Assassin's Creed Revelations Guide by Ryne Gardner.
Table of Contents (Select a section) (You can also use CTRL + F to find the section you are looking for by searching for the code [example]) __|_________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1|Introduction |+ About This Guide |+ Using This Guide 2|Basics |+ Controls |+ Tips and Techniques |+ Tools of the Trade |+ Know Thy Enemy 3|Walkthrough |+ Sequence 1 - A Sort of Homecoming |+ Sequence 2 - The Crossroads of the World |+ Sequence 3 - Lost and Found |+ Sequence 4 - The Uncivil War |+ Sequence 5 - Heir to the Empire |+ Sequence 6 - Fortune's Disfavor |+ Sequence 7 - Underworld |+ Sequence 8 - The End of an Era |+ Sequence 9 - Revelations 7|Miscellaneous |+ Frequently Asked Questions |+ Credits/Special Thanks |+ Contact Info |+ Legal Schpeel Back to Top o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Introduction || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o About This Guide ---------------- Welcome to the guide! Thanks for reading, friend. I'm happy to say that for the first time in a while, I'm able to deliver a guide under little stress. Being super busy kind of... well, sucks. Working on this guide was a lot more fun and eventful than recently. So yeah, welcome. It is my sincere hope that this guide helps you out in some way, even if you're just coming and going. I'm not perfect but I'll be trying to deliver a good and fun guide. Using This Guide ---------------- Navigating around this guide is pretty simple. From the table of contents just above, you can find those little codes at the end of most items that are called quickjumps. Use these with the ctrl+f function of your web browser to jump around the guide really fast. You can also use it to search for keywords that can help you find something you may be looking for. As far as general comments, questions, and submissions go, I do have a few small rules that I'd like everyone to read before shooting me an e-mail. Make sure to read the FAQ section first and all that jazz. And last but certainly not least, have fun. I hope that if you do end up needing some help, that you'll be able to find it here. Thanks! Back to Top o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Basics || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Controls -------- _________________________________________________________________ |Action |PS3 Button |360 Button | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Pause |Start |Start | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Map |Select |Back | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Movement |Left Analog Stick |Left Thumbstick | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Camera |Right Analog Stick |Right Thumbstick | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Lock on |L1 |Left Trigger | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Call Assassins |L2 |Left Button | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Eagle Sense |L3 |Left Thumbstick in | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |High Profile |R1 |Right Trigger | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Inventory Wheel |R2 |Right Button | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Center camera |R3 |Right Thumbstick In| |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Select Hidden Blade |D-Pad Up |D-Pad Up | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Select Primary Weapon|D-Pad Right |D-Pad Right | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Use Medicine |D-Pad Left |D-Pad Left | |---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| |Select Fists |D-Pad Down |D-Pad Down | '-----------------------------------------------------------------' Actions: Low Profile and High Profile ______________________________________________________________ |Action |PS3 Button |360 Button | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Steal (Low Profile) |X |A | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Sprint/Free Run (High Profile) |X |A | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Gentle Push (Low Profile) |Circle |B | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Hookblade counter (High Profile)|Circle |B | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Tackle (while running) |Circle |B | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Attack |Square |X | |--------------------------------|----------------|------------| |Speak/Interact |Circle |B | '--------------------------------------------------------------' MORE COMING SOON Back to Top o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Walkthrough || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you get control, stagger your way down this beach. It won't be more than a few steps before a cutscene begins. You'll come face to face with an old friend, one who, much to my unmitigated and furious anger, has a new voice actor. WHY UBISOFT?! WHY?! *ahem* Anyway, follow him for a bit as he talks about what's happened since last time. After that and after more dialogue, you'll be presented with a huge blue gateway. It's strange and there's not much indication as to what it leads to. Nevertheless, approach it. You'll probably hear a bit more dialogue from familiar voices (familiar, that is, if you've played either of the last two games). Listen to it if you wish, then proceed forward, into the void. I hope you have a 1080p enabled television, because sweet jack rabbit Jesus, this next cutscene is perhaps the most beautiful visual work of art I've ever seen in a video game... Once that's over, proceed to lift your jaw off the floor, and we'll be jumping right into things... Get ready... Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A SORT OF HOMECOMING A Narrow Escape - Kill a Byzantine Templar with a counter kill There will be a path immediately in front fo you. As if it wasn't already obvious enough for Assassin's Creed vets, there is also a ghostly figure that accompanies you here, demonstrating for you how to proceed. For those who are either shaking off a year's worth of cobwebs or just completely new to the series, here's how to move ahead. Hold R1 and X together while pressing the Left Analog Stick forward. You will automatically jump across these objects and beams, following the ghost. Keep going until the ghost turns left. You should too. You'll climb up another ledge, again by holding down those two buttons. At the top, your first victim of the game will foolishly run up to attack. You're unarmed at the moment, so get into an attack stance by holding R1. This allows you to block as well as perform counters. You can strike with your fists by hitting Square/X, waiting for openings and blocking in the mean time. Otherwise, if you want an easy victory and to complete the full synch objective, perform a counter. Watch the attack animation of the soldier and while holding R1, hit Square/X when he's winding up his punch. A very helpful tip to learn when enemies are about to attack is to pay attention to their health meters. Enemy health is represented by the red diamonds above them. When this meter flashes white, they are about to attack. Use that visual cue to help you predict and perform your counters. Follow the apparition straight up the next wall. I'll let him guide you from here. Just use the Left Analog Stick to keep climbing and do as he does. You will eventually climb up to the top of the castle wall. Keep going for a scene. A sword and the two trademark Hidden Blades are your early rewards. With these in hand, follow the ghost to victims #2-4. This time, enter lock-on mode by hitting L1. From there, hold R1 to assume your defensive stance. Now you have three enemies to keep an eye on. To make things easier, pay attention to their health indicators like I said before. When one of them blinks, that enemy is about to attack. This is another perfect opportunity to practice counters and get that bonus objective. Just wait for one of them to swing and before they make contact, hit Square while holding R1. For the other two, you can also counter or just strike repeatedly (as the tutorial is urging you to) by hitting Square/X over and over. Afterwards, continue to follow your spiritual guide along the path. At the very end, take a few more steps forward to find a "lift". It's a small wooden platform, slightly raised that uses a weight to propel upward. Climb onto it, then hold R1 while moving closer toward the lift. This should shoot you up to another level, where you'll begin another climb. As before, try to follow the ghost. It will guide you up the wall to a beam. From there, it will jump to the left, to the corner structure. Use the Left Analog Stick to point toward that structure and hold R1 as you hit X to jump to it. Follow the ghost as it shimmys around. From there, watch and do as it does. Let go of the left stick and just hit X while holding R1. This lets you jump away from the wall to grab the next beam. Hold R1 and tilt the left stick up and you should pull yourself up. Jump to the next beam and so on. Wait for the ghost if it's not there and watch as it goes up the wall. So do the same and keep following it. Eventually, you'll be led to a ledge where you can perform a Ledge Assassination on an unsuspecting sentry. While hanging, hit Square/X to do it. Otherwise, you can just pull yourself up and attack that way as well. The apparition will guide you to another sentry. Climb up and assassinate him from behind. Continue up the next wall, following the ghost as it takes you up to the roof. The ghost will lead you to a small statue. Approach it and hit Circle/B to interact and a short scene will commence. After that short dip, with your Hidden Blades selected, hold R1 and try to do a counter on the attacking sentry. Doing Hidden Blade counters calls for some slightly more precise timing, so be aware of that. Try to time it exactly with the moment that the enemy will make contact. The path is mostly linear, leading to a large chamber with a lower recess. Down there, you'll find four Templar workers. Assassinate them all. You can get the drop on at least one of them with an Air Assassination (stand near a ledge and lock on to an enemy, then look for the prompt in the top-right). The rest will likely attack you after that, so pull out your sword if need be. When they're all dead, approach the man at the far end and get close to speak with him (Circle/B). A Journal of Some Kind - Do not fail a single tail Turn away from the door, going in the complete opposite direction, through a stone corridor. There will be a swirling white marker in front of you. It's basically like a waypoint or checkpoint marker. Go up the stairs and interact at the door. Keep going through the corridor to eventually wind up at a very nostalgic place. You can look around if you want, but there's only a few interactive things. Just go out the main doors on the first floor and into the courtyard. Four Templars will be left behind. Approach them, blade in hand, and carve through them. Watch for their health indicators to blink and counter their attacks. Find the white marker at the base of the ladder and climb up it. Go to the right and another group of Templars will engage you. They take a long time before they attack, so you can easily string together multiple strikes. It's probably better than sitting on counter opportunities the entire time. Once they're all dead, find the door at the base of the tower. To the right of that door are two small barrels. Stand on these and begin your climb up the tower. It's relatively straightforward; you can just hold up the whole time and Ezio should make it to thet op with ease. From here, you'll spot your target. Run off the edge (yes, do it) and hit Square/X in mid-air to deploy a parachute. Just glide down toward the yellow marker on your screen. Keep in mind there is no pitch or diving movements, just left or right, so try not to fumble around with the left stick too much. When you land on foot, continue following that party down the hills of Masyaf. Stay at a good enough distance and just walk slowly. They won't see you so just hang back and be patient. At the bottom of the hill, there will be a scene and you should also fulfill your bonus objective. A Hard Ride This next sequence can be a bit tough. As Ezio holds onto the rope, you can move left or right. This will become very key in just a minute. For now, just hold the Left Analog Stick up or forward and Ezio should climb the rope toward the fleeing carriage. After a while though, the terrain will become very unforgiving. The main obstacles here are these rocky patches with bushes that you'll see along the road. Steer hard left or right to avoid them, depending on where they are. They sometimes tend to come one after another, forcing you to almost zig-zag to avoid them. The damage is minimal, but it adds up and this is a long ride. In between the dodging you should keep climbing closer and closer. Eventually, you'll get a scene, then get control of your own carriage. An enemy carriage will be beside you. To damage it, just steer as hard right as you can. The better of an angle and momentum you have, the less likely you are to receive damage yourself. Do this until the carriage crashes. Following that, the Templar captain appears on his carriage. Continue the same strategy, steering hard into him. You just have to hold out, doing this until there is another scene. The Wounded Eagle - Kill at least 5 guards from a haystack Stagger forward and let the guards surround you. Ezio may be wounded, but he is not harmless. Here, I'm going to throw a little advanced combat help your way. If you've played Brotherhood, this will likely be very familiar. The Execution Streak. When performing a kill in combat, during the animation, you can use the Left Analog Stick as a "selector" of sorts. If you point it in the direction of another enemy, and then hit Square to "select" that enemy before Ezio is done removing his bloody sword from the last enemy's corpse, you can start a streak. The Execution Streak allows you to chain kills together with little effort. You have to get one kill through repeated strikes or counters first. Once you do that, you can string them together, as many as there enemies. Otherwise, try to rely on standard counters, given your low health. When they are all dead, hold Circle/B near their bodies to loot them. You should gain some bomb materials. We'll go into that a bit later. For now, head toward the marker on your mini-map. Just pay attention to the dirt road and follow that as you go east. Eventually you should come to a giant water wheel. Assassinate the guard patroling nearby, then go toward the right side of the wheel for a quick scene. At the top, assassinate the guard from behind. Head down a flight of stairs after that. It's key to note that in this injured state, not only does Ezio grunt... a lot, but he also cannot climb. Be aware of that. At the bottom of the stairs, activate Eagle Sense by clicking the left stick inward. This will give you some of the same capabilities you may be used to with Eagle Vision. Enemies are red, allies are blue... and so are roses and violets, but that's another story. More importantly, Eagle Sense will show you the path that an important target, in this case, the Templar Captain, took through this area and where exactly he or she went. First, let's attend to the Full Synch objective. You'll notice two pairs of guards down two streets ahead of you. Meanwhile, a single guard patrols around the carriage. When he isn't looking, jump into the haystack in the top-left. This is where you'll try to get most of the kills. Wait for that guard to return. When he stands near the haystack, hit Square/X to perform an assassination. That will be one. You should be able to get at least three more for a total of four. First, stand in front of the nearest street to the haystack. Two guards will patrol back and forth. Try to get one to notice you, but they both probably will. When their indicators fill up completely yellow, they are aware of you. From there, they will try to get close to you as the indicators turn red. Don't let them turn completely red or they will attack, making this all useless. Lure them back to the haystack and perform a kill on one of them from there. If you managed to lure just one, repeat for the other guard. If not, you'll have to kill the other normally. Now, repeat this strategy for the other two in the adjacent street. You should have no problem luring them out one at a time. Just make sure their meters never turn fully red and make sure they don't give up following you. Just down the street, you can find another pair of guards. Try to lure at least one all the way down to the haystack to get your fifth and final kill for this bonus objective. Now, activate Eagle Sense again and follow the vision of the Templar Captain. If he doesn't appear, the path will be a line of light along the ground. Follow that instead. Along the way, more guards will be in the area. Assassinate them when nobody is looking or, preferably, just avoid them and blend into nearby groups of people. When you see people standing in units of four or five, you can often stand with them and instantly become hidden to enemies. Continue to follow the path and it won't be long before you get a scene. After that, you'll be assaulted by three more guards. Stick to the safe method of counters. You can just sit back and wait for them to strike, holding R1 and then counter with Square/X before impact. Try to turn it into a mini Execution Streak. As I mentioned above (and will continue to remind you as we go along), you can do an Execution Streak after your first kill by pointing the left stick at your next enemy, then "selecting" him with Square/X before the kill animation is over. Once they're dead, loot their bodies by holding Circle/B to recover some medicine. Use it as the game instructs you and you'll be fully healed. Now, go east and climb up one of the first buildings. You'll want to go north soon after, toward the large tower. Two gunners on the rooftops may notice you. Either go around them, or hold R2 and use the right stick to select your Throwing Knives. Hold Triangle when locked on to kill them with one knife each. Make your way to the tower, then climb up from the corner, marked by a white waypoint. As you climb, more gunners will try to shoot at you. They will miss so long as you keep moving. You'll go up this wall in a zig-zag for the most part, left to right and straight up. At the top, go to the left of the door here and climb up again. Keep going until you confront the Templar Captain. Approach him and then perform the assassination. That marks the end of the first sequence, but the beginning of something much more... Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ THE CROSSROADS OF THE WORLD A Warm Welcome - Do not wander far from Yusuf A really quick and easy mission. Brotherhood players can just substitute Machiavelli from a similar mission in for Yusuf and they are nearly indentical. Walk alongside him as he talks and Ezio listens. More importantly, pay close attention to all the tutorials that come up on the screen as they are usually pretty helpful. Avoid bumping into people by holding Circle as you walk. Or... "accidentally" bump into them by holding X and steer Ezio into others to pickpocket their money. Do this as you're walking with Yusuf and try to pick up a little extra cash. Try to keep moving though, so nobody catches you after the fact. Keep going and you'll eventually be attacked by a group of guards. Draw your Sword (default D-Pad right) and counter the first one to attack you. Try to chain it into another guard. By that time, Yusuf should kill the other. Head out into the square and yet another group appears, but then a scene will take over. After that, follow Yusuf the rest of the way to the Assassin's HQ. Enter for a scene. That eventually leads to your next mission of this sequence. Upgrade and Explore Really, all this mission tests is if you have a pulse. Simply walk around pickpocketing people to gain money, that is, if you even need to. To purchase the Azap Leather Spaulders, you only need 300ish or slightly more. Once you have it, go to the blue marker on your map and speak to the blacksmith. You can only purchase the spaulders so do that, and guess what? Mission over. Return to the hideut and find Yusuf outside. Approach him for a scene. The Hookblade - Perform every hookblade move successfully at least once This next tutori-- err.. mission, will teach you how to use that new fangled hookblade all the cool kids are yapping on about. Yusuf may very easily disappear from your sight at the start, but he'll be on the rooftops above. Find a path to climb up after him and locate him by the blue marker he has. The first part will teach you "Extended Reach" which lets you traverse gaps that might have been just a hair out of reach before. Do exactly as Yusuf does, jumping from the same spots. Hold R1 + X as always, but this time, as you are in mid-air, hold the Circle/B button. The hookblade will deploy, reaching out and grasping a higher or further part of the ledge. Pull yourself up normally from there. You'll repeat this move a few more times as you continue to follow Yusuf around. He will then show you the Long Jump technique. These flower pots that hang usually make Ezio turn around a corner. If you tap Circle before he grabs the pot though, Ezio will use it to jump straight ahead a long distance. Try it out. You'll do this a few more times as you continue following. When you touch back down on the ground again, you'll do the last tutorial, the "Hook and Run". Run toward an opponent by holding R1 and then hold Circle to get behind them. Try it out three times on the practice partner. You should also meet the bonus objective. Approach Yusuf again for another chat and your next task. The View From Galata - Climb the tower in under 60 seconds Follow Yusuf up the side of the staircase, then into the same position he begins to climb the tower from. It's really straightforward so don't let me bog you down with useless info. Just follow the EXACT path that Yusuf takes. Make use of the hookblades by holding up on the left stick and hitting R1 + X. When possible, Ezio will make a big jump to reach more out of reach ledges. He will also climb faster when there is a straight path above. Just follow the path that Yusuf takes though and don't stray from it. As long as you don't stay still too long and follow Yusuf exactly, you should get full synch with no troubles. Before going to the viewpoint ledge, go to the other side of this tower and open the chest. When you stand on the perch of the viewpoint, birds will scatter. Stay here and click the left stick in to synchronzie it. This shows you what's in the surrounding area. Perform the trademark Leap of Faith to complete the mission. Advanced Tactics - Perform a Zipline Assassination The long game of Simon Says continues as you will follow your companion along the rooftops to the majestic zipline. This simple apparatus allows a hookblade user to travel quickly along larger distances. Just be in free run mode by holding R1 + X and jump toward it. Hold R1 to zip faster. Do this twice and you'll get to a third area where two guards are. Yusuf takes out one, then cleverly lures the other one in for you. Wait til he goes to check on his friend, then board the zipline. When you get close enough, a prompt to perform an assassination will appear. Pull it off for the full synch objective. After the following scene, head to the location marked on your mini map. An assassin on a rooftop is your target. Speak to him. On The Defense Den Defense is the name of the game. It's a minigame that is somewhat in the veins of Real Time Strategy. You will not have much direct participation, instead placing units on rooftops, building up a "force" and defending the "base" by having your units attack the invading enemy. Morale is a "currency" in the top-left that is used to place units. It raises slowly over time. Most units cost 10 morale. The game will guide you through the first few steps. You must place a Leader unit on a roof first before doing anything else. Next, place some crossbowmen on the rooftops. After that, riflemen, who can penetrate defenses easily but attack slower, can be placed. Also, place a barricade in the street. Try to take it slow and build up morale. Try to place 3-5 crossbowmen and/or riflemen on each rooftop. Also, if at all possible, try to erect three or four rows of barricades. We'll get to why in a moment. The units you've placed should have little problem mowing down the enemy forces that come charging down the street. Chances are they will take down one of your barricades, so replace it as soon as you can, while you continue to place even more units down. Also, be sure to loot some of the dead bodies. Place the cursor over them and you might be able to grab a little cash by hitting Circle/B. Eventually, they bust out the big guns. A mobile siege weapon. It will burst through barricades very easily. Try to have as many units out there as possible. If you have enoguh barricades and enough attackers, you can deal damage over time. If it breaks through your defenses, it will attack the HQ at the end. This has a "health bar" so if you've at least dealt a fair amount of damage before it gets to that point, you should be ok. The mission ends when the siege weapon is destroyed. Feel free to explore if you wish. Search for collectible items around the rooftops and in other hidden areas. You can't do much more. Renovating can be done, but it will probably cost more money than you have, so save it for later unless you really want to. Instead, just head over to the new mission marker. It's a "!" on your minimap. Speak to the man at the docks who is highlighted with a white glow. On The Attack - Do not create any conflict in the Imperial North District After the boat ride, you'll meet up again with Yusuf, your attached-to-the-hip companion. Walk casually with him through the city and he will go over bombs with you. He'll soon deploy one, a Cherry Bomb, to distract guards so you can proceed. At the next junction, he lets Ezio try. Hold R2 to go into your inventory. It will be in the bottom-right of the second wheel so use the right stick. Once selected, hold Triangle and an aiming indicator appears. Move the arc to the bright circle in the corner and throw it there. Once the guards are distracted, continue moving. Yusuf will go fast so hold R1 and Circle to move through bystanders to keep up. You'll take to the rooftops soon enough for the next part. Once you have control again, take the zipline, doing an assassination if you wish. At the end, follow Yusuf and you'll be given a little information on Eagle Sense. When activated, Eagle Sense has a cursor. Placing the cursor (use the right stick) on a target will show you what their relationship is to you: ally, enemy, or target. Do this on the crowd below to identify the captain. He will soon walk away. Using the rooftops, follow the poor sod, maintaining an omnipotent high vantage point. You'll want to clear out two riflemen first. One you can sneak up on without too much trouble and assassinate with the Hidden Blade. The other you can throw a knife at, but that can potentially make things worse. Instead, you can poison him from afar or go down and do another Hidden Blade assassination. Speaking of poison, since the captain is speaking with another enemy, we must be as discreet as possible, especially when considering the full synch objective. Select the Poison Darts from your inventory and lock onto the captain. Hold Triangle to line up your shot, then release. He'll be slowly poisoned and after some wailing and writhing, he eventually dies. The last task will be to climb the tower in the middle of the area and light the fire atop. Do this and the mission and sequence will be over. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ LOST AND FOUND At this point in the still early stages of the game, I'd highly recommend you distract yourself from the story for a while. Do some side stuff such as renovations. Start to rebuild a few shops. Target another Templar Den if you wish so you can do more renovations. Use that money to buy some more stuff, more renovations. I easily put two to three hours into side stuff before I returned to the story. In addition, you can now do the Vlad the Impaler mission if you have that DLC available. I would recommend waiting because it's very far away and in a tough area with a lot of difficult enemies. I will get into it a little later in the walkthrough if you want to skip ahead and get it now. When you've had your fill of fun, head north to the docks and find the man imprisoned in a cage. Approach and speak to him. The Prisoner - Pickpocket the guard to retrieve the key Head to the east where an area is designated on your map. When you get there, an entire green square appears on your minimap. This is a search area. Just walk around, checking each part of the area to find a particular guard. You do not need Eagle Sense for this. Just walk around and wait for one of the guards to be marked as your target. When you locate him, hold X/A to bump into him and take the key. There may be some retaliation, so just run away. Make it back to the prisoner and free him to end this mission. You'll also gain your first assassin recruit! From this point on, you can find other people around the city, being harassed by the guards. Save them and they can join your cause. How many you can recruit at a time is determined by how many Templar Dens you've taken. The more you have, the more recruits you can have at a time. When you're done, take the ferry back to the Galata district. Find the next mission marker and go inside the building. You'll be asked to choose a "Den Leader" which is someone who controls an Assassin's HQ in your absence. Only an "Assassin" level recruit or above can be a leader. Assign the only available choice, then speak to him. The Sentinel, Part 1 - Use your Assassin Signal at least 1 time Start by going to the area marked on your minimap. Take to the rooftops if you feel it will save some time but it doesn't make a big difference either way. When you arrive at the designated place, three Templars are seen overlooking the area. They are marked for you, so just pick them off, one by one. Try to kill the first one with your assassin recruit. Juck lock on with L1 and then hit L2 to summon him for a quick kill. That fulfills your bonus objective. Fire some sort of projectile at the one on the high roof, throwing knives or poison. Then, just do an Air Assassination on the final one below. With the coast clear, you'll get to play detective for a minute. Turn Eagle Sense on and have the cursor hover over the dead assassin on the bench for a moment. After the game recognizes it, turn right and find the bloodstain on the ground. "Scan" that too until a little scene plays. The killer then makes his appearance. Give chase, holding R1 + X to stay in free run and move as quickly as possible. It won't be a long or complicated chase. Eventually a cutscene will interject. Just follow your apprentice after that. Guild Contracts Really quick and simple. Right from where you ended the previous mission, there should be a small booth that is flashing white. Approach it and interact to bring up the assassin menu. You may remember this if you played Brotherhood. From here you can manage all your recruits, send them on missions, train them with accumulated XP, and so on. For now, just send the higher leveled apprentice out on the designated mission and that will end this one. Bombcrafting Take a ferry back to the Imperial District, or just use a fast travel station. Return to the HQ and a scene will take over. You'll now learn how to craft bombs on your own. The tutorial here does a good job of explaining it so I won't go into great detail. Basically, bombs are comprised of three parts: shell, gunpowder, and special ingredients. You can also add more for potency. Different combinations create different bombs. When the lesson is over, head to Piri Reis' place, as instructed. The area is marked on your map, near the center of the city, as the icon with multiple bombs. Go there and find the flashing white door and enter to speak with the man. He'll offer some advice and also offer to teach you about more bombs. These are side missions, but I would recommend doing them now because it will teach you how to use a multitude of different bombs. Just approach the paintings on the side walls before Piri's desk and interact to begin a tutorial. You can find more info in the Extras section of the guide, but here are some really brief looks at them: Piri Reis: Sticky Situations Wait for the guard to walk toward you. Ezio will automatically lock on. Throw the bomb at this point and by the time he returns to his friends, they'll all be blown up. Escape and you'll complete the mission, unlocking the ability to purchase these from Piri. Piri Reis: Tripwire Plant the bomb at the designated area by holding Triangle. Move away to another area, indicated by a different marker. Wait there and when the target steps over the bomb, it will detonate. The gas emitted keeps them all at bay. Run up to the target and assassinate him, then flee the scene quickly. Completing this lets you buy tripwires from Piri. Piri Reis: Smoke Screen Throw a smoke bomb at the group ahead of you. Be sure to hold Triangle, not just tap it (which will drop the bomb around you). Once they're hit by the smoke, quickly run past them. Do it again on the group inside the doorway. Once they are also incapicated, go around them and loot the chest, then climb straight up, run past the gunners, and escape. Phosphorus will be available for purchase now from Piri. Piri Reis - Caltrops From the start, throw (don't drop) a Caltrop bomb at the guards to make them unstable. Assassinate them and if combat begins, just counter and kill them. Once they're dead, flee the area. More guards will likely give chase, so just tap Triangle/Y as you run to drop more caltrops, tripping your pursuers and making it easier to escape. You'll be able to buy these from Piri after the mission ends. Piri Reis: Smoke Decoy Like before, throw the bombs to the designated places to distract guards. When you lure the first group away, wait til you have control again and run down the alley they were guarding. Take to the rooftops after this and find the white marker. Stand there, then throw another bomb at the indicator below to lure out two more guards. Do a Double Air Assassination when they are below you. With that done, loot the chests inside that nook first, then escape. Piri Reis: Cherry Head for the marker and when you are instructed to do so, toss the Cherry Bomb at the designated area, under the archway. It will draw the guards to it, letting an assassin friend who is hiding in the haystack, escape. Go to the next location and you'll do something similar to further aid his escape. This time however, the Cherry Bomb will draw both the local guards and the Templars, causing a fight to break out. Before leaving try to do that one more time for the full synch objective. If you haven't noticed by now, red dots are Templars, yellow are the locals. Find a spot in the current area where they are close to each other. Throw a Cherry Bomb down in the street where they'll both hear, and hopefully they'll come fight each other. Sometimes the NPCs get caught in the enviornment or just don't move at all. Keep trying and you should get it. Piri Reis: Datura Throw the first bomb into the row of sentries ahead. The poison acts somewhat quickly. Rush past them to the next area. Throw another bomb inside the doorway to poison the group in there, minus one. It's that surviving guard you must kill without melee or ranged weapons (knives, crossbow, etc.) to fulfill your bonus objective. To do that, just get on a higher rooftop and throw a third bomb down at him. When he dies from the poison, you'll be done. Piri Reis: Thunder Very simple. Throw the bomb directly at the spot on the wall. If you look closely enough, you can see that it calculates how it will bounce off the wall. Throw it and the blast should incapacitate everyone. Escape the area now. That will do it for Piri Reis. You can now buy whatver you want from him and craft more bombs. If you've done some renovating before starting all this, you might have a decent chunk of change waiting for you now. Collect it, spend it, renovate more, recruit/train assassins, etc. When you're done with all that, head to the next mission. A Familiar Face Activate Eagle Sense and take a look around. Find the room that is green on your minimap and search inside there. Several objects are lit up around the room when you have Eagle Sense on. One near the floor in particular will catch Ezio's eye. The Yerebatan Cistern - Do not be detected Head out onto the beam ahead of you following the conclusion of that scene. Stay to the left side and just go forward until you swing down to ground level. Explore the top corner here to loot a few chests, then make your way to the west side. Climb up the boxes, then do an Advanced Wall Jump by running straight up the wall, then jumping to the side using the left stick. Jump to the right to catch the platform and pull yourself up. Jump and swing down to the corridor below. Turn the corner and grab the contents of the chests here. A little further down the wall is a bomb crafting station. I'd recommend making at least two Datura bombs using Impact Shells. You'll see why in a moment. In the next room, watch the scene. You may be watching it many times if you lose the bonus objective (very easy in this room) and have to restart. Start by jumping over to the guard ahead of you and do a simple Hidden Blade assassination on him. Next, go to the left and stand behind the objects and far enough away from the guard on the scaffolding. Throw a knife at him but stay at a good distance. Kill him with the throwing knife, then peek around that corner and throw another at the guard sitting down. Now, go in the opposite direction, to the north side. There will be one guard behind that big stack of boxes. I would avoid an Air Assassination since they can screw you over. Just wait til his back is turned and stab him from behind. Move up to the corner. Now here's the key. You should see, besides the captain, there is one guard with a spear that patrols. Wait until he is walking by the two stationary guards and shoot him with Poison Darts. Next, do your best to sneak up behind the guard working in the corner. Do not stand to the guard's right where he might spot you. Go directly behind him and kill him. By now, the guard should be dead of poison. Wait not only for the captain, but the two stationary guards to check on him. Stay hidden but also close and toss a Datura Bomb at them. The poison will kill all three, giving you the key. Last but not least, be sure to kill another guard on scaffolding in the northwest corner. He does NOT appear on your minimap so be careful. Once that's all over, feel free to expore. There are lots of chests here with bomb materials you can loot. There are two other guards around though so be careful. Otherwise, just leave through the door marked on your map. Collect a few more items and use the bomb crafting station again in the next room. Try to make a few more Datura Bombs if possible. Go into the next chamber. This one has a lot of guards too, but don't worry, it shouldn't be as tough as the last one. Two guards in front of you form an immediate concern. One is to the left, using the pickaxe. The other patrols. Wait til that one moves far enough away, then throw a knife at him. Drop down and use the Hidden Blade on the pickaxe guy. Move to the east side of the room. Stay back but find an angle to toss a Datura Bomb at the two stationary Templars. With them dead, walk over there and look for another on scaffolding. Toss a knife at him. Be sure to loot their bodies to replenish your stores of knives and poison. That's very important. Another guard may come over to check things out, so be sure to hide from him, then attack him from behind. After that, make your way over to the west side, provided that the coast is clear. Find the staircase leading up to another level. One guard patrols back and forth here. Get him when he isn't looking. Follow this path to another staircase and slowly creep up on the pickaxe guard. Kill him, then take one last staircase to the upper level. Here's where you may want to be extra cautious. You have a few Templars on the far side, plus our target on the left can now spot you and become aware very quickly. If he ever spots you, run fast into cover. If you have the crossbow already, this is a great time to use it. Just be sure not to shoot a guard when another is looking and you should be fine. Otherwise, I would rely on the Poison Darts if you can get close enough. Kill one, then walk over and wait for the other to patrol toward you, turn his back, then kill him. That will leave only our target Templar. Return to the middle of the walkway and you'll see a path of objects hanging in the middle of the room that will lead right to him. Climb these and then get in position for the Air Assassination. Once you kill him, jump back to the platform you entered to from the stairs and hold Circle/B to catch the ledge. Go back downstairs and use the key. On your left, loot the chests and use the crafting station again to gain more supplies. Make some Cherry and/or Smoke Screen bombs if you wish. There's one guard in here. Approach him from the sides only, not directly. Toss a Cherry Bomb out onto the walkway to lure him out. Sneak up on him for a kill. Loot all the chests, then find the starting point for your climb to the west, near the crafting station. Climb up the wall and get onto the beams. Turn left immediately and the opening in the wall is easily spotted thanks to the white marker. For this last room, do not even worry about attacking anything else. There are too many guards and you've come too far to screw up the full synch objective here. Stay up on the beams, high above where you won't be seen. First, use Eagle Sense to find out who the captain is. He will be in the center somewhere. Accomplish that and make your way left along the beams. Find a spot where you can lock onto the captain from. Just use the Poison Darts on him. When he dies, the key magically transfers to your possession. Take it and leave, without alerting the others. In this final room, explore for a few chests to loot, then use Eagle Sense to uncover the hidden fake wall. Investigate it to find the treasure at long last, a strange artifact and a map. That ends the mission. With the strange artifact in hand, you have a choice between two missions. You have to do both eventually. Choose either one you wish, but for now, this guide will be heading west... Curse of the Romani - Poison all of your targets while blending with the Romanies After speaking with the gypsy lady, you'll be told to meet up with another group of gypsies, or as they're called here, Romanies. They replace the courtesans of the last two games. Join the group when you locate them (blue marker) and they'll lead Ezio down the streets. If you can stay in the middle of them, blend should kick in, letting Ezio move automatically, though it sometimes stops for no reason. Eventually your group comes upon the enemies who have the Romani chest. While using the group (who will now move as you do), approach the guard holding the chest and use the Poison Blade to stab him. Walk away, don't run so your Romanies continue to hide you. Just walk away and wait for the death to play out. A different guard will pick up the chest and walk away. Follow him and his escort, keeping the Romanies with you. Eventually, they will stop and so you will want to repeat the process. Again, do not use Poison Darts, it's a waste of poison. Just use the Poison Blade because you can use the Romanies to hide you and easily sneak up and stab them without anyone noticing. Just stab the one holding the chest, and like before, walk away. You'll repeat this again and the chest will finally be dropped. Pick it up and follow the original Romani lady. Walk to each white marker checkpoint and the mission will end when the walk is over. The Mentor's Keeper - Save all citizens under attack To start this mission, return to the Assassin's HQ in the north. Go into the library room and find the desk with the open book. Interact and a scene will play. When you have control, run forward and engage the Crusaders in front of you. They'll be dealing with several of your allies, so you can start by getting an easy backstab or two. From there, try to rely on counters and chain those into Execution Streak kills. You also have throwing knives and some limited medicine at your disposal, as well as the trusty Hidden Blade of course. Your side objective can be easy to miss. To save the citizens you need to go to the small black circles on your minimap. These are hidden from view though when you are in combat, it seems. So, clear out all of the initial Crusaders, and the two areas should show up. Go to each and make absolute sure you rescue the citizen. You can get close and the black circle will disappear, but unless you actually kill the Crusaders, they will not actually be saved. Go up the hills and engage each group of Crusaders you encounter. Your allies will be there to steal kills from you (grr....) and help the fights go by quicker. Look for a third and final hostage on the north side of the village. That should fulfill the side objective for full synch. Keep charging up the hill with your allies. Eliminate all the Crusaders with your counter and Execution Streak skills. When you reach the entrance to the fortress, it will be shut on you. Climb to the right of it, straight up. Once you are clear of the gate, climb to the left, then up again to look for a Templar you can do a Ledge Assassination on. Pull yourself up and charge up the stairs on your right. Assassinate another Crusader, then climb to the right. Kill this guy too, run forward, kill another, then climb the last wall. Jump and swing to the rooftop where you will have a bird's eye view of the Crusader below. Do an Air Assassination and end this chapter. The Sentinel, Part 2 - Do not be detected while you search for the prisoners Stand in the white marker. Your apprentice (blue marker) will come walking down. Speak with him a bit, then two new markers appear. They are assassins taken prisoner. Make your way over there but stay on the rooftops. The two prisoners are close in proximity to each other, but are well guarded. You need to remain undetected to achieve full synch. There's a few ways you can go about this. 1) Poison. 2) Use your assassins. 3) Use thieves. Any combination of these you use to take out as many guards as possible will help a lot. There are two groups of thieves on the rooftops above where the prisoners are that are not on your map. You just have to look for them. Hire them and target the guards you want to lure away, then hit Circle/B. Alternatively, you can call on your assassins from a safe distance to have them eliminate the guards. Poison or your crossbow work as well, provided nobody sees you using them. Once you talk to the second assassin, you have to head back to the HQ. Hurry in that direction and you'll run into the Sentinel again. Give chase, going into a full sprint after him. The chase will last all of about six seconds before a scene cuts you off. That ends the mission... and the sequence. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ THE UNCIVIL WAR When you begin the sequence, you should be on top of a structure near Yusuf and your allies. Speak to him. The Prince's Banquet - Beat Yusuf to Topkapi Palace The first half of the mission is relatively simple. Just stay on the rooftops and follow your gang of assassins as you move, like a flock, across the city. Beating Yusuf is pretty easy and so long as you don't get stuck for too long, you should be able to do it without too much trouble. Problem is Yusuf is not specially marked for you; his indicator is the same as other assassins. Once you arrive at the top of the palace ground walls, look for the three minstrels below. Drop down and with your fists selected, attack them. One punch will be all it takes. Pick up one body (your assassin brothers will take the other two) and carry them over to the haystack. Hit the same button to drop the body inside. Climb the short wall just to the northwest and find three more. Knock them out too and pick up a body. Follow your allies. You need to pass behind two groups of guards. They all have their backs turned though, so it should be no sweat. Drop the body off in a new haystack and you've got one last group to punch out. Hug the south wall and find a doorway to the west. Go through and then climb the walls to your right to get up to the rooftop. The last three minstrels should be just beyond there, in a small courtyard. Drop in on them... hey how are you? I'm a big fan... BAM! Grab one and carry it over to the white marker. Just drop it right there for a scene. Now wearing your... elite tactical disguise, approach the guards nearby and play them a jolly tune. Hit any of the main input buttons to play something. Keep going until they eventually let you pass. Once inside the party, approach the group of four partiers that are marked on your minimap. Alternatively, use Eagle Sense to see them in gold. Eagle Sense also lets you figure out which one is the one that needs to be put down, so "scan" each of them until you have the target. Once that's done, you get a place to stand in so you can distract the rest. Stand there and play a tune. The target will be killed and you're free to move to the next one. Or... you can stay and play some more music. Some of the tunes are actually quite humorous, including one about this guy named Cesare... Go to the other group, also marked for you. Find the target, then stand in the right spot again and play yet another tune. He'll be killed as well. After that, meet up with Yusuf in the back. After a scene and short walk, you'll meet up with Prince Suleiman. Danger is lurking about the party. Templars, masked as partygoers are waiting to strike. There are four in total, and you have to use your disguise and Eagle Sense to sniff them out. Find Prince Suleiman (blue marker) and stand near him and his guests. Someone in that small group is a killer... Turn Eagle Sense on and begin scanning the people until the target is located. It can be tough however. Your goal is to not only find the killer, but to distract the crowd. An assassin will jump in almost immediately after you ID the killer, leaving you little time to divert their attention. So here's a helpful tip: When standing in front of the crowd, always try to scan the person in the back. Say if you draw a straight line from Ezio into the crowd. It might hit two people. Always target the one in the back. That way, if it's the killer, you can play a song immediately and nobody will notice. If you scan the person in the back and it's not the killer, just have Ezio adjust by moving to the side so he's in a straight line with the next person. Repeat. Prince Suleiman will move on to another group after the first killer is dispatched. Do this again for this group. ID the Templar in disguise, then distract everyone with some festive tunes. The third one is tricky because you'll want to find this person as Suleiman is on the move. Be ready to play a quick tune once you find the person, but you should be ok. For the final group, the same strategy applies. Find the last killer and a scene plays. After that, you'll see the last killer try to run up and attack the prince. With quick reflexes, run to intercept him and perform an assassination, albeit an untraditional one. After the conclusion of this mission, I would recommend you build up your strength and forces. Renovate, renovate, renovate. Take another territory and recruit more assassins. Try to have at least 3-5 around level 8-9 by this point. Craft some more bombs and also, if you have the DLC, now isn't a terrible time to go grab that Vlad the Impaler sword.... The Impaler's Tomb - Complete the level within 7 minutes First, before actually starting this, you need to find the tomb's location. Find on your map, the icon near the southeast (but still toward the middle) that has a Templar symbol. It will read as "Hidden Tomb". Go here to find a meager little library. Look around and inspect all the bookcases until you find a hidden prompt to investigate. Just like that, you're given the location of the tomb. Leave the building and look at your map again. The tomb is way, way, waaaaaay out in the southwest. This can be a very dangerous area, even at this point in the game. If you haven't conquered the enemy territories, there are at least two dens that you could potentially be passing through, each with lots of tough enemies. Be cautious and if you don't need to mess with them, don't. Just keep moving. Find the second "Hidden Tomb" icon and investigate. It will be in a cemetary, so look for anything inconspicuous. Once you find the entrance, the mission officially begins. You'll first notice that it is dark. Very dark. If you don't have an HDTV, and the darkness really causes a problem, try adjusting the brightness on your TV momentarily. Start by leaning to the left as you go forward, climbing up a few steps created by boxes and other objects. At the top, lean to the right and have Ezio travese a few beams and swings. It will deposit you in a prison corridor with a locked gate at the end. Look for a crate leaning up against the left wall. Climb onto it and use it to scale straight up the wall. Shimmy to Ezio's right and enter the opening. Take the beam forward and jump to the small ledge. Turn right to walk out onto another beam. Turn left and jump to the swing pole. Swing forward to land at the hard-to-see ledge in the corner. From there, point the left stick toward the glowing white marker on your right and hit X/A. Turn left and take the zipline forward. Go through the next door on the left. Go up the crates in the back-left corner and climb the wall. Jump from one section to the one on the right and continue to shimmy to the right. When you see the camera change position, jump away from the wall to just barely catch a platform ledge behind you. Jump to and swing from the pole to land in a pit area. You'll be going in a counterclockwise direction around this area, starting with some climbable ledges on your left. When you face the east wall, jump across the gap to a wood platform, turn left, and go across the gaps to the hanging flower pot. Do a Long Jump with the hookblades by pressing Circle/B in mid-air. Keep going forward and perform a Leap of Faith into the water. Pull yourself out from below the white marker. Go forward and you'll come to a corridor with a few ledges that you need to navigate. Just point the left stick in the direction you want Ezio to jump and you'll find it's pretty simple. The path is pretty straightforward, going over some stone coffins and then over some other pits and such. Keep going until you reach a barred gate. Climb up the adjacent wall on the right, then point the left stick at the top of the gate and jump to it. When you reach a chamber with pillars, turn right and go immediately up the crates/objects against the back wall. Pull yourself up, turn left, and then jump across to the east side of the room. Turn right, and you'll see a little bit of debris that kinda almost goes in a straight line like a beam. Move toward it in free run and Ezio will climb atop it. Keep going and he should climbe the wall here. Go up until you reach the part of the wall and the arch that is missing. Shimmy to the right at that point, three positions over it should be. When you can't go any further, jump to the ledge on the right, then shimmy to Ezio's left just a bit. The camera should show you the checkpoint, so jump to it from where you are. Run forward and jump to the hanging cage. Shimmy around to the left until you are below the door. Climb up and Ezio will get stuck. Hold up on the left stick as you hit R1 + X to do a hookblade jump upwards and you should be able to climb up. Look for the pipe with bars on one of the walls. Jump to it and climb up. You'll need to again do an extended jump upwards as you're climbing to reach the beam. Jump across this beam to another on the other side. Climb straight up for a while, then shimmy to the right, climb up just a little more, to the right a little more, then look for a way to jump away from the wall and catch the platform behind you. Find the thing on the wall that looks almost like a ladder. Climb straight up this and shimmy over a bit. Jump to the chain in the middle of the room and you'll hang on a small ledge on it. Shimmy around until your back is to the platform, then jump to it. You made it! Go inside and open the chest to claim the Vlad the Impaler Sword. When you're ready, let's return to the story. Return to the northeast corner and find Prince Suleiman. The area is restricted so just be wary of the guards. An Uneasy Meeting - Do not be detected A short and simple mission, but with one caveat: the full synch objective can be a pain if you don't know which way to go. The place is crawling with guards so you should plan your route carefully. Try going south, where there are much fewer guards. Hug the south wall and go west. There will be one group there but if you stay close to the wall and move quickly, they won't bother you. From the corner, move north a bit, then look for a wall you can do an Advanced Wall Jump from to reach the lower part of the roof. Do it quickly to avoid attention. From there, you should be free to climb the tower in peace Just climb to the first level and you'll see a hatch. Interact with it and a scene will play. Now head for that different mission marker like before. It's located in the south part of the city. The Fourth Part of the World - Get in and out of the poirt without being detected You need to find Sofia's cargo on the boat but it's impounded. Nobody in or out and that's that. Oh really now? The area is restricted and surprise, there are guards everywhere. So what's the best way in? Why, from the water, Aquaman! Find a place you can dive in from, preferably from the extreme left or right sides. Swim around to the back side of the boat (not the front) and climb up the side. You'll need to maneuver around a bit to find a path up. Once up there, wait at the top railing and hang until you can get a Ledge Assassination on one of the only two guards on board. Wait til the other has his back turned and take him out as well. Now you can search the cargo in peace. Turn on Eagle Sense and check each of the interesting items among the boxes. Scan them for a moment until Sofia's stuff comes up. If it's not in the middle, check the stern side of the boat for more. Once you find it, get off the boat and head to the northwest side. Hug the wall and go inland until you're free of the search area and the restricted zone. From there, just safely make your way to Sofia's. After the scene, your next mission is ready. It's just slightly northeast of your current position. It's at the landmark Hagia Sophia. Climb to the very tippy top of the tower. Oh, you climbed to the viewpoint? Good for you... but that's not high enough! Climb higher! Signs and Symbols, Part 1 From the peak of the tower, turn on Eagle Sense. Scan around the nearby rooftops for any strange symbols you see. Hold the cursor over them to see if they might be indicating where the hidden book is. The one you want should be to the east. Find the right one and then descend from atop the tower. Hope you brought a parachute! IF not, take a Leap of Faith off the northwest side of the tower. Climb up this building and find the book at the white marker. After the scene, the first part is over. Take a ferry or fast travel back to the north side. Keep going until you reach Galata Tower again. Climb to the top as you did way back in the beginning. Find the white marker and investigate the wall with Circle/B. Galata Tower - Complete the level within 6 minutes Run down the spiral staircase and jump from the viewpoint ledge to the hanging platform in the center. In this moment, we can only speculate Ezio channeled his inner Nathan Drake in both the chance of getting into such a daring mess, but also his ability to get out of it. In any case, from your new hanging position, climb straight up the beam and up to the top part of this hanging structure. Half of it falls off. Climb up and then shimmy to Ezio's right to get around to the back side. Climb up and then jump away when the camera shifts. Shimmy along this arch to the right and when you're able, jump to the platform. Use the zipline, then drop down and enter the cave entrance. When you reach the large cavern, look for a small cart on your left. That's your ticket up. Climb up and look for a hanging lantern in front of you. Do a Long Jump (hold Circle in mid-air, remember?) and reach the other side. Climb up and use the hookblade's extended reach to get to the top, then shimmy over. Jump away and swing, then hop across a bunch of beams to reach a zipline. Go into the corner and jump to the side of the waterwheel on the left. Shimmy left to the front of it and keep going til you reach the center. Jump away to catch a platform, pull yourself up, then jump straight across to the small ledge on the wall. Climb up then shimmy til you're standing on a beam. Jump and swing forward to reach a large platform. Jump and climb up the next wall, but you need to use the hookblades to get more reach. Hop a gap, then use that large stone (or crate?) to get up the next wall which has another zipline. Take this forward, then it's a straightforward path from there, hopping and swinging so just keep R1 + X held down as you move. Take another zipline through the waterfall. When you land, run straight ahead to the wall in front fo you and climb up. Again, use the hookblades (press up and R1 + X) to get that extra boost. Turn right and climb up the next few walls into the corner. Turn right again and jump to the scaffolding. After that little scare, climb up and use the zipline. Keep running forward and then dive off the ledge into the water. Pull yourself out and go down the walkway to Ezio's right. You'll turn left eventually, hopping across a dilapidated bridge. Climb up the next wall and then turn right. Go around the corner, using the beam, platform, and swing pole. Run and jump straight ahead to reach another scaffolding. Shimmy to the front side and climb up. Next, run up the wall and you can continue climbing. This will lead into climbing along the stone wall having to shimmy from one section of wood to another. Maneuver over to the left and you'll be able to climb up. Two ziplines are separated by a few swings and jumps. After the second zipline, you'll just barely catch onto the scaffolding below the platform. Climb up quickly usng the hookblades to help. When you pull yourself up, enter through the corridor straight ahead. Quickly retrieve the contents from the three chests, then scan in Eagle Sense the wall on your right to find the hidden door. Once located, interact to open. You'll then be able to retrieve the second Masyaf Key. Without delay, head to the next mission marker, that is, unless you wish to spend some time doing side stuff, collecting and increasing revenue, etc. Whenever you're ready, return to the library/display room of the Assassin HQ and sit at the table. It's time for another non-drug induced trip to the past. The Mentor's Wake - Do not lose more than 3 synchronization points When you have control, leave the fortress and walk down the slope to the left. The crowd will slowly get out of your way. Keep going to the gate that leaves the fortress courtyard. A scene will play. After that, keep going and carry the body to the pyre. While you're watching this next scene, be forewarned that you'll be thrown into combat immediately with enemies already about to take swings at you. You want to avoid losing more than three bars of life to make full synch so be ready. Once it does happen, your goal is to perform seven disarms. The timing might feel different (and it is, slightly) than for counters. Watch the enemies carefully, waiting for one of their health indicators to start flashing. Once it starts flashing, don't just immediately hit the disarm move. Wait another second, then be ready to hit it as soon as you see them move. Do seven disarms and another scene plays. It's a bit of a doozy. From here, you have to climb the tower without getting knocked off. Basically, listen very carefully to the "energy" sound. When it's almost finished, try to be on solid ground at that point, to not get knocked off. When you reach the top, enter the tower and approach the object. Grab it and another scene plays. That ends the mission, and the sequence. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ HEIR TO THE EMPIRE There's plenty of new stuff available. You can now complete the Azap armor set... finally. There's also new armor available too. New weapons, and other new cool stuff. Feel free to do what you want, recruit, destroy, maim, impale, etc. Go to the bazaar when you're ready and talk to the rug merchant. The Janissaries - Distract 2 guards with bombs At the start, you can loot the nearby chest if you need to. It has Cherry Bombs but you don't need them if you already have a diversion type bomb. Follow the target but keep a safe distance. The bazaar is a great place to follow because of all the people. Navigate from one crowd to another. If you find a mobile group of citizens walking in the same direction as your target, even better; hitch a ride with them. Sometimes he'll turn around, so be ready to duck into cover quickly. Keep following until you get to an intersection between parts of the bazaar. After a short scene, Tarik departs past two guards. You need to distract them. Without wasting time, throw your diversion bomb somewhere in this little square. It can be a Cherry Bomb or Smoke Decoy, or anything, so long as it is a diversion. If you take too long and Tarik is out of sight for more than a half minute, you will fail. Should you succeed, you can not only slip by, but also fulfill the bonus objective. Keep tailing your target and eventually you'll get out to the streets. Hire the courtes-- err... Romanies and use them as your mobile hiding spot. Even if Tarik turns around, he won't find you. Keep going until he once again walks past two guards. Sic your Romanies on them like they're rabid attack dogs. Once distracted, slip by the guards and continue following Tarik. He will go down a corridor to a staircase. Do not follow closely, and instead stay out of sight because he will turn around. Wait til he starts to explore this next plaza, then go in and follow again. He'll venture through a doorway on the left. Go around the building instead of following. He'll reappear soon enough and then wouldn't you know it, he'll go through two more guards. Try to call your assassins to dispose of them, then pass through. Tarik will cross a bridge, turn around again, then continue on. Maintain your distance until this and you'll get a scene, ending the mission. The Arsenal Gates - Make sure 40 or more rioters survive This sequence 5 mission starts off pretty easily. Walk around the plaza and bribe the three heralds (setting you back $300) to turn the crowd against the Janissaries. Just be careful not to cross in front of the two Janissaries standing nearby. Go around the other side instead. Once you have all three on your side, meet with Yusuf in the middle. Watch the quick scene, then get ready for a riot. You must protect your rioters and not let more than 40 die to get full synch. Don't take any chances. As soon as you start fighting off the Byzantine guards, call in your assassins. One pair should be good enough. You want to try and finish wave 1 losing no more than five rioters. Your recruits will be a big help, as will the rioters themselves. They can hold the guards for you and let you get tons of easy backstabs. When the second wave appears, call in more assassin recruits. Here, the number of rioters can drop rather suddenly, so look for those backstabs and try to eliminate them as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can try shooting them while they're distracted or use other gadgets. Call four assassin recruits if you have them available. Do what you need to. After a celebratory scene, it's right into the next mission... Arsenal Infiltration - Perform an Air Assassination from a zipline Dark skies, destruction and ruin everyhwere, chaos and people fighting each other. You know what I like to do in times like these? Walk slowly like a total badass like I just don't give a... *ahem*. Yeah, you get the picture. Anyway, make your way straight down, then start to lean to the right. Keep going west, down some stairs. The Janissaries should not engage you unless you attack them, or if by some chance, they kill everyone nearby. If they do attack, you may want to call on help since they are, not "hard", but tougher to kill. When you get to the port area, climb the building on your immediate left. It should have a zipline. Board the zipline. It ends at a rooftop, but there is nobody there. No, the target is before the zipline ends, on the ground near the water. Do an assassination at that point to meet your bonus objective. At that point, fight off anyone who might have seen the ruckus, then enter the green search area nearby. Turn on Eagle Sense and find the trail on the ground, the one that robust fellow took. Follow it for a while until you get a scene. After that, don't stay and fight, run and live to fight another day! Bolt out of there, straight ahead, jumping from the dock platform to the pillars sticking from the water. Hop across these, losing your pursuers temporarily. Go across this next dock, past a guard, and up a tower at the end. Use the zipline and assassinate the guard at the other end. That's in case you missed it before. You'll eventually find yourself hopping across the skeleton of a ship in progress. It takes you to another zipline. When you land from that one, just run east a short distance and you should be safe. With that, do any side stuff you may want to do. Renovate, collect, recruit some more assassins, cause trouble, pay off those gambling debts, oops... When you're done, go back to Sofia's, the next marked spot on your map. Portrait of a Lady - Steal the painting without the merchant spotting you First, head to the bazaar. There is a narrow search area here where the culprit is located. Have Eagle Sense switched on. Scan any potential suspects glowing gold to find the right one. When he is located, counter him once in a fist fight and he'll be eating dirt. After that, you gain the location of the merchant who has the painting right now. Locating him is easy. Getting the painting discreetly, however, is not. The best way to go about this it seems, is to hire the Romanies to the south of the merchant's location. Go back to the merchant, and find the painting to the right of him. Grab it while the Romanies are surrounding you and he should not be any the wiser. Return it to Sofia (marked on your map) to end this one. Signs and Symbols, Part II Go the next marker on your map. When you arrive, climb the tower to the top and find the mission start indicator. Like before, stay up here and use Eagle Sense to look around. An aqueduct to the northeast has three symbols on or surrounding it. Scan the center one and that should lead to the book. Jump there from a nearby rooftop but be sure to hold Circle/B for extended reach. Investigate to find the book. With it in hand, a new location is marked on your map. It's just nearby. Search for the door in this cemetary area and interact to explore... The Forum of the Ox - Do not take any damage This will be a long chase sequence. When you have control, go to the platform where they all were and turn left. Hop to a beam and let that lead you to a cave wall. Climb straight up to an opening. From here, honestly, it's pretty straightforward for a while. Just keep R1 + X held down as you go forward over the obstacles. Just a few tips though. Try to see what your next jump is before you get there so you can know how to get past it. Also, when you are swinging from poles, try to "load" the direction you're going to lean when you jump off. When you get to the flower pot, be sure to hit Circle/B and do a Long Jump before that. After a scene in which Ezio almost falls, go through the next doorway and keep climbing and jumping. You'll eventaully get to some small pillars and perches right above the rapids. Be careful with how you point the left stick here and cautiously make your way across. Another flower pot calls for another Long Jump. Do that, then turn left and climb the next wall. It will take you to a zipline. Keep going from here, over all the jumps and gaps. Eventually, they'll try to blow up the bridge. Make your way across the bridge, or what's left of it, and just keep going. Look for more pots/lanterns to use. If you miss the Long Jump, don't worry. It just means you need to take a different route. Keep going and in time, you'll get to a zipline above the boat. Wait for them to pass under, then assassinate them. A scene will then play. Now... be very, very, VERY careful. After all that jumping and death defying, you probably don't want to have that all be in vain if you fail the full synch objective. That's why you need to be careful here. Even letting an enemy attack you while you block will probably fail you. So instead, go on the offensive. First, back away and break your lock on immediately if any enemy is about to attack. Run away. Take the initiative and either start your own combo, or, better yet, throw a bomb at your feet that will kill or stun them. That's the best way to go. Thunder type will work well, as will poison or other stunning types. If you want to give combat a chance, kick one of the enemies and melee him repeatedly. Watch the others very carefully if they may counter. Try to just get that first kill, then chain them from there. Still, this method is very risky and not recommended. When you have killed them, open the six chests, then use Eagle Sense to uncover the hidden door on the wall adjacent to them. Inside, yep, you guessed it, the next Masyaf Key. Congrats on completing that mission. You know what time it is now, right? Yes, dinner time! No.. wait... right! To the HQ, Robin! Of course, feel free to take care of any side stuff and collect money before doing that. New stuff will be available soon in the next sequence though, so try not to spend much. Like the previous times, return to the HQ, go to the study and interact at the table. You'll one again go back in time and watch a long scene. A New Regime Once you gain control, you have the choice between running and fighting, but come on... we all know what you're going to choose. One thing that is very interesting to note here: Altair now has Double Hidden Blades. You can use them for your counters if you wish, or just stick with the sword. Deal out the pain and escape the fortress. Leave and return to the village. After a scene, you'll run into Darim. Follow him and kill all the enemies in your path. Keep an eye out for enemies perched on rooftops. Lock onto them and throw knives at them to dispatch them. You usually need to do this to proceed to the next area. For the other enemies, Darim will assist you and also set up some easy backstabs for you. Otherwise, just try to chain kills together or use disarms. After a few engagements, you'll want to follow Darim very closely because the game threatens to fail you otherwise. Run alongside him and watch as all the possible exits are slowly barred. Eventually, Darim improvises and hops to a nearby rooftop, then performs a Leap of Faith. Do as he does and continue your escape. Once again, it's very important to look for more enemies on rooftops. Throw knives at them, then butcher the remnants. When you can, scamble for the entrance and escape. Wave goodbye to this mission, as well as to sequence 5. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ FORTUNE'S DISFAVOR As we begin to draw closer and closer to the end of the game, I'd like to throw you another reminder about side stuff. Definitely try to have a steady income of 8000-12000 by now from all your renovations and such. Use the money to have the latest weapons and armor; the rest of the Marmluk set is available in this sequence. Try to have at least 6-7 recruits by now, and most of them high leveled. Send them on missions constantly, keeping a few for personal use. Also very important, look for the "Reclaim the City" missions for them. If they succeed, you gain income from that city as well. Of course, if you're just much more interested in the story, feel free to ignore that stuff. Head for the next main mission marker when you're ready. We will get to Sofia in a bit. Into the Shadows - Assassinate a target from a hiding spot The location of a wayward Janissary is marked for you. Make a beeline north and he will be standing at the corner of a building, glowing gold in Eagle Sense. Don't get too close or he will be spooked and you'll fail. No, instead we'll need to be a little craftier. The full synch objective calls from an assassination from a hiding spot, and it has to be the Janissary, nobody else. Well luckily, there is a haystack slightly southeast of him, in the corner of two buildings, right near a black market bomb salesman. He will also be very important to this too. If you don't have Cherry Bombs, purchase them from him (yes, he's there for a reason). Now, make sure you have "located" the target in Eagle Sense, because that's the only way this will work. He should start bullying random people once you've done that. With that taken care of, throw the bomb right behind the haystack. The Janissary should come to investigate it, so hide inside the haystack. When he walks by, do the assassination. This will complete the mission 100%. Honor, Lost and Won - Perform an air assassination on Tarik This is a fun mission. With your new Janissary costume, you can get closer to your target. You'll be traveling with a unit of other Janissaries heading to Tarik's camp. Keep up with them, and also try to stay blended with them. Not because you need to, but because you can just go there on autopilot. It's not all a fun ride though. In order to keep the ruse intact, you'll be forced to beat up an innocent civilian that the Janissaries start harassing. Do so and then continue on your way. It won't be much longer after that. When you arrive at the camp, they gain the news that their friend (whose clothes you pilfered) has been found dead. Therefore, they know someone is potentially among them, in disguise and waiting... Due to this, the normal Byzantine guards will be on high alert and blow your cover if you get too close. In this first area, therefore, you'll need the assistance of a mobile group of Janissaries to get past the two guards ahead. Wait for them to come by and slip inside their group to blend. The difficulty here lies in the fact that you may very easily fall out of their cover and be spotted. Try to move along with them in that case, rather than just leave it on autopilot. Once you slip into the second area, abandon this group for a standing group on the right. Just ahead are two Janissaries on a bench, but there are also more patrolling guards. Wait for one guard to stand to the right with his back turned. When he moves, speed walk to the bench and sit down. Someone might spot you, but they won't be any more than just a little alarmed. Stare straight ahead from your position on the bench. Another guard will walk by, to your left. When he does, get up and go around the corner of the tent, to your right (right as in your right when staring out from the bench. Immediately go to the wall in the corner and climb up. Stick to the left side and there should be an easy path straight up. Go along the top and you'll overlook the third area, where Tarik's tent is. Wait for a passing guard to go by, then drop down. Find a group of Janissaries near the tent and blend. A scene will interrupt. After it is over, you will be in front of a crowd of Janissaries and guards with Tarik walking among them. Now, to do your bonus objective, try the following: Make sure the patrolling guards are not looking, then scamper over to a group of Janissaries near the wall. Once again, patiently wait for the coast to be clear, then hurry to the wall and climb up the scaffolding. If nobody sees you as you are climbing, you're in the clear. Get on top of the scaffolding and hop your way across, around the corner (collect the chests if you wish) until you are in position to assassinate Tarik. Make sure you're locked onto him, then strike! Bearer of Mixed Tidings - Do not kill anyone This is a simple mission as long as you don't want to get fancy. Take the easy route, trust me. It's much less frustrating. As soon as you infiltrate the palace area, you start the mission. You may enter from a bad spot and be attacked by Janissaries. If so, this will work out as it restarts you from the best spot. Just take the Romanies and hire them to be your mobile hiding spot. Just follow the path arranged by the staircases, going toward the yellow marker on your minimap. If you get too close to Janissaries, however, some of your Romanies will break off to distract them. Try to avoid this happening more than once. Make it all the way to Suleiman for a scene, then hire a new group of Romanies for the return trip. Climb over the wall and escape after that to complete the mission. With that done, let's head to Sofia's to begin the quest for the next Masyaf Key. A Little Errand Really easy and simple so I won't waste many words on it. The florist is marked on your map, so, quite simply, go in that direction. When you get there, you get a scene. Follow the florist after the scene ends. Like many stalking missions, your target will turn around once in a while, but he only does a few times and he isn't easily spooked either, meaning you can just casually walk away until he isn't looking anymore. Continue following him to his flowers. Pick three from any of the many locations (blue markers). Once you have three, find Sofia at another marker and once you meet up with her, the mission is over. Signs and Symbols, Part III The Maiden's Tower - Obtain the Masyaf Key without falling into the water Go down the short hall and make a right into a room. Interact with the manhole in the middle of the floor. Next, walk into another room and interact with the entrance device there. This leads to the actual area. Interact yet again, this time with the switch on your right when you start this next section. It will operate a timed mechanism that you have to reach within 30 seconds. Run forward to the north and climb that wall. Turn left and hop across the tops of the small stone walls until you reach the larger platform where the device is. Interact here for a scene. After that, jump straight ahead to the ridges on the floating cube. Climb down using the left stick, then jump straight across to the one you were just standing on. Climb down further, shimmying a bit to your left. This leads to a platform with a corridor on your left, down below. Drop down here and hop and swing your way to another switch. Activate it, then run straight up the wall on your right. Jump away and swing across the pole. Keep going this way, and be sure to use the Long Jump on the lantern. Eventually you'll make two lefts and reach the device you need to use. Two jumps to the west will land you at the next switch. Use it, and yet another device will need to be interacted with in the time limit. When you control Ezio again, jump straight ahead and climb up. You'll hop across a few narrow ledges to a platform in the corner. Turn right here and do a few more jumps, turning right again after that. Jump across the small ledges above the water, leading to a column. You can climb this, so do so carefully At the top, shimmy around to the left and jump to the other column. Shimmy to the right and jump away again. Hop across these ledges to the next device. The next switch will be right in front of you after watching the next scene. Use it and then jump straight ahead to the hanging rock with the ledge to grip onto. Shimmy around and jump straight across. Climb up and take this narrow ledge to a swing pole. Swing across to another narrow ledge and then take that to a wall to climb up. Climb up and shimmy to the right, jumping to a beam when you can't go any farther. Go across these beams then turn right on the last one and you'll see the goal is not too far. Jump from the beam to the pole and swing down to the device. Use it for a scene. You're almost at the Masyaf key. Climb the rock face in front of you. Turn left and hop across to another hanging rock platform. Climb up the ridges of this one, then stay perfectly straight and jump to the following wall. It will be a perfectly straight climb from there, traversing some tough ledges that stick out but that's Ezio's worry, not yours. Once you get to the top, go left a few paces, then on your right, look for another floating rock with ridges to climb up. Then after that, yup, another. When you reach the top of that one though, there will be the Masyaf Key platform. No tricks, just jump right to it, loot all the chests, then collect the key. Once you have it, no worries about getting out, let the magic of fade out do that for you... As you have come to expect by now, a new "past" mission is available for you at the HQ. Make your way over there at your leisure and return to the study. The Mentor's Return - Do not kill anyone except Abbas and his captains Walk along with the young assassin as he talks. He'll lead you to the first slope leading deeper into the village. Go up the slope where the first two captains are standing across from each other. You'll notice you can't really do much more than walk very slowly in the state you're in. You can sort of run (more like jog) with R1, but you can't do it for very long. Approach the two captains and do a a Double Hidden Blade kill to dispatch them. Go to the left and up the next hill, toward the third captain. He will run away when you get closer. Follow him and soon, the young assassins will join you. When battle breaks out, just go straight for the captain, ignoring everything else. Getting close will make him target you. Stay defensive, then wait for him to strike and counter it. That will end him. Now only one target remains. Now begins the long and slow trek from here to the fortress. It is a really slow process so I'll say now, don't screw up that bonus objective. As you go, all enemies in your path will be dispatched by the assassins still loyal to Altair. Step inside the fortress grounds and be very cautious. Some of the assassins here will stand idle, pledging loyalty. Others will not be so agreeable and strike out at you. Do NOT call for help because it will fail the bonus objective and you don't want that. Instead, take care of this peacefully. Do counters while you're unarmed to disarm each attacker. Once you disarm them, they will cease. Do this for each one as you slowly make your way to the entrance Go inside for a scene. After that, you should already be locked on, so... just hold Triangle/Y and... release! One last thing to take care of. Leave the HQ and go to the next mission marker. Setting Sail - Do not kill anyone with blades Here you are, folks, the E3 demo mission. I don't know about you, but for me, there's always something exciting about doing demo missions I've seen at E3 or etc. So, my word of advice, do this mission... like a boss. So, approach the two guards here. If you have a Shrapnel Bomb, that would be spot on start just like from the demo. If you want to get 100%, you'll need to avoid using your sword, dagger, and Hidden Blades. So other options here are to use bombs, any type that may kill or stun them for you to kill them after, the crossbow, poison, or your recruits. In the interest of doing this "like a boss", try to mix things up, all while doing a slow, badass walk (unless you're tired of moving slow from the last mission, ha!). I started off with the Shrapnel bomb, then up the stairs where two more Janissaries approached. Here I shot one with Poison Darts, then the other with the Crossbow. I walked to the left, shot another with the crossbow, then went around the tower a bit and called my assassins on another guard. Find the chain and interact to plant the bomb. After that, it's in your best interest here to just run past all these guards. Don't even bother locking on, just run to not have to worry about full synch. Assassins will drop in anyway to help out. Run for the cannon on the next ship. It's a flamethrower, so use it to spray flames on the boats out here. Treat these boats like stubbon marshmallows and give them all a good roasting. Make sure you see the counter on the screen increase to know you got it. It can be a little tough because many attackers will be firing back at you. Try to hit them specifically to help reduce the annoyances and burn the boats quicker. Once that's taken care of, jump to the part of the sail then jump from there to a beam which will take you to another boat. Turn right and go through the checkpoint markers. Jump and do a Long Jump before hitting the lantern, leaping over an explosion. Keep going, running down the front of the boat to the bow, leaping off to another boat. A quick scene plays. Run straight off this boat to another for yet another quickie scene. Next, turn left, drop off the ledge and run past all of the guards to the bow of this boat. Run straight off and jump to the final boat. This ends the mission. You'll set sail for a new destination, and a new sequence. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ UNDERWORLD The Hidden City - Do not get detected Go forward and left up the staircase. Turn right and go up the next staircase, then another leading to the cave entrance. It's a straight dash through the corridor into the hidden city. Here, there are plenty of Templars, but only the riflemen will spot you and attack, thus failing your full synch objective. Avoid them or attack them from behind or at a distance. Proceed in a southwest direction, toward a giant rock spire in the middle of the city. Approach the west side, where there's a small torch to the right of a climbable wall. This is where we'll begin. Climb straight up for a while until you pull yourself onto a wooden platform. Turn left and hop across two beams, then turn right and go straight up the wall. Turn right and jump to the destroyed bridge and climb up. You'll now go around the tower, past a chest, to some beams. Take the beams to a climbable wall and jump to it. Go up, then shimmy all the way to the right until you reach the viewpoint ledge. Click the left stick in to synchronize. This will give you a better view, and a new objective. Perform a Leap of Faith to land in hay. Watch out for the rifleman nearby. Wait til he passes in front of you, then assassinate him. Notice the search area on your map. Head in that direction, avoiding any other detection. Go to the green search area. To the north, there will be some individuals in a street area talking. Have Eagle Sense on to make sure they're glowing. If so, those are the ones you want to scan. One will take off running. Follow her and confront her when she stops not too far down a path. The following scene will mark the end to this first mission. The Spy Who Shunned Me - Do not kill anyone Head for the marked area. It will lead to a staircase that feeds soon into a restricted area. Hug the right wall and go straight up the next staircase. You will see the checkpoint marker and when you reach it, a scene plays. Reverse direction and retrace your steps back into the city. Go to the search area and turn on Eagle Sense. If you keep going northwest, you should inevitably run into a large gathering of people. Residents and Templars are watching a street brawl. Scan each of the guards with Eagle Sense until you find the one with the key. Enter the crowd and hold X/A while moving to pickpocket it, then run away quickly. Resist the urge to kill any riflemen as you make your way back to that cave. Go back inside and find the cell door at the far end of that room to free the prisoner. The scene ends the mission. The Renegade - Do not let Janos lose more than half his health Really short but fun mission. Start by going straight ahead toward the column. Climb your way over to the first rifleman. When you reach the top point of your climb, the assassination prompt should appear. Hit it to kill the first guy. Move quickly, climbing the next wall and when you get to the top of the railing, do the next assassination. Go into the corner and climb up to the ledge to do a Ledge Assassination. Keep going up the final wall where the camera will shift. At the top of your climb ont his wall, you can do another assassination, jumping to him from the wall. Step out onto the cross and perform an Air Assassination on Shahkulu. That ends this struggle, once and for-- Gotcha! The fight isn't over! (dramatic music here) Shahkulu will probably be the only one to attack you so don't even worry about his guards. He's like a Janissary, minus the gun. He will take three counters to kill, so just sit on those and keep countering until he dies... for good. The guards will flee after that. Decommissioned - Do not take any damage So here's fair warning. This can be an annoying full synch objective if you let it be. I strongly recommend bringing four Sticky Shrapnel Bombs and some sort of back up stunning bomb. You'll see why in a moment. If you can't make the bombs at a station, try to buy some some from the black market merchants. You have to climb the tower again. When you climb up the broken bridge, look for the cables extending out from that ledge to the far wall. From here, it will be a straightforwad path along the cave wall to the hanging crates and into the hidden area. Here is where frustrations can mount and swears can be said. There are five groups of guards in here. One will be standing just inside as you arrive. Each group has the large Almogavar enemies, usually more than one and they can easily cause you some damage. Even the slightest scratch alone will fail you so, don't even think about getting fancy here, unless you are just that confident. Don't give them the chance. Throw a Sticky Bomb at one of them immediately and stay back, waiting for it to kill them all. Go up the stairs and there will be a second group. Repeat the same tactic but make sure they are all grouped together, or else it might not kill all of them. Retrieve the incendiary from the chest, then continue going through this area. More guard units will attack so try to use those bombs to take them out safely. If you run out, use some type of stunning bomb to keep them disoriented and then do some quick assassinations. Drop down to where the glowing door is and interact to plant the bomb. After the following scene, the mission is done, but the fight has only just begun... Last of the Palaiologi - Do not take any damage Once again, a demanding side objective, but this time it should be easier, as long as you don't want to get greedy. First thing's first. Take off running and pick a route: streets or rooftops. Either works fine, just don't make awkward jumps or anything that might get you hurt. The guards won't catch up provided that you keep moving. Head for the marker and approach Manuel for a short scene. Here is where you need to abandon any ideas of fighting and just run. Run for the gate Manuel escaped behind and climb straight up. From here, the path to him will be pretty straightforward and you will not have been attacked. Cornered, he will draw his sword and attack. Right off the bat he should attack you almost immediately. Take advantage of this and do a counter right away. One is all it will take and he will be put to sleep. Escape - Do not lose more than half your health Try to have plenty of medicine on hand for this one. At the start, draw your sword and just string together some kills. One guard will likely attack you immediately, so counter him, then try to string the kills into an Execution Streak. If someone else strikes, try to interrupt the streak with a new counter, then continue from there. Once the guards are slain, charge up the stairs in the back. Three more will come running, so choose how you want to skewer them. Really, there isn't a call for strategy here, so just take your pick: disamrms, counters, constant strikes, etc. Kill them and continue your escape. When you return to the main area of the city, smoke will be billowing everywhere. It slowly depletes your health and this is where the full synch and medicine come into play. You need to make your way across the city to the marker while combating your failing health with medicine. Wait til it gets near halfway and replenish so you can get the most out of your time. The difficult here is figuring out how to traverse the landscape and obstacles. Use Eagle Sense to see when the smoke gets too thick and you're blind otherwise. Keep climbing and keep moving, following the waypoint as a guide. Eventually, you will find the passage that leads back outside. One last group of guards will be waiting, including an Almogavar. Since they're heavy hitters, you might want to consider using any type of bomb that will kill them or stun them. The slightly riskier option is to just let someone else attack, counter, then streak the kills toward the Almogavar. A scene will play after successful escape. This leads into the final mission of the sequence. Passing the Torch Walk slowly out of the fortress grounds. Any enemies that attack you should be dealt with using your new.... "toy". Hold Square to use it, sending out a field of energy, killing any caught in its radius. The trip is again, very slow but hopefully that's not a huge issue for you. Clear the fortress gates and proceed down the hills. When you arrive at the tower, find the ladder and climb up to use the Apple of Eden from a high vantage point. It should kill all the enemies around. Descend the ladder and regroup with your allies. Guide them down the hill, eventually leading to a scene. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ THE END OF AN ERA Discovery - If attacked, kill five guards in close combat without getting hit You'll start off at Sofia's. Explore the area, going through the rooms until you find a body near one of the doorways. Investigate the body for a tragic scene. After that, you'll regain control outside a large gate, on a rooftop. If you want to meet the Full Synch objective, drop down immediately and draw not your sword, but your dagger. Run past everyone and into the gate. A group of guards should greet you, with more coming hopefully. The goal here is to use the dagger and string five kills together as quickly as possible, not getting hit in the process. Why the rush? Because your assassins, albeit very helpful, are also extremely annoying and will steal kills from you left and right. The dagger will make the kill streak incredibly faster, so use that and try to chain together the kills. If you don't get it, there's plenty more guards but it will probably be tougher with your assassins shadowing you the whole time. Otherwise, the fun part of this mission is you have unlimited assassins at your disposal. Summon them any time or use Arrow Storm as much as you want. Use it to clear out large groups containing tougher soldiers like Almogavars. Otherwise, you might want to get in a little action yourself, so decide how you want to use the abilities you have. Make your way, down a path of corpses to find your target. A furious Ezio will barely resist killing him. After the scene, you'll be free to start the next mission. You'll likely want to do that, as the stakes have certainly been raised. It's on the complete opposite side of the map though so use fast travel. The Exchange - Rescue Sofia before she loses 50% health Leave the HQ and go for the marker that is very close by. Regroup with your assassins, and after the scene, proceed to the top of the wall near the giant tower. Once you have control again, dash for the tower. Climb up a few ledges, then shimmy right. Go up to the small window, then right again. Look on your left for a small stone jutting out a bit. Use that with the hookblades and get that extra boost to get up higher. Climb to the right again, then use the window to get up higher. Shimmy right yet again, and then look for a straight path up. From there, it should be a relatively straightforward climb to the top. Once you get there, a scene starts. Hope you brought parachutes! Jump off and pop one and just glide straight ahead to the marker. Don't worry about any guards waiting; the assassins will take care of them. Try to get there as fast as possible (jumping off as soon as you get control helps) and free Sofia to end the mission. End of the Road - Kill 20 guards The opening to this mission will make the game come full circle in a slight way, as you'll be riding the carriage and trying to run other enemy carriages off the road. Start off by doing that, steering into them hard. We will not focus primarily on this however. Let the enviornment do most of the work instead. A short while in, you'll need to focus more on navigating the terrain than attacking. Parts of the road will be really rocky. Driving over these will greatly damage your carriage. Avoid it, trying to steer through narrow "safe" areas, and at the same time, forcing your enemies to take damage. Destroy both and you'll find Ahmet. This next sequence is a little wilder and may call for as much medicine as you have available. Start by hitting Square/X when prompted to open the parachute. From this point on, you'll need to help Ezio get around corners by moving left or right. Avoid buildings and trees and so on to prevent damage. If you hit too many things, use medicine. Along the ride, there will be several waves of horseback Templars, and that's really all there is to it. There aren't many curveballs thrown your way. So, as far as the guards are concerned, the counter for your bonus objective starts here. When a guard is almost directly below you or close enough, you can do an assassination while gliding. This tends to work out well because you can often "chain" assassinations together. For example, when you do one kill, another guard will often be right below as you're ready to do another one. There are more than a half dozen sections with horseback soldiers so you have a pretty decent window to get 20 kills. Just make sure to keep steering clear of buildings and such. Eventually, the ride ends and Ezio and Ahmet decide to settle things... in slow motion. As you're falling, hold R1 to block. Even though it doesn't at first appear to help, do it anyway. Wait for Ezio to gain the upper hand, then strike back with the attack button. Block again if necessary, but be aggressive for the most part. After that, a scene. Sequence 8 is done. Just one more, ladies and gents. Back to Top ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S E Q U E N C E 9 ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ REVELATIONS A Homecoming This will begin the extremely short final sequence. Walk and talk with Sofia as you go inside the fortress. She knows where to go so just follow her if you don't know the way. The path will include going into the secret entrance that leads to the library. The door has a small puzzle that must be solved to open it. You must place the fight Masyaf keys on the right fittings in the wall which appear to have images of constellations. Look closely a the keys and the small shapes on them. If you compare that to the shapes of the consoles, particularly the corners of them, you should be able to figure it out withotu too much trouble. If not, then a hint is that all the pieces should go on the right constellation. The door will open when you've got it right. From here, Ezio goes alone. As you approach each torch, the game takes over momentarily as Ezio lights them. At the end of the passage, you'll find something interesting and a scene will play. Lost Legacy This extremely short mission will have you basically mimicing the same path that Ezio just did. When you finish, approach the wall behind the chair, but listen to the dialogue first if you wish. When you get just past the chair, a scene will play. After that, go to the chair and watch the next scene. The Message And um... yeah. We're setting new records for short missions, but there's a reason so don't feel like you're being ripped off. After that last scene, approach that same wall behind the chair for a scene. After that... Congratulations! You've beaten Assassin's Creed: Revelations! o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Desmond's Journey || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS [dj00] | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o COMING SOON o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Lists || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS [ls00] | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o Here is an appendix for the armor, weapons, and certain purchaseable things in the game. These tables will provide some info on when these things are available and what they do for you in terms of stats. ______________________________________________________________________________ |S |Name |Damage|Speed|Deflect |When Available | |W |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| |O |Assassin Yataghan Sword|1 |2 |1 |Default equipped sword | |R |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| |D |Persian Shamshir |1 |4 |3 |Sequence 2 | |S |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Prussian War Hammer |1 |3 |3 |Sequence 2 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Florentine Falchion |1 |3 |5 |Sequence 3 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Merovingian Axe |1 |5 |5 |Sequence 3 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Mercenario War Hammer |2 |1 |2 |Sequence 4 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Condottiero Mace |2 |2 |2 |Sequence 4 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Syrian Sabre |2 |4 |3 |Sequence 5 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Sledgehammer |3 |4 |1 |Sequence 5 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Janissary's Kilij |4 |2 |2 |Sequence 6 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Sicilian Rapier |3 |5 |5 |Sequence 6 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Byantine Arming Sword |1 |2 |1 |Sequence 7 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Byzantine Mace |3 |5 |3 |Sequence 7 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Captain's Sword |2 |3 |3 |UPlay unlockable | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Schianova |3 |2 |3 |UPlay unlockable | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Milanese Sword |3 |3 |2 |UPlay unlockable | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Ottoman Mace |4 |4 |2 |Thieve's Guild challenges | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Vlade Tepe's Sword |4 |4 |4 |Complete Vlad DLC | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Altair's Sword |5 |3 |4 |Assassin Guild challenges | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|---------------------------| | |Yusuf's Turkish Kilij |5 |5 |5 |"The Deacon Part 1" mission| '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' _____________________________________________________________________________ |D |Name |Damage|Speed|Deflect |When Available | |A |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| |G |Kurdish Jambiya |1 |2 |3 |Sequence 2 | |G |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| |E |Macedonian Dagger |2 |2 |2 |Sequence 2 | |R |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| |S |Standard Stiletto |1 |3 |2 |Sequence 3 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Arabian Dagger |2 |4 |1 |Sequence 4 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Butcher's Knife |3 |5 |4 |Sequence 5 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Bayezid's Knife |5 |3 |4 |Sequence 6 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Afghani Khyber Blade |4 |4 |2 |Sequence 7 | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Romani Stiletto |5 |3 |4 |Romani Guild challenges | | |-----------------------|------|-----|--------|--------------------------| | |Mehmet's Dagger |5 |5 |5 |"The Trickster Part 1" | | | | | | | mission | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' MORE COMING SOON o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Extras || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS [itro] | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o COMING SOON Back to Top o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Miscellaneous || ASSASSIN'S CREED: REVELATIONS o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o All the other stuff for the guide that isn't related to the game. Here you can find the FAQ, information on submitting stuff to me, or contacting me. Frequently Asked Questions [fak4u] -------------------------- 1) My "notoriety"/Templar Awareness keeps going up. Why? A) Your "notoriety" now goes up for a lot more things. It goes up for everything you buy, as well as a 25% increase for renovating shops. 2) Where are the posters to remove Templar Awareness? A) No more posters this time. 3) Can you still explore and do side stuff after the story is completed? A) Yes, of course. 4) I have all these bomb ingredients, when can I start crafting bombs? A) Sequence 3. Keep playing. 5) What happens when I fail Den Defense? A) Failing Den Defense (which will probably be very common since it's pretty hard) means that the Templar Den is recaptured. So it will be as if you never took it in the first place. Therefore, you have to kill the Templar Captain and climb the tower all over again. Credits/Special Thanks ---------------------- -Ubisoft for making one of my favorite series in gaming period. Looking forward to Assassin's Creed 3! Contact Info ------------ If you need to reach me, my e-mail is provided below. I just have a few simple rules and reading these would be greatly appreciated. When it comes to all e-mails, I would prefer to have a clear and indentifiable subject header that says the mail is pertaining specifically to Assassin's Creed Revelations. Just "Assassin's Creed" or "AC guide" doesn't help me much. When it comes to questions, please make sure you checked the FAQ section first and tried ctrl+f for some keywords. If your question wasn't answered, feel free to ask me and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. For submitting tips or strategies, I have one simple rule. Being that I do not publish people's names or e-mail addresses, I ask that when you submit tips and stuff like that, please provide an alias or username you go by. Whatever it is, I don't care, as long as it isn't your actual name. E-mails without subject headers will be deleted with extreme prejudice. Just sayin... E-mail: veritas7ax[AT]gmail[DOT]com Legal Schpeel ------------- This guide is solely my own creation and should not be used improperly without my permission. Do not steal it and pass it off as your own, or use it on your site without permission. The following websites have permission to use this guide. Unless your site is listed here, submit requests to me via e-mail for hosting. I do not usually give out many hosting privileges. www.gamefaqs.com www.supercheats.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcodecentral.com www.gamingreality.com Thanks for reading! I shall now vanish into the night! /Smokebomb .... *runs*