Here's the full list of challenges on the console (PS3 and Xbox 360) versions of The Sims 3. Thanks to nicjitsu for getting the list directly from the game.
20 Fingers and 20 Toes - 50 Have twins. 30 Fingers and 30 Toes - 100 Have triplets. A Ghost! - 25 Meet a ghost. A Novel Idea - 10 Begin writing a novel. All Your Base - 50 Collect an owner’s deed to every business in town. -Bakery - 5 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Bakery. -Bookstore - 5 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Bookstore. -Corporate Tower - 10 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Corporate Tower. -Criminal Warehouse - 10 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Criminal Warehouse. -Day Spa - 10 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Day Spa. -Grocery Store - 5 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Grocery Store. -Hospital - 15 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Hospital. -Restaurant - 10 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Restaurant. -Science Building - 15 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Science Building. -Stadium - 15 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Stadium. -Theater - 10 -Collect an owner’s deed to the Theater. And No Slackin'! - 10 Get a part-time or full-time job. Angler Management - 150 Collect a perfect specimen of every fish. -Alley Catfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Alley Catfish. -Anchovy - 5 -Catch a perfect Anchovy. -Angelfish - 10 -Catch a perfect Angelfish. -Black Goldfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Black Goldfish. -Blowfish - 10 -Catch a perfect Blowfish. -Deathfish - 20 -Catch a perfect Deathfish. -Goldfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Goldfish. -Jellyfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Jellyfish. -Lobster - 5 -Catch a perfect Lobster. -Minnow - 5 -Catch a perfect Minnow. -Piranha - 10 -Catch a perfect Piranha. -Rainbow Trout - 5 -Catch a perfect Rainbow Trout. -Red Herring - 5 -Catch a perfect Red Herring. -Robot Fish - 15 -Catch a perfect Robot Fish. -Salmon - 5 -Catch a perfect Salmon. -Shark - 10 -Catch a perfect Shark. -Siamese Catfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Siamese Catfish. -Swordfish - 5 -Catch a perfect Swordfish. -Tragic Clownfish - 10 -Catch a perfect Tragic Clownfish. -Tuna - 5 -Catch a perfect Tuna. -Vampire Fish - 15 -Catch a perfect Vampire Fish. Astronaut - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Military career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Military Career Outfits Baby Steps - 10 Create a household. Be Excellent To Each-other - 25 Reach the maximum potential Karma. Be My Guest - 10 Use the phone to invite someone over. BFF! - 25 Make a best friend. Brahe-ging Rights - 25 Discover 10 heavenly bodies. But it's Inflammable! - 25 Extinguish a Sim on fire. Career-Orientated - 75 Reach level 5 in each career. -Business - 25 -Become a Department Head in the Business career. -Criminal - 25 -Become a Bagman (or Bagwoman) in the Criminal career. -Culinary - 25 -Become a Line Cook in the Culinary career. -Journalism - 25 -Become a Anonymous Source Handler in the Journalism career. -Law Enforcement - 25 -Become a Lieutenant in the Law Enforcement career. -Medical - 25 -Become a Resident in the Medical career. -Military - 25 -Become a Flight Officer in the Military career. -Music - 25 -Become a Music Talent Scout in the Music career. -Political - 25 -Become a City Council Member in the Political career. -Science - 25 -Become a Carnivorous Plant Tender in the Science career. -Sports - 25 -Become a Rookie in the Professional Sports career. Celebrated Five-Star Chef - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Culinary career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Culinary Career Outfits CEO of a Mega-Corporation - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 8 of the Business career. Challenging - 50 Complete 50 Challenges. Chess Legend - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Logic skill and beating the Chess Grand Master. Child Prodigy - 150 Complete a Lifetime Wish before becoming a Young Adult. Classy - 15 Take a class. Cornucopia - 150 Grow a perfect specimen of every plant. -Apple Tree - 5 -Grow a perfect Apple Tree. -Bell Pepper Plant - 15 -Grow a perfect Bell Pepper Plant. -Burger Patty Plant - 20 -Grow a perfect Burger Patty Plant. -Cheese Plant - 20 -Grow a perfect Cheese Plant. -Death Flower Plant - 25 -Grow a perfect Death Flower Plant. -Eggplant - 20 -Grow a perfect Eggplant. -Flame Fruit Bush - 25 -Grow a perfect Flame Fruit Bush. -Garlic Plant - 15 -Grow a perfect Garlic Plant. -Grapevine - 5 -Grow a perfect Grapevine. -Lettuce Plant - 5 -Grow a perfect Lettuce Plant. -Life Plant - 25 -Grow a perfect Life Plant. -Lime Tree - 10 -Grow a perfect Lime Tree. -Money Tree - 25 -Grow a perfect Money Tree. -Omni Plant - 25 -Grow a perfect Omni Plant. -Onion Plant - 10 -Grow a perfect Onion Plant. -Potato Plant - 10 -Grow a perfect Potato Plant. -Steak Plant - 20 -Grow a perfect Steak Plant. -Tomato Plant - 5 -Grow a perfect Tomato Plant. -Watermelon Vine - 10 -Grow a perfect Watermelon Vine. Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 9 of the Science career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Science Career Outfits Do Your Homework! - 10 Do Your Homework. Don't Forget The Cake! - 15 Throw a birthday party. Downtowner - 25 Attend each type of town event once. -Amateur Olympics - 5 -Attend an Amateur Olympics. -Chess Tournament - 5 -Attend a Chess Tournament. -Eating Contest - 5 -Attend an Eating Contest. -Grillin' - 5 -Attend an Grill-a-Thon. -Meet and Greet - 5 -Attend a Meet and Greet. -Music Appreciation Day - 5 -Attend a Music Appreciation Day. Duck Time - 10 Take a bubble bath by placing a bottle on the shower before using it. Easy Money - 25 Marry into wealth by marrying a rich Sim. Enunciate - 25 Teach a toddler to talk. Epic Fail - 75 Use the Epic Fail Karma Power on 13 unsuspecting sims not in your family. Epic Party - 25 Throw an awesome party. Erudite Bibliophile - 50 Read every general book available in the bookstore. -Abstract With Turkey - 5 -Read “Abstract With Turkey.†-Baby Incoming - 5 -Read “Baby Incoming: Preparing with Vigilance.†-Commitment Issues - 5 -Read “Commitment Issues.†-Exit at Powell - 5 -Read “Exit at Powell.†-Game of Thorns - 5 -Read “Game of Thorns.†-Gpod - 5 -Read “Gpod.†-How to Spin Plates - 5 -Read “How to Spin Plates.†-I'm Still Cool - 5 -Read “I'm Still Cool.†-Llama Rights - 5 -Read “Llama Rights.†-Magnetic Attraction - 5 -Read “A Magnetic Attraction.†-Murder in Pleasantview - 5 -Read “Murder in Pleasantview.†-Noble History of Socks - 5 -Read “The Noble History of Socks.†-Not Expecting Much - 5 -Read “Not Expecting Much.†-On the Margins - 5 -Read “On the Margins.†-Point Farmer - 5 -Read “Point Farmer: The Story of Grant Rodiek.†-Raymundo - 5 -Read “The Adventures of Raymundo.†-Special Snowflake - 5 -Read “Special Snowflake.†-Stragedy - 5 -Read “Stragedy and Other Messterpieces.†-The Crumplebuttom Legacy - 5 -Read “The Crumplebuttom Legacy: A Tale.†-The Economy - 5 -Read “The Economy.†-The Point of Pointilism - 5 -Read “The Point of Pointilism.†-The Warlock - 5 -Read “The Warlock of Palladia.†-Thunking - 5 -Read “Thunking.†-Totally Preggers - 5 -Read “Totally Preggers: An Expecting Mother’s Tale.†-Unicorns for Audrey - 5 -Read “Unicorns for Audrey.†-Where's Bella? - 5 -Read “Where's Bella?.†-Zombies? Zombies! - 5 -Read “Zombies? Zombies!.†Family Heirloom - 200 Sell a painting worth §8000 or more. Paintings appreciate in value over time. Family Oriented - 100 Create and Move 5 new families into homes. Find Your Muse - 10 Visit the museum. Forensic Specialist-DNA Profiler - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Forensics branch of the Law Enforcement career. Friends With Exoskeletons - 10 Collect 5 insects. Fun for the Whole Family! - 10 Collect 5 rocks. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Karma Power: Firestorm Fundraiser - 10 Throw a Campaign Fundraiser. Genie - 150 Gain 150,000 Lifetime Happiness Points on one Sim. Get Reel - 15 Watch a movie at the theatre. Get with it - 5 Buy a computer. Getting Older all the Time - 150 Experience 64 age transitions. Go Llamas! - 5 Watch a game at the stadium. Gold Digger - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting married to a rich sim and then seeing their ghost. Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 Charisma and Guitar Skills. Graduated - 5 Complete the in-game tutorial. Hacker - 10 Hack on the computer 10 times. Happiness... It Stacks - 25 Get 5 positive moodlets at the same time on one Sim. Happy Little Trees - 5 Start a Painting. Heartbreaker - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Being the boyfriend/girlfriend of 10 different Sims. Hit Movie Composer - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Symphonic branch of the Music career. Home is Where the Simoleons Are - 25 Raise your household’s value to §35,000 or more. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Karma Power: Giant Jackpot. Hometown Hero - 150 Upgrade all of the community buildings. -Capitol Building - 25 -Upgrade the Capitol Building by reaching level 10 in the Political career. -Chez Francois - 13 -Upgrade the Bistro by reaching level 10 in the Culinary Career. -Dewey Discount Book Departement - 25 -Upgrade the Bookstore by reaching level 3 in the Bookstore Clerk part-time job. -EverGreen Supermarket - 25 -Upgrade the Supermarket by reaching level 3 in the Grocery Store Clerk part-time job. -Federal Branch of Inquiries - 25 -Upgrade the Police Station by reaching level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career. -Fort Gnome Military Base - 25 -Upgrade the Military Base by reaching level 10 in the Military career. -Happy Go Luxury Spa Resort - 25 -Upgrade the Day Spa by reaching level 3 in either one the Receptionist or Spa Specialist part-time job. -Keeper Family Crypt - 25 -Upgrade the Mausoleum by reaching level 3 in the Mausoleum Clerk part-time job. -Landgraab Advanced Research Facility - 25 -Upgrade the Science Lab by reaching level 10 in the Science career. -MM Journalism Corporate HQ - 25 -Upgrade the Corporate Tower by reaching level 10 in either the Business or Journalism careers. -Moonlight Bay Memorial Stadium - 25 -Upgrade the Stadium by reaching level 10 in the Athletic career. -Moonlight Bay Surgical Center - 25 -Upgrade the Hospital by reaching level 10 in the Medical career. -Paragon Personal Private Charity HQ - 25 -Upgrade the Warehouse by reaching level 10 in the Criminal Career. -Rustic Crust Bakery - 12 -Upgrade the Bakery by reaching level 10 in the Culinary Career. -School for the Logically Adept - 25 -Upgrade the School by getting on the Honor Roll with a child or teen Sim. -Valey Music Hall - 25 -Upgrade the Theatre by reaching level 10 in the Music career. How you Doin'? - 5 Learn the Charisma Skill "I Am Become Death" - 75 Go through the death of 10 household Sims. I Double Dare Ya - 25 Explore the catacombs after dark. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Karma Power: Divine Intervention. Illustrious Author - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 Writing and Painting Skills. International Super Spy - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Spy branch of the Law Enforcement career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Law Enforcement Career Outfits It's a Date - 20 Go on a Date. Jack of All Trades - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Reaching level 5 of in four different careers. Johny Appleseed - 25 Obtain a seed and plant it. Leader of the Free World - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Political career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Political Career Outfits Leet Skillz - 75 Complete any 10 Skill Journal Milestones. Living in the Lap of Luxury - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting a family net worth of 100,000 Simoleons. Mad Skillz - 25 Complete any 2 Skill Journal Milestones. Make it Rain - 10 Get a raise. Master Architect - 50 Build a home of at least §350,000 property value on a large lot. Master of the Arts - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 Guitar and Painting skills. Master Thief - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Thief branch of the Criminal career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Criminal Career Outfits Matchmaker - 50 Start 5 romantic relationships. Mightier Than the Sword - 50 Write one book of each genre. -Auto-Biography - 10 -Write an Auto-Biography. -Children's - 10 -Write a Children's novel. -Drama - 10 -Write a Drama novel. -Fantasy - 10 -Write a Fantasy novel. -Fiction - 10 -Write a Fiction novel. -Historical - 10 -Write a Historical novel. -Humor - 10 -Write a Humor novel. -Masterpiece - 10 -Write a Masterpiece. -Mystery - 10 -Write a Mystery novel. -Non-Fiction - 10 -Write a Non-Fiction novel. -Romance - 10 -Write a Romance novel. -Satire - 10 -Write a Satire novel. -Science Fiction - 10 -Write a Science Fiction novel. -Trashy - 10 -Write a Trashy novel. -Vaudeville - 10 -Write a Vaudeville novel. Miracle Worker - 150 Complete 1,000 wishes. Movin' On Up - 75 Move into a new home. No More Diapers! - 25 Potty train a toddler. No More Skinned Knees! - 25 Teach a toddler to walk. Not dead yet. - 25 Resurrect a Sim. Not Twice, But 10 Times - 50 Complete 10 Opportunities. Once a Parent, Always a Parent - 50 Welcome a child into the family. Opportunity Knocks - 10 Complete an Opportunity. Partners in Crime - 25 Become a partner of the Paragon Personal Private Charity Warehouse. Perfect Mind Perfect Body - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 Logic and Athletic skills. Periodically on Sale - 10 Buy a book from the bookstore during a sale. Power Overwhelming - 250 Unlock every Good Karma Power by purchasing them with Challenge Points. Professional Author - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Earning 4,000 Simoleons per week in royalties. Professional Opportunist - 100 Complete 20 Career Opportunities. Repeated Opportunities are a-okay. Pyromaniac - 100 Get an insurance check for over §15,000 after using the Firestorm Karma Power. Renaissance Sim - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 in 3 different skills. Rock Star - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Rock branch of the Music career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Music Career Outfits Shotgun Wedding - 25 Marry a pregnant Sim or get married while pregnant. Sit Back and Relax - 15 Get a spa treatment at the day spa. Skilled - 150 Get to level 10 in every skill. -Athletic - 15 -Reach level 10 Athletic. -Charisma - 15 -Reach level 10 Charisma. -Cooking - 15 -Reach level 10 Cooking. -Fishing - 15 -Reach level 10 Fishing. -Gardening - 15 -Reach level 10 Gardening. -Guitar - 15 -Reach level 10 Guitar. -Handiness - 15 -Reach level 10 Handiness. -Logic - 15 -Reach level 10 Logic. -Painting - 15 -Reach level 10 Painting. -Writing - 15 -Reach level 10 Writing. Skilled Opportunist - 100 Complete 25 Skill Opportunities. Socialite - 50 Attend 15 total town events. Star Anchor of the Evening News - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Journalism career. Steel Sous Chef - 100 Prepare every recipe perfectly. -Ambrosia - 10 -Prepare perfect Ambrosia. -Angel Cake - 10 -Prepare perfect Baked Angel Food Cake. -Autumn Salad - 5 -Prepare perfect Autumn Salad. -Burger - 5 -Prepare perfect Hamburger or Veggie Burger. -Carbonara - 5 -Prepare perfect Goopy Carbonara. -Cheesesteak - 5 -Prepare perfect Cheesesteak. -Cobbler - 5 -Prepare perfect Cobbler. -Cookies - 5 -Prepare perfect Cookies. -Dim Sum - 10 -Prepare perfect Dim Sum. -Eggs - 5 -Prepare perfect Eggs Machiavellian. -Fish & Chips - 5 -Prepare perfect Fish & Chips. -French Toast - 5 -Prepare perfect French Toast. -Grilled Cheese - 5 -Prepare perfect Grilled Cheese. -Grilled Salmon - 5 -Prepare perfect Grilled Salmon. -Hot Dogs - 5 -Prepare perfect Hot Dogs or Tofu Dogs. -Key Lime Pie - 5 -Prepare perfect Key Lime Pie. -Lobster - 10 -Prepare perfect Lobster Thermidor. -Mac and Cheese - 5 -Prepare perfect Mac and Cheese. -Pancakes - 5 -Prepare perfect Pancakes. -Parfait - 5 -Prepare perfect Fruit Parfait. -PB&J - 5 -Prepare perfect Peanut Butter and Jelly. -Ratatouille - 5 -Prepare perfect Ratatouille. -Spaghetti - 5 -Prepare perfect Spaghetti or with veggie sauce. -Steak - 5 -Prepare perfect Tri-Tip Steak. -Stu Surprise - 5 -Prepare perfect Stu Surprise. -Stuffed Turkey - 5 -Prepare perfect Stuffed Turkey. -Sushi - 5 -Prepare perfect Sushi. -Waffles - 5 -Prepare perfect Waffles. Stylizer - 50 Design and save 20 styles using Create a Style. Super Popular - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Having 20 friends. Superstar Athlete - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 9 of the Athletic career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Professional Sports Career Outfits Surrounded by Family - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Raising 5 babies to teens. Swimming in Cash - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Having 50,000 Simoleons in cash. Table for Two - 15 Go out to eat at a restaurant with someone. Teenage Rebel - 15 Sneak out after curfew 10 times with a teen or child Sim. That New Car Smell - 10 Buy a car. The Big Proposal - 50 Get Engaged. The Culinary Librarian - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Learning all recipes. The Emperor of Evil - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Evil branch of the Criminal career. The Perfect Garden - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Growing 8 different kinds of perfect plants. The Perfect Private Aquarium - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Having 13 different kinds of perfect fish displayed in fishbowls. The Reviler - 50 Become a public menace. -Ahh, Regret - 5 -Return a stolen object. -Big Ol' Meanie - 10 -Be mean 10 times. -Public Enemy - 25 -Become enemies with 15 Sims. -That's My Candy! - 25 -Steal candy from a baby 5 times. -Thief - 20 -Steal 20 things with a kleptomaniac Sim. The Tinkerer - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting level 10 Logic and Handiness skills. The Tourist - 25 Tour the Military Base, Theatre, City Hall, and the Science Facility. -City Hall - 5 -Take a tour of the City Hall. -Military Base - 5 -Take a tour of the Military Base. -Science Facility - 5 -Take a tour of the Science Facility. -Theatre - 5 -Take a tour of the Theatre. This is so Meta - 25 Experience the Meta. -Meta Gaming - 10 -Play video games for 10 hours. -Meta Watching - 10 -Watch TV for 10 hours. True Wealth - 150 Gain 250,000 lifetime happiness on one Sim. Uber Challenging - 150 Complete 150 challenges. Ultimate Wish - 100 Complete a non-Lifetime-Wish worth 7,500 Lifetime Happiness Points or more. Very Challenging - 100 Complete 100 challenges. What Goes Around - 10 Use a Karma Power. Wish-Master - 50 Complete 100 Wishes. Wish-Monger - 25 Complete 50 Wishes. Wishful Thinker - 10 Complete 10 Wishes. Woo Hoo! - 50 Make WooHoo. Working Friends - 50 Become best friends with your boss and all of your co-workers. World-Renowned Surgeon - 100 Promise and complete this Lifetime Wish. The Wish entails: Getting to level 10 of the Medical career. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Medical Career Outfits You Never Forget Your First - 50 Have a first kiss. Completing this Challenge allows you to purchase the Challenge Shop Reward: Karma Power: Get Lucky.