Here are some cheats & codes, for Pokemon Black 2 on the Nintendo DS.
Unlocking Wallpapers:
In order to unlock wallpapers in Pokemon Black 2, you must first complete the following tasks. (The wallpapers are for your Pokemon storage boxes in your PC)
- How to unlock the Reshiram, Kyurem 1, Kyurem 2, and the Zekrom wallpapers:
- In order to unlock these wallpapers you must catch Kyurem.
- How to unlock Monochrome, PWT, Movie, and Team Plasma wallpapers:
- In order to unlock these wallpapers, you must first defeat the Elite 4 and Champion.
How to Unlock Keys:
In order to unlock each of the keys in Pokemon Black 2 listed below, you must first complete the tasks listed next to them. Note: In order to capture the Regi legendary Pokemon, you will need the Iceberg Key, Tower Key and the Iron key.
Challenge Mode Key and the Iron Key.
In order to unlock these two keys you must link up your game to Pokemon White 2.
Iceberg Key:
To unlock the Iceberg key, you must capture Regirock. (Below is a video of capturing it)
Tower Key:
To get the tower key, you must first complete Area 5 of the Black Tower.
Shiny Charm:
In order to get the Shiny Charm, you must first catch every Pokemon in the National Pokedex. After that you need to go to Nuvema Town and talk to Professor Juniper. Then you will get the charm! The shiny charm will increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon in the wild (1:2370.6)
How to get the License:
First you must view all 300 Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex, then you go to Nuvema Town and talk to Professor Juniper to get the license which gives you access to the Nature Preserve.
How to get any Pokemon in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Without Using Action Replay:
First Go To:
Edit pokemon as shown in video
Then fix the DNS as shown in the video and go to the GTS in pokemon black and white and get your Pokemon thats it
In order to earn awards from Mr Medals in the Pokemon centers, you must complete the following tasks:
1,000 Wins:
Beat 1,000 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow.
10 fans gather at the reception after a Pokemon Musical.
10 People Funfest:
Play an Entralink Funfest Mission with 10 people or more.
100 Passersby:
Pass by 100 or more people with Tag mode.
100 Victories:
Beat 100 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow.
120 Boxed:
Deposit 120 Pokemon into PC boxes.
20 Victories:
Beat 20 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow.
30 Boxed:
Deposit 30 Pokemon into PC boxes.
30 Passersby:
Pass by 30 or more people with Tag mode.
30 People Funfest:
Play an Entralink Funfest Mission with 30 people or more.
360 Boxed:
Deposit 360 Pokemon into PC boxes.
50 Victories:
Beat 50 Trainers in Black Tower/White Treehollow.
Ace of Hearts:
Score 80 points or more in Feeling Check.
Ace Pilot:
Travel using HM02 (Fly) a certain number of times.
Achiever Lv. 1:
Clear 30 or more Funfest Missions.
Achiever Lv. 2:
Clear 100 or more Funfest Missions.
All Types Champ:
Win ALL the Type Expert Tournaments.
Archeology Lover:
Have a Pokemon Fossil restored at the Nacrene Museum.
Around Unova:
Visit every city and town in Unova.
Avenue of Fame:
Develop Join Avenue and earn the right to name it.
Balloon Conquerer:
Reach a total of 1,000 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver.
Balloon Expert:
Reach a total of 500 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver.
Balloon Rookie:
Reach a total of 50 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver.
Balloon Technician:
Reach a total of 200 points in minigames on the Xtransceiver.
Battle Guru:
Obtain ALL 55 other Battle Medals.
Battle Learner:
Battle 100 times.
Battle Repeater:
Battle with 30 Trainers or more in Big Stadium and Small Court.
Battle Teacher:
Battle 200 times.
Battle Veteran:
Battle 400 times.
Battle Virtuoso:
Battle 2,000 times.
Beginning of Memory:
Use Memory Link and see an event for the first time.
Beginning Trader:
Trade a Pokemon for the first time.
Best Minigamer:
Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 100 times or more.
Big Star:
Receive 5 good reviews in Pokemon Musicals.
Blockbuster Star:
Reach 100 billion PokeDollars in box office sales.
Born to Battle:
Have 100 or more Link Battles.
Boxes Maxed:
Deposit 720 Pokemon into PC boxes.
BP Wealthy:
Earn 100 BP.
Bridge Enthusiast:
Visit ALL the bridges in Unova.
Broad Friendship:
Register 10 or more Friend Codes in the Pal Pad.
Bug-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Bug-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Bug-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Bug-type Pokemon.
Busy Saver:
Save game 20 times.
Capturing Spree:
Capture at least 50 Pokemon within one day.
Castelia Boss:
Defeat the three Trainers on Back Street in Castelia City.
Comedic Movie Star:
Complete the Giant Woman Series.
Cop Movie Master:
Complete the Full Metal Cop Series.
Cruise Connoisseur:
Take 10 or more cruises on the Royal Unova.
Cult Classic Star:
Release ALL movies with twist endings.
Dark-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Dark-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Dark-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Dark-type Pokemon.
Day-Care Faithful:
Leave many Pokemon at the Pokemon Day Care on Route 3.
Deep Sleep Capture:
Catch 50 or more Pokemon in the Entree Forest.
Diamond Dust:
See the Diamond Dust.
Double Express:
Beat the Subway Boss on the Double Line.
Dowsing Beginner:
Find a hidden item for the first time.
Dowsing Collector:
Find 50 hidden items.
Dowsing Specialist:
Find 10 hidden items.
Dowsing Wizard:
Find 150 hidden items.
Dozing Capture:
Catch a Pokemon in the Entree Forest for the first time.
Dragon-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Dragon-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Dragon-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Dragon-type Pokemon.
Driftveil Mightiest:
Win the Driftveil Tournament.
Easy Cycling:
Ride a Bicycle 30 times.
Egg Beginner:
Hatch a Pokemon Egg for the first time.
Egg Breeder:
Hatch 10 Eggs or more.
Egg Elite:
Hatch 50 Eggs or more.
Electric-type Catcher:
Catch all Electric-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Electric-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Electric-type Pokemon.
Elite Guide:
Guide 20 or more customers in Join Avenue.
Elite Medalist:
Obtain Elite Rank by collecting 100 Medals.
Entertainment Master:
Obtain ALL 74 other Entertainment Medals.
Evolution Authority:
Evolve Pokemon 100 times.
Evolution Expert:
Evolve Pokemon 50 times.
Evolution Hopeful:
Evolve a Pokemon for the first time.
Evolution Tech:
Evolve Pokemon 10 times.
Exam Genius:
Take 50 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute.
Exp. Millionaire:
Earn 1,000,000 Exp. Points in a day.
Experienced Saver:
Save game 50 times.
Extensive Friendship:
Register five or more Friend Codes in the Pal Pad.
Extreme Developer:
Create 50 shops in Join Avenue.
Face Board Memorial:
Take a photo at the face board in Humilau City.
Fantasy Move Master:
Complete the Mystery Doors of the Magical Land Series.
Feeling Master:
Play Feeling Check a certain number of times.
Ferris Wheel Fan:
Meet a lot of people at the Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City.
Fighting-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Fighting-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex
Fighting-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Fighting-type Pokemon.
Fire-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Fire-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Fire-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Fire-type Pokemon.
First Cult Classic:
Release a movie with a twist ending for the first time.
First Friend:
Register a Friend Code in the Pal Pad for the first time.
First Step:
Participate in the Medal Rally.
Flying-type Catcher:
Catch all Flying-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Flying-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Flying-type Pokemon.
Frequent Trader:
Trade Pokemon 50 times.
Funfest Complete:
Clear ALL Funfest Missions.
Ghost Movie Master:
Complete the Ghost Eraser Series.
Ghost-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Ghost-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex
Ghost-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Ghost-type Pokemon.
Global Connection:
Register 32 Friend Codes in the Pal Pad.
Good Night:
Use Game Sync to wake up a tucked-in Pokemon.
Good Rod Fisherman:
Reel in 10 Pokemon.
Good Souvenir Getter:
Receive 30 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue.
Graffiti Gazer:
Read graffiti behind a sign.
Grass-type Catcher:
Catch all Grass-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Grass-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Grass-type Pokemon.
Great Adventurer:
Obtain all 97 other Adventure Medals.
Great Customer:
Spend 100,000 PokeDollars or more.
Great Souvenir Getter:
Receive 50 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue.
Great Trade-Up:
Trade Pokemon 100 times.
Ground-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Ground-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Ground-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Ground-type Pokemon.
Guiding Champ:
Guide 100 or more customers in Join Avenue.
Hard Cycling:
Ride a Bicycle 100 times.
Hatching Aficiando:
Hatch 100 Eggs or more.
Heavy Machinery Pro:
Correctly answer the Heavy Machinery Pro's 5 questions in Twist Mountain.
Heavy Traffic:
Pass by 1,000 or more people with Tag mode.
Heavy Walker:
Walk 20,000 steps.
Hero Ending:
Release Brycen-Man Strikes Back Harder.
Hero Movie Star:
Complete the Brycen-Man Series.
Hidden Grotto Adept:
Find ALL the Hidden Grottoes.
Hoenn Mightiest:
Win the Hoenn Leaders Tournament.
Honored Footprints:
Walk 100,000 steps.
Horror Movie Star:
Complete the Red Fog of Terror Series.
Hustle Muscle:
Use HM04 (Strength) to drop a large boulder a certain number of times.
Ice-type Catcher:
Catch all Ice-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Ice-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Ice-type Pokemon.
Indulgent Customer:
Spend at least 1,000,000 PokeDollars.
Johto Mightiest:
Win the Johto Leaders Tournament.
Kanto Mightiest:
Win the Kanto Leaders Tournament.
Legend Medalist:
Obtain Legend Rank by collecting 200 Medals.
Light Walker:
Walk 5,000 steps.
Link Battle Amateur:
Have a Link Battle for the first time.
Link Battle Expert:
Have 50 or more Link Battles.
Link Battle Pioneer:
Have 10 or more Link Battles.
Lucky Color:
Catch a Shiny Pokemon.
Lucky Drink:
Get a bonus drink from a vending machine.
Magikarp Award:
Use the move Splash in a battle.
Master Medalist:
Obtain Master Rank by collecting 150 Medals.
Masterpiece Star:
Release ALL movies with happy endings.
Memory Master:
Use Memory Link and see ALL events.
Middle Walker:
Walk 10,000 steps.
Mightiest Leader:
Win the World Leaders Tournament.
Mighty Fisher:
Reel in a Pokemon 100 times.
Minigame Buff:
Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 30 times or more.
Minigame Expert:
Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 50 times or more.
Minigame Fan:
Play minigames on the Xtransceiver 10 times or more.
Mission Host Lv. 1:
Host 10 or more Funfest Missions.
Mission Host Lv. 2:
Host 50 or more Funfest Missions.
Mix Champ:
Win the Mix Tournament.
Mix Master:
Win the Mix Master Tournament.
Moderate Customer:
Spend 10,000 PokeDollars or more.
Monster Movie Master:
Complete the Big Monster Series.
Multi Express:
Beat the Subway Boss on the Multi Line.
Musical Star:
Receive 30 good reviews in Pokemon Musicals.
Naming Champ:
Give nicknames to Pokemon 10 times.
National Catcher:
Complete the National Pokedex.
Never Give Up:
Use the move Struggle in a battle.
New Face Hero:
Complete the first Brycen-Man movie.
New Guide:
Guide 10 or more customers in Join Avenue.
Noneffective Artist:
Use moves that aren't very effective against the opponent.
Normal-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Normal-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Normal-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Normal-type Pokemon.
Occasional Trader:
Trade Pokemon 10 times.
OK Souvenir Getter:
Receive 10 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue.
Old Rod Fisherman:
Reel in a Pokemon for the first time.
One and Only:
Win the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in the party.
Opposite Trader:
Trade between Black 2 and White 2/White; or between White 2 and Black 2/Black.
Participant Lv. 1:
Participate in a Funfest Mission for the first time.
Participant Lv. 2:
Participate in 10 or more Funfest Missions.
Participation Prize:
Go to the Medal Office after collecting 50 Medals.
Pass Power MAX:
Use 100 or more Pass Powers.
Pass Power ^:
Use a Pass Power for the first time.
Pass Power ^^:
Use 10 or more Pass Powers.
Pass Power ^^^:
Use 50 or more Pass Powers.
Pedaling Legend:
Ride a Bicycle 500 times.
Pen Pal:
Write Mail and have a Pokemon hold it.
Pinpoint: Easy:
Clear Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow in four battles or less.
Pinpoint: Hard:
Clear Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow in six battles or less.
Poison-type Catcher:
Catch all Poison-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Poison-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Poison-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Center Fan:
Heal Pokemon at Pokemon Centers 10 times.
Pokérus Discoverer:
Catch a Pokemon infected with the Pokerus.
Popular Movie Star:
Release ALL movies.
Psychic-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Psychic-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Psychic-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Psychic-type Pokemon.
Pure Youth:
Catch N's Pokemon.
Quick Clear: Easy:
Clear Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow within 100 steps.
Quick Clear: Hard:
Clear Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow within 1,000 steps.
Rail Enthusiast:
Hear information on ALL the trains in Anville Town.
Regular Customer:
Shop a certain number of times.
Rental Champ:
Win the Rental Tournament.
Rental Master:
Win the Rental Master Tournament.
Rising Star:
Receive a good review for the first time in a Pokemon Musical.
Robot Movie Master:
Complete the Everlasting Memories Series.
Rock-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Rock-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Rock-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Rock-type Pokemon.
Romantic Movie Star:
Complete the Love and Battles Series.
Rookie Medalist:
Obtain Rookie Rank by collecting 50 Medals.
Ruins Raider:
Reach the deepest part of the Abyssal Ruins.
Runaway Express:
Reach a streak of 100 wins or more in the Battle Subway.
Sci Fi Movie Master:
Complete the Timegate Traveler Series.
Scored 1,000:
Score 1,000 points or more in a Funfest Mission.
Scored 100:
Score 100 points or more in a Funfest Mission.
Shop Builder:
Create 10 shops in Join Avenue.
Shop Constructor:
Create 20 shops in Join Avenue.
Shop Starter:
Create 5 shops in Join Avenue.
Signboard Savvy:
Read 15 different Trainer Tips signs.
Signboard Starter:
Read 5 different Trainer Tips signs.
Single Express:
Beat the Subway Boss on the Single Line.
Sinnoh Mightiest:
Win the Sinnoh Leaders Tournament.
Sleeping Capture:
Catch 10 or more Pokemon in the Entree Forest.
Smart Shopper:
Buy 10 Poké Balls at once and receive a Premier Ball.
Spin Trade Whiz:
Play Spin Trade in the Union Room a certain number of times.
Starter Cycling:
Ride a Bicycle for the first time.
Steel-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Steel-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Steel-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Steel-type Pokemon.
Step-by-Step Saver:
Save game 10 times.
Subway Accelerator:
Reach a streak of 10 wins or more in the Battle Subway.
Subway Low Gear:
Try the Battle Subway for the first time.
Subway Top Gear:
Reach a streak of 50 wins or more in the Battle Subway.
Super Rich:
Spend 10,000,000 PokeDollars or more.
Super Rod Fisherman:
Reel in a Pokemon 50 times.
Superb Locator:
Meet a certain number of Pokemon who appear in special conditions.
Supereffective Savant:
Use super-effective moves a certain number of times.
Receive 10 good reviews in Pokemon Musicals.
Supreme Challenger:
Obtain ALL 18 other Challenge Medals.
Sweet Dreamer:
Catch 100 or more Pokemon in the Entree Forest.
Sweet Home:
Take a rest at home.
Talented Cast Member:
Participate in Pokemon Musicals a certain number of times.
Television Kid:
Watch television 10 times.
Test Enthusiast:
Take 30 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute.
Test Fan:
Take 10 Battle Tests in the Battle Institute.
Test Novice:
Take the first Battle Test in the Battle Institute.
The First Passerby:
Pass by a person for the first time with Tag mode.
Top Medalist:
Obtain ALL other Medals.
Tower Junior:
Each Area 5 of Black Tower in Black City.
Tower Master:
Reach Area 10 of Black Tower in Black City.
Trash Master:
Check trash cans a certain number of times.
Treehollow Junior:
Reach Area 5 of White Treehollow in White Forest.
Treehollow Master:
Reach area 10 of White Treehollow in White Forest.
Collect all the Props used in Pokemon Musicals.
Tycoon of Souvenirs:
Receive 100 or more souvenirs from visitors in Join Avenue.
UFO Movie Master:
Complete the Invaders Series.
Undefeated: Easy:
Defeat ALL Trainers in Area 2, 3, 4, or 5 of Black Tower/White Treehollow.
Undefeated: Hard:
Defeat ALL Trainers in Area 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 of Black Tower/White Treehollow.
Unova Catcher:
Complete the Unova Pokedex.
Unova Mightiest:
Win the Unova Leaders Tournament.
Vending Virtuoso:
Purchase 10 drinks from vending machines.
Veteran Guide:
Guide 50 or more customers in Join Avenue.
Wailord Watcher:
See a Wailord at the Marine Tube.
Water-type Catcher:
Catch ALL Water-type Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Water-type Champ:
Win the Pokemon League with only Water-type Pokemon.
Wonder Saver:
Save game 100 times.
World's Mightiest:
Win the Champions Tournament.
Pokedex Completion Awards:
Just like in the previous Pokemon games, you will be rewarded for catching and seeing pokemon in your Pokedex. The benefit in Pokemon Black 2 is that you get actual items as a reward!
Round Charm:
In order to unlock the Round Char, you need to catch every Pokemon in the Unova Pokedex.
Shining Charm:
In order to unlock the Shining Charm you need to catch every Pokemon in the National Pokedex.
Pokemon Black 2 Ability Modifier Codes:
5201e65c bdf873b4
0201e65c fad0f7e3
02001c00 73b4b4ff
02001ffc bdf8bcff
02001e04 73702072
Here is the list of Abilities:
5B -- Adaptability
6A -- Aftermath
4C -- Air Lock
94 -- Analytic
53 -- Anger Point
6B -- Anticipation
47 -- Arena Trap
7B -- Bad Dreams
04 -- Battle Armor
91 -- Big Pecks
42 -- Blaze
22 -- Chlorophyll
1D -- Clear Body
0D -- Cloud Nine
10 -- Color Change
0E -- CompoundEyes
7E -- Contrary
82 -- Cursed Body
38 -- Cute Charm
06 -- Damp
81 -- Defeatist
80 -- Defiant
58 -- Download
02 -- Drizzle
46 -- Drought
57 -- Dry Skin
30 -- Early Bird
1B -- Effect Spore
6F -- Filter
31 -- Flame Body
8A -- Flame Boost
12 -- Flash Fire
7A -- Flower Gift
3B -- Forecasst
6C -- Forewarn
84 -- Friend Guard
77 -- Frisk
52 -- Gluttony
3E -- Guys
8B -- Harvest
83 -- Healer
55 -- Heatproof
86 -- Heavy Metal
76 -- Honey Gather
25 -- Huge Power
37 -- Hustle
5D -- Hydration
34 -- Hyper Cutter
73 -- Ice Body
23 -- Illuminate
95 -- Illusion
11 -- Immunity
96 -- Imposter
97 -- Infiltrator
27 -- Inner Focus
0F -- Insomnia
16 -- Intimidate
A0 -- Iron Barbs
59 -- Iron Fist
9A -- Justified
33 -- Keen Eye
67 -- Klutz
66 -- Leaf Guard
1A -- Levitate
87 -- Light Metal
1F -- Lightningrod
07 -- Limber
40 -- Liquid Ooze
9C -- Magic Bounce
62 -- Magic Guard
28 -- Magma Armor
2A -- Magnet Pull
3F -- Marvel Scale
3A -- Minus
68 -- Mold Breaker
8D -- Moody
4E -- Motor Drive
99 -- Moxie
88 -- Multiscale
79 -- Multitype
98 -- Mummy
1E -- Natural Cure
63 -- No Guard
60 -- Normalize
0C -- Oblivous
8E -- Overcoat
41 -- Overgrow
14 -- Own Tempo
7C -- Pickpocket
35 -- Pickup
39 -- Plus
5A -- Poison Heal
26 -- Poison Point
8F -- Poison Touch
9E -- Prankster
2E -- Pressure
4A -- Pure Power
5F -- Quick Feet
2C -- Rain Dish
9B -- Rattled
78 -- Reckless
90 -- Regenerator
4F -- Rivalry
45 -- Rock Head
18 -- Rough Skin
32 -- Run Away
9F -- Sand Force
92 -- Sand Rush
2D -- Sand Stream
08 -- Sand Veil
9D -- Sap Sipper
71 -- Scrappy
20 -- Serene Grace
17 -- Shadow Tag
3D -- Shed Skin
7D -- Sheer Force
4B -- Shell Armor
13 -- Shield Dust
56 -- Simple
5C -- Skill Link
70 -- Slow Start
61 -- Sniper
51 -- Snow Cloak
75 -- Snow Warning
5E -- Solar Power
74 -- Solid Rock
2B -- Sound Proof
03 -- Speed Boost
64 -- Stall
09 -- Static
50 -- Steadfast
01 -- Stench
3C -- Sticky Hold
72 -- Storm Drain
05 -- Sturdy
15 -- Suction Cups
69 -- Super Luck
44 -- Swarm
21 -- Swift Swim
1C -- Synchronize
4D -- Tangled Feet
65 -- Technician
8C -- Telepathy?
A4 â Teravolt
2F -- Thick Fat
6E -- Tinted Lens
43 -- Torrent
89 -- Toxic Boost
24 -- Trace
36 -- Truant
A3 -- Turboblaze
6D -- Unaware
54 -- Unburden
7F -- Unnerve?
A2 -- Victory Star
48 -- Vital Spirit
0A -- Volt Absorb
0B -- Water Absorb
29 -- Water Veil
85 -- Weak Armor
49 -- White Smoke
19 -- Wonder Guard
93 -- Wonder Skin
A1 -- Zen Mode
Landorus Therian Forme Codes (Press select in Box 1, slot 30)
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
E0001C88 00000088
10D22488 C86F0000
56C0720D 79A3440D
E463B9CF DF12A4B5
C654BA9D 819E1EB8
9FFD9265 34EEF391
E270F981 076543DA
F51604FE 071688F1
E48F28E1 6950EEE6
7308477F 7629A50D
9D4A5EE9 9C77B41E
A08EB0E5 889620E2
1E771D7F D28F280D
79F9704D 2BAE26EE
AC02DB5D 28D6080A
C4F6F5C0 5B036DDB
38169A44 29C94240
3D838BDB 36BB5554
D2000000 00000000
Getting all three starter Pokemon in Black 2:
First start a new game and choose a starter Pokemon. Then trade it to your other DS and then delete the game and start a new game again. Then you chooose another starter and do the same thing (trade it to your other DS) Then start a new game one last time and choose the one starter you haven't chosen, now catch two weak pokemon and trade it to the other DS and trade for the two starters from that DS. Now your team has all three starter Pokemon!
Pokemon Black 2 Action Replay Codes:
(Say I put DITTO AND ZEKROM press select.
Then I talk to the daycare man and he will give you an egg such as a hatched zekrom.)
Egg from daycare:
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
200217E8 00000001
D2000000 00000000
If you have any of your own cheats for Pokemon Black 2, please post them in the comments below. Thanks for visiting!