Photo Realism Minecraft texture pack (256x128x64) by KDStudios.
Author Description:
It first started out as my old Realistic HD Texture Pack I wanted a Minecraft that looked high quality and high resolution while still being able to recognise my surroundings. The feedback for that pack was overwhelming and soon enough I had many requests to include my work into their own. Scuttles asked to use my texture pack as a template for a pack he was working on.
I was curious as to what he could do. He ended up creating LB Photo Realism. I was shocked by how popular it was. So after much thinking I decided to work on my own photo realism pack. Add my own special touch to my already outdated pack and to also add more flavour to the already booming texture pack list. So this pack was born.
Download the Photo Realism texture pack for Minecraft 1.0.0 from MinecraftForum
Texture Pack Installation: (General installation for Minecraft Texture packs)
(Instructions on finding your minecraft folder)
2. Drop the texture pack in the folder.
3. Run MCPatcher.
4. Select the texture pack it from the "Texture Packs" menu in Minecraft.
5. Enjoy your new texture pack!
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