Yes you read that correctly, a mod that lets you play Skyrim online with other people has been created. Since it is still only in the alpha stage, you can only see other people, chat, and trade.
There is also an arena. Below you will find where to download the mod, as well as how to install and use it. See you online!
Before you try this mod, please note that it is still in early alpha and there are many bugs. So be prepared to restart Skyrim a few times if your game freezes.
Mod created by AwpSoLeet.
Download Skyrim Online:
Download from SkyrimNexus (The latest version will always be found there as it is submitted by the author.
1. Back up your config files, this mod will rewrite them !!!
2. Unrar the file in your Skyrim root folder.
3. Create a shortcut for SkyrimOnline.exe on your desktop
- Start SkyrimOnline.exe, it will automatically update the mod and then allow you to start the game with the mod.
- When you enter the game, you will be prompted for a username, enter whatever username you feel like using there is no authentication yet.
- To switch between UI mode and Game mode press F3.
Known Bugs:
- In UI mode some keys are sill enabled such as Journal and Wait, you might want to bind these keys to keys that are not needed in the UI (I personally use £ and ยต).
- Other player's movements are very awkward and animations are not played yet.
Skyrim Online Gameplay Video: