Bioshock Infinite Collectible Locations Guide by Sokkus. (

=============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== Welcome to my collectibles guide for Irrational Games' latest entry into the Bioshock franchise - Bioshock Infinite! If you see any errors, have a question, notice something missing or have an alternate tip or strategy for a section of the guide please head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know! If you like what you see here, be sure to check out more of my guides, reviews and podcasts at and consider donating to my Paypal if you are feeling a little generous! Join me on Facebook ___________________ I have started a facebook group for readers to keep track of the latest updates to my guides, you can find it here: =============================================================================== Want to know what I thought of Bioshock Infinite? Check out my review here: =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************** ************************** *** TABLE OF CONTENTS *** ************************ *********************** _______________________________________________ / Bioshock Infinite Collectible Locations Guide \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 1. Campaign Collectibles Rundown .................... [CLTRD] | | | 2. Collectibles Locations Guide ..................... [CLTBL] | | | 2.00 Chapter 00: The Lighthouse ............... [ACT00] | 2.01 Chapter 01: Welcome Centre ............... [ACT01] | 2.02 Chapter 02: Raffle Square ................ [ACT02] | 2.03 Chapter 03: Comstock Centre Rooftops ..... [ACT03] | 2.04 Chapter 04: Monument Island Gateway ...... [ACT04] | 2.05 Chapter 05: Monument Tower ............... [ACT05] | 2.06 Chapter 06: Battleship Bay ............... [ACT06] | 2.07 Chapter 07: Soldier’s Field .............. [ACT07] | 2.08 Chapter 08: The Hall of Heroes ........... [ACT08] | 2.09 Chapter 09: Inside the Hall of Heroes..... [ACT09] | 2.10 Chapter 10: Hall of Heroes Gift Shop ..... [ACT10] | 2.11 Chapter 11: Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza [ACT11] | 2.12 Chapter 12: Finkton Docks ................ [ACT12] | 2.13 Chapter 13: Beggar’s Wharf ............... [ACT13] | 2.14 Chapter 14: Fort Franklin Pier ........... [ACT14] | 2.15 Chapter 15: Worker Induction Centre ...... [ACT15] | 2.16 Chapter 16: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) ... [ACT16] | 2.17 Chapter 17: The Good Time Club ........... [ACT17] | 2.18 Chapter 18: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) ... [ACT18] | 2.19 Chapter 19: The Gunsmith Shop ............ [ACT19] | 2.20 Chapter 20: Shantytown ................... [ACT20] | 2.21 Chapter 21: The Bull House Impound ....... [ACT21] | 2.22 Chapter 22: The Bull Yard ................ [ACT22] | 2.23 Chapter 23: Finkton Proper ............... [ACT23] | 2.24 Chapter 24: On to the Factory ............ [ACT24] | 2.25 Chapter 25: The Factory Courtyard ........ [ACT25] | 2.26 Chapter 26: The Factory .................. [ACT26] | 2.27 Chapter 27: Emporia ...................... [ACT27] | 2.28 Chapter 28: Port Prosperity .............. [ACT28] | 2.29 Chapter 29: Downtown Emporia ............. [ACT29] | 2.30 Chapter 30: Memorial Gardens ............. [ACT30] | 2.31 Chapter 31: Comstock House ............... [ACT31] | 2.32 Chapter 32: The Atrium ................... [ACT32] | 2.33 Chapter 33: Warden’s Office .............. [ACT33] | 2.34 Chapter 34: The Operating Theatre ........ [ACT34] | 2.35 Chapter 35: The Hand of the Prophet ...... [ACT35] | 2.36 Chapter 36: Hangar Deck .................. [ACT36] | 2.37 Chapter 37: Engineering Deck ............. [ACT37] | 2.38 Chapter 38: Command Deck ................. [ACT38] | 2.39 Chapter 39: Sea of Doors ................. [ACT39] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________ / Miscellaneous \__________________ \_______________________________________________/ ] | | | 3. Contact........................................... [CNTCT] | | | 4. About Me.......................................... [INTRD] | | | 4.01 Me | | 4.02 Donations | | 4.03 Console Domination | | | | 5. Special Thanks.................................... [STHNK] | | | 6. Version History................................... [VHSTY] | | | | [________________________________________________________________] =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************** ************************************* *** COLLECTIBLES RUNDOWN *** [CLTRD] *********************************** ********************************** There is a huge number of Collectibles littered throughout your journey through Columbia and they come in a number of forms. This collectible locations guide will give you a complete list of all of the different collectibles in the game sorted by type and then checkpoint. I have included a brief description for the location of each collectible to assist you in finding them. The different collectibles include: > 80 Voxophones. These collectibles are small tape recorders that allow you to listen recorded messages from some of Columbia's more prominent residents. Listening to these gives you a little extra back story into the city and its people. Collecting all 80 will unlock the 'Eavesdropper' achievement/trophy. > 26 Kinetoscopes. The Kinetoscopes are similar to the Voxophones in relaying some additional back story to the denezins of columbia, but they do it visually. Using a kinetoscope shows a short, silent movie about the titular topic. Watching all 26 Kinetoscope and using all 11 telescopes will unlock the achievement/trophy 'Sightseer'. > 11 Telescopes. Telescopes are found in a number of locations in Columbia and allow you to zoom in on specific structures or landmarks nearby. using all 11 telescopes and watching all 26 Kinetoscopes will unlock the achievement/trophy 'Sightseer'. > 25 Infusion Upgrades. Infusion Upgrades are used to increase the base attributes of your Health, Shield or Salt status bars. The first infusion is given to you as a shield, the following 24 allow you to choose which of the three attributes you want to improve. Collecting all 25 Infusion Upgrades will earn you the achievement/trophy 'Infused with Greatness'. > Equippable Gear. Although technically not a collectible that works towards unlocking achievements, it is incredibly useful. Gear can be found in small gift wrapped boxes either from defeating some of the more powerful enemies such as handymen or located tucked away in hard to find places. Gear gives Booker some passive perks that alter gameplay in some way, usually to make things easier. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************** ************************************* *** COLLECTIBLE LOCATIONS GUIDE *** [CLTBL] *********************************** ********************************** The following guide lists all of the collectibles in the game from start to finish in order of chronological appearance. That way, you should be able to play your way through the game whilst reading the guide and be able to pick them all up on a single playthrough! The guide is broken up by chapter, followed by a numbered list of collecibles including the name of the collectible and a brief description on where and how to find it. I've even put check boxes next to each collectible, so you can print off the document and cross them out as you go! Thats it! Enjoy! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Prologue: Lighthouse [ACT00] =============================================================================== There are no collectibles in this chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 01: Welcome Centre [ACT01] =============================================================================== [] 001. Voxophone: ‘Love the Sinner’ _____________________________________ After arriving in Columbia, get out of the pod and down the stairs to the left. Around the statue here are three other doors. Go through the door to the left first (it’s the room with flowers all over the floor). At the far end of the room, look in the alcove to the right. Here you will find your first VOXOPHONE. [] 002. Kinetoscope: ‘Father Comstock’s Gift of Prophecy' __________________________________________________________ When you reach the giant statue of the prophet, look to the right. Wait for the floating shop named “Hudson’s” to dock. When it does cross over and head inside. Walk up and check out the first KINETOSCOPE on the left side of the counter. [] 003. Voxophone: ‘Undeserving’ _________________________________ Still in the shop named “Hudson’s” after grabbing the above collectible. Look behind the counter you’ll find another VOXOPHONE. [] 004. Kinetoscope: ‘Beware the False Shepherd!’ __________________________________________________ After the parade floats go by, go across the bridge. On the far side head to the grocery store on the right. Look against the wall to the left of the entrance to find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 005. Voxophone: ‘Everyman, All at Once’ ___________________________________________ When you reach the grocery store, continue over to the next platform that docks on the left. Climb the stairs and follow the road to the end. On a table in the garden here is another VOXOPHONE. [] 006. Telescope 1 ______________________________ Immediately after receiving the telegram from the boy, turn left and find a TELESCOPE nearby. [] 007. Kinetoscope: ‘The Envy of all his Peers’ _________________________________________________ When you find the entrance to the Fairground, before going in the gate check out the KINETOSCOPE on the wall to the right. [] 008. Voxophone: ‘For I am Lonely Too’ _________________________________________ After the first Dollar Bill vending machine, continue onwards. As you round the corner and continue along the road, you will be prompted to hit the interaction button to look at a statue that is morphing. Look at the base of this statue to find the VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 02: Raffle Square [ACT02] =============================================================================== [] 009. ‘Solution to Your Problems’ ____________________________________ After Killing the policemen, go through the gate and down the stairs. Look between the cages on the left for a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 03: Comstock Centre Rooftops [ACT03] =============================================================================== [] 010. Kinetoscope: ‘A Look Back at Opening Day’ __________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. [] 011. Kinetoscope: ‘The Prophet Stands up to Foes: Within and Without!’ __________________________________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. [] 012. Kinetoscope: ‘We Secede from the So-called Union’ __________________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the Blue Ribbon, you will see three KINETOSCOPES in front of you. This is one of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you have purchased the Bioshock Infinite season pass, when you enter the main bar area of 'The Blue Ribbon' there will be 4 pieces of EQUIPPABLE GEAR on the table to the right. On the bar there will be 3 INFUSION UPGRADES. On the table at the far end of the room will be another 2 INFUSION UPGRADES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] 013. Infusion Upgrade 1 ______________________________ Upon entering the Blue ribbon Restaurant, a woman holding a tray will block your passage. Go up and grab the first INFUSION UPGRADE from her. [] 014. Voxophone: ‘Half a Jew’ ________________________________ Once you have picked up the shield upgrade, the woman who gives it to you will move. Enter the kitchen and grab the VOXOPHONE from the table to the left. [] 015. Voxophone: ‘Otis’ Nimble Fingers’ __________________________________________ After you work your way across the rooftops and jump in through the skylight, locate the stairs leading down to the right of the exit. At the bottom of the first set of stairs, go past the next set leading down and enter the door on the right to find a bedroom. On a shelf here you will find a VOXOPHONE [] 016. Kinetoscope: ‘Danger on all Sides!’ ____________________________________________ After exiting the house with the printing presses, clear the area. Afterwards climb the stairs to either side of the Dollar Bill vending machine and turn left at the top. Look behind the tent here for a kINETOSCOPE. [] 017. Voxophone: ‘A New Hunt’ ________________________________ After exiting from the building with the printing presses, kill the enemies and go down the nearby stairs and climb up on the stage in the grassy area to find a VOXOPHONE. [] 018. Voxophone: ‘The Gift of the Emancipator’ _________________________________________________ Once inside the Fraternal Order of the raven building you will come across a large statue of John Wilkes Booth. Enter the door to its left first to find a small bar of sorts. As you enter the patrons will become hostile so kill them all. Afterwards head up to the bar and pick up the VOXOPHONE. [] 019. Voxophone: ‘The Lie of the Emancipator’ ________________________________________________ Clear out the altar room in the fraternal Order of the Raven building and make your way down to the lower room and look on the benches for a VOXOPHONE. [] 020. Infusion Upgrade 2 ______________________________ After entering the Fraternal Order of the Raven building, kill the cultists in the altar area. Once the room is clear, inspect the altar to find the INFUSION UPGRADE. Grab the key next to it. [] 021. Infusion Upgrade 3 ______________________________ Once you have the key mentioned above, backtrack through the level until you are back at the Landsdowne Residence (the house you entered the first time from the skylight on the roof). Enter the building, go down the stairs on your left and enter the door on the right just past the next set of stairs leading down. Once inside, use the key on the giant blue chest in the bedroom. Within you will find the INFUSION UPGRADE. [] 022. Voxophone: ‘Symbols of Our Lady’ _________________________________________ Keep going on from the altar and eventually you will find a projector room. Loot the large central table and enter the door on the left. Inside look on the desk at the far right, directly below the ‘Protecting Our Race’ seal on the wall for a VOXOPHONE. [] 023. Equippable Gear 1 ______________________________ In the fraternal Order of the Raven building. When you reach the room with the large circular table in the centre and a projector playing, look to the right to see a bookcase. Run over and interact with this to unveil a secret room behind it. Inside you will find a present containing some EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 024. Equippable Gear 2 ______________________________ After killing the first crow (and the soldiers that show up after), enter the next building. As you go inside, immediately look towards the centre of the room to see a broken vending machine. On the ground next to it you will find another present containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 025. Telescope 2 ______________________________ After killing the Crow in the Fraternal Order of the Raven building, continue until you find yourself back outside. As you exit the building, look to the left to see a floating barge. Jump over to this and use the TELESCOPE on board. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 04: Monument Island Gateway [ACT04] =============================================================================== [] 026. Kinetoscope: ‘Uncanny Mystery in Columbia’ ___________________________________________________ As soon as you enter the station, look to the right to spot a KINETOSCOPE. [] 027. Infusion Upgrade 4 ______________________________ On the first sky-line you use, you will come across a blue platform to the left of the sky-line with a Founder soldier. Jump down and kill the soldier and his friend inside. Check out the doorway to the right inside the maintenance area here you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. Return to the balcony. Head over and use the TELESCOPE on the right hand side. [] 028. Telescope 3 ______________________________ On the first sky-line you use, you will come across a blue platform to the left of the sky-line with a Founder soldier. Jump down and kill the soldier and his friend inside. Check out the doorway to the right inside the maintenance area here you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. Return to the balcony. Head over and use the TELESCOPE on the right hand side. [] 029. Voxophone: ‘Another Ark for Another Time’ __________________________________________________ Ride the very first sky-line until you come to a stop inside a building. Hop down and kill the Founder soldier here. Proceed into the room to the right. Grab the VOXOPHONE from the desk in here. [] 030. Equippable Gear 3 ______________________________ After riding the sky-line until it forces you to jump off and go through the second floor of a building, kill the 3 soldiers inside. When they are all dead, return to the bedroom area and look behind the bedside table on the right to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 05: Monument Tower [ACT05] =============================================================================== [] 031. Voxophone: ‘Tiger by the Tail’ _______________________________________ After using the frieght hook to jump over the gate, you can go up and enter monument Tower. As soon as you are inside, look to the left and check out the open locker there for a VOXOPHONE. [] 032. Voxophone: ‘To R.Thompson Re: Fuses’ _____________________________________________ After the room with the three levers, go into the door to the next room. In the hallway here, take the first left and enter the door. Inside you will find a VOXOPHONE on a desk against the right hand wall. [] 033. Voxophone: ‘A Reward Deferred’ _______________________________________ As you enter the next room, look on the desk directly in front of you for a VOXOPHONE. [] 034. Infusion Upgrade 5 ______________________________ When you enter the room with the VOXOPHONE on the desk directly in front of you. Look around the right hand side of the desk, tucked away behind it is an INFUSION UPGRADE. [] 035. Voxophone: ‘The Source of her Power’ _____________________________________________ After working your way through a couple of observation rooms, you will go back out onto the wooden walkways and climb a ramp. At the top enter the door and grab the VOXOPHONE from the chair on the right. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 06: Battleship Bay [ACT06] =============================================================================== [] 036. Voxophone: ‘Born in the River’ _______________________________________ Once you are back in control on the beach at the start of the area, head up to the very back of the area and beneath the main structure, you will find a red and white striped shed with wheels. Beneath this you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 037. Kinetoscope: ‘Battleship Bay’ ______________________________________ From the first beach you start the area head over to the door with the lines of fence pickets in front and go inside. Follow the short passage around until you find the next exit. Look on the wall opposite this for a KINETOSCOPE. [] 038. Equippable Gear 4 ______________________________ After meeting Elizabeth continue until you pick the first lock. When you reach the Dollar Bill vending machine continue past it and through the door at the far end of the hallway opposite where we came in from. Inside, in a basket on the right you can pick up a VOXOPHONE. On the table to the left of this is a gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 039. Voxophone: ‘Heaven’ ______________________________ Continue into the first building and when you reach the Dollar Bill vending machine continue past it and through the door at the far end of the hallway opposite where we came in from. Inside, in a basket on the right you can pick up a VOXOPHONE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The 5th piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR may appear in one of two spots. Where it appears is dependent on a decision you made at the start of the game. If you decided to throw the baseball at the inter-racial couple, it will appear in the arcade next to one of Fink's employees. If you decided to throw the ball at Fink, it will appear in the hallway leading to the Arcade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] 040. Equippable Gear 5 Location 1: (Threw the ball at Fink) ____________________________________ On a bench in the hallway next to the inter-racial couple. This is just before you enter the Arcade proper. OR Location 2: (Threw the ball at the inter-racial couple) _______________________________________________________ As you enter the Arcade proper, look on the table to the right for a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR 'Compliments of Mr Fink' apparently. [] 041. Kinetoscope: ‘Solving the Irish Problem’ _________________________________________________ Once you reach the Arcade, go to the opposite side of the area to find the White bathrooms. Follow the hallway past the bathrooms and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 042. Voxophone: ‘A Dog’s Loyalty’ _____________________________________ When you enter the arcade, go to the opposite side of the room to find the White bathrooms. Enter the male bathroom. On a table next to a row of sinks there is a VOXOPHONE. [] 043. Voxophone: ‘Take Her Alive’ ____________________________________ After the ambush at the ticket office, climb the stairs and go through the now open gate. At the top of the stairs, turn to the right and enter the open office at the end of the corridor. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE. [] 044. Infusion Upgrade 6 ______________________________ Following the ambush in the ticket office, go up the stairs when the gate opens and follow the hallway to the left. Continue around the corner to the left. Here, you want to enter the first door on the left. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the right hand wall. [] 045. Voxophone: ‘The Golden Path to Heaven’ _______________________________________________ Before exiting to the gondola platform, find the room you can enter. Inside, climb the stairs down to the very bottom and look beneath them for a small workbench area with a VOXOPHONE. [] 046. Telescope 4 ______________________________ following the gondola ride, climb up to the top tier of the platform. In the centre of the railing looking back towards the gondola you will see a TELESCOPE that you can use. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 07: Soldier’s Field [ACT07] =============================================================================== [] 047. Kinetoscope: ‘A City in the Sky? Impossible!’ ______________________________________________________ As you enter the soldier's Field Welcome Centre, go down the stairs and take a right. Go down the smaller set of stairs and enter the door here to find a miniature map of Columbia. Against the back wall you will find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 048. Infusion Upgrade 7 ______________________________ As soon as you enter the area, go to the left side of the room. Grab the lock pick from the floor in front of the locked door and get Elizabeth to open it (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, you’ll find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the left hand wall. [] 049. Voxophone: ‘A Place in the World’ __________________________________________ Once you reach the welcome Centre, go left and find the locked door. Get Elizabeth to unlock it. Inside, you’ll find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk against the left wall. Additionally if you follow the room to the end there is a small office with a lock pick on the desk, a safe you can unlock and an open locker with a VOXOPHONE inside. [] 050. Kinetoscope: ‘Mighty Songbird Patrols the Skies’ _________________________________________________________ After going beneath the ‘Soldier’s Field’ sign, take a left. There is a small observation deck to the left before the ice cream shop that has a KINETOSCOPE on it. [] 051. Voxophone: ‘I am his Mirror’ _____________________________________ Once you reach Soldier's Field, enter the Ice Cream shop to find a VOXOPHONE inside. [] 052. Voxophone: ‘Viewing the Infinite’ __________________________________________ Still in the main Soldier's Field area, find the Founder’s Bookstore. Inside at the back of the room there is a VOXOPHONE on a desk at the top of the short flight of stairs. [] 053. Voxophone: ‘Never Seen the Face’ _________________________________________ After getting off the lift in which you need to change a fuse, make your way around the display in the very centre of the main area and find the door on the far side of the room marked ‘Employees Only’. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door for you. Once it is unlocked, enter with caution and look to the left. There is an auto-turret in here. Destroy it. After that is done, work your way down the right hand wall of the room, here you will find a desk holding a VOXOPHONE. [] 054. Equippable Gear 6 ______________________________ On the desk next to the above voxophone is a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 055. Kinetoscope: ‘Who are the Vox Populi?’ _______________________________________________ After leaving Soldier's Field, you will end up in Sky Road. Enter the ticket building here. On the left hand side of the lower level in the room closest to the main area you will find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 056. Equippable Gear 7 ______________________________ Once you reach Sky Road enter the Ticket building. Go to the back left corner of the lower floor to find a locked door. It requires 3 lock picks to unlock. inside you will find a present containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 057. Voxophone: ‘A True Soldier’ ____________________________________ When you reach Sky Road, head up the stairs in the main area of the ticket building and look against the railing overlooking the ground floor you will find a propped up Carbine. On the ground next to it is another VOXOPHONE. [] 058. Voxophone: ‘Vox Contraband Inventory’ ______________________________________________ From the previous Voxophone, head across the road to the 'Fellow Traveller' building and make your way inside. As you enter, Go over to the bar. Enter the door behind and to the left of the bar and grab the VOXOPHONE stuck on a cupboard on the back wall of the room. [] 059. Infusion Upgrade 8 ______________________________ At Sky Road, complete the optional task by going to the bathrooms in the 'Fellow Traveller' and find the Vox Code. Head over to the ticket office and find the cannon. Inside the barrel of the cannon is the book. Return to the code and Elizabeth will tell you what to do. in the next toilet room, interact with the hat on the hat rack here to open up a secret passage nearby. Enter the passage and climb down the stairs to the room below. On the bench here is an INFUSION UPGRADE and on the desk in the centre of the room is a lock pick and a VOXOPHONE. [] 060. Voxophone: ‘Their Sun is Setting’ __________________________________________ Along with the above Infusion upgrade. [] 061. Voxophone: ‘A Final Stand’ ___________________________________ Upon arriving at the Hall of heroes Plaza after the sky-rail sequence, drop down to the ground. Take the stairs nearby down and investigate the parked gondola. Inside it, there is a VOXOPHONE on a chair. [] 062. Kinetoscope: ‘Who Needs the Power Company?’ ____________________________________________________ Before entering the door to the Hall of Heroes, look to the right and grab the KINETOSCOPE at the end of the pathway. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 08: The Hall of Heroes [ACT08] =============================================================================== [] 063. ‘Comrades of Necessity' ________________________________ After entering the Hall of Heroes, enter the door to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory machine and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE. [] 064. Infusion Upgrade 9 ______________________________ After entering the all of Heroes you will come to a statue room where you will need to fight off a couple of groups of enemies. After the fight the door at the far end of the room will open. Ignore this for now and proceed into the room from which the enemies came. Go to the back, right hand corner of the room to find an INFUSION UPGRADE on the table here. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 09: Inside the Hall of Heroes [ACT09] =============================================================================== [] 065. Equippable Gear 8 ______________________________ Inside the door marked ‘Employees only’ in the Peking Exhibit you will find a piece of gift wrapped EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 066. Equippable Gear 9 ______________________________ Inside the door marked ‘Employees only’ in the Wounded Knee Exhibit you will find a piece of gift wrapped EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 067. Voxophone: ‘Unconditional’ ______________________________ Continue through the Hall of Heores until you are in the exhibit 'The Memorial to Our Lady'. Once you go beneath the bridge and Elizabeth unlocks the door, upon entering the next room, look in the side area to the right and you’ll find a VOXOPHONE on the chair in front of a fireplace. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 10: Hall of Heroes Gift Shop [ACT10] =============================================================================== [] 068. Kinetoscope: ‘The Lamb is the Future of the City’ __________________________________________________________ Before entering the open doorway to the main gift shop area, check out the pair of KINETOSCOPES sitting either side of the door frame. This is one of them. [] 069. Kinetoscope: ‘Behold the Miracle Child! A Prophecy is Fulfilled!’ __________________________________________________________________________ Before entering the open doorway to the main gift shop area, check out the pair of KINETOSCOPES sitting either side of the door frame. This is one of them. [] 070. Kinetoscope: ‘A City Mourns…’ ______________________________________ After your first encounter with a motorized patriot in the gift shop, check out the KINETOSCOPE which is attached to the circular desk in the centre of the room. [] 071. Voxophone: ‘A Soldier’s Death’ _______________________________________ After the Courtyard fight with Slate's men, drop down to the ground level and rather than proceeding to the right as the game wants you to, go through the open door on the left side of the room. On the left side of the room is a work bench with a VOXOPHONE on it. [] 072. Infusion Upgrade 10 ______________________________ In the same room as the above collectible, in the tool box on the table behind the aforementioned Voxopjone, you can also locate an INFUSION UPGRADE. Note that you may need to jump up on the table in order to find an angle from which to pick this one up. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 11: Return to Hall of Heroes Plaza [ACT11] =============================================================================== [] 073. Equippable Gear 10 ______________________________ After exiting the Hall of Heroes, clear the outside area. Once the area is clear, check out the rightmost section of the main building (opposite the Dollar Bill vending machine). You will find another power conduit; hit this with Shock Jockey to unlock the nearby door. Climb the stairs here and do a 180 at the top, head to the end of the walkway and grab the lock pick kit and gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR from the table. [] 074. Voxophone: ‘Calling You Out’ _____________________________________ When you get back to Soldier's Field, look for the building with the ‘Hotel Soldier’s Field’ sign on it? Use the sky-line closest to this and the freight hooks nearby to access a balcony on the upper level of this building closest to the gondola platform. Use the Shock Jockey vigor on the power conduit here to open the door. Proceed inside here on a bed you can grab another VOXOPHONE. [] 075. Equippable Gear 11 ______________________________ When you get back to Soldier's Field, look for the building with the ‘Hotel Soldier’s Field’ sign on it? Use the sky-line closest to this and the freight hooks nearby to access a balcony on the upper level of this building closest to the gondola platform. Use the Shock Jockey vigor on the power conduit here to open the door. Proceed inside here on a bed you can grab another VOXOPHONE. On the bed stand nearby, there is a gift wrapped new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 076. Equippable Gear 12 ______________________________ Go to the carousel. To the right of this is a toy store you may have explored earlier. The door is now locked, but interacting with this will allow you access. Inside you will find another power conduit. Hit this with Shock Jockey to open another locked door. Here you will find another new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 077. Infusion Upgrade 11 ______________________________ As soon as you enter the First Lady's Airship, turn right and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE from the table here. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 12: Finkton Docks [ACT12] =============================================================================== [] 078. Voxophone: ‘God’s Blueprint’ _____________________________________ When you arrive in Finkton Docks, look to the left to find the building with ‘Delivery centre’ written on the side. Enter this building, turn left and look between the pair of desks along the left-hand wall of the room for a VOXOPHONE. [] 079. Equippable Gear 13 ______________________________ On the far side of the docks from where you start, there is a building marked ‘Employees only. Inside, behind a desk next to a policeman you will find a gift wrapped piece of new EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Note that picking this up will turn all the police in the area hostile. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 13: Beggar’s Wharf [ACT13] =============================================================================== [] 080. Voxophone: ‘Shame of my Service’ _________________________________________ After chasing Elizabeth through the Wharf you will enter a building at the end. As you enter, you will see Elizabeth disappear through another tear. Behind a partition on the left hand side of this room is a pair of desks with one holding a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 14: Fort Franklin Pier [ACT14] =============================================================================== [] 081. Infusion Upgrade 12 ______________________________ When you need to rescue Elizabeth from the dock police station, clear out all the bad guys. Once the area is clear, enter the lower level of the police station. Look in the cell on the left hand side and you should be able to grab an INFUSION UPGRADE from between the bars. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 15: Worker Induction Centre [ACT15] =============================================================================== [] 082. Telescope 5 ______________________________ When you regain control at the start of this area, turn to your left to spot the gondola. On the railing to the left of this is a TELESCOPE you can use. [] 083. Equippable Gear 14 ______________________________ At the start of the area, if you go on board the gondola, there is a door that Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks). Inside is a present containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 084. Kinetoscope: 'The Path of the Vox Populi…’ ___________________________________________________ Just after the previous telescope. As soon as you enter the building, turn to the left. At the end of the hall here you will see a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. On the wall to the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE. [] 085. Voxophone: ‘A Product Like Any Other’ ______________________________________________ When you arrive in the room with the broken elevator, enter the open door behind the counter on the left. On a desk in here you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 086. Infusion Upgrade 13 ______________________________ When you reach the out of service elevator in the main lobby of the Worker Induction Centre, look for a locked door on the left side of the area. Have Elizabeth open it (requires 5 lock picks). Inside there is an INFUSION UPGRADE on a desk. [] 087. Voxophone: ‘Seed of a Lie’ ___________________________________ Soon after the previous voxophone, once you have cleared out the basement of the building of enemies, before entering the elevator, check out the lockers to the right of it. Inside the open locker is a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 16: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 1) [ACT16] =============================================================================== [] 088. Equippable Gear 15 ______________________________ Use the freight hooks to jump up to the low roof surrounding the central building and have a look around, you’ll find a volley gun, a lock pick and hidden away behind the Chen-Lin sign, you will find a sniper rifle and gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 089. Voxophone: ‘We’ve Need of a Shepherd’ ______________________________________________ As you enter the door leading to the Gun Smith's Shop, on the table directly in front of the door is a VOXOPHONE. [] 090. Equippable Gear 16 ______________________________ After killing the handyman, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 091. Voxophone: ‘The Invisible Color’ _________________________________________ Find the Dollar Bill vending machine in the back right corner of the area. Run over to this and continue to follow the wall past it until you find a VOXOPHONE on the ground near some boxes against a wall. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 17: The Good Time Club [ACT17] =============================================================================== [] 092. Kinetoscope: ‘Crime Comes to Shanty-Town…’ ___________________________________________________ Once you are inside the club, climb the stairs to the top. Here you’ll find a KINETOSCOPE next to a Minuteman’s Armory vending machine [] 093. Kinetoscope: ‘The First Lady’ ______________________________________ After the stage fight, go down to the lower level. From the end of the stage that is jutting into the room, look straight ahead to find a short hallway with a Veni! Vidi! Vigor! vending machine. To the left of this is a KINETOSCOPE. [] 094. Infusion Upgrade 14 ______________________________ Following the stage room fight, drop down to the lower level and look for the Dollar Bill vending machine. To the right of this is a door we can go through. Inside you can grab an INFUSION UPGRADE from the bar and a lock pick from under one of the tables. [] 095. Voxophone: ‘Changing My Tune’ ______________________________________ After the stage fight is over, go through the opening in the curtain and exit the stage via the door here. On the dresser to the left as you enter there is a VOXOPHONE. [] 096. Voxophone: ‘His Design for Cruelty’ ____________________________________________ In the basement of the Good time Club, you will reach a corridor that stretches to the left with a number of cells lining either side. Before proceeding in that direction, look on the nearby stool for a VOXOPHONE. [] 097. Equippable Gear 17 ______________________________ In the basement of the Good Time Club you will find a prison with a number of cells. Elizabeth can unlock the door to cell 8 (requires 5 lock picks). Inside you will fins a new piece of EQUIPPALE GEAR. [] 098. Kinetoscope: ‘Gun-smith Set Free’ __________________________________________ After using the tear in the basement, return back the way you came. When you reach the area where we picked up the first Kinetoscope you will notice that whilst the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine is still here, the KINETOSCOPE has moved from its left hand side to the right hand side. Go and grab it for another KINETOSCOPE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 18: The Plaza of Zeal (Part 2) [ACT18] =============================================================================== [] 099. Infusion Upgrade 15 ______________________________ This requires completion of another optional task. Grab the code book from the basement of the Good Time Club and return to the Plaza of Zeal and proceed up the street on the left hand side of the large central building. If you hug the left hand wall as you, go you should see an opening at the end. Through here is a small wooden docking area overlooking the clouds. There is a locked door here that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Inside, with the code book in hand, Elizabeth will tell you what to do. Go over and interact with the clock on the right hand side of the scrawled note. This will open, revealing a hidden safe. Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE and a VOXOPHONE. [] 100. Voxophone: ‘A Truer Allegiance’ ________________________________________ Inside the safe with Infusion Upgrade 15 above. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 19: The Gunsmith Shop [ACT19] =============================================================================== There are no collectibles in this chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 20: Shantytown [ACT20] =============================================================================== [] 101. Infusion Upgrade 16 ______________________________ After getting off the lift, move forward, past the vocal preacher and continue onwards until you reach a railing. In the distance, you can see a sign reading ‘The Graveyard Shift’. Turn to the left and follow the railing until you come across a couple of hostile citizens. When they attack, kill them and grab the INFUSION UPGRADE that was sitting on the crate behind them. [] 102. Voxophone: ‘Fanning a Flame’ _____________________________________ Go into the basement of the Graveyard Shift Bar. Look on the bench nearby for a VOXOPHONE. You should also grab the keys from the barrel behind this to unlock another collectible in the next chapter. [] 103. Equippable Gear 18 ______________________________ As you exit the slum area and work your way towards the Bull Yard, you should be able to spy a gift box at the base of a statue on your right. Grab this for a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 104. Telescope 6 ______________________________ As you enter the Bull Yard,you will see a good number of soldiers in the courtyard below. Look up to the left. Hop up to the freight hook here and drop down to the upper ledge here. A little further along the railing is a TELESCOPE. [] 105. Voxophone: ‘Trapped’ ______________________________ Before entering the Bull House Impound, take a sky-line back up to the upper level on the right (where the RPG tear is) and in a small niche in the covered area you will find a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 21: The Bull House Impound [ACT21] =============================================================================== [] 106. Kinetoscope: ‘Fitzroy Spotted!’ ________________________________________ Once you are inside the police impound, move up and through the open gate in the distance. As soon as you are through, ignore the door to the next area in front and instead enter the open office. There is a KINETOSCOPE in here. [] 107. Infusion Upgrade 17 ______________________________ After the first fight in the lobby of the Bull House Impound go into the door to the left at the top of the stairs. There is a locked door in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 5 lock picks) that contains an UPGRADE INFUSION and a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 108. Equippable Gear 19 ______________________________ In the same room as the above collectible. [] 109. Voxophone: ‘That Goddamn Key’ ______________________________________ Once you have entered the Bull House Impound, clear the first room of bad guys climb the stairs. Continue along the upper level and enter the middle door you come across. Duck into the small office on the back left. Inside you’ll find a lock pick on the floor as you enter and a VOXOPHONE on a desk to the right. [] 110. Infusion Upgrade 18 ______________________________ This requires us to complete an optional quest to retrieve a key. We can grab the key from the basement of the Graveshift Bar in the main Shantytown area. Once you have it, return to the Bull House Impound (If you followed the above walkthrough, you would have brought it with you). Once you have entered the Bull House Impound, clear the first room of bad guys climb the stairs. Continue along the upper level and enter the middle door you come across. Duck into the small office on the back left. Inside you’ll find a VOXOPHONE on a desk to the right. Use the keys on the big, blue chest nearby to open it and grab your reward – an INFUSION UPGRADE. [] 111. Voxophone: ‘Terminated’ ________________________________ From the above Voxophone, loot the rest of the top floor and then head back down the stairs to the lower level. Make your way over to the stairs leading down on the far left side of the room. Near the top of these you will find an open door. Under a desk in here is another VOXOPHONE. [] 112. Voxophone: ‘Kindling’ ______________________________ After going through the tear in the basement, once the scene finishes, go back up the stairs. At the top you will find a VOXOPHONE on a desk that was not previously there. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 22: The Bull Yard [ACT22] =============================================================================== [] 113. Voxophone: ‘That Eternal Shore’ ________________________________________ When you get back to the main Shantytown area, go down and look in front of the Graveyard Shift Bar, you will see that there is a dead Handyman here. Under the body you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 114. Voxophone: ‘Drawing Dead’ __________________________________ From the previous Voxophone, go on into the Graveyard Shift Bar. On the left hand side of the bar inside is a new VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 23: Finkton Proper [ACT23] =============================================================================== There are no collectibles in this chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 24: On to the Factory [ACT24] =============================================================================== [] 115. Voxophone: ‘All Debts Paid’ ____________________________________ When you get back to the Plaza of Deal after completing the Shantytown area, enter the door leading to the Gun Smith's shop again. On a shelf to the left you will find another new VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 25: The Factory Courtyard [ACT25] =============================================================================== [] 116. Telescope 7 ______________________________ After destroying the zeppelin, return to the bridge to find the gate is now unlocked. Climb the stairs to the top. Just at the top of the stairs, before entering the building use the TELESCOPE here. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 26: The Factory [ACT26] =============================================================================== [] 117. Equippable Gear 20 ______________________________ As you enter the first room with an elevator, look for a tipped over cart near some bodies, beside this is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 118. Equippable Gear 21 ______________________________ When the vox turn on you, kill them and then enter the side room to the left. As you enter, you’ll find one of each of the three types of vending machines: Veni! Vidi! Vigor!, Minuteman’s Armory and Dollar Bill. There is a gift hidden on the ground behind the Dollar Bill vending machine containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 119. Voxophone: ‘A Child Needs a Protector’ _______________________________________________ After the Vox soldiers turn on you for the first time. Kill them all. When it is clear, look on the chalkboard in the back, right corner of the room to find a VOXOPHONE. [] 120. Equippable Gear 22 ______________________________ After killing the handyman during the clock tower fight, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 121. Telescope 8 ______________________________ Once the clock tower fight is over, go to the far platform and find the TELESCOPE on the railing (near the tesla coil tear). [] 122. Voxophone: ‘Apology’ ______________________________ After the clocktower fight, enter the clocktower itself. Before following Elizabeth through the door straight ahead, check out the door to the right you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 123. Infusion Upgrade 19 ______________________________ After the clocktower fight, enter the clocktower itself. Before following Elizabeth through the door straight ahead, check out the door to the left to find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a table. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 27: Emporia [ACT27] =============================================================================== [] 124. Equippable Gear 23 ______________________________ As soon as you enter Port Prosperity station, Look above the entrance to find a tear to bring in a frieght hook. Have Elizabeth phase this in and hop up to it. From here look for a nearby platform with a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 125. Infusion Upgrade 20 ______________________________ As soon as you enter Port Prosperity station, turn right and have Elizabeth unlock the gate there (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE at the end of a hallway in a metal tub. [] 126. Telescope 9 ______________________________ Before taking the gondola to leave the area, look on the right hand side of the gondola station for a TELESCOPE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 28: Port Prosperity [ACT28] =============================================================================== [] 127. Voxophone: ‘Coming for Comstock’ _________________________________________ Once you reach the first vending machines in Port Prosperity, continue down the hallway to the right of the vending machines. Around three quarters of the way up the hallway, look out for a chest on the left with a corpse on it. There is a VOXOPHONE on the floor below the chest. [] 128. Equippable Gear 24 ______________________________ Enter the Salty Oyster (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, check out the right side of the room. Beneath one of the tables here is a gift box containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 129. Kinetoscope: ‘Lutece’s Brother Arrives in Columbia!’ _____________________________________________________________ Inside the Salty Oyster, go past the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine and between the two bathrooms you will find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 130. Voxophone: ‘Whispers Through the wall’ _______________________________________________ When you enter the large room with the pair of telsa coil tears, clear the area. When its safe, look back to where you entered the area. There is a ticket office to both the left and the right of the stairs. The office on the right contains a safe and a small storeroom near it that contains a VOXOPHONE. [] 131. Voxophone: ‘A Window’ ______________________________ When you reach the turnstile to exit the area, look for a side area beneath the overhead walkway. Have Elizabeth unlock the door here leading to the Founder’s Bookstore (requires 1 lock pick). As you enter look to the right. On a counter beside a teddy bear you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 132. Equippable Gear 25 ______________________________ Have Elizabeth unlock the door to the Founder’s Bookstore (requires 1 lock pick). Look on the central counter for a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 133. Voxophone: ‘Sally’ ______________________________ Still in the Founder's bookstore, go down the stairs at the back of the area. Kill the enemies that follow you down and look in the centre of the room for a VOXOPHONE. [] 134. Infusion Upgrade 21 ______________________________ After grabbing the Voxophone from the basement of the Founder's Bookstore, it will start an optional task to investigate the Salty Oyster bar. Head back to the Salty Oyster and once inside, go over to the bar on the left. Look beneath the cash register for a previously non-existent button here. Hit this to open the nearby door. On a table inside you will find a new vigor – Return to Sender, a lock pick kit and an INFUSION UPGRADE. [] 135. Voxophone: ‘One and the Same’ ______________________________________ In the same room as the previous collectible, in a metal tub on the left of the room is a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 29: Downtown Emporia [ACT29] =============================================================================== [] 136. Equippable Gear 26 ______________________________ After killing the handyman during the first fight in the area, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 137. Voxophone: ‘A City Suspended’ ______________________________________ After the scene with Songbird, you will take an elevator down and it will crash. Exit the lift and clear the area. Once the fight is over, use the sky-line to access the balcony on the far side of the area from the elevator. Get Elizabeth to unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you’ll find a VOXOPHONE. [] 138. Voxophone: ‘Beyond Redemption’ _______________________________________ After killing the snipers, cross the bridge. As soon as you are over, enter the open door on the right. Find the stairs leading downstairs. At the bottom, kill the Vox soldiers ahead of you. When they are dead, go and look where they were sitting. Behind the table on the right you will see a carton on a shelf with a VOXOPHONE in it. [] 139. Equippable Gear 27 ______________________________ In the sniper area cross the bridge and you will see a door to the left, this one has a lock on it that Elizabeth can open for you (requires 3 lock picks). Kill the aggressive citizen inside and head upstairs to find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 140. Equippable Gear 28 ______________________________ When you reach the fight between the Vox and Founders on a street with the bridge/walkway above it near the camera store, clear it and look at the tears. About halfway between the end of the left side of the bridge and the tear for cover on the left hand platform you can find a locked door that Elizabeth is able to unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside you will find a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR on the left counter and a VOXOPHONE on the right. [] 141. Voxophone: ‘The True Color of my Skin’ _______________________________________________ On a counter to the right of the above EQUIPPABLE GEAR is a VOXOPHONE. [] 142. Voxophone: ‘Pen Pal’ ______________________________ As you reach Z.H. Comstock Victory Square, make your way over to the large building at the top of the stairs on the left. Check out the base of the statue of the woman directly in front to find a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 30: Memorial Gardens [ACT30] =============================================================================== [] 143. Telescope 10 ______________________________ As soon as you are past the gate leaving Z.H. Comstock Victory Square, look to the left for a TELESCOPE. [] 144. Equippable Gear 29 ______________________________ After killing the siren for the first time, the two strangers will show up to chat. Once they disappear, go up to the tomb at the top of the hill behind them. See the pair of torches on either side of the gate? Hit each of them with a regular Devil’s Kiss attack and they will light up. After which the gate will open. Inside against the back wall you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: It is possible to find the three tears in this area in different orders. I have listed the collectibles in order of Lutece Lab --> Bank --> Photo Store. This means after exiting the cemetary, go to the right and continue to follow the route through the level until you have done a loop and end up back at Z.H. Comstock Victory Square. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] 145. Voxophone: ‘Out of Thin Air’ _____________________________________ After dealing with the Siren for the first time in the Memorial Gardens, return to the street. When we are back on the street, turn right and follow the crumbling ledge here. Once you are back on the street, turn around to see an open door to a building floating behind us. Jump over to this. Approach the red tear to hear a bout of contemporary music. Also in the room you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 146. Infusion Upgrade 22 ______________________________ Once you enter the Laboratory Lutece building, go up the stairs. At the top enter the open door to a bedroom. On the left side of this room you will find an INFUSION UPGRADE on a table. [] 147. Voxophone: ‘A Theory on Our “Death”’ _____________________________________________ In the same room as the above collectible. On the right side of the room, on the floor between the bed and the left hand bedside table you will find a VOXOPHONE. [] 148. Voxophone: ‘on the Entropy of Genes’ _____________________________________________ Still inside the Laboratory Lutece building, find the tear on the ground floor. Ignore the tear here for a moment and enter the open door to the right. Here on a table at the back of the room is a VOXOPHONE. [] 149. Voxophone: ‘Child of Science’ ______________________________________ once you interact with the tear in the Laboratory Lutece building, it will disappear. After it is gone, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. [] 150. Equippable Gear 30 ______________________________ As you go through the Market District keep an eye out for a green and white tent. Behind this you can find another locked door. This one Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, find the back room and there is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR in there. [] 151. Infusion Upgrade 23 ______________________________ Continue through the Market District until a firemen appears. Once you have dealt with him turn around and look for a sign saying ‘Wilson Bros. & Company’. This building has a door we can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). There is an INFUSION UPGRADE inside. [] 152. Equippable Gear 31 ______________________________ When you reach the bank vault door. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path here until you reach a corner. There will be a door in front so head on in here. On the ground on the right hand side of the room is a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 153. Infusion Upgrade 24 ______________________________ As you proceed through the Market District, keep your eye out for a shop called 'Hudson's'. Go inside. Downstairs you will find a safe we can open. In the small side-room near the safe, there is also a code book on a shelf that we can grab. Take this to the bank and when you reach the vault, go through the left hand door in front of it. Follow the hallway all the way until you enter an office at the end. Look on the desk here for a another Vox code. With the codebook in hand, Elizabeth tells you what to do, so interact with the type writer. This will unlock a secret room nearby that contains an INFUSION UPGRADE, a lock pick bag and a VOXOPHONE. [] 154. Voxophone: ‘The Imagination of God’ _____________________________________________ Inside the safe with the above collectible. [] 155. Equippable Gear 32 ______________________________ When you reach the back of the vault. Ignore the opening for now and continue past it to the dead end. Here you will find a corpse next to a twisted metal grill on a door. Behind him you will find a gift containing a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 156. Voxophone: ‘No Longer’ _______________________________ When you reach the tear in the bank, ignore this for now and enter the room to the left. There is a safe in here Elizabeth can unlock. Behind this is a VOXOPHONE. [] 157. Voxophone: ‘A Broken Circle’ _____________________________________ Still in the same area as the previous Voxophone, interact with the tear. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. [] 158. Voxophone: ‘The Customer is Late’ __________________________________________ After exiting the bank, find your way back to the camera store and unlock it to find the final tear. Interact with the tear and once it disappears, look on the table behind where it had been as it will leave behind a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 31: Comstock House [ACT31] =============================================================================== [] 159. Voxophone: ‘A Leash’ ______________________________ After the first encounter with one of the Boys of Silence, enter the elevator. Inside the elevator is another tear and a VOXOPHONE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 32: The Atrium [ACT32] =============================================================================== [] 160. Kinetoscope: ‘Sunrise’ _______________________________ When you run into the second Boy of Silence, enter the door to his left. On a pillar near the dead end here is a KINETOSCOPE. [] 161. Voxophone: ‘The Value of Choice’ _________________________________________ When you run into the second Boy of Silence, enter the door to his right. After entering the doorway, enter the door directly to the left beside the ‘Where we Weep’ sign. Inside a coffin at the base of a furnace you will find another VOXOPHONE. [] 162. Kinetoscope: 'Hummingbird' ___________________________________ After killing the crow and the founder soldiers climb the stairs. At the top go into the hall on the left. There is another tear here. After it vanishes continue down the corridor nearby and at the end you will find a KINETOSCOPE. [] 163. Equippable Gear 33 ______________________________ In the room with the fourth Boy of Silence. You will notice the gift on the table behind him that contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Carefully work your way between the crates when he is not looking. Grab the gear when safe to do so and then continue into the room behind the wall here. Grab the VOXOPHONE from the table. [] 164. Voxophone: ‘Debts’ ______________________________ In the room with the fourth Boy of Silence. You will notice the gift on the table behind him that contains a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. Carefully work your way between the crates when he is not looking. Grab the gear when safe to do so and then continue into the room behind the wall here. Grab the VOXOPHONE from the table. [] 165. Kinetoscope: ‘Battleship Falls’ ________________________________________ Keep going through the level until you reach a projector room. Climb up and through the broken window at the back of the room. Go through the door at the left of the room here and look to the right to find the final KINETOSCOPE. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 33: Warden’s Office [ACT33] =============================================================================== [] 166. Voxophone: ‘A Last Chance’ ___________________________________ Once you reach the security Centre, ignore the stairs for now and look in the back right hand corner of the room to find another projector on a desk. Sitting on the desk next to this is a VOXOPHONE. [] 167. Equippable Gear 34 ______________________________ After entering the Security Centre, find the stairs and look on the desk opposite the base of them to find a gift containing another piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 168. Voxophone: ‘Smothered in the Crib’ ___________________________________________ From the previous Voxophone, go up the stairs. At the top, follow the walkway around until you find the Warden’s Office. Inside there is a VOXOPHONE. [] 169. Voxophone: ‘Ending It’ _______________________________ When you enter the elevator again, grab the new VOXOPHONE that is now here. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 34: The Operating Theatre [ACT34] =============================================================================== [] 170. Voxophone: ‘Pavlov’s Bell’ ___________________________________ After rescuing Elizabeth, have her unlock the door directly across from the gate where we need to go for the objective. Inside at the top of the stairs is a desk with an UPGRADE INFUSION and a VOXOPHONE. [] 171. Infusion Upgrade 25 ______________________________ On the table next to the above Voxophone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and picked up all of the infusions along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Infused with Greatness’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 35: The Hand of the Prophet [ACT35] =============================================================================== [] 172. Voxophone: ‘An Ultimatum’ __________________________________ Once you have cleared the Comstock Rooftop of enemies, return to the building at the end of the bridge and have Elizabeth unlock the door here (requires 3 lock picks). Once inside, enter the door to the left to find a VOXOPHONE on the floor between 2 desks. [] 173. Telescope 11 ______________________________ Look to the left of the barge that we hijack in order to get to the Prophet's Zeppelin to find the last TELESCOPE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have viewed all of the Kinetoscopes and looked through each telescope along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Sightseer’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 36: Hangar Deck [ACT36] =============================================================================== [] 174. Voxophone: ‘What’s Done is Done’ ____________________________________ After riding the first sky-line up to the next deck, clear your way to the control panel to drop the pods from the next sky-line. At this point don't press it just yet. Instead, go down the nearby stairs. At the base you will find a locked door that Elizabeth can open (requires 1 lock pick). Enter the door. Inside, go through the back of the room via the doors either side of the headless patriot. In the next area you will see a table with a VOXOPHONE on it next to a flag. [] 175. Equippable Gear 35 ______________________________ After riding the first sky-line up to the upper deck, head down to the far side of the ship from the control console. There is a locked door here. Have Elizabeth unlock it (requires 3 lock picks). Inside, at the very back of the room on a desk is a gift containing a piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 37: Engineering Deck [ACT37] =============================================================================== [] 176. Equippable Gear 36 ______________________________ After killing the handyman on the Engineering Deck, he will drop a new piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR. [] 177. Voxophone: ‘The Mirror of Sin’ _______________________________________ Following the scene with Comstock, enter the door behind the fountain. Climb the stairs and follow the wooden walkway until you reach another short set of stairs. At the top of these, ignore the larger set of stairs leading up once more for the moment. On this platform here are two doors we can enter. The door on the left is an office area with a desk inside with a VOXOPHONE and a hand cannon sitting on it. [] 178. Voxophone: ‘The Prophet is Dying’ __________________________________________ Following the scene with Comstock, enter the door behind the fountain. Climb the stairs and follow the wooden walkway until you reach another short set of stairs. At the top of these, ignore the larger set of stairs leading up once more for the moment. On this platform here are two doors we can enter. The door on the right is a bedroom and in here on the bed is the final VOXOPHONE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If you have followed the guide and have acquired all of the Voxophones along the way, at this point you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘Eavesdropper’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 38: Command Deck [ACT38] =============================================================================== There are no collectibles in this chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Chapter 39: Sea of Doors [ACT39] =============================================================================== There are no collectibles in this chapter. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ _ _ _ | ___ \(_) | | | | | _ | |_ ___ ____ ____| | | ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ___ | || || | |/___)/ ___) _ ) | |/ _ | _ \ / _ ) _ \| | | |/___) | || || | |___ ( (__( (/ /| | ( ( | | | | ( (/ / |_| | |_| |___ | |_||_||_|_(___/ \____)____)_|_|\_||_|_| |_|\____)___/ \____(___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Contact Me [CNTCT] =============================================================================== If you feel the need to contact me, there are a couple of ways you can go about doing this. You can reach me at: Email ______________ sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com. Please include "Bioshock Infinite" in the subject line. Facebook ______________ Alternatively, you can check out my facebook page and ask a question and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can: =============================================================================== About Me [INTRD] =============================================================================== Im 28, Australian and live with my lovely wife. I have been thrice named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I work full time and study at University full time as well. I write game guides as a hobby in what little spare time I have and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one. Please head over to the website I write for - to check out some of my guides, previews and reviews. If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are on GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page! Please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and check out some of my other guides: Complete FAQ/Walkthroughs: __________________________ > Assassin's Creed III FAQ/Walkthrough > Bioshock Infinite FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 3 FAQ/Walkthrough > Deadlight FAQ/Walkthrough > Dishonored FAQ/Walkthrough > Farcry 3 FAQ/Walkthrough > Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo 4 FAQ/Walkthrough > Homefront FAQ/Walkthrough > LIMBO FAQ/Walkthrough > Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough > Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ/Walkthrough > Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough > Star Wars: The Force Unleashed FAQ/Walkthrough DLC content and other guides: _____________________________ > Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Bioshock Infinite Collectibles Guide > Darksiders 2 - Abyssal Forge (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 - Argul's Tomb (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Darksiders 2 - The Demon Lord Belial (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Dead Space 2 - Severed (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough > Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition Skull Guide > Halo 2 Skull Guide > Halo 3 Skull Guide or as mentioned before, check out more of my guides and reviews at: Thanks for reading! Enjoy! =============================================================================== Donations =============================================================================== After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for helping you out if you wish to do so. Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding. Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some time, money and frustration in some small way. By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated whether it be 10 cents or $10. Thankyou far all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my Paypal address is listed below, if not, don't forget to hit that recommend button at the top of the page to help me out! Paypal ID; sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com =============================================================================== Console Domination =============================================================================== Console Domination is an Australian videogaming website founded and staffed by true-blue Aussie gamers united in the love of gaming. The site is all about games, games and more games with a specific focus on current generation consoles. Console Domination previews upcoming titles, reviews the latest releases and produce a fortnightly podcast to keep you entertained. We also stay up to date with the latest trailers and provide daily updates on industry news to keep you in the know. We are not paid professionals, just ordinary gamers dropping our hard earned cash on the latest titles to provide honest, unadulterated content that tells it as it is. Check out the site here: Check out our Youtube Channel here: =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************** ************************** *** SPECIAL THANKS *** [THNKS] ************************ *********************** I would like to thank the following people/entities: - GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ. - Irrational Games for another awesome Bioshock game. Keep them coming! - My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding. - And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far. Contributors: - Hypnofunk for general spelling and other stuff. - Joshua Major for pointing out an error in some Voxophone entries in the Hall of Heroes. - Adamjp9 for pointing out a piece of Gear that i missed. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************** ************************** *** VERSION HISTORY *** [VERHI] ************************ *********************** =============================================================================== Date submitted: 15/4/2013 Version: 1.15 Guide currently contains: > Completed guide with all collectibles listed in order of appearance. > Rundown of each type of collectible, numbers and related achievements or trophies. + Added a note about Season Pass rewards. + Added note about change of position of GEAR piece 5 depending on the decision made at the Fair. =============================================================================== Date submitted: 11/4/2013 Version: 1.11 Guide currently contains: > Completed guide with all collectibles listed in order of appearance. > Rundown of each type of collectible, numbers and related achievements or trophies. + Added an additional piece of EQUIPPABLE GEAR to the Port Prosperity level. =============================================================================== Date submitted: 10/4/2013 Version: 1.1 Guide currently contains: > Completed guide with all collectibles listed in order of appearance. > Rundown of each type of collectible, numbers and related achievements or trophies. + Fixed up some errors in the guide for the Voxophones "Comrades of Necessity', 'Unconditional' and 'A Soldier's Death'. =============================================================================== Date submitted: 8/4/2013 Version: 1.0 Guide currently contains: > Completed guide with all collectibles listed in order of appearance. > Rundown of each type of collectible, numbers and related achievements or trophies. =============================================================================== This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission first. Sites allowed to use my guide - - -