Mario Kart 7 Character and Kart Part Stats Guide by Ventwig.
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()()()()()()()()()() ()Table of Contents ()()()()()()()()()() Table Of Contents......... (Must I?) Introduction..............[INTRO] Update Guide............[UPDATE] Stats Explanation.......[STAT] Note from KidBomb.... How to Use................[HOWUSE] Customizable Parts........[PARTS] Bodies..................[KART] Wheels..................[WHEEL] Gliders.................[GLIDE] Character Stats...........[CHAR] Weights.................[WEIGHT] FAQs......................[FAQS] Disclaimer/Contact/End....[END] If you would like to skip, press CTRL+F snd type in the code [with] the [] characters. You can also search the name of your desired part without the [] characters. NOTE: A new section will be introduced by a long line of (), where as a sub-section will be introduced by a short line of (). ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()Introduction [INTRO] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() IMPORTANT NOTE: All kart parts are in their NA names. Sorry EU and JP. Hey there, this is my first guide I've ever wriiten not counting the one boss FAQ which never got passed the third boss! So, as you know, a big part about a great game, Mario Kart 7, is that you can customize your kart to your liking based on three different parts that you can mix-and-match to get the stats that you like. There are many different parts and many different combinations, and here I'll show you how certain parts will affect the outcome of your kart! This guide is almost done, but missing 3 parts (Gold kart and Ghastly Glider). Thank you to all the contributers! ()()()()()()()()()()() ()Updates [UPDATE] ()()()()()()()()()()() Version 0.8 - December 6 2011 Started up the guide today! Version 0.8 because I have yet to unlock some parts... Version 0.9 - December 7 2011 Added a few parts thanks to snowflake182 and added a "How to use" section. Version 0.95 - December 7 2011 Added a few more parts thanks to JacobARF and info about the Ghastly Glider. Took out bullet duck. Version 0.99 - December 8 2011 Sorted out the kart parts added a note from KidBomb Added Neo Seeker Took out streamliner. (This would be higher than 0.99 if it had streamliner...) Version 1.2 - December 9 2011 Removed non-existing Streamliner. Added in the final parts. Thanks to johnboy81918 and RE4everMK. Added Gaming Reality It's 1.2 because 0.99 should've been higher, it got major revamp, but wasn't done yet, so this is counting the sorting. Version 1.22 - December 10 2011 Fixed up a subtraction error in "How to Use" thanks to Dr.Bhup Also added in a note there as suggestion from Dr.Bhup Added another Gold Kart stats thanks to pikachu936 Changed Gold Standard to Gold Kart Added a note and name change for Ghastly Glider -> Beast Glider thanks to WaLuigiTails. Version 1.23 - December 11 2011 Added a streetpass note on gold/beast parts. ()()()()()()()()()()() ()Stats Explanation ()()()()()()()()()()() This game has 5 different stats: Speed - How high your top speed will go. Increase with coins (10 max per race) Acceleration - Your recovery speed. You'll get back in the race after items faster. Weight - When two cars collide, the higher weight pushes the other. Also determines glide time. Less weight = longer glide. Handling - How easy it is to turn. High handling will feel smooth and you will not lose speed while turning. Off Road - Your capabilities while riding away from main road. Main Road isn't always on road, though. Underwater counts as off road, and so does certain parts of stages like snow in Rosalina's Ice World or almost everything in Kalimari Desert. Rushing water in Koopa Cape is off road. To calculate these stats, I took a base to work with (Mario + Standard + Standard + Super Glider) and a calculated the changes in the bars. There are 6 bars, so stats are /6, and changes mean: +1 - This means one WHOLE bar is added. -.5 - This means that half a bar is lost compared to the standard. [[[[Note from KidBomb:]]]] (Put into my own words) You should note that each Character, kart, or glider will not affect the total number of points spread around the 5 stats, making 16.5 the total all the time, but WHEELS and JUST WHEELS can increase/decrease the total amount of points that are distribituted. The Monster and Red Monster actually INCREASE the total points, where as the Slick and Gold tires DECREASE by 2.75 points! Ow! So if you assume that all stats are equally important (which is false) the Monster Tires would be the best. His Combination: Monster for its great boost Light character with a "handling" kart (Birthday Girl or B Dasher) and I assume a non-standard glider. As his suggestion, the total increase/decrease will now be posted on this guide. It's also good to note that you can set up a light character (Toad) to be heavy-based (Bowser) Though it technicall isn't possible to match bowser's stats, Toad can be very close to a "Big" character like Wiggler. I will divide each kart part into groups like "Heavy" or "Off Road" for ease of choice. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()How to Use [HOW USE] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() This guide is simple to use: browse for your part, and see! But if you're away from the game and wanna see the final stats, take this. Stats Speed: 3.5 Accel: 3 Weight: 3.25 Handle: 2.75 Off R: 3.75 Those are the stats for a completely standard Mario. Now, to find it out, add/subtract the stats depending on your parts and characters. So a Yoshi, Zucchini, Monster, Super Glider is Speed: 4.5 Accel: 2.5 Weight: 3.75 Handle: 1.5 Off R: 5 Okay, I cheated there, but you get it, right? I won't cheat here Yoshi,Standard,Standard,Flower Flower adds 0.25 accel, loses 0.25 weight Yoshi adds Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.5 Handle: +0.25 Off R: 0 [Added as suggestion from Dr.Bhup] It's easier if you take all the changes and add them up. Take the Chracter's and count each number as a "base", with minus being in a negative value, then add/subtract the numbers for kart, then wheels, then finally the glider. Then you have the actual amount you want to add/subtract for each part alltogether. So the actual change will be: Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.75 Weight: -0.75 Handle: +0.25 Off R: 0 then you take that from the base. 3.5 - 0.25 = 3.25 3 + 0.5 = 3.5 3.25 - 0.75 = 2.5 3.75 + 0.25 = 4 3.75 + 0 = 3.75 I think you get it now! If not, here's an example with changing all the parts. Bowser + Koopa Clown + Roller + Ghastly Glider. This is bowser: Speed:+0.5 Accel: -1 Weight: +1 Handle: -0.25 Off R: -0.25 So we'll use those as the temporary base. Next we do the kart. Koopa Clown does: Speed: 0 Accel: -0.25 Weight: 0 Handle: +0.5 Off R: -0.25 We'll do the math 0.5 + 0 = 0.5 -1 - 0.25 = -1.25 1 + 0 = 1 -0.25 + 0.5 = 0.25 -0.25 - 0.25 = 0.5 That is our new "Temp Base" to subtract from the base. 0.5 -1.25 1 0.25 0.5 But now we use roller: Speed: -0.75 Accel: +0.75 Weight: -1 Handling +2 Off R: -1.25 0.5 - 0.75 = -0.25 -1.25 + 0.75 = -0.5 1 - 1 = 0 0.25 + 2 = 2.25 0.5 - 1.25 = -1.75 So we have our new "Temp Base" Don't bother with Glider because the Ghastly is a base. All 0. Next, we take our Mario Base, and then use our "Temp Base" Speed: 3.5 - 0.25 = 3.25 Accel: 3 - 0.5 = 2.5 Weight: 3.25 + 0 = 3.24 Handle: 2.75 + 2.25 = 5 Off R: 3.75 - 1.75 = 2 So Bowser, Koopa Clown, Roller, Ghastly Glider is Speed: 3.25 Accel: 2.5 Weight: 3.25 Handle: 5 Off R: 2 Hopefully you get it! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()Customizable Parts [PARTS] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() They will be listed like the way the game does, starting with the standard and scrolling upwards. The parts are shown like this: Part Name ***** Visual Description (By me) Driving Description (By me) Speed Accel Weight Handle Off R At the part *****, I may put CC for karts. That means Changes Colour depending on the character, there are different colours. Also, I may put a little comment there. The Stats will have a +1 or -0.5 depending on the differences between it and the standard part for its catagory. A zero means no changes are made whatsoever. The parts are seperated into classes, some being "Light" "Fair" "Heavy", these DO NOT depend solely on the weight. They depend on the stat bonuses that mach the class most. Zucchini is a Heavy kart because it's based around speed. ()()()()()()()() ()Bodies [KART] ()()()()()()()() Standard CC Visual: The normal kart that you would expect anywhere. Driving: A plain kart. No pros, but no cons. Speed: 0 Accel: 0 Weight: 0 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 (This kart was the base, so all are 0) [[LIGHT KARTS]] Pipe Frame CC Visual: The kart from Mario Kart 64. A nice cutw lil' go kart. Driving: Another standard kart, but this one likes off-road more. Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.25 Weight: -0.25 Handle: 0 Off R: +0.25 Birthday Girl CC for royalty only Visual: Looks like a present tied with a bow. Red except for the royals. Driving: I think this is the most light-based kart. Accel and Handle! Speed: -0.5 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.25 Handle: +0.25 Off R: -0.25 Egg 1 Visual: Yoshi's DS kart , his egg, is back... with similar stats, too! Driving: Yoshi WAS always the on with acceleration! Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.25 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 Cloud 9 (Credits to JacobARF for these stats!) Visual: Lakitu's cloud kart - it's everywhere! Driving: A nice light kart with good handling! Speed: -0.5 Accel: +0.25 Weight: -0.25 Handle: +0.5 Off R: 0 [[HEAVY KARTS]] Bolt Buggy Visual: An ATV of a car. Yellow and kinda looks like a child's toy. Driving: This is the first heavy-character kart. Stats are balanced. Speed: +0.25 Accel: -0.5 Weight: +0.25 Handle: -0.25 Off R: +0.25 Zucchini (I liked this one, good speed) Visual: Looks like it's from F-Zero. Big burners, green, a little chunky. Driving: I liked the Zucchini for its good speed with low sacrifices. Speed: +0.5 Accel: -0.25 Weight: 0 Handle: -0.25 Off R: 0 Barrel Train (It's really cute with yoshi in it :)) Visual: That train from Double Dash! is back! Fires the steam at boosts. Driving: You wouldn't expect this as a heavy-based kart... weak handling. Speed: +0.25 Accel: 0 Weight: +0.25 Handle: -0.5 Off R: 0 Blue Seven (Credits to snowflake182 for these stats!) Visual: A blue Race-car like body. Has a 7 somewhere. Driving: Pretty cool heavy kart. Speed: +0.5 Accel: -0.5 Weight: +0.25 Handle: -0.25 Off R: 0 Bruiser Visual: Labeled commonly as Wario's bad-*** car. Spikes and a face with it! Driving: I never actually used it. Prefer the stats on the Soda. Speed: +0.5 Accel: -0.25 Weight: +0.25 Handle: -0.5 Off R: 0 Gold Kart (Unlocked atL 10,000 VR or 20,000 coins) I've received TWO stat info messages, so I'll include them both. (Thanks johnboy81918 and pikachu936) (Can NOT be shared via streetpass.) Visual: The normal kart - but gold! Driving: A normal speed kart. [johnboy81918] Speed: +0.5 Accel: -0.25 Weight: +0.25 Handle: 0 Off Road: -0.5 [pikachu936] Speed: +0.25 Accel: -0.25 Weight: +0.25 Handling: 0 Off-Road: -0.25 Thanks to you both, they are both different, but EXTREMELY similar. [[OFF-ROAD KARTS]] Tiny Tug (Credits to snowflake182 for these stats!) Visual: A pirate ship! Arggh! Seriously, it's a ship. Driving: Ehh. Takes out speed, adds useles stats... Speed: -0.5 Accel: 0 Weight: +0.25 Handle: 0 Off R : +0.25 Cact-X (Credits to JacobARF for these stats!) Visual: An odd green cactus....thing. Driving: Pretty cool, taking away some speed for driving. Speed: -0.25 Accel: -0.25 Weight: 0 Handle: +0.25 Off R : +0.25 Bumble V Visual: The yellow bee kart often seen with Yoshi. Driving: Again, I refrained from using due to its lack of speed. Speed: 0 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.25 Handle: -0.25 Off R: +0.25 [[SPECIAL KARTS]] B Dasher (Love this one. My current main!) Visual: Mario's DS kart is here, too! Kinda looks like a rocket... Driving: Great speed AND adds handling! Great partner with Yoshi for accel! Speed: +0.5 Accel: -0.5 Weight: 0 Handle: +0.25 Off R: -0.25 Koopa Clown (Credits to snowflake182 for these stats!) Visual: A clown-like kart. Kinda cute. Driving: Not what I'd expect from bowser.... handling? Speed: 0 Accel: -0.25 Weight: 0 Handle: +0.5 Off R: -0.25 Soda Jet (This was great, too. Adds to both main stats!) Visual: A little toy-like jet. Metalic blue with yellow deatures. Driving: Adding to both Speed and Accel... wow! Speed: +0.25 Accel: +0.25 Weight: -0.25 Handle: 0 Off R: -0.25 ()()()()()()()() ()Wheels [WHEEL] ()()()()()()()() Standard Visual: The normal wheels that you would expect anywhere. Driving: A plain kart. No pros, but no cons. Speed: 0 Accel: 0 Weight: 0 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 (This kart was the base, so all are 0) [[LIGHT WHEELS]]] Wooden (My current favourite) (Adds 0.75 max points) Visual: Kinds funny. Looks like cut logs with screws through them. Driving: Love this. Nice, light, wheels with great handling. Speed: -0.5 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.5 Handle: +1.25 Off R: 0 Sponge (Subtracts 0.5 max points) Visual: Orange spongy tires with flowers. I'd say it's Daisy's. Driving: These are stupid. They're like wooden, with a little more speed and loses so much handling. Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.75 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 Slim Visual: Thin wheels with a red circle inside. Driving: I liked this. First wheels unlocked for me, and lasted awhile. Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.25 Handle: +1.25 Off R: -1.25 Roller (Subtracts 0.25 max points) Visual: Very very small tires. smallest in the game. Black with scres as rims. Driving: These are the lightest tires in the game. Great handling, too! Speed: -0.75 Accel: +0.75 Weight: -1 Handling +2 <----------Biggest increase in the game Off R: -1.25 [[HEAVY/OFF ROAD WHEELS]] Monster (Adds 1 max point) Visual: The giant monster truck wheels that will crush all in its way! Driving: Great speed and offroad, but I refrain due to handling. Speed: +0.75 Accel: -0.75 Weight: +1 Handle: -1.25 Off R: +1.25 Red Monster (Adds 1 max point) Visual: Swirvy rims and red tires. How can you miss this? Driving: Just like the monster, but gains some accel for weight. Speed: +0.75 Accel: -0.5 Weight: +0.75 Handle: -1.25 Off R: +1.25 [[FAST WHEELS]] Mushroom (Subtracts 0.5 max points) Visual: Little red mushroom caps with white dots. Driving: The speed eqquivelent of Wooden, but losing offroad. Speed: +0.25 Accel: 0 Weight: -0.75 Handle: +1.25 Off R: -1.25 Slick (Credits to snowflake182 for these stats!) (Subtracts 2.75 max points) Visual: I don't know yet Driving: I don't know yet Speed: +1 Accel: -0.25 Weight: +0.25 Handle: -1.25 Off R: -2.5 Gold Tires (Note: This is unlocked by 1-starring EVERY GRAND PRIX) (Subtracts 0.75 max points) (Can NOT be shared via streetpass.) Visual: Standard tires turned completely gold - even the axis! Driving: Great speed, but awful everything else. Speed: +1 Accel: -0.5 Weight: +0.5 Handle: -1.25 Off R: -2.5 <--------------Biggest decrease in the game. ()()()()()()()() ()Gliders [GLIDE] ()()()()()()()() There are only two types of gliders - standard, and everything else. I'm not sorting this.... Super Glider/ Gold Glider (Same but golden, get at 100 streetpasses) Gold:(Can NOT be shared via streetpass.) Visual: The one in all the trailers and the cover. Driving: Barely affects it... I prefer not to use this, though. Speed: 0 Accel: 0 Weight: 0 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 (BASE) Everything Else Glider (Flower, Parasol, Paraglider, and swooper) Visual: Flower is a flower, Parasol is an umbrella, Swooper looks like that bat from Rock Rock Mountain And paraglider is the blue/yellow parachute. Driving: I always use these. always. Speed: 0 Accel: +0.25 Weight: -0.25 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 Beast Glider (Get at 5000 coins) (Credits to RE4everMK) ([CAN] be shared via streetpass.) Visual: Looks like a bat's wings, not swooper. Has spikes. Driving: Standard. Speed: 0 Accel: 0 Weight: 0 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 NOTE: WaLuigiTails has showed me through pictures that he has gotten this part at 4000 coins because he has streetpassed for two parts, his 4000 and 4500 coin marks, because those have been filled, the glider was unlocked at 4000 - automatically being the last part whenever the final counter has been reached. So if you streetpass people, it slowly brings down the unlock counter for this glider. Thanks WaLuigiTails! They should've just made them all different.... lazy. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()Character Stats [CHAR] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Nintendo has seperated all 16 characters in this game into 5 different weight classes, each with their ups and downs. I have named the weight classes as the following: Light Fair Medium Big Heavy Instead of every charcter getting different stats like MKWii, they have split it so each weight group has a set stat bonus. That way we won't play with 11 other Funky Kongs! Light characters add acceleration, where as Heavies add more speed. Play with you favourites! P.S. I recommend choosing your favourite character, as a character, not because of their stats and building around that. ()()()()()()()() ()Weights [WEIGHT] ()()()()()()()() Set up like this: Name Characters in it Breif Description Stats (set up like karts) LIGHT Toad, Koopa Troopa, Shy Guy, and Lakitu The lights build on recovery and ease - great for beginners! Speed: -0.5 Accel: +1 Weight: -1 Handle: +0.25 Off R: +0.25 FAIR (This one's mine) Peach, Yoshi, and Daisy They work like lights, but gain less, lose less. Speed: -0.25 Accel: +0.5 Weight: -0.5 Handle: +0.25 Off R: 0 MEDIUM Mario and Luigi (Small cast, eh?) Mii (Thanks johnboy81918!) These were my bases, so it's all zero. all around for them! Speed: 0 Accel: 0 Weight: 0 Handle: 0 Off R: 0 BIG Donkey Kong, Rosalina, and Wiggler They add some speed and weight, lowering their handling in the process. Speed: +0.25 Accel: -0.5 Weight: +0.5 Handle: -0.25 Off R: 0 HEAVY Bowser, Wario, Metal Mario, and Honey Queen They work like the bigs, but lose more, gain more. I hate this class. Speed:+0.5 Accel: -1 Weight: +1 Handle: -0.25 Off R: -0.25 If you happened to notice, the classes are opposites. Light and Heavy add/subtract the same stats at the same increments, just a different manipulator. Same goes for Fair and Big. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()FAQs [FAQS] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() If you have questions: Contact [email protected] Title the email "GameFAQS Guide ______" Q:When do I unlock ______? A:It's all random parts. Only the golden ones are set. Q: I didn't unlock a part at ____! Why? A: The parts start at 50, then increase to 100s, then 200s eventually, then 500s, ending at 5000. Q: Why are some parts all 0? A: Read the notes, please. They were my base part, so the increments revolve around them. Q: I can't find ______ on this guide! A: Click ctrl+f, then type in the name. It's all there. Q: How do I unlock parts? A: Get coins in races, 10 max per race, then there's a note when it's unlocked. Q: Do I get coins from online, coin runners, or time trials? A: Yes, no, and no. When you get them online, though, you don't get the part unless you finish a grand prix, or restart the game. Only 1 part per GP! Q: What's your combo? A: Yoshi, B Dasher, Wooden, Paraglider Really good IMO ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ()Closing/Disclaimers/Copyright [END] ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Firstly, thank you for reading my first guide. I hope it helps someone out there! I'll also need to put credits to all those things, coming up soon. Please note I worked very hard on this guide - took about 3 hours... okay, so maybe not that hard :P. Thanks, anyways! Please note I did all this stuff by myself, sitting there seeing all the differences. This guide may only be posted on GameFAQs, GamingReality, or Neo Seeker. Please email me at [[email protected]] if you would like to use any part of this guide in anything. On your website, in your guide, etc... All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.CREDITS!: To me, for making this (Who credits themself?) To you, for reading this To Nintendo, for making an awesome game to make this on To GameFAQs, for hosting this To all of the contributers, for helping with stats! To the MK7 message boards, for getting me more involved here To the MK7 message boards, for telling me about the 5 weight classes. To anyone I missed, thanks!