get in your
car, you'll receive a call from dispatch saying that they've found the yellow
cab. Go after it. The dispatch will keep you updated on the last known
location of the cab. Turn on your sirens when you spot it to get him to pull
over. He'll give you information on the victim's movements.
|Central Police Station|
James Jessop
Contact with victim- Doubt
Incident with Bates- Doubt
Movements prior to murder- Doubt; You get a new clue- Jessop and the victim
were on a bus, All American 249.
Cab ride with victim- Doubt
|Bus Depot|
Clue- Bus route map
The bus driver in question is driving number 74 now. Look inside the pamphlet
to get the route.
When you get back out to your car, you'll notice the road you're on has a red
line on it. This is the bus route. Just keep following the red line and you'll
run into number 74 eventually. When you catch up to it, talk to the bus driver
and he'll confirm Jessop's story. He also says that he let the victim off
near the Hobo Camp.
|Hobo Camp|
When you first arrive, things go south. You'll have to fist fight the hobo.
When you take him down, you learn his name- Stuart Ackerman.
Just inside the hobo's "house", on the makeshift table.
Clue- Purse
On the table in here with only one candle on it. The purse has TT written on
the outside of it and there's a ticket for the Crystal Ballroom inside. You'll
also find a picture of Ackerman in the Marines on the same table.
Clue- Bloodstained rope piece
On the night stand next to the bed.
|Central Police Station|
Stuart Ackerman
Motive for murder- Doubt
Contact with victim- Doubt
Alibi for Stuart Ackerman- Doubt
You'll charge Ackerman for the murder and close this case.
The Studio Secretary Murder
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Inspect the pawned rings and you'll gain some insight, but no clues that are
relevant to this case in particular.
Clue- Vagrancy
Examine the victim's head and tilt it. You'll catch the unmistakable smell of
alcohol and all around poor hygiene.
Clue- Missing ring; Clue- Time of death
Examine the victim's right hand. A ring was violently ripped off. You also get
the time of death, no later than 2 AM.
Clue- Handbag
Look in the handbag on the yellow tarp by the victim and you'll discover the
upper half of a torn letter. You'll also find an id card. The victim, Evelyn
Summers, worked at a movie lot.
Location- Mensch's Bar; Location- Levine's liquor store
Examine the matchbook and the list of items. They're both next to the handbag.
John Ferdinand Jamison
Talking to Jamison gets you a new clue, Lipstick, found near the victim's
Interference with evidence- Truth
Discovery of victim's body- Doubt
|Levine's Liquor Store|
Clue- Book
On the ground next to her bed, when you get back there. Open it up to get a
new P.O.I., Grosvenor McCaffrey.
Location- Rawling's Bowling Alley
There's a bowling pin in the corner of the "room". Examine it to read the logo.
There's a couple of other items here that offer insight.
Contact with victim- Truth; You get a new clue- the victim purchased liquor for
a boy.
Relationship with victim- Truth
Knowledge of McCaffrey- Doubt
|Rawling's Bowling Alley|
P.O.I.- James Tiernan
Enter the bowling alley. You'll talk with the lady working the counter. She
informs you of the victim's relationship with James Tiernan. You'll then see
him run through the door to the left of the bowling lanes. Follow him and
you'll have to chase him down in a car.
|Mensch's Bar|
Grosvenor McCaffrey
Criminal history- Doubt
Relationship with victim- Lie; Use the book to prove the lie. You also get a
new clue- the victim was last seen with Tiernan.
|Central Police Station|
You'll need to head back downstairs when you get there. No more Dahlia letters,
but there are some concerns about the rising body count. It also turns out
that Theresa Teraldsen, your victim from the previous case, did have a message
scratched into her that read "Cunt BD". Nothing to do about it now, so go back
upstairs and use a phone to get Grosvenor McCaffrey's address.
|McCaffrey's Apartment|
Clue- Torn letter
Look on the desk against the wall, by the couch and the coffee table. On the
right side you'll find the bottom half of the torn letter found in the victim's
Clue- Tire iron
Look on the floor by the desk and the couch to find a bloody tire iron and a
bloody shirt.
Go up to the roof and chase McCaffrey down to the ground. Keep chasing him
until you can tackle him.
|Central Police Station|
James Tiernan
Relationship with victim- Lie; Use the victim last seen evidence to prove the
Victim's book found- Doubt
Alibi for James Tiernan- Lie; Use the liquor purchase to prove the lie.
Access to murder weapon- Doubt; You'll get Tiernan's accusation as a clue.
Grosvenor McCaffrey
Alibi for McCaffrey- Lie; Use the torn letter to prove the lie.
Access to tire iron- Lie; Use Tiernan's accusation to prove the lie. You'll get
McCaffrey's accusation as a clue. After you finish
interrogating McCaffrey, use the phone to get his criminal
James Tiernan
Events prior to murder- Lie; Use McCaffrey's accusation to prove the lie.
Grosvenor McCaffrey
Military service- Lie; Use McCaffrey's criminal record to prove the lie. He
practically confesses to the crime, but you can still choose
to charge Tiernan instead, if you want. Charging either one
closes the case.
The Quarter Moon Murders
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|Central Police Station|
Clue- Black Dahlia letter; Clue- Shelley excerpt
You start in the bottom floor, looking at more Dahlia letters. The poem book
and the Dahlia letter itself are both ultimately pointless, but the poem
excerpt is what you need to familiarize yourself with. You'll come across a
series of these excerpts and each one points to the next. The first one points
to Pershing Square.
|Pershing Square|
Clue- Social Security card; Clue- Second excerpt
Climb the fountain and you'll find Elizabeth Short's social security card.
Short is famous for being the Black Dahlia murder. You'll also find the
second Shelley excerpt. The "curved roof" portion is your most obvious clue-
it points to a domed roof. The mountain's frozen tears/long diamond spires
thing is pretty telling as well. Go to your main map and hover over landmarks
that you've found. Ones you haven't found but that are relevant will now show
up as question marks, so you shouldn't have to go running around searching for
them. Keep looking at the descriptions until you find something that matches.
|Hall of Records|
You'll find this just up and to the right of the Central Police Station on
your map.
Clue- Deidre Moller's watch; Clue- Third excerpt
Follow your partner up to the top floor and into the maintenance room.
Climb the ladder and walk across the line to get onto the chandelier. You'll
have to maintain your balance on this line, though if you don't, you'll still
catch yourself and you can just pull yourself back up. Once you're on the
chandelier, you'll find the watch and the next excerpt. Before you can read too
much of it, the chandelier will start to collapse. Swing it back and forth
until Cole jumps off of it. Now you can read the excerpt. "Man's eye and ear
roofed over Sculpture and Poesy" is something you need to take literally.
"Where science bedews his daedal wings" is another telling hint.
|Public Library|
This Library is on 5th Street, between Flower and Grand.
Clue- Antonia's Medallion; Clue- Fourth excerpt
You'll have to do a lot of climbing to get up to the top of the library.
There's also some balancing acts involved. Once up there though, you'll find
the medallion and the next excerpt. This whole excerpt deals with death and
destruction. The death part is something to remember. "Jammed in the hard,
black deep" is a pretty telling clue.
|Westlake Tar Pits|
On your map, from the Library, keep going left. You should notice there's a
vertical line where the roads stop going diagonally and start going
horizontally. The Tar Pits are at the bottom of that vertical line, below 9th
Clue- Theresa Taraldsen's shoe; Clue- Fifth excerpt
You'll have to do some walking around in the tar to get to the island in the
center. The platforms surrounded by posts are stable, but the others will sink
when you step on them, so don't take your time. When you get to the island
you'll find the shoe and the next excerpt. The main clue here is the sphere.
It's a sphere, but light and music pass right through it. The landmark is
really close to you, if it helps.
|L.A. County Art Museum|
Just above the Westlake Tar Pits.
Clue- Celine Henry's Garnet Ring; Clue- Sixth excerpt
You'll have to make your way through a hedge maze for this. At the first
intersection go right. Turn right at the second intersection and then
immediately left. Keep going straight all the way to the center of the maze.
You'll find the ring and another excerpt. "Thrones, altars, judgement-seats,
and prisons" and "sceptres, tiaras, swords, and chains" both point to the
setting of the next place. "The ghosts of a no-more-remembered fame" may also
be helpful.
|Intolerance Set|
From the Museum, follow 9th Street back down into Central L.A. until you see
Francisco Street. The set is here, between 8th and 9th.
Clue- Evelyn Summers' ring; Clue- Seventh excerpt
You'll have to get up to the throne. Use the staircase in the back. You'll
eventually jump onto a platform that falls apart and you'll have to balance it
while your partner finds a way off. When he drops the plank, move the platform
forward and Cole will automatically jump off. Use the ladders to get down to
the throne, where you'll find the ring and the final excerpt. "Thorn-wounded
brow" and "So thy sick throes shake not that crucifix" are two pretty obvious
hints for the final location. After you put it back, the set starts to
collapse, so get out of there.
|Christ Crown of Thorns|
From the Intolerance Set, look down and to the left and you'll see this
landmark. Enter the church and you'll be confronted by the Black Dahlia Killer,
who turns out to be Garret Mason, the temp bartender from "The Red Lipstick
Murder". He escapes when you move forward, so head into the house next to the
church. You'll find Mason's own personal torture chamber in here. Head down
into the tunnels and be careful. Mason likes to wait for you to come around a
corner, then blind fire with his shotgun from the next corner. Keep chasing
him. Chances are you won't be able to take him down until he reaches the end
of the tunnel or gets outside. It empties out into the cemetery, so he'll
take cover behind a tombstone. Put him down to close this and so many other
cases. You'll be promoted to Vice.
L.A. Noire Walkthrough: Vice Desk Cases