Here's a Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Guide by calhoun1389 [thomascalhoun [@] live.com]
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Table of Contents
- Intro
- Basic Info
- Game Modes
- Maps
- Kits
- Unlock Trees
- > Kit Weapons
- > Weapon Attachments
- > Vehicle Unlocks
- Ranking Up
- Weapons
- > Assault
- > Engineer
- > Support
- > Recon
- > All Kits
- > Sidearms
- Gadgets
- > Assault
- > Engineer
- > Support
- > Recon
- Vehicles
- Specializations
- Awards
- > Medals
- > Ribbons
- Helpful Links
- Legal
- Thanks
Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings all, my name is Thomas. You may know me as "calhoun1389." I'm here to supply you with the most in-depth Multiplayer FAQ for the console versions of Battlefield 3 as well as answer your questions about the game. This FAQ won't instantly make you pro at the game, that's entirely on you and your ability to put this information to use. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC GAME INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battlefield 3 is a Battlefield game made by Digital Illusions CE (DICE for short) and published by Electronic Arts (EA for short). It is a direct sequel to Battlefield 2. It was released on October 25, 2011 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Battlefield 3 features a Single Player, a Multiplayer, and a Co-Op game mode. If you're looking tips and tricks for the Single Player or Co-Op portions of the game, please look elsewhere as I am not exploring those two game modes. However, if you want to know everything you can about the Multiplayer portion, read on. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME MODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battlefield 3 features 5 game modes. Those game modes are: Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, and Squad Deathmatch. In this section I will do my best to explain the game modes. CONQUEST: Compete with the enemy team to control all bases (flags) on the map. The first team to lose all their tickets loses the round. Sit within a set distance of a flag to capture the base. The more bases a team has, the faster their enemy's tickets will drain. RUSH: This game mode is an Attack and Defend type game mode set around multiple bases placed along the map. The Attackers get 100 Tickets, or lives, to share before the round is up. Tickets will resupply after each successful base capture. > Attackers: You are the U.S. Marines, your mission is to capture each enemy base and rid the map of enemy Russian Forces. When you advance on the enemy M-COM, hold Circle to arm the charge. Once armed, you job shifts to defense and you hold off the enemy until the charge detonates. You win by taking all bases. > Defenders: You are the Russian Spetsnaz, your mission is to defend the base and drive off the enemy forces. When approaching the armed M-COM, hold Circle to disarm the charge and save the day. You win by depleting the enemy ticket count to 0. SQUAD RUSH: The same as Rush but on a smaller scale. Differences from Rush are as follows: > Up to 4 players per team (1 Squad). > 1 M-COM Station per base; 2 bases per match. > Maps are much smaller than on Rush. > Only 20 reinforcement tickets for attackers. > Exclusion of any vehicles. TEAM DEATHMATCH: The classic FPS game mode. Win by helping your team reach the designated number of kills before the enemy team can. This mode has no vehicles and reduced map sizes. Goal: 100 Kills. SQUAD DEATHMATCH: The same as Team Deathmatch but with minor changes. Differences from Team Deathmatch are as follows: > Only 4 players to a team. (1 squad) > 4 teams compete with each other. > One Light Armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) on the map. > Goal reduced to 50 Kills. NOTE: Some servers feature more tickets than others, keep an eye on these regardless. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battlefield 3 features 9 different Multiplayer maps. Each map is playable in all game modes. CASPIAN BORDER - Placed along the Turkmenistan-Iranian Border, this map is one giant field to play in with multiple different locales, including a forest, checkpoint station and gas station. Number of CQ Bases: 4 Number of Rush Bases: 3 Jets: Yes. DAMAVAND PEAK - The peak of Mount Damavand in Iran, this map features mainly CQC battles and is unique in the fact that it features a 500m base jumping section during a game of Rush. Number of CQ Bases: 3 Number of Rush Bases: 4 Jets: No. GRAND BAZAAR - Taking place in Central Tehran, Iran, this map is mostly CQC infantry fighting with a few light armored vehicles and a ton of long corridors. Also known for its display that the developers couldn't play this game for crap during special events :D Number of CQ Bases: 3 Number of Rush Bases: 4 Jets: No. KHARGH ISLAND - An island that rests in the Persian Gulf, this map is full of both vehicle and infantry fighting. Number of CQ Bases: 4 Number of Rush Bases: 4 Jets: Yes. NORSHAHR CANALS - One of the few maps to include a Spawn set on an aircraft carrier, this map in Iran features amphibious vehicles, boats and helicopters. Number of CQ Bases: 3 Number of Rush Bases: 5 Jets: No. SEINE CROSSING - The second Paris map revealed for the game, this map is set in the 7th District of the City of Love. Entirely urban, this map focuses on infantry based combat with one or two LAV's in the mix. Number of CQ Bases: 4 Number of Rush Bases: ? Jets: No. TEHRAN HIGHWAY - Based around a highway in the Iranian Capital of Tehran, this map also features urban based combat with a few land vehicles spread out. Also known for being the only night-time map in the game. Number of CQ Bases: 3 Number of Rush Bases: ? Jets: No. OPERATION FIRESTORM - A military operation based in the Tehranian Oilfields, this map features a great balance between infantry and vehicle warfare. Number of CQ Bases: 5 Number of Rush Bases: 3 Jets: Yes. OPERATION METRO - Set in a Parisian suburb, this map consists of a wide open park, a subway station and a street that is overlooked by two large buildings and a Lion statue. Number of CQ Bases: 3 Number of Rush Bases: 4 Jets: No. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Battlefield 3, the class system is divided into four Kits. Each kit has their own role, kit specific weapons, kit unlock tree and weapon attachment pattern. The four kits are Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon. ASSAULT: Assault combines the Medic and Assault kits from Bad Company 2 in the exact opposite way Support does. Featuring the Assault Rifles, this kit has 2 different configurations with different jobs. > Configuration #1: Medic-Type. Heal team mates who have taken damage by deploying your Medic Kits nearby (left on the D-Pad). Revive fallen comrades with your Defibrillators (Right on the D-Pad). > Configuration #2: Grenadier-Type. Use your Grenade Launcher to destroy enemy cover or provide smoke cover. Equipping the Underslung Rails will allow players to mount their Grenade Launcher to the bottom of any non-bull pup rifle. ENGINEER: The Engineer returns from Bad Company 2 but you have Carbine Assault Rifles instead of Submachine Guns. Your role is to repair friendly vehicles with your Repair Tool and to destroy enemy armor with your AT Mines and launchers. SUPPORT: Support combines the Medic and Assault kits from Bad Company 2 in the exact opposite way Assault does. Your role is to lay down suppressive fire on enemy positions with your LMG or Mortar and resupply friendlies. Additionally, you get Claymores and C4 to set traps and even destroy enemy vehicles. RECON: The Recon Kit returns from Bad Company 2. This kit in unique in that it has two completely different roles and two unlock patterns. > Role #1: Flank enemies and provide a mobile spawn for your squad. > Role #2: Provide Medium to Long range interdiction and cover your friendly flanks. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNLOCK TREES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will cover the various weapon, attachment and vehicle specialization unlocks. Back to Top KIT WEAPONS: [0005a] - Assault - Default: M16A3(USMC)/AK74M(RU), Medic Packs, and Underslung Rail Kit Level 1: Defibulators Kit Level 2: M320 (Grenade Launcher) Kit Level 3: M416 Kit Level 4: AEK-971 Kit Level 5: M16A4 (Burst Variant of M16A3) Kit Level 6: F2000 Kit Level 7: M26 MASS (Underslung Shotgun) Kit Level 8: AN-94 Kit Level 9: AK-74M (USMC)/M16A3 (RU) - Engineer - Default: M4A1(USMC)/AK74U(RS), Repair Tool, and SMAW(USMC)/RPG7(RS) Launcher Kit Level 1: FIM-92 Stinger (USMC)/ SA-18 IGLA (RU) Kit Level 2: M15 AT Mine Kit Level 3: SCAR-H Kit Level 4: EOD Bot Kit Level 5: M4 (Burst variant of M4A1) Kit Level 6: A-91 Kit Level 7: Javelin Kit Level 8: G36C Kit Level 9: AK-74U (USMC)/M4A1 (RU) - Support - Default:M27 IAR(USMC)/RPK-74M(RS), Bi-pod, Heavy Barrel, and Ammo Box Kit Level 1: C4 Explosives Kit Level 2: M249 Kit Level 3: M18 Claymore Kit Level 4: M224 Mortar Kit Level 5: PKP Pecheneg Kit Level 6: M240B Kit Level 7: M60E4 Kit Level 8: RPK-74M (USMC)/M27 IAR (RU) - Recon - Default: MK11 Mod 0(USMC)/SVD (RS), Sniper Optic, and Radio Beacon Kit Level 1: T-UGS (Motion Sensors) Kit Level 2: SV98 Kit Level 3: SOFLAM Laser Designator Kit Level 4: MAV (Unarmed UAV) Kit Level 5: SKS Kit Level 6: M40A5 Kit Level 7: M98B Kit Level 8: SVD (USMC)/Mk11 Mod 0 (RU) CO-OP UNLOCKS: Co-Op Mode unlocks several weapons for the player. Those weapons are unlocked in the following order: 1st: MP412 REX 2nd: KH2002 (For Assault Kit) 3rd: MP7 4th: Mk39 EMR (For Recon Kit) 5th: 93R 6th: SG553 (For Engineer Kit) 7th: G3A3 (For Assault Kit) Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON ATTACHMENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battlefield 3 features a wide variety of weapon attachments for soldiers to customize their guns to fit whatever need they have. Some guns unlock different attachments at different times, please consult your Battlelog to confirm a given gun's unlock order. - ASSAULT RIFLES - 4x Optics - 10 Kills Heavy Barrel - 20 Kills Foregrip - 30 Kills Tactical Light - 40 Kills RDS - 50 Kills Bipod - 60 Kills Suppressor - 70 Kills HOLO - 80 Kills Laser Sight - 90 Kills IRNV - 100 Kills Sniper Optics - 125 Kills LMG Optics - 150 Kills Flash Suppressor - 175 Kills Enemy 4x Optics - 200 Kills Enemy RDS - 235 Kills Enemy HOLO - 270 Kills Enemy Sniper Optics - 300 Kills Enemy LMG Optics - 350 Kills - CARBINES - RDS - 10 Kills Laser Sight - 20 Kills Foregrip - 30 Kills Tactical Light - 40 Kills HOLO - 50 Kills Suppressor - 60 Kills 4x Optics - 70 Kills Heavy Barrel - 80 Kills Bipod - 90 Kills IRNV - 100 Kills Sniper Scope - 125 Kills LMG Optics - 150 Kills Flash Suppressor - 175 Kills Enemy RDS - 200 Kills Enemy HOLO - 235 Kills Enemy 4x Optics - 270 Kills Enemy Sniper Scope - 300 Kills Enemy LMG Optics - 350 Kills - LIGHT MACHINE GUNS - LMG Optics - 10 Kills Flash Suppressor - 20 Kills Extended Mag - 30 Kills Tactical Light - 40 Kills Holo - 50 Kills Foregrip - 60 Kills Laser Sight - 70 Kills RDS - 80 Kills Suppressor - 90 Kills IRNV - 100 Kills 4x Optics - 125 Kills Enemy LMG Optics - 150 Kills Enemy HOLO - 175 Kills Enemy RDS - 200 Kills Enemy 4x Optics - 235 Kill - SEMI-AUTO SNIPER RIFLES - 4x Optics - 10 Kills Laser Sight - 20 Kills Forgrip - 30 Kills Tactical Light - 40 Kills HOLO - 50 Kills Bi-pod - 60 Kills Suppressor - 70 Kills Ballistic Scope (12x) - 80 Kills RDS - 90 Kills IRVN - 100 Kills Enemy Sniper Scope - 125 Kills LMG Optics - 150 Kills Enemy 4x Optics - 175 Kills Enemy HOLO - 200 Kills Enemy RDS - 235 Kills Enemy LMG Optics - 270 Kills - BOLT-ACTION SNIPER RIFLES - Ballistic Scope (12x) - 10 Kills Laser Sight - 20 Kills Bi-pod - 30 Kills Tactical Light - 40 Kills 4x Optics - 50 Kills Straight Pull Bolt - 60 Kills Suppressor - 70 Kills HOLO - 80 Kills RDS - 90 Kills IRVN - 100 Kills Enemy Sniper Scope - 125 Kills LMG Optics - 150 Kills Enemy 4x Optics - 175 Kills Enemy HOLO - 200 Kills Enemy RDS - 235 Kills Enemy LMG Optics - 270 Kills -SHOTGUNS - RDS - 10 kills Flechette Ammo - 20 kills Extended Mag - 30 kills HOLO - 40 kills Tactical Light - 50 kills 12G Frag Ammo - 60 kills 4x Optics - 70 kills Laser Light - 80 kills 12G Slug - 90 kills IRNV - 100 kills Sniper Scope - 125 kills LMG Optics - 150 kills Flash Suppressor - 175 kills Enemy RDS - 200 kills Enemy HOLO - 235 kills Enemy 4x Optics - 270 kills Enemy Sniper Scope - 300 kills Enemy LMG - 350 kills - PDWS - RDS - 10 Kills Laser Sight - 20 kills Suppressor - 30 kills HOLO - 40 kills Tactical Light - 50 kills Extended Mag - 60 kills LMG Optics - 70 kills 4x Optics - 80 kills Enemy RDS - 90 kills IRNV - 100 kills Enemy HOLO - 125 kills Enemy LMG Optics - 150 kills Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEHICLE UNLOCKS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As with Kits, Vehicles in BF3 unlock specs and weapons based on a player's experience with a given vehicle type. Leveling up a type of vehicle will unlock a new spec or weapon. - AIR HELICOPTER SCOUT - Default: IR Flares Level 1: Heat Seekers Level 2: Stealth Level 3: Auto-loader Level 4: Proximity Scan Level 5: Air Radar Level 6: Extinguisher Level 7: Maintenance Level 8: Guided Missile Level 9: Below Radar Level 10: Laser Painter Level 11: ECM Jammer - INFANTRY FIGHTING VEHICLE (IFV) - Level 1: IR Smoke Level 2: ATGM Launcher Level 3: Belt Speed Level 4: Coaxial LMG Level 5: Thermal Optics Level 6: Proximity Scan Level 7: Zoom optics Level 8: Maintenance Level 9: APFSDS-T Shell Level 10: Thermal Camo Level 11: Guided Missile Level 12: Reactive Armor - AIR HELICOPTER ATTACK - Default: IR Flares Level 1: Heat Seekers Level 2: Stealth Level 3: Auto-loader Level 4: Zoom Optics Level 5: Proximity Scan Level 6: Air Radar Level 7: Guided Missile Level 8: Extinguisher Level 9: Maintenance Level 10: Thermal Optics Level 11: Laser Painter Level 12: Below Radar Level 13: ECM Jammer Level 14: Guided Rocket Level 15: TV Missile - MAIN BATTLE TANKS - Level 1: IR Smoke Level 2: Coaxial LMG Level 3: Auto-loader Level 4: Zoom Optics Level 5: Maintenance Level 6: Coaxial HMG Level 7: Proximity Scan Level 8: Guided Shell Level 9: Thermal Optics Level 10: Thermal Camo Level 11: Canister Shell Level 12: Reactive Armor Level 13: CITV Station - ANTI-AIR - Level 1: IR Smoke Level 2: Anti-Air Missile Level 3: Belt Speed Level 4: Zoom Optics Level 5: Proximity Scan Level 6: Thermal optics Level 7: Air Radar Level 8: Maintenance Level 9: Thermal Camo Level 10: Reactive Armor - AIR JET FIGHTER - Default: IR Flares Level 1: Heat Seekers Level 2: Stealth Level 3: Auto-loader Level 4: Proximity Scan Level 5: Rocket Pods Level 6: Air Radar Level 7: Extinguisher Level 8: Below Radar Level 9: Maintenance Level 10: Guided Missile Level 11: Beam Scanning Level 12: ECM Jammer Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANKING UP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Battlefield 3, we have a ranking system similar to the CoD Level system. As you level up, you're awarded Specializations, All Kit weapons and special Camos. All Kit weapons are special weapons that are set aside from the kit specific weapons and can be used by all kits after they are unlocked. Here is the Level Unlock list Rank 01: 870MCS Rank 02: SPRNT (Spec) Rank 03: Woodland Camo Rank 04: G17C Rank 05: Ammo (Spec) Rank 06: Ranger Camo Rank 07: PP-2000 Rank 08: FLAK (Spec) Rank 09: Army Green Rank 10: M9 Tactical (It has a flash light) Rank 11: EXPL (Spec) Rank 12: Expeditionary Force Camo Rank 13: MP443 Tactical Rank 14: COVR (Spec) Rank 15: Paratrooper Camo Rank 16: UMP-45 Rank 17: SUPR (Spec) Rank 18: Navy Blue Camo Rank 19: G17C Silenced Rank 20: FRAG (Spec) Rank 21: Jungle Pattern Camo Rank 22: M1014 Rank 23: SQD SPRNT (Spec) Rank 24: Desert Khaki Camo Rank 25: M9 Silenced Rank 26: SQD AMMO (Spec) Rank 27: Urban Pattern Camo Rank 28: MP443 Silenced Rank 29: SQD FLAK (Spec) Rank 30: G18 Silenced Rank 31: SQD EXPL (Spec) Rank 32: PDW-R Rank 33: SQD SUPR (Spec) Rank 34: Saiga 12K Rank 35: SQD COVR (Spec) Rank 36: .44 Magnum Rank 37: SQD FRAG (Spec) Rank 38: DAO-12 Rank 39: Veteran Kit Camo Rank 40: P90 Rank 41: G18 Rank 42: Spec Ops Black Camo Rank 43: USAS-12 Rank 44: .44 M-Scoped (the Magnum with a scope, lol wtf?) Rank 45: AS VAL Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section we'll go over the various weapons in Battlefield 3. Back to Top - ASSAULT - [0007a] M16A3: The 3rd generation of M16A3 has been upgraded with a RIS (Rail Interface System) for mounting accessories and is capable of Automatic and Semi-Automatic fire. Available to front line units engaged in urban combat, the M16A3's low recoil makes a capable all around weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: Default (USMC)/220,000 Assault Score (RU) AK-74M: The AK-74M is the latest Modernized version of the classic AK-47. Fielded as the standard Assault Rifle by the Russian Army, the M variant includes a side folding polymer stock and a scope mount rail on the left side of the weapon. Recent developments allow the AK series of weapons to field many of the accessories typically seen on Western guns. The AK-74M is a reliable and rugged medium range weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 650 Ammunition: 30 [5.45x39mm WP] Range: LONG Unlock: Default (RU)/220,000 Assault Score (USMC) M320: A single shot 40mm Grenade Launcher, the M320 replaced the old M203 in service with the US Military. Initially developed for the G36 assault rifle, the M320 allows a larger variety of ammunition to be used with the weapon including Fragmentation, Flechette, and Smoke rounds. The M320 can be equipped on some Assault Rifles with the Underslung Rail. *Replaces Medic Kit.* Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [40mm] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 11,000 Assault Score (BUCK: 10 Kills) (SMOKE: 20 Kills) M416: The M416 was developed by a famous German weapons manufacturer as a more reliable version of the classic M16. The weapon is essentially a fusion of the M16 and the G36 Assault Rifles. The M416 is reliable and accurate, with a moderate recoil and rate of fire that makes for an effective all around weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 750 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: 22,000 Assault Score M26 MASS: The M26 Lightweight Shotgun System was developed to replace older, more cumbersome breaching shotguns. Available as a standalone shotgun, or capable of being mounted on some Assault Rifles with Underslung Rails, the M26 is able to fire Shot, Flechette, Frag, and Slug rounds. *Replaces Medic Kit.* Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 5 [12 Gauge] Range: SHORT Unlock: 38,000 Assault Score AEK-971: The AEK-971 was developed as a possible successor to the AK-74 series of Assault Rifles and features a unique recoil reduction system. The AEK-971’s high rate of fire makes it excellent in close quarters but difficult to control. Shooters should switch to Semi-Automatic or 3 Round Burst for longer ranges. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 30 [5.45x39mm WP] Range: LONG Unlock: 60,000 Assault Score M16A4: This 4th generation M16A4 is equipped with a removable carrying handle, a RIS (Rail Interface System) for mounting accessories, and is capable of both 3 Round Burst and Semi-Automatic fire. The original flaws of the M16 design have all but been eliminated and the M16A4 serves as the standard rifle of the USMC. Low recoil with a high rate of fire, the M16A4 is an accurate medium range weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: 89,000 Assault Score F2000: A Belgian manufactured bullpup Assault Rifle configured in the Tactical setup with top and forward rails for mounting a variety of accessories. The rifle is in use with a variety of Special Forces units including Pakistani, Peruvian, Chilean, Indian and Polish. It has also been adapted as the standard rifle of Saudi Arabia and Slovenia. The bull pup configuration prevents it from mounting underslung weapons, but a high fire rate makes it lethal in CQB Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 850 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: 124,000 Assault Score AN-94: In service with elite Russian forces, the AN-94 offers a unique, highly accurate, 2 round burst feature. Compared to the standard AK series, the AN-94 requires a significantly higher degree of training. A skilled shooter can effectively engage targets at a longer range than typical Assault Rifles. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x39mm WP] Range: LONG Unlock: 166,000 Assault Score KH2002: This Iranian developed Assault Rifle is essentially a bullpup conversion of the M16. The KH2002 is intended to replace the G3 in service with the Iranian armed forces, though there is speculation that it may be years before the rifle is ready for full deployment. The KH2002’s short length lends itself well to close combat, but prevents it from mounting any underslung weapons. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: 17,000 CO-OP Score G3A3: The G3 rifle is one of the most widely fielded Assault Rifles in the world. Multiple versions of the G3 exist, and it has been used in countries around the world, including Sweden where it was known as the AK4. This particular G3 is the A3 variant, with a fixed stock. The long barrel and firing heavy 7.62x51mm NATO round enable the G3A3 to reach out at longer ranges than most other Assault Rifles, but at the cost of heavy recoil. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 550 Ammunition: 20 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: LONG Unlock: 160,000 CO-OP Score Back to Top - ENGINEER - [0007b] M4A1: Essentially a shortened version of the M16 the M4A1 Carbine traces its roots to weapons designed for US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) during the Vietnam War. The M4A1 variant is capable of Automatic fire and includes rails that allow the user to equip a large number of accessories. The carbine has seen heavy use at the front-lines of Iraq and Afghanistan in close quarters and urban environments. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: Default (USMC)/145,000 Engineer Score (RU) AKS-74u: Derived from the AKS-74, the AKS-74u is a shortened Carbine with the power of a rifle cartridge but the size of a submachine gun. Often called by its nickname "Krinkov" the shortened barrel makes the weapon inaccurate at medium ranges but extremely effective in close quarters. Due to its incredibly short length the AKS-74U cannot mount a bi-pod. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 650 Ammunition: 30 [5.45x39mm WP] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: Default (RU)/145,000 Engineer Score (USMC) SMAW: Developed especially for the US Marine Corps to defeat light armor and enemy bunkers, the Mark 153 SMAW is capable of defeating both modern armor and emplacements. 83mm unguided rockets are loaded individually at the back of the launcher from disposable sealed 1 time use units at the rear. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [83mm HEDP Rocket] Range: MEDIUM Unlocks: Default (USMC use only) RPG-7v2: A widely-produced, anti-tank rocket propelled grenade weapon, the RPG-7 has been used in almost all conflicts across all continents since the mid-1960s. Modernized into the RPG-7v2, which is lighter, and more accurate than the original RPG-7 and firing GP-7VL rocket propelled grenades the RPG-7v2 is effective against both fortifications and armor. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [85mm PG-7VL grenade] Range: MEDIUM Unlocks: Default (RU use only) FIM-92 Stinger: The FIM-92 Stinger is a man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM). The Stinger is capable of locking on and engaging a large variety of craft, from small UAVs up to low flying helicopters and jets. The Stinger requires a locked target in order to fire. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [Stinger] Range: LONG Unlocks: 3,000 Engineer Score (USMC use only) SA-18 IGLA: Russian man-portable infrared homing SAM. Labeled the 9K38 by the Russians and SA-18 IGLA by the US, the IGLA is capable of locking on and engaging a large variety of craft, from small UAVs up to low flying helicopters and jets. The IGLA requires a locked target in order to fire. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [IGLA] Range: LONG Unlocks: 3,000 Engineer Score (RU use only) SCAR-H: Developed for the US SOCOM the SCAR is a modular series of weapons available in multiple interchangeable calibers, barrel lengths, and configurations. This particular model has been configured as a SCAR-H CQB (SCAR-Heavy Close Quarters Battle) with a shortened barrel and chambered for the hard hitting 7.62mm NATO round. This gives the SCAR-H a greater range than typical Carbines at the expense of serious recoil. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 20 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 14,000 Engineer Score M4: Visually and mechanically similar to the M16, the M4 Carbine was developed to replace pistols and sub-machine guns at the front lines. The M4 is capable Semi-Automatic and 3 Round Burst fire and is equipped with accessory rails for end user customization. The rifle has largely replaced the M16A2 previously in use by the US Marine Corps. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 40,000 Engineer Score A-91: An unusual weapon, even by Russian standards, the A-91 is a bullpup Carbine chambered in the 5.56mm NATO round instead of a Russian caliber. Made from polymers, it features a forward shell ejection system that keeps shells well clear of the shooter’s face upon ejection. The bull pup configuration prevents the A-91 from mounting a foregrip. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 58,000 Engineer Score FGM-148 Javelin: A shoulder launched Anti-Tank missile with both Direct and Top Attack modes. A Fire-and-Forget system requires a lock on before launch, but the missile will guide itself to the target. When firing on Laser Designated targets, the Javelin automatically uses Top Attack mode, which is exceptionally powerful against enemy armor. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Single Shot Ammunition: 1 [127mm HEAT] Range: MEDIUM Unlocks: 82,000 Engineer Score G36C: A cut down version of the German Army’s full size G36 rifle, the C in G36C stands for Commando or Compact. Equipped with a number of rails for accessories and a set of backup iron sights instead of the integrated optics and carry handle of the G36, the G36C is a Carbine with significant customization options. Its great ergonomics and short length make it excellent in short range encounters. The G36C also includes a 2 Round Burst mode. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 750 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 110,000 Engineer Score SG553: A Carbine variant of the Swiss Army’s standard SG550 rifle, the SG553 improves over its predecessor the well-known SG552 by including integrated rails for mounting accessories. A Carbine with excellent ergonomics, the SG553 is capable of Automatic, 3 Round Burst, and Semi-Automatic fire and is an excellent close range weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 700 Ammunition: 30 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 120,000 CO-OP Score Back to Top - SUPPORT - [0007c] M27 IAR: This beefed up M416 entered service alongside the M249 in the Marine Corps in 2011. The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) features a heavier, longer barrel and an extended magazine to enable greater amounts of suppressive fire while retaining some of the mobility of a standard M416. The M27 features a bi-pod by default for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 750 Ammunition: 45 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: Default (USMC)/170,000 Support Score (RU) RPK-74M: The RPK-74M is an improved version of the original RPK developed in the 1950s. Essentially a heavy barreled AK-74, the RPK fires from a longer magazine and has been equipped with polymer grips to lighten the weapon. The RPK-74M also features the same scope mount as the AK-74M and is equipped with a bipod by default for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 45 [5.45x39mm WP] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: Default (RU)/170,000 Support Score (USMC) M249: An adapted version of the Belgian original, the M249 was modified to conform to the United States’ design requirements. The M249 has seen action in every major conflict since the 1989 invasion of Panama and has earned a reputation as a reliable weapon. A single M249 can supply suppressive fire equivalent to 15 riflemen. The M249 comes equipped by default with a Bipod for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: No Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 800 Ammunition: 100 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 11,000 Support Score PKP PECHENEG: Another Modernization of a traditional Russian weapon, the PKP Pecheneg replaces the PKM machine gun in service with Spetsnaz units. Firing a heavier round than the RPK-74M the Pecheneg is able to supply greater suppressive fire thanks to its increased power and belt feed. The Pecheneg comes equipped by default with a bipod for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: No Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 100 [7.62x54mm R] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 60,000 Support Score M240B: The M240 is a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) that was first developed in Belgium and adopted by the USMC in 1991. The M60 was replaced first by the M240G, and subsequently by the M240B which provides commonality between the Marines and the US Army. Firing the heavier 7.62mm NATO round the M240B has greater power than the M249. The M240 is equipped with a bipod by default for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: No Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 750 Ammunition: 100 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 90,000 Support Score M60E4: "The Pig," as it was commonly referred to when it was introduced in Vietnam, has served with every branch of the US Military and continues to serve with Special Forces groups. All though the M60 has been mostly replaced by the M240, the upgraded M60E4 features modern accessory rails, a shortened barrel, and improved reliability, and reduced weight. The M60E4 features a bipod standard for supported shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: No Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 580 Ammunition: 100 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: 130,000 Support Score Back to Top - RECON - [0007d] *Due to drop being more prevalent in Sniper Rifles, I'll include a gun's bullet speed and the rate at which gravity tugs on the bullet. Both will be in meters per second (m/s). Credit to DenKirson for find these speeds for us.* MK11 MOD 0: Essentially an M16 chambered for the heavy 7.62mm NATO caliber the Mk 11 Mod 0 features a longer, heavier, free-floating barrel, enhanced rail system and provisions to mount a sound suppressor. Everything about the Mk 11 Mod 0 is designed to enhance accuracy and provide a squad long range, accurate, Semi-Automatic fire. The Mk 11 Mod 0 is equipped with a Rifle Scope (8x) by default. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 10 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 550 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: Default (USMC)/195,000 Recon Score (RU) SVD: Designed as a squad support weapon, the SVD Dragunov enhances a squad’s ability by providing long range, rapid, accurate Semi-Automatic fire. Although the SVD looks similar to an AK style weapon, these are merely cosmetic. When paired with specially designed sniper cartridges the SVD Dragunov is a deadly and accurate marksman weapon. The SVD is equipped with a standard PKS-07 (7x) scope. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 10 [7.62x54mm R] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 530 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: Default (RU)/195,000 Recon Score (USMC) SV98: Similar to its Western counter parts, the SV-98 began life as a proven Bolt-Action sporting rifle. The SV-98 is equipped with a 10 round detachable box magazine, a muzzle brake that can be swapped for a suppressor, and backup iron sights. The SV-98 is standardly equipped with a PKS-07 (7x) for very long range shooting. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Bolt Action Ammunition: 10 [7.62x54mm R] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 520 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: 13,000 Recon Score SKS: Millions of SKS rifles were produced originally for the Soviet Army in 1945 and in China as the Type 56. The SKS is a popular rifle with civilian shooters, and can still be found in a number of arsenals around the world. A number of aftermarket upgrades are available for the SKS, this model is equipped with a synthetic stock, detachable 30 round magazine, and a PKS-07 (7x) scope. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 20 [7.62x39mm WP] Range: LONG Speed: 440 Drop: -15 Unlock: 71,000 Recon Score M40A5: Developed around the Bolt-Action of a proven American hunting rifle, the M40A5 has been upgrade with a lightened fiberglass stock, a detachable magazine, and the provisions for mounting suppressors. An incredibly accurate rifle, the M40A5 currently serves as the primary Sniper Rifle for the USMC. The M40A5 is by default equipped with a Rifle Scope (8x) Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Bolt Action Ammunition: 10 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 490 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: 104,000 Recon Score M98B: A precision tactical rifle, the M98B was uniquely developed from the ground up as a Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle. Firing the .338 Magnum round from a detachable box magazine the M98B is capable of impressive accuracy and great stopping power even at extreme ranges. The M98B is currently being evaluated by US SOCOM in a modified form. The M98B is equipped with a Rifle Scope (8x). Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Bolt Action Ammunition: 5 [.338 Magnum] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 650 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: 146,000 Recon Score M39 EMR: The M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle (EMR) is a highly modernized M14 designed to be utilized by USMC designated marksmen. Issued with match-grade 7.62mm NATO long range ammunition the M39 is significantly lighter and more accurate than the original M14. The M39 is limited to Semi-Automatic fire, but supports a number of accessories including a standard Rifle Scope (8x). Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 10 [7.62x51mm NATO] Range: VERY LONG Speed: 570 Drop: -9.81 Unlock: 58,000 CO-OP Score Back to Top - ALL KITS - [0007e] 870MCS: The M870 is an American made Pump-Action Shotgun that has been used by Special Forces units for decades. In urban environments the M870 is especially effective due to its high stopping power at close range. The ability to load different types of shells makes the M870 able to adapt to a wide variety of situations, while a narrow choke gives the M870 slightly more range than other shotguns. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Pump-Action Ammunition: 5 [12 gauge] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 1 PP-2000: Though chambered in the standard 9x19mm caliber, the PP-2000 is designed to use Russian overpressure rounds at high velocity to penetrate body armor. The high muzzle velocity of the PP-2000 gives it a flatter trajectory than other 9mm weapons, and its compact size make it ideal as a Personal Defense Weapon. When equipped with the 40 round extended magazine the PP-2000 also functions admirably in a CQB assault role. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 20 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 7 UMP-45: German built, the UMP-45 is a fully automatic Personal Defense Weapon noted for its versatility and optimal mobility. Essentially an improved version of the MP5, the UMP-45 is functionally similar but substantially cheaper to manufacture and includes several modern upgrades such as the top and forward accessory rail. The UMP-45 is well-rounded and capable as a Personal Defense Weapon. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 600 Ammunition: 25 [.45ACP] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 16 M1014: An Italian Semi-Automatic Shotgun, delivered to USMC in 1999, the M1014 fires 12 gauge rounds without the need for the pump action seen on the 870MCS. A reliable and versatile weapon, the M1014 is also equipped with a rail for the mounting of various accessories and an open choke that results in wide pellet spread. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 5 [12 Gauge] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 22 PDW-R: Developed as a Personal Defense Weapon, the PDW-R differs from most other PDW concepts by utilizing the standard 5.56mm NATO rounds of the M16 or M4. This allows the PDW-R to share magazines and supply lines with standard troops while its short length and bull pup configuration allow the PDW-R to be easily operated in CQB. Though it lacks the accuracy of a rifle, the PDW-R has a greater punch at longer ranges than other PDWs. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 750 Ammunition: 20 [5.56x45mm NATO] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 32 SAIGA 12K: This Russian made magazine fed 12 gauge Shotgun is based on the proven AK-47 action and equipped with a folding stock. It is reliable, fast to reload, and capable of mounting a variety of accessories. The Saiga 12K is popular with Russian police and security services, and it is an effective close combat weapon with a wide pellet spread. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 5 [12 Gauge] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 34 P90: Developed in Belgium as a Personal Defense Weapon for vehicle crews, Special Forces and Counter-Terrorist groups the P90 is a compact and capable weapon system. The three forward rails allow an operator to mount a wide variety accessories and the 5.7x28mm special armor piercing ammunition is fired at nearly rifle velocity. Standard with a 50 round magazine the P90 is capable as an offensive CQB weapon for highly mobile personnel. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 50 [5.7x28mm] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 40 USAS-12: A South Korean produced Automatic Shotgun, the USAS-12 was specifically developed for the combat Shotgun role. Feeding from a box magazine, and capable of both Automatic and Semi-Automatic fire, the USAS-12’s high weight makes recoil manageable. The open choke results in a wide pellet spread. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 275 Ammunition: 5 [12 Gauge] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 43 AS VAL: The AS VAL is an integrally suppressed Soviet designed Assault Rifle developed for use in the Spetsnaz. Chambered for a special high performance armor piercing 9x39mm round, the AS VAL includes mounts for using optical, red dot or even night vision scopes. The VAL is designed to be fired only with the suppressor attached, and therefore prevents the rifle from mounting underslung attachments. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 20 [9x39mm] Range: MEDIUM Unlock: Reach Rank 45 MP7: Another contender for the newly developing PDW market the MP7 is currently in service with the German Bundeswehr and the Norwegian Armed Forces. The MP7A1 includes an improved stock, additional safeties, and added rails for mounting lights, lasers, and sights. The weapon is also capable of being suppressed, giving it excellent close combat stealth performance. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: 950 Ammunition: 20 [4.6x30mm] Range: SHORT Unlock: 34,000 CO-OP Score Back to Top - SIDEARMS - [0007f] M9: Formally known as Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, the M9 was selected as the primary sidearm of the entire United States military in 1985. Developed in Italy, the M9 was selected in a series of often disputed trials, only narrowly beating out other contenders, because of its high quality and low price. The M9 is the primary sidearm of the USMC. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 15 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Default (USMC)/100 kills with M9 (RU) MP443: Designed to replace the dated PMM pistol, the MP443 Grach pistol was developed in 1993 and fires high powered armor-piercing 9mm Russian rounds. The pistol is a combined construction of polymers and steel and has been adopted by select Special Forces units in the Russian military. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 18 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Default (RU)/100 kills with MP443 (USMC) G17C: The G17C pistol is part of a large series of pistols from an Austrian manufacturer. Chambered in 9mm, this full sized combat pistol features a polymer frame and anti-corrosion surfaces that make it incredibly reliable. The G17C is incredibly popular with both Police and Military units worldwide. This G17C has been equipped with an integral Laser Sight that makes unaimed fire more accurate. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 17 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 4 M9 TACT.: Formally known as Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, the M9 was selected as the primary sidearm of the entire United States military in 1985. Developed in Italy, the M9 was selected in a series of often disputed trials, only narrowly beating out other contenders, because of its high quality and low price. This M9 has been equipped with a Tactical Light that can be blinding in close quarters. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 15 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 10 MP443 TACT.: Designed to replace the dated PMM pistol, the MP443 Grach pistol was developed in 1993 and fires high powered armor-piercing 9mm Russian rounds. The pistol is a combined construction of polymers and steel and has been adopted by select Special Forces units in the Russian military. This MP443 has been equipped with a Tactical Light that can be blinding in close quarters. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 18 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 13 G17C SUPP.: The G17C pistol is part of a large series of pistols from an Austrian manufacturer. Chambered in 9mm, this full sized combat pistol features a polymer frame and anti-corrosion surfaces that make it incredibly reliable. The G17C is incredibly popular with both Police and Military units worldwide. This G17C has been equipped with a Suppressor to lower the flash and sound signature. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 17 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 19 M9 SUPP.: Formally known as Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, the M9 was selected as the primary sidearm of the entire United States military in 1985. Developed in Italy, the M9 was selected in a series of often disputed trials, only narrowly beating out other contenders, because of its high quality and low price. This M9 has been equipped with a Suppressor to lower the flash and sound signature. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 15 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 25 MP443 SUPP.: Designed to replace the dated PMM pistol, the MP443 Grach pistol was developed in 1993 and fires high powered armor-piercing 9mm Russian rounds. The pistol is a combined construction of polymers and steel and has been adopted by select Special Forces units in the Russian military. This MP443 has been equipped with a Suppressor to lower the flash and sound signature. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 18 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 28 G18: Essentially an Automatic version of the G17C, the G18 was developed for the Austrian EKO Cobra counter-terrorist force. Classified as a Machine Pistol, the G18 has been equipped with a number of modifications to allow greater control over its very rapid fire. Regardless, the G18 in Automatic is incredibly difficult to fire effectively at anything other than extremely short ranges. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 19 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 30 .44 MAGNUM: A .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, this particular model features a ported barrel, a compact frame for easy carry, and of course, a round that will blow your head clean off. The .44 Magnum is the most powerful available side arm, but the recoil and weight of the weapon makes fast follow up shots extremely difficult. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 6 [.44 Magnum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 36 G18 SUPP.: Essentially an Automatic version of the G17C, the G18 was developed for the Austrian EKO Cobra counter-terrorist force. Classified as a Machine Pistol, the G18 has been equipped with a number of modifications to allow greater control over its very rapid fire. Regardless, the G18 in Automatic is incredibly difficult to fire effectively at anything other than extremely short ranges. This G18 has been equipped with a Suppressor to lower the flash and sound signature. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: Yes Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 19 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 41 .44 MAGNUM SCOPED: A .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, this particular model features a ported barrel, a compact frame for easy carry, and of course, a round that will blow your head clean off. The .44 Magnum is the most powerful available side arm, but the recoil and weight of the weapon makes fast follow up shots extremely difficult. This .44Magnum is equipped with a 3x scope. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 6 [.44 Magnum] Range: SHORT Unlock: Reach Rank 44 MP412 REX: Developed for export in Russia (REX stands for Revolver for Export), the MP412 is a compact .357 Magnum handgun with an interesting tilt open and auto extraction design. While not as powerful as the .44 Magnum, the .357 Magnum round from the MP412 offers excellent stopping power and the compact package offers a slightly higher rate of accurate fire. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: No Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto Ammunition: 6 [.357 Magnum] Range: SHORT Unlock: 5,000 CO-OP Score 93R: A modified version of the M9 pistol, the 93R is able to fire in 3 Round Bursts. The 93R is equipped with a forward folding fore grip and an extended barrel which is ported to reduce recoil. Trained shooters are able to fire bursts in rapid succession, and the pistol is typically seen in service only with elite special purpose units. Characteristics --------------- Full-Auto fire: No Single Shot fire: Yes Burst fire: Yes Rate of Fire: 900 Ammunition: 20 [9x19mm Parabellum] Range: SHORT Unlock: 86,000 CO-OP Score Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gadgets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, we'll cover the kit specific Gadgets in the game. Back to Top - ASSAULT - [0008a] Medic Kit: A deployable Medical Kit provides healing over time to soldiers near the kit, greatly speeding the body’s natural healing processes. Unlock: Default Defibrillator: Automated External Defibrillator (AED) allows an Assault soldier with proper medical training to revive a downed teammate within a short time after his death. Unlock: 4,000 Assault Score Back to Top - Engineer - [0008b] Repair Tool: A hand held oxy-fuel welding and cutting torch provides the Engineer with the ability to both Repair Friendly and Damage Enemy Vehicles. Unlocks: Default M15 AT Mine: A hand placed Anti-Vehicle blast mine, the M15 was first used by the US Military in the Korean War. A single mine is capable of disabling armored vehicles, and multiple mines can outright destroy any vehicle. The fise of the M15 mine is set to detonate only when vehicles pass over it with a minimum speed leve. *Replaces Repair Tool.* Unlocks: 7,000 Engineer Score EOD Bot: A remotely controlled Explosive Ordinance Disposal robat allows the Engineer to repair and damage vehicles like a normal Repair Tool, but can also arm and disarm explosives and MCOM stations in Rush. Unlocks: 25,000 Engineer Score Back to Top - Support - [0008c] Ammo Box: The deployable Ammo Box refills ammunition for nearby soldiers. Explosives and grenades take longer to be resupplied than standard magazines. Unlocks: Default C4 Explosives: Remotely detonated Composition 4 explosive packs provide anti-material, anti- vehicle and anti-personnel abilities. Unlocks: 4,000 Support Score M18 Claymore: The M18A Claymore is a directional anti-personnel mine that is detonated by motion in front of the mine. The mine can be passed safely it the target is moving at low speeds. Unlocks: 23,000 Support Score M224 Mortar: The M224 60mm Mortar is capable of firing High Explosive and Smoke rounds to provide suppressing fire and visual cover from indirect fire positions. Unlocks: 40,000 Support Score Back to Top - Recon - [0008d] Radio Beacon: The AN-PRC-117F Radio allows the Recon soldier to deploy an additional Squad Spawn position. The Recon soldier must be part of a squad for this item to function. Unlocks: Default T-UGS: The Tactical Unattended Ground Sensor uses motion sensors to detect the presence of vehicles and infantry. The sensor emits an audible beep on detection and can be avoided by moving at low speed. Unlocks: 5,000 Recon Score SOFLAM: The AN/PEQ-1 SOFLAM allows the Recon soldier to designate enemy vehicles for precision strikes. The SOFLAM is semi-autonomous and will designate targets even when unattended. Unlocks: 26,000 Recon Score MAV: A remotely operated Mirco Air Vehicle equipped with a suit of Motion Sensors and a camera with IRNV capabilities for aerial reconnaissance. Unlocks: 45,000 Recon Score Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEHICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now for the content that truly separated Battlefield from other FPS; the vehicles. - AIR HELICOPTER SCOUT - AH-6J Little Bird: Improved attack version of the MH-6. Faction: USMC Z-11W: Armed military version of the Z-11 Chinese light utility helicopter. Faction: RU - INFANTRY FIGHTING VEHICLES - LAV-25: The LAV-25 is an eight-wheeled amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) used by the United States Marine Corps. Faction: USMC BMP-2M: The BMP=2 is a second-generation, amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in the 1980's in the Soviet Union. Faction: RU - AIR HELICOPTER ATTACK - AH-1Z Viper: The AH-1Z Viper (also called "Super Cobra" or "Zulu Cobra") is a twin-engine helicopter based on the AH-1W. *AIR HELICOPTER ATTACK* Faction: USMC MI-28 Havoc: The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name 'Havoc') is a Russian all-weather day-night two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter. *AIR HELICOPTER ATTACK* Faction: RU - MAIN BATTLE TANKS - M1 Abrams: The M1 "Abrams" is the principal battle tank of the US Marine Corps. Faction: USMC T-90A: The T-90 is derived from the T-72, and the most modern tank in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Naval Infantry. Faction: RU - ANTI AIR - LAV-AD: The LAV-AD includes the Avenger anti-air system on a LAV-25 chassis. Faction: USMC 9k22 Tunguska-M: Mobile surface-to-air gun and missile system in service since 1982. Developed in response to range shortcomings in the Zu-23 Shilka design. Faction: RU - AIR JET FIGHTER - F/A-18E Super Hornet: A multi-role jet fighter aircraft introduced in 1983 and used today by the USMC. The C and D variants include upgraded avionics and weapons capability. *Only available in Conquest.* Faction: USMC SU-35BM Flanker-E: A long range multi-role fighter, modernized and deployed starting in 2011. The last of the "Flanker" series by Sukhoi. *Only available in Conquest.* Faction: RU A-10 Thunberbolt: Designed for a USAF requirement to provide CAS of ground forces by attacking ground targets with limited AA capability. *Only available in Rush.* Faction: USMC SU-25TM Frogfoot: Soviet CAS plane nicknamed "Grach". NATO reporting name "Frogfoot". *Only available in Rush.* Faction: RU - TRANSPORT - AAV-7A1 AMTRAC: The AAV-7A1 is the current amphibious troop transport of the United States Marine Corps. Faction: USMC RHIB Boat: Its a boat... When driving this thing, you should sing "I'm on a boat," loudly so everyone on your team can know that you have the boat and you have an impeccable singing voice. Faction: USMC M1114 HMMWV: Serving in every division of the US Armed Forces for 20 years, increased armor was added as a response to urban threats. Faction: USMC GAZ-3937 Vodnik: Dependable armored 4x4 introduced in 1997. Faction: RU VDV Buggy: Russian Paratrooper light buggy. Faction: RU Growler ITV: Used by the USMC starting in 2009, the Growler is the only transport vehicle that fits in the V-22 Osprey. Faction: USMC KA-60 Kasatka: New utility helicopter from Kamov entering service with the Russian Air Force to replace the aging Mi-8. Faction: RU - EMPLACEMENTS - M220 TOW Launcher: A guided anti-tank rocket launcher. Faction: USMC 9133 Kornet Launcher: A guided anti-tank rocket launcher. Faction: RU Centurion C-Ram: Land-based version of the Phalanx CIWS, deployed in Iraq to protect against missile and airborne attacks. Faction: USMC Pantsir-S1: Russia’s SA-19/SA-N-11 (Tunguska) mobile AA artillery system parked on a stationary platform. Faction: RU Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALIZATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specializations can be equipped to give your soldier a little something special to give him an edge over the competition. They are found at the bottom of the "Kit Customization" screen and are unlocked one by one as you level up. - Specializations - [0010a] SPRNT (Sprint): Lightweight load bearing equipment which reduces soldier fatigue and allows higher sprint speed. Unlocks: Reach rank 2 AMMO: Additional MOLLE tactical ammunition pouches allow the player to carry a greater amount of primary and sidearm ammunition. Unlocks: Reach rank 5 FLAK: Reduces the damage taken from explosives and shrapnel by providing additional coverage to high risk body parts. Unlocks: Reach rank 8 EXPL (Explosives): An EOD vest that increases in total amount of explosive and rocket ammunition. Unlocks: Reach rank 11 COVR (Cover): The combined effect of field experience and advanced training reduces the effect Suppressive effect of incoming rounds. Unlocks: Reach rank 14 SUPR (Suppression): Advanced marksman training gives the soldier's rounds a greater Suppressive effect on his targets. Unlocks: Reach rank 17 FRAG: Additional MOLLE grenade pouches allow the soldier to carry a larger amount of hand grenades and 40mm grenades. Unlocks: Reach rank 20 SQD SPRNT (Sprint): Lightweight load bearing equipment which reduces soldier fatigue and allows higher sprint speed. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 23 SQD AMMO: Additional MOLLE tactical ammunition pouches allow the player to carry a greater amount of primary and sidearm ammunition. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 26 SQD FLAK: Reduces the damage taken from explosives and shrapnel by providing additional coverage to high risk body parts. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 29 SQD EXPL (Explosives): An EOD vest that increases in total amount of explosive and rocket ammunition. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 31 SQD SUPR (Suppression): Advanced marksman training gives the soldier's rounds a greater Suppressive effect on his targets. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 33 SQD COVR (Cover): The combined effect of field experience and advanced training reduces the effect Suppressive effect of incoming rounds. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 35 SQD FRAG: Additional MOLLE grenade pouches allow the soldier to carry a larger amount of hand grenades and 40mm grenades. This version effects your whole squad. Unlocks: Reach rank 37 Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWARDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Battlefield 3, players get rewarded for performing well in combat. Medals and Ribbons are worth 10,000 points and 200-500 points respectively. Please make note that these are in the order they appear in the Battlelog so the shotty organization is not my doing. Back to Top - Medals - [0011a] MARINES SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 100 hours in the US Marine Corps. RECON SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 50 hours as Recon. TANK SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 20 hours in Tanks. AVENGER MEDAL: Obtain the Avenger Ribbon 50 times. ACCURACY MEDAL: Obtain the Accuracy Ribbon 50 times. NEMESIS MEDAL: Obtain the Nemesis Ribbon 30 times. SAVIOR MEDAL: Obtain the Savior Ribbon 50 times. MVP MEDAL: Obtain the MVP Ribbon 50 times. SUPPRESSION MEDAL: Obtain the Suppression Ribbon 50 times. 3RD MVP MEDAL: Obtain the 3rd Ribbon 50 times. 2ND MVP MEDAL: Obtain the 2nd MVP Ribbon 50 times. COMABT EFFICIENCY MEDAL: Obtain the Combat Efficiency Ribbon 30 times. ACE SQUAD MEDAL: Obtain the Ace Squad Ribbon 50 times. SUPPORT SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 50 hours as Support. ENGINEER SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 50 hours as Engineer. STATIONARY SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 2 hours in Stationary Weapons. M18 CLAYMORE MEDAL: Kill 300 enemies with the M18 Claymore. LASER DESIGNATOR MEDAL: Get 300 Damage assists with the Laser Designator. MORTAR MEDAL: Kill 300 enemies with the Mortar. SURVEILLANCE MEDAL: Obtain the Surveillance Ribbon 50 times. MEDICAL MEDAL: Obtain the Medical Ribbon 50 times. MAINTENANCE MEDAL: Obtain the Maintenance Ribbon 50 times. RESUPPLY MEDAL: Obtain the Resupply Ribbon 50 times. FLAG DEFENDER MEDAL: Obtain the Flag Defender Ribbon 50 times. FLAG ATTACKER MEDAL: Obtain the Flag Attacker Ribbon 50 times. SQUAD DEATHMATCH MEDAL: Obtain the Squad Deathmatch Winner Ribbon 50 times. SHOTGUN MEDAL: Obtain the Shotgun Ribbon 50 times. PDW MEDAL: Obtain the PDW Ribbon 50 times. SNIPER RIFLE MEDAL: Obtain the Sniper Rifle Ribbon 50 times. HANDGUN MEDAL: Obtain the Handgun Ribbon 50 times. CARBINE MEDAL: Obtain the Carbine Ribbon 50 times. LIGHT MACHINE GUN MEDAL: Obtain the Light Machine Gun Ribbon 50 times. ASSAULT RIFLE MEDAL: Obtain the Assault Rifle Ribbon 50 times. MELEE MEDAL: Obtain the Melee Ribbon 30 times. ANTI VEHICLE MEDAL: Obtain the Anti Vehicle Ribbon 50 times. HELICOPTER SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 20 hours in Helicopters. JET SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 20 hours in Jets. TEAM DEATHMATCH MEDAL: Obtain the Team Deathmatch Winner Ribbon 50 times. SQUAD RUSH MEDAL: Obtain the Squad Rush Winner Ribbon 50 times. M-COM ATTACKER MEDAL: Obtain the M-COM Attacker Ribbon 50 times. M-COM DEFENDER MEDAL: Obtain the M-COM Defender Ribbon 50 times. RUSH MEDAL: Obtain the Rush Winner Ribbon 50 times. CONQUEST MEDAL: Obtain the Conquest Winner Ribbon 50 times. TRANSPORT WARFARE MEDAL: Obtain the Transport Warfare Ribbon 30 times. ARMORED WARFARE MEDAL: Obtain the Armored Warfare Ribbon 30 times. AIR WARFARE MEDAL: Obtain the Air Warfare Ribbon 30 times. STATIONARY EMPLACEMENT MEDAL: Obtain the Stationary Emplacement Ribbon 30 times. RU ARMY SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 100 hours in the RU Army. ASSAULT SERVICE MEDAL: Spend 50 hours as Assault. RADIO BEACON MEDAL: 100 spawns on your Radio Beacon. Back to Top - Ribbons - [0011b] ASSAULT RIFLE RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with Assault Rifles. LIGHT MACHINE GUN RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with Light Machine Guns. CARBINE RIBBON: In a round, kills 7 enemies with Carbines. HAND GUN RIBBON: In a round, kill 4 enemies with Handguns. SNIPER RIFLE RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with Sniper Rifles. PDW RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with PDWs. SHOTGUN RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with Shotguns. DISABLE VEHICLE RIBBON: In a round, Disable 4 enemy vehicles. MELEE RIBBON: In a round, kill 4 enemies with Melee Weapons. RESUPPLY EFFECIENCY RIBBON: In a round, get 7 Resupplies. SURVEILLANCE EFFICIENY RIBBON: In a round,get 5 motion Sensor Assists. MEDICAL EFFICIENCY RIBBON: In a round, get 5 Revives. FLAG DEFENDER RIBBON: In a round, get 5 Flag Defends. FLAG ATTACK RIBBON: In a round, get 4 Flag Captures. M-COM DEFENDER RIBBON: In a round, defend 2 M-COM stations. M-COM ATTACKER RIBBON: In a round, blow up 2 M-COM stations. AIR WARFARE RIBBON: In a round, kill 5 enemies with Air Vehicles. STATIONARY EMPLACEMENT RIBBON: In a round, kill 2 enemies with Emplaced Weapons. ARMORED WARFARE RIBBON: In a round, kill 7 enemies with Land Vehicles. TRANSPORT WARFARE RIBBON: In a round, kill 4 enemies with Transport Vehicles. SQUAD WIPE RIBBON: In a round, get 2 Squad Wipe Bonuses. SQUAD SPAWN RIBBON: In a round, get 7 Squad Spawn Bonuses. ANTI EXPLOSIVES RIBBON: In a round, destroy 5 enemy explosives. COMBAT EFFICIENCY RIBBON: In a round, get 3 Streak Bonuses. MVP RIBBON: In a round, be the Best Player. MVP 2 RIBBON: In a round, be the 2nd Best Player. NEMESIS RIBBON: In a round, get 2 Nemesis Kills. SUPPRESSION RIBBON: In a round, get 4 Suppression Assists. AVENGER RIBBON: In a round, get 3 Avenger Kills. SAVIOR RIBBON: In a round, get 2 Savior Kills. ANTI VEHICLE RIBBON: In a round, destroy 3 enemy vehicles. ACCURACY RIBBON: In a round, get 5 Headshots. MAINTENANCE EFFICIENCY RIBBON: In a round, get 7 Repairs. MVP 3 RIBBON: In a round, be the 3rd Best Player. ACE SQUAD RIBBON: In a round, be part of the Best Squad. SQAUD RUSH RIBBON: Finish a Squad Rush round. SQUAD DEATHMATCH RIBBON: Finish a Squad Deathmatch round. SQUAD DEATHMATCH WINNER RIBBON: Win a Squad Deathmatch round. RUSH RIBBON: Finish a Rush round. CONQUEST RIBBON: Finish a Conquest round. TEAM DEATHMATCH RIBBON: Finish a Team Deathmatch round. RUSH WINNER RIBBON: Win a Rush round. CONQUEST WINNER RIBBON: Win a Conquest round. TDM WINNER RIBBON: Win a Team Deathmatch round. SQUAD RUSH WINNER RIBBON: Win a Squad Rush round. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And now the fun part where I answer questions from readers such as yourself. Q: How do I get the Flashlight/Laser Sight? A: Obtain enough kills with the desired weapon to unlock the light/laser. After that, follow these instructions: > Before you spawn, press "Square" to open the "Kit Customization" screen. > Highlight the desired weapon and press "Cross." (more commonly known as "X") > Highlight the last option, "Gadget 2." > Press "Right" on your D-Pad until your desired attachment is displayed. > Press "Circle" until you get back to the "Spawn Selection" screen. > Enjoy your light/laser. Q: How do I turn the Tactical Flashlight/Laser Sight on/off? A: Press "Up" on the D-Pad to toggle the light/laser. Q: How do I mute people? A: Unfortunately, you can't. The best you can do is to turn on your mic and set it off to the side. You're supposed to be able to mute someone via pressing "Square" when highlighting their name on the Main Scoreboard or pressing "Cross" in the Squad Menu. However, it appears to be glitched at the moment and does not work 100% of the time. Q: How do you spot/request ammo/health/pick up? A: The "Select" button works exactly the same way as it did in Bad Company 2. Q: How do I switch fire modes? A: Press "Down" on the D-Pad. Please note that not all guns have alternate fire modes and only some have all three. Q: Why is prone in here? Its ruining the game?! A: Because you touch yourself at night... But seriously, prone has been a feature of every Battlefield game with the exceptions of Battlefield: Bad Company, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield Play4Free. DICE put the position back into the game because they intended Battlefield 3 to be a true sequel to Battlefield 2 and by not including prone, they would be removing a great tactical feature. Q: What the hell is that light over there? A: That would be the sniper's scope glint. Aim for the center of the light, set your rifle to semi-auto and fire away. Q: What are the perks of being "Squad Leader?" A. Aside from giving the enemy more points for taking you down, only the"Squad Leader" may issue orders to his/her squad to attack or defend an objective. To issue an order, press the "Select" button when aiming at an objective. When such an order if followed through, the "Squad Leader" is awarded 20 extra points. *Credit for this answer goes to 'ghostshootr.'* Q: Why isn't the underslung grenade launcher attached to my gun? A: Because you have a different underslung attachment added. Remove your bi-pod or foregrip and it will no longer be a separate weapon. Q: How do I get the flashlight/suppressor for my handgun? A: The sidearms don't have attachments so you have to unlock the Tactical and Silenced versions of the handguns later on via your Rank. Please refer to my weapon unlock list for details. Q: Why did I start with an M16 last match but an AK this time? A: Battlefield 3 has faction specific weapons. This means that depending on which faction you're playing as, your first weapon will be different until you get a Service Star for the given kit. Q: Last match it said I unlocked the ACOG scope for the Assault Kit, where is it? A: In Battlefield 3, weapon attachments are locked to the weapon you used to unlock them, not the kit like they were in BC2. This adds tons of hours of replay value. DICE has gone on the record to state that it should take around 100 hours to unlock all of the attachments for all the guns in any one particular kit. Q: How does the squad/party system work? A: It works just like Bad Company 2's squad system in which each team is divided into 4 squads of 4 people. While in a squad, you can spawn of any of those three other squad mates at any time. This is a feature implemented to try and combat spawn camping. You can create a squad before searching for a match by going to the "Quick Match" section of the "Multiplayer" menu. After that, you can invite up to 4 friends to join your squad. Q: Can I unlock the default sidearms to use on the opposite faction? If so, how? A: Yes you can. You unlock them for the opposite factions by getting a Service Star (100 kills) with the chosen sidearm. This means 100 M9 kills unlocks it for the RU forces and 100 MP443 kills unlocks it for the USMC forces. Q: How do I customize my dogtags? A: There are two ways to do this. They are as follows: > Method #1: Sign into the Battlelog and go to the Dogtags tab. Once there hit Edit Dogtags and you can edit your dogtags to your desire. Hit save dogtags and the change will happen in the game's next match. > Method #2: From the main menu, go to the "My Soldier" section. From there you want to go to "My Dog Tag" and edit away. Q: How do the Recon's Radio Beacons work? A: When a Recon places a Beacon (He can also pick it up and move it), it will replace his spot on his squad's "Spawn Selection" screen. The device will allow both the user and his squadmates to spawn in on it. It will automatically self-destruct whenever the Recon who planted it spawns. The enemy can also destroy the Beacon. Please note that it will ALWAYS face you North. Q:I heard something about having to stab a person twice from the front, but only once with a knife in the back/sides. Is this true? A: This is true, yes. Q: And is there a way to kill someone with a knife without having the annoying animation? A: The only way to do this is to deliver the killing blow from the front of the target. Q: Can we equip the knife like PC players can? If so, how? A: Yes we can. You do this by holding down the "Knife Attack" button for a few seconds. Pressing the "Switch Weapons" button will switch back to your primary weapon. Equipping the knife will always result in faster knifing that using the "Quick Knife" function. Q: What is the Squad Wipe Bonus for? A: You get the Squad Wipe Bonus for killing an entire squad. Remember, not every group of enemies is in the same squad so you might not get it every time you kill 4 players in quick succession. Q:What is the advantage of having the grenade launcher underneath my gun? A: The advantage is quicker deployment. Which it unattached, you have to go through a weapon switch animation that includes flipping the sights up. With it attached, your soldier will simply tilt the gun to the right. Q: What are the "Enemy" optics that are unlocked last? A: Enemy optics are the ones that are by default used for the other faction's weapons. An example would be the AK-74M's normal 4x Optics is the PSO-1 while the M16's is the ACOG. After attaining 200 kills for the AK, you'll unlock the ACOG scope for use with the AK-74M. Usually, there is nothing but aesthetic changes between the two factions' respective sight, but there are a few that do change. such as the default sniper scopes. The US Rifle Scope has a 8x zoom, while the Russian PKS-07 has a 7x zoom. I listed them like this to avoid having to write out the unlock list with full names despite them all being the same for each kit with just the optics rearranged. Q: And what are the "Squad" specs? A: Squad Specs are the same as the normal version of the Specs with the exception that your entire squad will gain the effects of the specialization instead of just you. Please do note that these do not stack. This means that two players with Squad Ammo will not cause the spec's effects being doubled. Q: What does the Recon's T-UGS do? A: t replaced the Motion Sensor Mines from Bad Company 2. Once set, it will notify your team of any enemies within its range, unless said enemies are prone, slowly walking, or crouching. Not quite sure the radius of the sensor, but if Bad Company 2 was any indication, its around 20 meters. Q: You mentioned something called a "Service Star," what's that and how do I get one? A: Glad you asked. A "Service Star" is an achievement similar to Bad Company 2's "Weapon Stars." You can get them by either obtaining 100 kills with a given weapon OR unlocking the final weapon in a kit. You can also get multiple "Service Stars" for both weapons and kits. Q: What? No VSS for the Recon Kit? What the hell DICE?! A: Calm down, the VSS is in the game. In this game it is an All-Kit weapon called the AS VAL. Just slap on a Sniper Scope and Suppressor and tada! Q: How do I get? A: I cannot do anything to help you aside from linking to an in-depth trophy guide. Please check the "Helpful Links" section for a link to a guide. Q: How do I honk my jeep's horn? A: Press the "L1" button while in the driver seat. Q: How do I unlock the Barrett .50cal? A: You can't. No such gun is in this game's MP. The closest you can unlock is the Barrett M98B, which fires the .338 Lapua Magnum round. Please consult my above unlock guide to find out how to get this gun. Q:When using shotguns, should I ADS or hipfire? A: Good question. It all depends entirely on your situation. If your target is, say, 3m away, then hipfire is more reliable. On the other hand, if your target is 10m away, ADS is the option to choose. This is actually true with most weapons. Q: How do I submit my own questions? A: You can contact me at [email protected]. Be sure to title your email "BF3 FAQ Question Submission" or it will likely be lost in the spam folder and not get answered. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELPFUL LINKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some things you cannot find in this FAQ. This section is to link readers to other posts that can potentially give the information they are looking for. DenKirson's BF3 Damage Charts: http://denkirson.xanga.com/756891604/bf3/ Unknown's BF3 Ballistics Charts: http://tinyurl.com/6peveb3 TrgaDaBest's Select Button FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/bvm87fs DICE's official BF3 stat site and forum: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ Battlefield 3 Trophy Guide: http://www.ps3trophies.org/game/battlefield-3/guide Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright calhoun1389 (Thomas Calhoun) 2012, all rights reserved. Permission to host is granted to: GameFAQs GamingReality If you wish to host this FAQ on your site, please contact me at [email protected] and title your email "BF3 FAQ Permission." If you don't title it such, there is a high chance that the email will be lost in my junk folder and I'll never see it. Back to Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My thanks go out to DICE and EA for giving us this amazing game to play along with their continued support via DLC and balance patches. I would also like to thank ghostshootr for answering the question about "Squad Leaders" when I didn't have an answer to give. Thanks to TrgaDaBest for his "Select Button guide" and giving me the idea to add links to others. And as always, thanks to the PS3 BF3 GameFAQs board for being patient and waiting for so long.