Skyrim Mod: Better Performance

Skyrim Better Performance mod by Mertus.

Description: This performance patch will make your game run like Oblivion.
Can you run Oblivion on max settings but Skyrim only on High or Medium with lag?
This file is for you! You can jump from Medium to Ultra in less than 1 minute!

This patch DOES NOT affect your game in bad way anyhow and do not modify game files, you can remove it at no cost, any time. Please, do not speculate regarding things you don't know.
Also this patch can be used with other d3d9.dll files together, read about this in the documentation (category [PROXY]).

To increase performance at full, try to set custom DeviceID and VendorID values in enbpatch.ini file (HEX values). You can find such info in google, vendor id are two (AMD or NVidia) and device id a lot (videocard model). Try first to set up powerful videocards from same vendor as your card. For example GeForce 9600 GT vendorid=000010de and deviceid=00000622 (but better use other values).

Here you may find VendorID and DeviceID information for videocard:

Fixes bugs:
GRAPHIC: flame from dragons breath, other fire and magix fx invisible, volumetric fog, black dots on the screen or kind of black fence on it, other related to graphics (if you have them). Also it have property to increase quality of shadow texture for reducing "pixelation" (it's not a smooth shadows).

PERFORMANCE: this patch not increase performance as framerate (only for some WinXP or very specific systems), but it fix freezing of the game in about 5 seconds when traveling the world. Performance increased for shadow quality "Ultra".

Some users noticed no black screens ar bsod any more.


Download from SkyrimNexus 

(Link was down, but is now working thanks to an anonymous poster from the comments)


Unpack files from archive to game folder (where TES5.exe located). Make sure EVGA, Afterburn or XFire tools are not running.

Start the game with launcher, because video options must be reconfigured.

Some users have crash on start. This could be bad display drivers, try to use older or newer. Also tools like EVGA, Afterburn and XFire may be the problem (shut down them).