Skyrim Skill Book Locations Guide: Illusion Skill Books

Skyrim Skill Book Locations Guide: Illusion Skill Books

Part 9 of the Skill Books Locations Guide: Illusion Skill Books.
  • Before the Ages of Man

    1. Dragonsreach Jarl’s quarters, Whiterun.

    2. Four level room, Shroud Hearth Barrow.

  • Incident at Necrom

    1. Pinemoon Cave.

    2. Locked room by the alchemy lab at Bloodlet Throne.

  • Mystery of Talara, Volume 4

    1. Arcane Enchanter, Broken Fang Cave.

    2. Nepa’s house, Markarth.

  • Sun’s Dawn, Volume 2

    1. Temple of Dibella, Malkarth, inner sanctum.

    2. By the Hargraven’s tent in Darklight Tower.

  • The Black Arts on Trial - You will find one in Falkreath Jail and second within White Phial store in Whiterun.

Skill Book Locations