Here is a list of most of the ores that can be mined in Skyrim along with their locations.
- Greywater Grotto, South Southwest of Helgen
- Goldenrock mine at Darkwater Crossing, west of Mist watch.
- Halted Stream Camp, left of the Transmute Spell Tome.
- Pinepeak Cavern, north of Ivarstead.
- Along the mountain edge north of Shor's Stone.
- Eldergleam Sanctuary, on one of the edges
- Broken Helm Hollow, east of Riften. when inside all to the back there's a chain pull it and there it is. 1 vein in main chamber.
- Up in the mountains south of Hlaalu Farm and southeast of Brandy-Mug farm.
- Northeast of Cragwallow Slope. At the mountainside on a rock underneath a pinetree.
- Nchuand-Zel Excavation Site, in Markarth
Ebony Ore can be found at:
- Redbelly Mine, North of Riften
- Mzulft, Southeast of Windhelm
- Gloombound Mine, East of Windhelm
- Throat of the World, Very top of the mountain
Iron Ore can be found at:
- Embershard Mine, located southeast of Riverwood.
- Half-Moon Mill, north of Falkreath
- Left Hand Mine, just southeast of Markarth.
- Fort Fellhammer, south of Dawnstar .
- Rockwallow Mine, East of Morthal
- Halted Stream Camp, north of Whiterun.
- Northwind Mine, southeast of Mist watch.
- Iron-Breaker Mine, southeast in Dawnstar.
- Saarthal
- Whistling Mine, southeast of Winterhold.
- 2 veins south-west of Sarethi Farm.
- Southeast of Hollyfrost Farm near Windhelm - another can be found going further south up in the mountains, the ore being east of an unmarked hunting camp.
- Northwest of Narzulbur, behind some rocks.
- Southeast of Cragwallow Slope.
- Traitor's Post. Follow the road going southwest.
- Souteast of Riverside Shack. South of Windhelm.
- Not far north of Eldergleam Sanctuary.
- A bit southwest of Rorikstead. Another can be found just north of Rorikstead.
- South Cold Rock Pass. Just to the right of the cave intrance.
Moonstone Ore can be found at:
- Mzulft, Southeast of Windhelm
- Stony Creek Cave, Southeast of Windhelm
- Soljund's Sinkhole, Southwest of Rorikstead
Orichalcum Ore can be found at:
- Bilegulch Mine, Southwest of Fort Sungard
- On the southwestern side of the mountain on which Bonestrewn Crest is situated.
Quicksilver Ore can be found at:
- Quicksilver Mine, Northwest in Dawnstar
Silver Ore can be found at:
- The Bloodlet Throne, past the throne room.
- When coming out of Markarth, cross the bridge and turn left up a hill where there should be some half dead trees, there will be a Silver Veil connected to the rock.
- By Stendarr's Beacon east of Riften
- Frostmere Crypt, just before Frostmere Depths
- A small distance south from an unmarked hunting camp, south of Hollyfrost Farm near Windhelm
- Along the path to the Throat of the World
Malachite Ore can be found at:
- The Throat of the World (Top)
- Steamscorch Mine, near Kynesgrove
Gold Ore can be found at:
- Kolskeggr Mine, South of the Lover Stone near Markarth
- Lost Prospect Mine, East of Rifton North of the mountains. In the cave all the ore is located behind the waterfall.
- Greywater Grotto, South south west of Helgen on the map.
- Greenspring Hallow. To the southeast near the water.
- Fort Neugrad. Access through the Prison basement, across lake to the left.