Here is a Tomb Raider Walkthrough & Guide (2013) submitted by Brokaliv.
Version 1.0 By Brokaliv Email: brokaliv[@]yahoo.com
Date Started: March 9, 2013
This guide was written using the Xbox 360 version of Tomb Raider for all difficulties. The guide may have some differences in it from playing between the PC and PlayStation 3. This is based on a mature rated game for Strong Language, Intense Violence, Blood and Gore. Due to the FAQ being really long, it is best to use the CTRL+F feature to search the Table of Contents to get to the section you want faster. If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds and other games you wish I would write a guide for please send some money to me through www.paypal.com at [email protected] Thanks for the support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS (Choose a section or use CTRL + F to find something specific quicklty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls 2. Walkthrough 2.01 - Scavenger's Den 2.02 - Coastal Bluffs 2.03 - Coastal Forest (Southern Zone) 2.04 - Coastal Forest (Northern Zone) 2.05 - Mountain Temple 2.06 - Mountain Village 2.07 - Base Approach 2.08 - Mountain Base 2.09 - Base Exterior 2.10 - Cliffside Village 2.11 - Mountain Village Return 2.12 - Mountain Pass 2.13 - Chasm Monastery 2.14 - Mountain Village Return II 2.15 - Mountain Descent 2.16 - Shantytown (Northern Zone) 2.17 - Shantytown (Southern Zone) 2.18 - Cavern Entrance 2.19 - Geothermal Caverns 2.20 - Solarii Fortress 2.21 - Summit Forest 2.22 - Shantytown Again 2.23 - Gondola Transport 2.24 - Shipwreck Beach 2.25 - Cliffside Bunker 2.26 - Shipwreck Beach Return 2.27 - Research Base 2.28 - Shipwreck Beach Return II 2.29 - Mountain Pass Return 2.30 - Chasm Stronghold 2.31 - Chasm Shrine 2.32 - Chasm Ziggurat 3. Tombs 3.01 - Tomb of the Lost Adventurer (DLC) 3.02 - Tomb of the Unworthy 3.03 - The Hall of Ascension 3.04 - The Well of Tears 3.05 - The Chamber of Judgement 3.06 - Stormguard Sanctum 3.07 - The Flooded Vault 3.08 - Temple of the Handmaidens 4. Version History 5. Copyright
=============================================================================== This Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted at the following sites: GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com IGN - faqs.ign.com The Genie - www.thegenie.net Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com CheatCC - www.cheatcc.com Loose Lemon - www.looselemon.com Gaming Reality - www.gamingreality.com =============================================================================== Page Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XBOX 360 Controls 2. PlayStation 3 Controls 3. PC Controls ********************** *1. XBOX 360 Controls* ********************** Left Analog Stick - Move Character Right Analog Stick - Camera Movement Left Stick Press - Shoulder Swap Right Stick Press - Center Camera/Zoom Aim Back Button - Map Start Button - Pause/Options Directional Pad - Up Equips Bow Down Equips Handgun Left Equips Shotgun Right Equips Rifle A Button - Jump B Button - Roll X Button - Action/Reload Y Button - Melee Left Bumper - Look/Survival Instincts Left Trigger - Aim/Draw Bow Right Bumper - (Hold Left Trigger) Alternate Fire Right Trigger - (Hold Left Trigger) Fire *************************** *2. PlayStation 3 Controls* *************************** Left Analog Stick - Move Character Right Analog Stick - Camera Movement L3 (Left Stick Press) - Shoulder Swap R3 (Right Stick Press) - Center Camera/Zoom Aim Select Button - Map Start Button - Pause/Options Directional Pad - Up Equips Bow Down Equips Handgun Left Equips Shotgun Right Equips Rifle Cross Button - Jump Circle Button - Roll Square Button - Action/Reload Triangle Button - Melee L1 Button - Look/Survival Instincts L2 Button - Aim/Draw Bow R1 Button - (Hold Left Trigger) Alternate Fire R2 Button - (Hold Left Trigger) Fire **************** *3. PC Controls* **************** Please e-mail me @ [email protected] with a listing of the controls for PC to add them in to the guide, you will be given credit. Page Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select one of three save slots and select the difficulty of fighting. Now watch the cut scene. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.01 - Scavenger's Den o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Lara has been knocked out and captured by someone and is hung high up in the air awaiting to possibly be eaten by some cannibal or just waiting to die like the others. Start swinging back and forth to push the bag that is most likely another body in to the fire to start a chain reaction that will spread to a log behind you. Now switch direction of the way you are swinging to catch the material Lara is tied in to on fire so she can fall down. Sadly Lara will land on a rusty piece of rebar that sticks through her side. Remove it by tapping the action button prompted on the screen in a Quick Time Event (QTE). Now you must bear the pain and head towards the light. As you make it to the room with the torchered man you must look to the right and grab the TORCH. Go past the hanging objects and burn the cluster of boxes and barrels in your way. Now head through the tunnel and squeeze through the crack in the wall...the dripping water will put out your torch :( Relight the torch with the fire in the cauldron and then climb up on the ledge which makes some noise. Set fire to the cloth to make a chain reaction explosion that opens the way for you. Drop back down and then climb up the next ledge to go in to the low area ahead and then you will have to do a QTE with the prompt on the screen. Head through the tunnel as you hear the person say "Come back!" Continue through the tunnel and make your way through another waterfall that puts your torch out yet again. Wrap around to the right and go through a second waterfall to relight the torch once again. Now head over to where the hanging cage contraption is and light the two cloth poles on fire to release it. Head up the wooden walkway and then half way up the back section of the walkway you must run out and jump to the cage you just released to raise the other cage that went in to the water. This will dump the boxes and crates in to another cage up on top of the walkway. Now head up to this third cage and catch the contents on fire. Now press the next button it asks for to shove the cage and make the burning objects roll in to the water to catch the wall of debris on fire to make it explode. You will then earn 250 XP and a MODEL UNLOCK. Continue through the tunnel you just opened and it will start to cave in making Lara fall through the ground. Weave her out of the way of the sharp bushes and have her run through the tunnel and jump to each of the rocks quickly as they start to fall apart. As the rock starts to fall in front of you the unknown man will grab you again. Wiggle free and press the designated button in the QTE to get free just as the boulder falls down. You will get 25 XP. Now keep running through the cave and jump the long pit in to a short cut scene. Once Lara pulls herself back up you must do a QTE which consists of alternating buttons. Once in a while you will need to press a direction over to avoid a falling rock. When you make it to the entrance you will have another cut scene. You also gain 300 XP. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.02 - Coastal Bluffs o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Start moving down the grassy path and you will receive an ART GALLERY UNLOCK. Soon Lara will notice a life boat below and believes the others have gone inland. Now head around the path to reach a tree that has conveniently fallen in place as a bridge. Be careful with moving across the log and keep your balance. Once you make it across jump across the pit at the waterfall. Now continue along the path and Lara will find a downed plane that she must use as a bridge now. You will now learn how to climb in a mini tutorial. Jump out towards the plane and get a better hold on it as the plane shifts. Now climb up the cockpit and then shimmy around to the right to climb up higher. When you get to the wing you must re-grip as the flap gives and then quickly shimmy over as the flap breaks off. You will gain 100 XP. Head around the narrow cliff edge to learn about the Cliff Scramble in a mini tutorial...basically a double jump on the wall. Now drop down the other side and head over to the supplies to find Sams bag...this gives you a TWO-WAY RADIO that Lara will put on her back pocket. Jump across the pit to the ledge ahead but Lara's grip will fail as the ledge breaks...sending her down below in to the next section. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.03 - Coastal Forest (Southern Zone) o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Continue along the path, you will see a dream catcher looking ornament in the tree to remember for later. As you get further in you will find an old camp site that has long since been abandoned. Lara makes this her first base of operations known as Sheltered Ridge. After the cut scene you get 25 XP and get an ART GALLERY Unlock. Head down the path and you will see some birds and eventually a deer that runs away. Continue down the path to start a cut scene where you find a body hanging by a snare trap that is holding a Bow. Turn right at the river to grab the pack of ARROWS. Now get on the wooden catwalk and jump the gap to the next section of walkway. Now climb up the wall with a double jump and grab the five ARROWS and the GPS CACHE (1/5) you will get 5 XP off it. Now go back to the river and cross it to take four ARROWS leaning on the tree next to the rolled over truck. Check out the dream catcher above your head when you pick these arrows up. Now head around to the back of the truck and look inside to grab the WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Soldier: Oni Stalkers). Head over to the bunker looking building and grab the three ARROWS on the left side. Now get on the roof of the bunker and then jump over to the other rock so you can use the fallen tree. Once you reach the other side you will need to reach out towards the body as it swings towards you. You will now get the MAKESHIFT BOW. This also gets you a good 250 XP. Now look back up at the tree where the body was hanging from and shoot the TOTEM (1/10) dream catcher. Head back past the camp site and shoot the other TOTEM (2/10) that we saw earlier. Now get back to the river and follow it down a few feet and take the hill up to four ARROWS. Cross the fallen tree to the top of the rocks and you should see plenty of Deer to kill around here. Use the bow and hold the button to get a good powerful shot, aim for the head and you can take it out in one hit. Walk up to the body for a cut scene as she guts the animal. You will receive a SKILL POINT and 150 XP. Now head back to where you got the last set of arrows and go south west by crossing the river. You should find 3 ARROWS leaning on a rock. Look to the right of these arrows for a PLANT you can grab for 10 XP. Now turn to face the location of the arrows and look at the right side of the large rock ahead. Hanging on the back side you will find another TOTEM (3/10) to shoot. Go past this spot to pass a gap in the rock and climb this smaller slant to jump across the gap and grab more ARROWS. You may be full of arrows by now, so leave them here if you like. Continue to follow the river down a little further and look for the large rock on the right that has another wooden walkway. Climb up on it for more ARROWS and a GPS CACHE (2/5). Now move forward on the catwalk and drop down to the lower ledge. Look around the corner to the right and inbetween two trees to find a TOTEM (4/10) to shoot. From the ledge head south east to the wall and turn to the left to locate a PLANT. More ARROWS are located at the end of the river leaning against a tree. Now head to the far east wall and climb up the rocks to the north. From here you can cross a fallen tree to locate a crate of salvage items that we can't use yet, along with more ARROWS. Turn around to face the fallen log and you will find another TOTEM (5/10) under the rock that supports the log bridge. Head back to the river and look at the base of the waterfall near the end of the river for a GPS CACHE (3/5). Now it is time to head back to the campfire. Head back up river and then go up the path to reach your fire in the base camp. Select the fire to open the menu and spend your skill point. You will most likely want to choose ARROW RETRIEVAL so Lara can get her arrows back after she fires them, this will cut back on having to grab more arrow caches. Watch the cut scene after you select a skill and then reselect the campfire and exit back out of the menu for LARA'S JOURNALS (Shipwrecked). You will receive 150 XP. Head back down the path as Lara hears a strange singing. As you come around the corner to where the river is visible you can now see the bunker door is now wide open and the inside is lit up with a fire. You can use this time to go on an animal killing massacre and loot the bodies for more XP if you would like, the game will prompt you when you have hunted all the animals with worthy XP. Now head inside the bunker and towards the shaft for a cut scene, the door behind you will be blown shut. Start to climb down the ladder with the mini prompt and you gain 100 XP. Now climb down the rest of the way and drop down to the room below. Lara notices a lot of markings on the wall. The one next to the ladder looks like an Oni. Head in to the sunken tunnel and make your way through it. More markings on the right, someone has marked 63 along with another sun or shiny gem and a swirly symbol. Head in to the room and open the box on the right for 125 XP. You will find a RELIC NOH MASKS (1/3) (Hannya Mask). While examining the mask turn it around to look on the inside for 10 XP as Lara notices this mask belonged to someone of noble birth. Open the FOOD CRATE on the left of the door for 10 XP. Now head over to the back corner near the tunnel you came in through to burn the debris. Head in the room to find that it is a butchering station, as you head further back a cut scene will start and Lara will have a PRY AXE, and 250 XP. The singing is coming from the record player next to where you got the axe. Just in case we forget, head back up the ladder with a double jump and pry open the bunker door. Now take a left and head to the far back corner to climb up the rocks in the corner and cross the log bridge to break open the SALVAGE CRATE for 10 pieces. Now head back through the bunker and get to the door we skipped earlier to pry it open. Now head down the stairs and in to another flooded tunnel, get to the other side. Hmmm....yellow sign by the ladder...Japanese wolf warning? Head up the ladder with a double jump and then exit the bunker. Extinguish your torch and as you leave you will get 100 XP. Lara overhears Sam and you can see a fire going just up the hill. Head up the path for a cut scene. When you go running after Sam, Lara will get caught in a leg clamping trap and a small pack of wolves will come to aide her....or not. Ready your bow and wait for the wolves to come jumping out of the bushes at you and then quickly aim and tension pull to release right in the wolfs face to kill it. You get 10 XP for the first two wolves and 110 XP for the final third wolf. Now watch the next cut scene and then you will unlock the next camp site FOREST RUINS. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.04 - Coastal Forest (Northern Zone) o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o After the cut scene check the table for SAM: FAMILY STORY (1/7), you also get a ART GALLERY UNLOCK. Now light your torch at the small cauldron and set the bag on fire for SALVAGE 20 parts. As you head past the spot where the bag used to be you will see ARROWS on the right and around to the left is a large metal crate that can not be opened yet due to the axe being to weak at the moment. Remember to keep an eye out for wolves in this area! Jump on the rocks next to where the arrows are and head along the edge of the wall on your right. Whitman will shout out to you to follow him, but we have some exploring to do at the moment. Now drop down to the rock below to grab the GPS CACHE (4/5). Go underneath the tree bridge by heading down the rocks on the right and open the SALVAGE CRATE for 10 pieces. You will also find more ARROWS leaning against a tree to the left of the crate. Climb up the rocks on the other side of where the fallen tree bridge will take you and carefully approach the mine without getting to close to the bridge as this can trigger a spawning point for the wolves. Get the document on the crate SAM: FEELINGS OF UNEASE (2/7). If you have pre-ordered or later on when it becomes available for all and downloaded the DLC for "Tomb of the Lost Adventurer" it is located in this mine shaft. Check out the section for the DLC in section 3.01 - Tomb of the Lost Adventurer if you feel brave enough to head in at this time. If you don't have the DLC downloaded it is just a closed mine. If you do complete the tomb you get 250 XP and you unlock your first ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - One Smart Cookie Now drop below the bridge and open the box for 25 XP and find RELIC NOH MASK (2/3) (Female Noh Mask). While looking around the bridge you will be attacked by some wolves. Be prepared to dodge and scramble while killing them with your bow and arrows. Head back to camp to get your bearings and cash in your skill points if you received any yet. As skill 2 I reccomend going with SURVIVALIST as this will increase your xp gain when you loot animal corpses and food caches through out the game. Kill a few more deer and loot the bodies, you should soon unlock a few ACHIEVEMENTS! @Achievement Unlocked - Big Game Hunter @Achievement Unlocked - Tastes Like Chicken @Achievement Unlocked - Feather Duster From the stairs turn to the left to head to a lamp by a bridge. Just past the lamp is a PLANT. Four ARROWS rest against the south side of the bridge if you need any. Look to the right and get the SALVAGE CRATE. Head up the river a little bit and shoot the TOTEM (6/10) hanging off the broken bridge on the left side. Climb up the hill towards the broken bridge and look on the left for a SALVAGE CRATE. On the right side before reaching the broken bridge you can find a ramp to go up where another SALVAGE CRATE waits for you. Now use the little plank platform up here to leap over to the arch on the bridge. Carefully cross it and then jump up to the hunting stand where you will find a TREASURE MAP (1/1), this will show you the locations of the rest of the areas collectibles. Now ride the zip line down to the ground below in front of the middle bridge. Look under the bridge for a TOTEM (7/10) to shoot. Now look to the left of the bridge for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now go closer to the fallen tree bridge and you will see another SALVAGE CRATE. Cross the tree bridge and look to the left for another SALVAGE CRATE. Turn to the right and head towards the shrine stairs. Go to the right of the stairs for three ARROWS and a SALVAGE CRATE. Head up the stairs and you will find another document SAM: FILMMAKER (3/7), you will also unlock an ART GALLERY. Light the torch on the right side of the statue to light the SALVAGE BAG on fire and open the crate. Now shoot the TOTEM (8/10) hanging from the roof of the shrine. Run back to the bridge in the middle on this side to find a TOTEM (9/10) hanging in the trees. Now head back to the shrine stairs and while facing the steps turn to the right. Climb the rocks up to the top of this area and grab the final GPS CACHE (5/5). Go back to the steps and head north along the wall to look for a cave that has the final RELIC NOH MASK (3/3) (Oni Noh Mask). Examine the underneath part of the mask to find a price tag as it is a replica. You will also get an ART GALLERY unlocked, take the ARROWS off the dead body for ammo. Head back to where you found the GPS cache and go further north to avoid spawning more wolves on the left side, unless you like that sort of thing. Drop down by the lantern and ARROWS. Look to the left near the archway for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now head over towards the final campsite DAY CAMP and go up the ramp to meet up with Whitman for a cut scene. Lara will almost break her pry axe and needs to make it better. Head to the left side of the area to locate a document WHITMAN: DON'T LEAVE ME (1/7). Now head to the far right and shoot the final TOTEM (10/10) and unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! Speak to Whitman as four times so he has no more dialogue to work on chatterbox achievement. @Achievement Unlocked - Unfinished Business Head back to the camp fire and learn how to use Salvage in a small tutorial. Now you need 50 Salvage points to reinforce the pry axe. You may have leveled up again by now and received another upgrade point. I reccomend getting STEADY AIM this time as now we are deep in wolf territory. Open the large crate behind you at the camp site and then if you want hike back to the previous camp to open the large crate back there for some nice amounts of SALVAGE...do not bother going back to the first camp on the other side of the bunker tunnel, it did not have a large chest to open. Now head back to the third base camp and you should have enough salvage parts to enhance your bow now too. I chose to to the Reinforced limbs to have a stronger attack on the enemies. Head back to the gate and use your new tool to open the door for a short cut scene. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.05 - Mountain Temple o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head up the path with Whitman until a cut scene starts. Now quickly run up to the low wall ahead to hide from the man coming down the stairs with a flashlight. As the guy goes past you, go up the path and hide behind another low wall as another guy walks away. Now as the two guys on the right are shooting in to the forest wrap around the left avoiding the guy that just moved away from your position. Head up the path and quickly dart in to the ruined building on the right as more men come down the path. Carefully make your way to the edge of the wall for a third guy to walk by and then get back on the path to go up the stairs that wrap to the right. When you reach the top of the stairs where more enemies are at you must quickly sneak to the hole in the building, this starts a cut scene. Lara will get caught once again, watch for the QTE and hit the buttons when prompted. You then have to move the crosshairs on to his body and shoot him, then wiggle free, over power him by re-aiming the gun and finally shoot him again. Now you have the HANDGUN now, head past the burning shrine buildings continuing up the path you were taking earlier. Go up the path and cross the wooden bridge and wrap around the path as you hear someone pleading not to be shot. Head through the gate and then a cut scene starts, Lara finally gets some ammo. Shoot both the bad guys and loot the bodies for ammo. Loot the green box for AMMO just to the right of where you started shooting. Now head through the only door you can go through. Now break out of the other side as the enemies torch the building with you in it. Jump the gap and then loot the AMMO CRATE, go up further for ARROWS and an FOOD CRATE. Now head up to the wagon and silent kill the man standing on the ledge above with your bow...BOOM! HEADSHOT!! Climb up the wall where the man just was to locate another AMMO CRATE. Perform a running jump off the end to grab on to the wooden tower and shimmy around to the other side. Climb up the beams as you overhear the men talking about your research ship. When you get up on the walkway hide behind a crate and listen in on the two talking about the ship...if they can get new recruits from the people...and if anything good is on board the ship. Do two quick headshots and then a third guy will drop a rope ladder and call down asking if everything is ok as he descends to check out the noise. Shoot him with a powerful shot in the back and he will come screaming down and die. Check the AMMO CRATE, ARROWS, loot the bodies, and look in the FOOD CRATE. Now climb up the rope ladder. As you climb up Roth will radio you and you get to explain the situation. Now at the top of the cliff you will see ARROWS and to the right of that is a SALVAGE CRATE. Go to the left by the waterfall and drop down in to the water. You can squeeze behind the waterfall and find a salvage bag that you can not do anything with yet and to the right of that is the TREASURE MAP (1/1). Now get back to where the rope ladder was and go to the right of the building to climb the wall. Up here you can go inside the room on the roof of the building to get ARROWS and a GPS CACHE (1/2). Head behind the building still on this higher ground for a FOOD CRATE and more ARROWS. To the left of these items is another camp fire that becomes your camp site. Use the camp fire to unlock FAST TRAVEL and you will get a document LARA'S JOURNALS (Nightmares) (2/10). Now head in to the water and go in to the cave over here. Get the SALVAGE CRATE and the document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Stranded) (1/7) with 25 XP. Now get back on the path and head across the bridge and up the stairs as you start to hear some people talking...they need a female for a ritual sacrifice. Don't wait for them to finish the conversation, shoot an arrow at the building behind them to distract them as it can cause big problems if you wait to long. When they go to investigate the noise, stealth kill them both...so the group below that attacked you is Russian... Go to the right and get the PLANT, then climb the small wall to locate ARROWS, AMMO CRATE, and a FOOD CRATE. Climb the rock behind the awning to locate the last GPS CACHE (2/2) Go back to the left of the building where you just shot the arrow in to the door to get behind the wheel barrow and cross the fallen tree bridge. Shoot the lantern hanging on the corner to start PYROMANIAC (1/5) and Climb the wall back here to get to the room on the roof of this building for ARROWS and a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. If you have enough salvage parts to work on a weapon, go back to the fire and modify a weapon if you want. Now head up the stairs and climb up the wall to drop inside a building...they are looking for you again. Get the ARROWS and the FOOD CRATE, then shoot the lantern to PYROMANIAC (2/5) to open a way forward. Sneak up behind the guard and snap his neck with the prompts on the screen. Go up behind the second guy and snap his neck too. Quickly get behind the crates as a third guy in the distance is shining his flashlight around and may spot you if you don't hide. Now you can see another lantern we must shoot below where the man with the flashlight was. You will want to stealth kill the stationary person on the left of the man walking back and forth...then wait for the other man to come back and get him as he is walking. A third person will go to investigate the two bodies, carefully move back to the right and get a good shot at him without seeing you. Wait for the final fourth person to try to sneak across and get down to your level, take them out when they are going around the corner or dropping down the wall. Finally shoot the lantern for PYROMANIAC (3/5). As you walk around the walkway more men will come out and spot you no matter what. Quickly kill the pyro that tries to burn the whole place down as another guy usually steps in the wrong spot and falls to his death. Loot the bodies and avoid the fire as it starts to spread. Jump across the gap as an explosion goes off and do not drop down the edge on the right as the entire place is on fire down there. Head left and jump to the zipline as the entire building catches on fire. Turn to the right and grab the document CONFESSIONS OF A SOLARII (Salvation) (1/5) off the crate. Now go to the left and drop down by the waterfall to get a FOOD CRATE. Climb back out and then head towards the burning building you just came out of a get the PLANT. Now turn to the left and go down the stairs to enter the room on the roof to locate a RELIC EDO PERIOD FAN (Green Folded Fan) (1/2). You can get more ARROWS by wrapping around to the other side of the building on the roof. Head upstairs and light your torch on fire. Climb the wall on the left and light the SALVAGE BAG on fire to get at the parts. Now shoot a lantern for PYROMANIAC (4/5) hanging on the corner of the building to your right. Climb up on to the roof of the building to get in to a room up here that has a RELIC GUNBAI WAR FAN. Now get off the roof and go up the stairs to drop down the wall. Head along the narrow path to grab a PLANT and then go back to the wooden platform and jump the gap. Get the FOOD CRATE and then back up to the grass to shoot the final lantern for PYROMANIAC (5/5) and get ART GALLERY unlocked. Jump back across and continue up the stairs to reach a narrow chasm that Lara wedges herself in to climb straight up. You will hear gunshots going off again as you walk through the enclosed tunnel which brings you out to the Mountain Village. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.06 - Mountain Village o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head out of the tunnel for a cut scene and then spend some time at the fire of your new camp site. Head in to the river and go upstream to find a GPS CACHE (1/15) at the base of the waterfall. Now come back up the stairs and light your torch at the lantern. Continue ahead the broken bridge and jump the gap and take a left to light the brazier, but you can't do anything else with it right now. You will also see a building to the east that you can not access just yet due to equip needed. Now head west and you will find a statue sitting in a little roofed section that you will need to light. This is the first of a few illumination STATUES (1/10) needed for a challenge. Go to the left of the statue for some ARROWS. Go to the next building and light the SALVAGE BAG to get more parts. Now head behind the building and you can get ARROWS and a SALVAGE CRATE. Now get on top of the roof that covers the statue we just lit by getting on the porch of the building next to it and leaping up to grab the roof. Now turn to the south and jump over to the roof to find another GPS CACHE (2/15). Now get back on the roof of the statue building and jump over to the roped up crate. From there jump to the land under the house as Lara talks about what era this structure is from. Continue up over to the back of this section to open a SALVAGE CRATE. Head further in to the corner to find a box with a RELIC SEMPER (Silver Flask) (1/3). Turn the flask over on to the back side to discover markings on the flask. Head upstairs and look in the upper left corner for a document ANCIENT SCROLL (Ambassador: First Impressions) (1/10). You can get more ARROWS by heading back to the front of the building by the opening. Head to the right of the stairs that you came up for more ARROWS and a SALVAGE CRATE. Now head upstairs and light the SALVAGE BAG to get more parts. You may have enough parts now to upgrade a weapon at this point, I reccomend finishing the second part of the bow. Now head back up to the building's top floor and go outside on the patio to climb on the roof. Go to the far side of the low roof and get on the north side of the building to find a nest...grab an EGG (1/5). Now turn to the west and jump over to the ledge by the mine that is collapsed, this most likely will be a location for another DLC tomb. Take the GPS CACHE (3/15). Now go back inside the building and ride the zipline down to the next section. Turn back around and search the high grass in this spot for another GPS CACHE (4/15). Now wrap around the walkway to jump over to the pole holding the lantern and swing to the plane piece. Perform a running leap out to the next plane part as it teeters and Lara pulls herself up. Head through the body of the plane and when you reach the end lightning will strike a tree up ahead. Head to the right and open the SALVAGE CRATE here. Now head back across the plane wing and go right, hop up and back down on the other side of the first rock for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now start climbing up the rocks past the lightning hit tree...is that a radio tower with a red blinking light in the background!? Now hop on top of the plane body that you just went inside of and head to the edge as it teeters again. Jump over to the right to grab on to the ledge as the plane slides in to a permenant slope. Now climb up the rest of the way to locate the wolves den. Head to the right first and get in the water, go to the far right side for a GPS CACHE (5/15). The GPS cache is in front of an optional tomb that you can't get in to at this current time. Now head inside the wolves den with your bow or gun ready. As you head in you will have to go under a low ceiling and when you come up a wolf will jump off to the side and disappear in a dark hole to the right. Now head in to the back of the cave without any problems to grab the items you came for. Now start to head back to leave the cave. When you reach the hole where the wolf went in to it will attack in a QTE. Put in the commands prompted and you will get free from the wolf, don't forget to loot it. Now exit the cave and go to the right to use the zipline. Now head back to the camp site and watch the cut scene. You will now receive the CLIMBING AXE..check the fire once again and you will receive a document LARA'S JOURNALS (Prepared for the Worst) (3/10). We now have the means of entering that tomb we came to earlier. For some this will be the first tomb you can access if you do not have the DLC for "Tomb of the Lost Adventurer". Don't forget to speak to Roth four times to clear out the dialogue to work towards the chatterbox achievement. Climb up the wall Roth asks you to and you will be up where the plane wing is. Now climb the next two sections of walls and sideways jump over to the next climbing wall to reach the top. Head over to the wall and follow the signs leading you to the now accessible tomb if you would like to try your luck inside. Go to section 3.02 - Tomb of the Unworthy for details on how to get through this tomb. If you didn't complete the DLC "Tomb of the Lost Adventurer" you will unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - One Smart Cookie ############################################################################### ## POSSIBLE XP BOOSTING AT THE MOMENT TILL POSSIBLY PATCHED...I WENT BACK TO ## ## THE CAMP WHERE ROTH IS SITTING AND FAST TRAVELED BACK TO THE FIRST CAMP ## ## SITE NAMED SHELTERED RIDGE AND COULD RE-KILL THE ANIMALS HERE INFINITELY ## ## AT FULL XP GAIN FOR EVERY ANIMAL...NO LIMIT TO HOW MANY I KILLED...THE ## ## LIMIT WARNING NEVER POPPED BACK UP. I EXPLOITED THIS TO LEVEL UP 3 MORE ## ## TIMES AND GOT BORED AND QUIT HUNTING TO GO BACK TO THE GAME. ## ## ## ## THEORETICALLY YOU CAN USE THIS TIME TO BOOST OUT MAX SKILLS AND LEVEL OUT ## ## TO TIER III. AT THIS TIME. THIS WOULD ALSO HELP COLLECT SALVAGE WITH THE ## ## RIGHT SKILL ;) ## ############################################################################### Now head back to where the wolf den was and you will find another climbable wall to get up on to a ledge above. Now leap out over the waterfall and cling to the wall...as you head up more enemies will be above looking around for the survivors and believe no one ever makes it up this high. They will be waiting out the storm and start to move inside. Now sneak up to the crates where more ARROWS can be grabbed and wait for another conversation to start. Wait for the conversation to end as the second guy talking will fall asleep behind the low wall in front of the smoking guy. Kill the enemy with a headshot and then scoot tocthe left to shoot the sleeping enemy with a headshot. Now start to move towards the building where you just killed the two guys and turn to the right to get a shot at the third enemy and give him a headshot too. Optionally you can start a fight and quickly aim at the fire above the sleeping mans head to drop the lamp down on the two men...then turn to the right and drop a similar lamp on the third mans head. Loot the bodies and then head to the house on the right to investigate the items inside. You will find a document ANCIENT SCROLL (Ambassador: Discoveries) (2/10) a SALVAGE CRATE, and ARROWS. Now go to the building on the left and you will find a GPS CACHE (6/15) in the tall grass in the back of the building. Now climb the wall above this item for a FOOD CRATE. Climb up another level to locate a RELIC (Kanpo Herbs) (1/3) inside the third story room. Now climb the crate to get on the roof and you will find a nest to get an EGG (2/5). Now climb back down to the porch with the crate on it and jump over to the rock wall that you can climb. Cross the beam and jump to the lower ledge, look to the roof on the right for a GPS CACHE (7/15). Jump back over to where you just were to light your torch and then light the SALVAGE BAG. Head back across the waterfall and cross the beam to light the illumination STATUE (2/10). Jump back over to the buildings third floor and go to the opposite side to drop down by another SALVAGE BAG to burn. Get back over to where the Illumination statue is and cross the beam again. Jump back over to the low ledge and then jump out to the climbable wall. Leap out to the next wall and climb up to the bridge above as it starts to break. Run across the bridge and it starts to collapse, you must time your jump and then attach to the climbable wall straight ahead. You will get 100 XP for making it. Now Reyes radios Lara, wait for them to finish the conversation and then go down the zipline in to a battle. Quickly dodge out of the way as the enemy on the left starts throwing molotovs at you. Shoot either this man or the one on the right as he has a bow. Back up and quickly shoot the other as the third man is armed with a blade and tries to rush you. Once they are all dead take the ARROWS and loot the bodies. Now light your torch at the barrel and the light up the SALVAGE BAG. Now go in to the cave and through the crack in the wall. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.07 - Base Approach o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Lara has a bad feeling about this area. Head up the path to start a cut scene and discover a new camp site BROKEN TUNNEL. Turn around to find a RELIC BRONZE COIN (Bronze Chinese Coin) (1/2) by the edge of the cliff. Now head a few steps towards the path to find a AMMO CRATE and a GPS CACHE (1/2) next to the right side of the truck that you see on the left. As you head forward Lara will hear some voices from more enemies up ahead. It is best to sneak through this area as the enemies have a search light that has a gun turret mounted with it. Move forward to hear an enemy shout to get the gun off of him. Now sneak up behind the first enemy and break his neck. Sneak up to the bags ahead with two ARROWS on them to reload and stay out of sight. Wait for the light to shine to your right at the sandbags and then sneak over to the enemy on the left to kill him silently...either by bow or snapping the neck. Hide behind the barrels he was standing in front of. Wait for the light not to be near the guy to your right and shoot him in the head with an arrow. Kill the welder with a headshot and loot the bodies. Now get inside the building by climbing in the hole on the left and you will find two bundles of ARROWS. Now sneak in the next door and choke the second welder. Sneak up the stairs and shoot the enemy manning the search light and gun turret in the head...be careful as he leaves his post now and walks around. Slowly move in to the hallway and look to the left to find another enemy standing around...give him a good HEADSHOT!!! As you move in to loot the bodies be careful of two more enemies in the next building over. Wait for one to move through the building and wrap around from the left. As he comes back to the other guy shoot him in the head. Now easily take out the last one. Go back to the stairs and head around the walkway on the second floor to locate RELIC BRONZE COIN (Bronze Japanese Coin) (2/2) and get an ART GALLERY UNLOCK. Head back downstairs and outside for a quick moment. Jump up on the ledge of the tower to the upper left for an AMMOR CRATE. Then head behind the tower for a PLANT and an AMMO CRATE. Head back upstairs to jump across to the tower and loot the bodies. Take the ARROWS and then wrap around the tower to find a FOOD CRATE and GPS CACHE (2/2). Head back to the front end and climb the wall to get up on to a catwalk. Head to the top for an AMMO CRATE and a zipline to take in to the next area. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.08 - Mountain Base o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head straight ahead through the water and up the stairs to reach a table as you overhear some enemies talking. Take the document CONFESSIONS OF A SOLARII (The Best Job) off the table. Now head up the hallway and turn off the gas from the valve to safely enter the hole in the wall. More enemies will be talking down the hallway about a barrel that is full of explosive fuel. You have a few options on how to take care of this situation: 1) Shoot an arrow at the explosive barrel when the second enemy gets close to it...then shoot the third guy that comes down the stairs. 2) Quickly shoot the two in the head with arrows and then shoot the third guy that comes down the stairs. 3) Wait for the conversation to be over and then hide back in the hole that you originally came through and the two men will start welding in seperate rooms so you can carefully take them down. The third guy will be busy welding up the stairs where the other two men just left from, since he is not disturbed by his friends dying from earlier. Open the SALVAGE CRATE and now head through the first door found on the right. Go through the bathroom and head to the right to open a FOOD CRATE. Then head through the door next to this crate to pry open a locker full of SALVAGE material. Now light your torch and head down the hallway towards the stairs and go in the door on the left. Take the ARROWS and burn the BANNER (1/5). Now snipe the third enemy at the top of the stairs. Head up the steps and then turn to the right as an enemy busts through an air vent on the far left above the rubble and rushes to attack you, FINISH HIM!!! Now jump through the vent he came through. Grab a lantern and smash it against the BANNER (2/5) on the wall you just jumped through. Now jump through the hole above the glass window and go to the valve on the right to turn it for a cut scene. As the evil man tries to break in to your room it will fill with gas, quickly jump back through the hole and then throw a lantern through the hole you just climbed through to ignite the gas. You get 250 XP for blowing up what looks like most of the generators to the base...amazing how the entire compound doesn't flood the room right now. Head straight back to the injured enemy and take his RIFLE. He asks you to end his life...decide...if you don't do it he'll go on his own shortly. Head through the door on the left wall before the man with the rifles position to head back down the stairs and relight your torch. Now head back in to the room and burn the BANNER (3/5). Now head through the door past the dead enemy and grab the RIFLE AMMO CRATES, then grab the document WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Scientist: Secret Project) (2/6). You will now unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Bookworm Now turn to the right and grab the GPS CACHE (1/2) and then head in to the next room. The enemy is waiting in the dark and turns on some search lights to blind you. Quickly aim at the heads of the people in front and shoot them in slow-mo. Take cover and get rid of the search lights to see better, then kill all the enemies by constantly moving from side to side and shoot them all with your assault rifle. Take the RIFLE AMMO CRATE near where you started and then find the final GPS CACHE (2/2) up and to the right on the bottom floor. Use the ramp to jump up to the second floor to find ARROWS and a camp called the MAP ROOM, that you can use to finally use your skill points and salvage. You should finally have Tier II unlocked and the ability to unlock Brawler skills. Now drop down to the floor below and head through the doorway ahead towards the burning barrel and another enemy will drop from a vent in the ceiling to attack you. Kill him and then light your torch at the barrel. Go back in to the previous room where you were ambushed and then go in the back room to light a BANNER (4/5) on fire. Now head back down the hall where you just lit your torch and pry open the door at the end. Burn the final BANNER (5/5) on the right to unlock an ART GALLERY and move forward to start a cut scene. You can now collect the SALVAGE CRATE, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Alone) (2/7). Now head through the crack in the wall to move forward. Lara is now going in between a bunch of hot pipes. Just hold the button to move forward, Lara won't get hurt at anytime. Eventually she will reach a grate that she will need to kick open with a QTE. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.09 - Base Exterior o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Drop down the side and you will come up to another camp called BRIDGE OVERLOOK. You should have enough points brought up to buy the Dodge Counter ability, you will want to dodge counter and put an arrow in the knee of the enemies 25 times to unlock an ACHIEVEMENT in this next section of enemies, work on dodge countering everyone, once they "took an arrow in the knee" go ahead and kill that person as it must be a different person each time, you can not milk it off of one person...I have tested it :( @Achievement Unlocked - Former Adventurer Now cross the beam and when you reach the edge of the truck an enemy will come from around the corner and start a QTE, Lara will kick him off the bridge. Now another group of people will be up ahead that realize you just took out the entire base. Take cover and quickly kill the enemies...focus on the molotov throwing guy. Now move forward and another enemy will appear behind the fence on the right side. Head back towards the bridge and grab the GPS CACHE to the right of the truck for the only GPS CACHE (1/1), this will unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Looking for Trouble Now head back up the path, soon another wave of enemies will attack from a building in the back corner to the right. Hide by the wall with the blue barrels and fencing to protect from molotovs as the ground enemies filter around the corner to attack you up close. Use any melee skills you may have unlocked now or shoot them with any of the weapons. Now take out the molotov throwing guy. Get the PLANT and then move up to the next building to look to the right and grab the AMMO CRATE and RIFLE AMMO CRATE, then climb the wall on the left of the building. Be careful as this usually triggers more enemies on the far back building to attack you. Take them out from a distance as you take safe cover from behind this building, you can easily sneak to the right side and pick them all off with headshots. Now go in to the corner and open the box for a RELIC SENSHI ELITE (Japanese Dogtag) (1/2). Now carefully drop down and move forward as you hear another wave of enemies that come from around the corner on the left and another from the tower in front of you. Hide behind the blue barrel and tower in the corner and quickly take them out. Climb the tower to find a FOOD CRATE and a document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (The Solarii) (3/7). Now climb up the next low wall and another wave of enemies appears to attack...stay up here and do not drop down down on the other side as this will make more enemies come. Focus on the zipline and shoot the one to two enemies that try to come across to work towards the achievement. Kill the rest of the enemies and then drop down below to fight an enemy now carrying a riot shield. During this boss battle you must dodge out of the way and then press the QTE button when it pops up on the screen. Wait for him to try to swing his machete and then dodge out of the way, then shoot him a few times. Repeat until he dies and then you must kill another enemy. Loot the bosses body and you will receive the BOW PARTS (1/2) which will allow you to upgrade more to your bow. Search the area for three RIFLE AMMO CRATES and ARROWS and a PLANT, then go inside the building. Turn to the right and open the locker full of SALVAGE. Now light your torch and head up the stairs to light a SALVAGE BAG on fire and open the SALVAGE CRATE. Pry open the door to get the final RELIC SENSHI ELITE (Marksmanship Badge) (2/2) and rotate it to the back to get an extra clue on the item. This also unlocks an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Relic Hunter Head upstairs and you will locate a new camp RADIO TOWER and search for the document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Reasearch) (4/7) on the rug. Now slide down the rope here to reach a roof that you could not get to earlier. It houses a FOOD CRATE, TREASURE MAP, and RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Now climb back across the same rope and then climb across the next rope to reach the tower. Head around to the right side and climb the ladder up to the top for a cut scene. Then climb the next ladder up for a cut scene, to then climb a bunch of poles to the top for another cut scene. Now you must tune the radio with the QTE on the screen by bringing the dial almost all the way to the right. Then adjust the Squelch to get a good read when it asks you to hold it in position punch the button. Watch the cut scene and then you will unlock an ART GALLERY. Now jump on the zipline and then head down the path and Lara will find fuel tanks. Theres also a RIFLE AMMO CRATE on the right in front of the slope before the hangar. Go up to the fuel tanks and turn the valve to start dumping the fuel. Head inside the hangar to get a RIFLE AMMO CRATE and the FIRE STRIKER. Light your torch and then light the puddle of fuel. Watch the cut scene as the plane comes in...literally. Maneuver Lara as she slides down the slope and dodge the sharp razor wire boards. Once she reaches the literal end of the road quickly re-grip. Once you can move again go to the right and jump to safety to get out of the way of the plane engine. You will get 100 XP and unlock a MODEL. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.10 - Cliffside Village o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Now head down the path and jump to the tarp and trapeze to smash through the building. This will now start a large chain reaction in the village and make all the buildings start to collapse. Make your way quickly through the building and jump to the hanging crate. Jump in to the next building and get over to the next. You will then have to leap out to another banner and trapeze out to another building. When you finally reach the pilot he will be killed by the enemies and you must fight another heavy armored enemy. Shoot the bundle of dynamite the armored man throws for an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Boom Goes the Dynamite Dodge out of the way to attack him with QTE and kill him. Loot the bodies and then go to the side room to climb on the ramp. Jump up to the boards above and you will locate a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Go down below to burn a SALVAGE BAG. Jump across the gap and you will reach another day camp called CLIFFSIDE VISTA, access the fire for a document LARA'S JOURNALS (Unnatural Storms). As you head up the path Roth will radio Lara and asked what happened, you will get 100 XP. Now head up the stairs and go through the little cave, look on the left for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now head up the stairs and Laura will be caught in a snare trap as she is rushed by the enemy. While upside down shoot the two men as they come at her and quickly shoot the enemy coming down the zipline to work towards the achievement. Now shoot the pulley holding you up and the Lara will get some ROPE during the cut scene. Shoot the post with your alternate firing button and Lara will pull the post of the building out to kill off two men. Now quickly dodge the pyromaniac and dispose of the rest of the enemies. You can use the alternate firing button to shoot at the walls the enemy is hiding behind and pull them out to expose them. Then use the alternate firing button to shoot the enemies and pull them to there deaths...this works towards another achievement! Once they are all dead head to the upper left corner and jump over to the land to get a FOOD CRATE. Get back to the main land and then alternate shoot the hanging crate with a rope arrow to pull it lower. Leap out to it and then jump to the building above to cross to the land up here. Once you leave the building turn to the left and alternate shoot the rope to the support beam and pull it out to make the wall fall down. Jump out and double jump up the wall to reach a SALVAGE CRATE and two ARROWS. Now head up the path to the east and create a rope bridge to the building on the left to climb up to the items. Inside you will find a FOOD CRATE, then drop out of the other side. You will find ARROWS in the shack on the left, now use a rope arrow to open the door on the right. Head through the tunnel and eventually Lara will slide down the rest of the way back to the mountain village. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.11 - Mountain Village Return o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o The co-pilot radios in but can't hear Lara respond, he will set off blue smoke for someone to locate him as he is injured....so...close! Roth doesn't want you to go..but Lara can't let him get killed. Head around the corner to the right where Roth went to find a new camp fire VILLAGE OVERLOOK, Talk to Roth four times to exhaust the dialogue here to work towards the chatterbox achievement! If you die in the fight below and are placed back up at camp, double check to make sure you do not have to re-talk to Roth before moving on! You can fast travel down below if you would like but its best to create the zipline on the left side to get some items we could not reach earlier! You run in to more enemies that are looking through the huts for your group and any survivors from the plane...they mention theres a group of enemies down at the wreck. Kill the men and then smash open the SALVAGE CRATE next to the front porch of the building. Head inside the building for a RELIC KANPO HERBS (Medicinal Herb Vial) (2/3). Rotate the jar so Lara can tell what the herb is for extra XP. Open the SALVAGE CRATE in the corner for the final BOW PART (2/2) and head up the stairs outside the house. Up here you will locate another STATUE (3/10) to light just before taking the zipline down. Now you can light the unlit lamp and then head underneath the house to find a GPS CACHE (8/15) laying on the ground. Head inside the house and jump through the hole in the wall to the ledge on the other side to climb up and find a STATUE (4/10) to light. Attach a rope to the stump across the waterfall but do not take it. Jump back on the roof to light the brazier and pull it with a rope arrow to light the SALVAGE BAG, go below the house again to retrieve it. Before heading out to the co-pilot take the zipline from the cart down to the downed airplane to kick some ass with the locals...or not as they seem to be absent. You are now up on a cliff you could not access before, AMMO CRATE, ARROWS and SALVAGE CRATE await you inside. Head over to the wreck to open a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Enter the next house for a FOOD CRATE and a RELIC SEMPER FI (USMC Dogtags) (2/3). Go out the back side for a SALVAGE CRATE and then head over to the wooden climbable wall to get up the ledge. Light the brazier closest to the ledge and then rope arrow shoot the further brazier to pull it close enough to catch fire off this first brazier. It should also light the SALVAGE BAG furthest away. Now hop back down and angle Lara so the brazier is between her and the second SALVAGE BAG and shoot the brazier with a rope arrow to get it. Go to the STATUE (5/10) to light. Now go up the stairs and open the SALVAGE CRATES on the right and left side of the house. Go to the far end for a GPS CACHE (9/15), on your way down the stairs jump to the roof of the building on your left to locate a nest. Grab the EGG (3/5) and then jump off the roof and go back to the wreckage. Head down the scraped dirt ramp formed by the crashed plane and open the FOOD CRATE on your left as you reach the ground where Roth used to be resting at from the wolf attack. Near the camp site is a FOOD CRATE and by the fire you will find a document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Reyes: Dear Roth) (2/7). Use this time to upgrade your bow to the RECURVE BOW! Also use any upgrades and salvage you have on weapons...here is what my stats look like so far: SURVIVOR Animal Instincts Survivalist Advanced Salvaging Bone Collector Arrow Retrieval Orienteering HUNTER Steady Shot Ammo Capacity BRAWLER Pain Tolerance Axe Strikes Dodge Counter Dodge Kill BOW All available upgrades RIFLE All available upgrades HANDGUN Port Vented Slide Muzzle Brake Rapid Fire Mod Lets take this time to travel to the Mountain Temple. Head down the stairs and turn to the right to jump in the water. Squeeze back inside the crack to finally light that SALVAGE BAG for parts. Head back to the Village Plateau. Now go behind the camp site and you will find two AMMO CRATES. Jump over to the little piece of land you used earlier and shoot the brazier that you already lit a while back to swing it in to the SALVAGE BAG we can now get. Jump back over to the main land and shoot a rope arrow over to the building. The only thing we can do at this time is take the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, PLANT, and get the SALVAGE BAG. Jump back across and lets leave the nose of the plane alone for now. Climb inside the body of the plane for a FOOD CRATE and AMMO CRATE. Open the LARGE SALVAGE CRATE at the foot of the plane as well. Head in to the village and use your rope arrows on the door under the large building up behind the statue we already lit. Inside you will find a SALVAGE CRATE, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and the final RELIC KANPO HERBS (Dried Gobo Root) (3/3) with ART GALLERY unlock. Note that we still can not reach that GPS cache on the roof just yet. Now head for the cockpit of the wrecked plane and jump up to the ledge for SALVAGE CRATE, GPS CACHE (10/15) and ARROWS. Now climb up the wooden wall and go up the stairs to light the SALVAGE BAG. Get the SALVAGE CRATE up further and then climb the climbable wall. Leap over the gap and re-grip to reach the top...was that not the wreckage the third guy was talking about where the rest of the enemies were at? Now head up the stone steps and shoot a rope arrow over to the arch above to cross the chasm. and then you will see two more enemies up here. Wait a split second for the one on the left to yell at the other guy and then he will start to take a piss...quickly climb up and kill the guy on the left..then the other. You should be very close to getting an ACHIEVEMENT at this point. @Achievement Unlocked - Sharp Shooter If the enemy is this close to the smoke...I'm sure Lara is already to late, but we should make her happy and make sure just in case. Head in to the cave on the left for another STATUE (6/10) to light. Don't bother to exit the other side of this cave as this brings you to an old spot we had to jump across with the bridge that collapsed on us. Head back and rope arrow shoot the arch to head up higher. This brings you to the second and final optional tomb of the area! Head inside and you will find a SALVAGE CRATE with RIFLE PARTS (1/3) on the right as you head up a set of steps. Now continue through the tunnel to reach a very windy area known as "The Hall of Ascension". If you want to complete the tomb at this time go to section 3.03 - The Hall of Ascension. Attempt to jump back across the chasm you crossed earlier by rope and you of course won't make it...but you won't get hurt either as she lands on her side. Jump across the water to the land and open the final RELIC SEMPER FI (Old Photograph) (3/3), turn the photo over for more XP. Shoot a rope arrow to the tree under the small building and climb across. Open the SALVAGE CRATE for RIFLE PARTS (2/3) and then run up the stairs to find another STATUE (7/10) to light. Now climb back across to the main land and head across the fallen tree to locate a nest for an EGG (4/5). Rock climb the left side to reach a STATUE (8/10) to light. Shoot a rope arrow to the log in the middle to climb over and grab a GPS CACHE (11/15). Get back to where you just were and use this same location to shoot the little hut further behind this island. Up here you will find a RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Now fire a arrow rope back over to the arch near the waterfall. Now climb back up the rock wall to where you lit that last statue and fire a rope arrow to the far little building and zipline across to get a document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Hoshi: Answering the Call) (3/10). Turn to the right and shoot a rope arrow over to the piece of land near the middle and zipline down to it. Jump over to the ledge on the right to find a nest with the final EGG (5/5) Now climb up above and grab the document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Ambassador: Dark Tidings) (4/10). Now shoot a rope arrow over to the ledge with smoke and climb across. Wondering why the climbing wall is there?? You'll find out soon enough as the stump you tied the rope too can't take Lara's weight and pulls out of the ground with the help of the heavy winds. Quickly QTE and re-grip the wall to climb up for a cut scene. You will get some XP as well, the co-pilot is no where to be found. Light the two lamps if you want and then head down the path and you will slide down a path in to a new location. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.12 - Mountain Pass o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head forward and get the SALVAGE CRATE by the statue and then get the PLANT and SALVAGE CRATE further up the path. Activate the next camp site ARID CANYON. The upper right has a SALVAGE CRATE and then go further up for a FOOD CRATE and SALVAGE CRATE. Head further up through the tunnel and Lara will be shocked at the sight of the ruins she enters. Now open the two SALVAGE CRATES and then move forward. This area is where people make a pilgrimage. Make your way along the trail to find the co-pilot at the end of the bridge....head out to see why he isn't responding to you. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.13 - Chasm Monastery o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o After the interesting cut scene Lara finds herself in a room full of fresh bodies that have all been stripped and skinned. Swing back and forth until she gets upside down and then pull her hands off the hook with the QTE. Lara takes a hard fall and finds the dead co-pilot in the pile with a broken radio. Head in to the hole in the wall just in time for an Oni to enter the room you were just in. Travel through the tunnel until you fall down a slope and out on to a bone pile. There is a collapsed mine shaft on the right...possible DLC tomb spot later on? Head down the super windy path and grab the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and then head through the path of a ton of dead soldiers. At the end of the walkway you will find a TRENCH SHOTGUN, shoot open the barricade...hmmm... I suppose this means we can get in to a lot of new spots we could not access earlier! The enemy hears you and wants to come look at the noise. Jump the gap and continue along the path to climb in a hole for a nice long cut scene. Once the scene is over you will be ambushed by the enemy again. Once they are all dead Gather the three boxes of SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES. Shortly after another guy will ask what the hell is going on down below as an Oni comes by and kills him. Loot the bodies and then use a rope arrow to pull the green bell in to the door to bust it open. Head through the tunnel and you will hear the enemy decide to leave you to the Guardians as they start to fall victim to them as well. You will reach a Day Camp where you can make some upgrades if you need to. Now shoot the wooden barricade and take the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE if you want. Head out on to the walkway as the wind blows it away and Lara must shimmy across the beam on the wall. Leap out to the walkway and then run and jump to the broken walkway. You will need to re-grip and climb up. Wrap around the corner and climb in through the hole in the wall to be in a room of enemies. They try to tell you they will work together but another enemy decides its a waste of time. Shoot one of them and then melee a few others and you will be close to another ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Down and Dirty Kill the heavy armored man and the other three, then go up the wooden ramp for another one to drop in after you. Jump the gap and then you will find SHOTGUN and RIFLE AMMO CRATES on the other side. Now open one set of windows and use the green ball to smash in to the opposite sides support beam using a rope arrow. Close the windows and then open the other sides windows to do the same thing to the other side. Now a very heavily armored man with a long blade will rush you along with his friends. You will need to dodge him and QTE him a few times. Try to take out the normal enemies first so you don't have to worry about getting attacked from behind. Once he is dead loot the body for BOW PARTS (1/2). Now have both shutters open and take out the bell with one last pull. Lara will then be blown in to the hole she wants to go in for a cut scene. Oni starts to attack everyone and the entire place begins to collapse. Dodge all the objects and jump two gaps...second one get to the left side to use a pole to swing across. When the building rolls over Lara will hit the side and then jump out of the end to land on a wooden bridge...which breaks her fall and she falls down to another one below it. This one also breaks and sends her on to a sloped path in which she must shoot two wooden barricades with her shotgun to make it through safely in to a pit of water for a cut scene. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.14 - Mountain Village Return II o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head up through the water and squeeze through the crack in the wall to reach another day camp MOUNTAIN DESCENT. Visit the fire to at least get a document LARA'S JOURNALS (Ancient Guardians) (5/10). Jump in to the water and go left to light the STATUE (9/10) and then get back up to the front of the bridge to shoot a rope arrow up to the section of land across the river. Climb across and head up to hear the enemies talking below. Wait for them to stop talking and then kill the main on the far end with a headshot...you should be close to an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Opportunist Now take out the other two quickly before they can get a shot in at you. Take the GPS CACHE (12/15) up and then jump on top of the wooden arch to cross over to the other side and get the SALVAGE CRATE, ARROWS, and the final STATUE (10/10) lit. Head back to the river by the bridge and get in the water to go to the other side of the river and get on the land. Light the SALVAGE BAG and then go across the water to open the SALVAGE CRATE and LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Now get up on the platform and light the brazier and then get back to the previous land to shoot a rope arrow at the lit brazier to pull it over to the second brazier. The kindle will then hit the brazier and light it for you. Now shoot a rope arrow at this second brazier and have it light the SALVAGE BAG for you. Staying on this piece of land head up to the water and turn to the left to find a GPS CACHE (13/15). Head around the bend to the other side of the bridge and cross the river to the path. Loot the bodies and then shoot a rope arrow to the building below and zipline down. At the house you will find SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE on the left and a GPS CACHE (14/15) on the right. Shotgun through the wooden barricade and go in for a cut scene. Turn around and head back in to the house as we are not done here yet. To the left next to the table is a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and then climb up the ramp to get on the giant bell and jump up to the loft above. Take the FOOD CRATE, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, and document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Hoshi: At Her Side) (5/10). Head back down to the first floor and then shotgun blast the wooden barricade to get back out to the main area. Jump back across the familiar parts of land and get over to the little hut housing the statue to jump on its roof. From the roof get on the hanging crate to get in to the large house. Shoot the wooden barricade at the back end so you can easily move around between the sections. Climb the stairs and shoot the barricades out on the side of the building and light the brazier. Get out on the porch and shoot the brazier with a rope arrow to have it swing in to a SALVAGE BAG. Inside the big building you will also find a door that needs a rope arrow put in to it to break it open for a RIFLE AMMO CRATE and a SALVAGE CRATE. Now get on to the roof and jump over to the far ledge where the collapsed mine is to shoot the wooden barricade off the shack attached to the wall. Jump over to get the two SALVAGE CRATES, then shoot the next wooden barricade. Now jump down to the small roof below to get the final GPS CACHE (15/15). Now if you listened to me earlier and set the rope bridge up above the wolf den climb up there now to use the rope to get back up to the house that has a very long rope bridge across to the houses above the wreck. Jump on the roof of the house and take the rope bridge back up towards the camp where Roth was at last...or use the camp fire by the wreck to travel up there. Now get over to the house up on this cliff to shoot the wooden barricade inside for a document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Gerneral: The Oath) (6/10). This is all of the items in this area, so zipline back down and then cross the rope bridge to the house across the water. Jump the gap and then take the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES before you zipline down to the next section. Lara will land on a roof and crash through making a lot of noise and you will have to re-grip. The enemy is right next to your location and hears it. Quickly climb up and shoot an arrow at the torch to ignite the fuel dumping out and kill some of the men. Now another heavily armored man will come attack you, kill him quickly. More enemies will ask what is going on up above but never comes to check it out. Loot the bodies for SHOTGUN PARTS (1/3) and then head around to the right so you can see the enemies below waiting to ambush. Use instinct to spot any enemies over by the wreckage to the right and take them out. Now hop on the arch to cross to the other side and grab the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, go across the plane body and then jump to the ledge with more SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES. Now go back through the wreckage to loot the bodies. Now head over to the river to enter a new area. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.15 - Mountain Descent o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Start to cross the rushing river and Lara will try to leap from one log to the next until one of them gives. She will then start to head down a waterfall and have to dodge some spikey plants, stay in the middle until you have to shoot a wooden barricade with your shotgun in slow-mo. Swerve to the left to avoid being stabbed through the throat with a pole and then quickly to the right to avoid the plane propellers. You then have to shoot another barrier, followed by dodging more spikey plants as she lands in to an airplane with a cut scene. Do the QTE and open Lara's parachute as she is going for a fall. Once the chute is open guide her around the trees sticking to the middle as much as possible. Once you make it through the tree lines and the cut scene of hurt starts you will be done parachuting. Now Lara is in need of medical attention...let's go on over to the enemy compound knock on the door and ask for a medkit so we can come back in about 7 months after we've healed and kick some ass! I think she fell on her car keys with that fall >_< Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.16 - Shantytown (Northern Zone) o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head down the path towards the town until she falls in to a slope and smashes through the wall...what a great fence? You will unlock an ART GALLERY. Head to the left for a SALVAGE CRATE. As you move around the area you overhear more enemies talking about catching someone...most likely Roth in the chop shop and they will be going to the chopper to see if you are over that way. Don't try to climb the wall on the left just yet as you are not strong enough at the moment to climb it. Head to the right and go through the hole. Head through the stinky water and overhear one of your crew being tortured, sounds like they don't have Roth yet. Keep moving through the water to the other side to be behind some enemies. As you come out shoot the enemy on watch walking around on the building above the enemies with the bow. You should be really close to another ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Predator Now sneak over to the crates and wait for the enemy to finish the conversation. Kill them both and then walk over to the SALVAGE BAG to be caught in a snare trap, shoot yourself free and collect the salvage. Take the ARROWS above where you just came out and the RIFLE AMMO CRATE to the left of those on the ground. Head up the stairs to loot the bodies and get the SALVAGE CRATE. Don't bother going to the right as you still can not climb, so head left and pick up the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Cross the beam at the hole in the walkway and then jump over the next gap, the enemy will hear and two guys will come to attack you. Take the ARROWS and RIFLE AMMO CRATE as you go around the bend. You must now shoot a third enemy and then use the rope arrow on the hatch of the helicopter to open it. Head inside for a cut scene and Lara will get a LIGHTER which gives you FIRE ARROWS. Now you will be in a large fire fight! Use this opportunity to shoot rope arrows at a few more enemies and pull them off a ledge to get an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Get Over Here! Try to hit the one guy that goes across the zipline here, once the bow achievements are done I suggest to switch to a gun that you still need some kills for. Once all the enemies are dead loot them, head over to the corner next to the helicopter for the HELICOPTER HILL base camp. You can now hunt boar in this area, head down the stairs near the camp site and get some ARROWS. Shoot a flaming arrow at the burnable cloth on the left and then use a rope arrow to pull down one of the EFFIGIES (1/5). Go under the stairs inside the house for a SALVAGE CRATE that has the RIFLE PARTS (3/3) and some RIFLE AMMO CRATE. In the opposite corner you will find more ARROWS and a PLANT. Get to the top of the middle building of this section for a FOOD CRATE, ARROWS, and RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Underneath the building is a SALVAGE CRATE with SHOTGUN PARTS (2/3), RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Head inside for a RELIC Inro (Decorative Inro) on the table. Head back to the right (west side) and climb to the second floor to locate a SALVAGE BAG to burn. Then go around the structure to get the GPS CACHE (1/15), RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and ARROWS. Head back a little bit and climb up the raised platform to use the ramp and get to the third level and locate a SALVAGE CRATE for RIFLE PARTS (1/3). Now locate the white wall and climb up to the fourth level. Up here you will find SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and an ALARM (1/4) that you can destroy. Now head over to the post back on the opposite side of where the alarm was and shoot a rope arrow to the post to the right of the building in the middle of the area. Use the rope and go in to the room on the left for a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Head down to the second level to locate a SALVAGE CRATE and a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE down and to the right. Turn around and get to the other side for a document CONFESSIONS OF A SOLARII (Toil and Distraction) (3/5) and then drop Hop down to the floor below to be in the building where someone was tortured. Take the ARROWS and find a document ENDURANCE CREW (Grim: The Good Old Days), this unlocks a MODEL. Back on second floor head east to open a FOOD CRATE. Now turn back around and drop back down to ground level and shoot through the barricade with your shotgun. Turn to the left and take the GPS CACHE (2/15), and then shoot through the next barricade. Here you will find a circular cage with some explosive barrels out around it. Head inside the obvious trap and get caught, then shoot the pulley holding the SALVAGE BAG to collect also get the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Leave the explosive barrels alone as we will use them later. Leave the cage and go to the right to shoot through the wooden barricade and locate a RELIC ANIMAL STATUARY (Jade Horse) (1/3), rotate to the bottom to locate a clue for extra XP. Wrap around to the back side to shoot another wooden barricade and open the SALVAGE CRATE. Now climb the roof opposite this crate was in and then jump over to the second floor for a RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Get up to the third floor by jumping up the white painted wall to get a FOOD CRATE. Drop down the other side and head right for a PLANT, then enter the next house for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now head in to the sacrificial room and Lara will set off a snare trap, more enemies will rush you at this point from outside. Start shooting the ones that rush the door and then quickly release yourself from the trap by shooting the pulley. Kill the rest of the men and then open the SALVAGE CRATE and loot the enemy. Open the LARGE SALVAGE CRATE and take the ARROWS, and SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Now shoot the ground with a rope arrow to open the passage to the tomb if you would like to enter it. This tomb is called The Well of Tears and you can read more about it in section 3.04 - The Well of Tears. You will find GPS CACHE (3/15) down in the hole. Head back out of this room and shoot the explosive barrel on the right to gain access to a room with a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and a RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Head west, don't bother going south just yet as we can still clear out some items in this area. Shoot through the wooden barricade for a GPS CACHE (4/15). Now climb up to the second floor of this building and shoot through the wooden barricade to locate a RELIC ANIMAL STATUARY (Jade Water Buffalo) (2/3). Now head north east and drop down to the ground to shoot the wooden barricade here to access a small room housing a GPS CACHE (5/15) and a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Now climb up the white wall and more enemies will attack...you should be very close to getting two ACHIEVEMENTS! @Achievement Unlocked - Gunslinger @Achievement Unlocked - Scrounger Continue to the back corner for another wave of enemies, as far as I can tell both groups do not utilize the zipline. Head back to the white wall you climbed just before the first wave of enemies where the GPS cache was and then look at the second floor wall of the building to see a wooden barricade to shoot and jump through. Inside this room you will find a RIFLE AMMO CRATE and SALVAGE CRATE. Drop back down and go up the stairs to climb a metal crate to get up to the third floor. Head inside the room here for RELIC INRO (Metal Inro) (2/4), examine the top of object for extra XP. Exit the room the way you came in and climb up the white wall to the fourth floor. Shoot a rope arrow out to the building to the south to use in a second. Head in to the room here for a document CONFESSIONS OF A SOLARII (Survival of the Fittest). Take the zipline you just made to the south and then climb to your right to get ARROWS and a FOOD CRATE. Continue south on the second floor level to get a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, then turn to the right and jump across the street path to the other side of roofs. On the side of the sacrificial room is another cloth to shoot with a flame arrow and then pull down with a rope arrow for the EFFIGIES (2/5). Now move over to the gate to the southern section of the city to start a cut scene. Here you will have to fight a large wave of enemies rushing you, sadly the two enemies on the zipline can not be killed towards the achievement >_< Make sure to kill the enemies with a gun you need to rack up the kills with towards an achievement. There are a few crates of SHOTGUN AMMO and RIFLE AMMO in the middle by the barrels, don't forget to loot those bodies! Now shoot a flaming arrow at the bar locking the gate in place. Now turn the wheel on the left to raise the gate. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.17 - Shantytown (Southern Zone) o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o You will find a day camp on the right just on the other side of the gate. As you move forward a short cut scene starts where the enemy is chasing "the old man" across the ziplines. Slide down the slope towards the sewage pit and look to the right for another of the EFFIGIES (3/5) to burn and take down. On the left side get the SALVAGE CRATE and then shoot a flaming arrow at the SALVAGE BAG hanging right above this crates location. Now climb the stairs back the way you came to shoot the barricade around the walkway to get SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and a document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Belief). Now go through the sewage and climb up the stairs here to start hearing the enemies yelling for help to recapture Grim. Collect the ARROWS, SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, and RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Wrap around to the left and get the SALVAGE CRATE. ############################################################################### ## S A V E Y O U R G A M E H E R E ## ## B Y S E L E C T I N G A D I F F E R E N T S A V E S L O T ## ## I F Y O U W A N T T O T R Y F O R A N A C H I E V E M E N T ## ############################################################################### Go under the bridge and collect the GPS CACHE (6/15). You are about to get in to a large battle, do not kill the enemy on the top by the alarm or you will kill the fight short. For a few achievements here to work on you must shoot the dynamite out of the sky, then shoot dynamite thrower as he is about to throw it to have it fall down on to two others and kill them, as well as shooting the enemies off of the zipline to work towards that one (6 people total off ziplines), you will unlock two ACHIEVEMENTS! @Achievement Unlocked - Boom Goes the Dynamite @Achievement Unlocked - Epic Fumble After the big battle you will get 400 XP. Now climb the rope and get up to where the enemies were at. Open the SALVAGE CRATE and then climb the ladder to bust the ALARM (2/4). Drop back down behind this tower and get the FOOD CRATE. Shoot through the wooden barricade in the chainlink fence to get the RIFLE AMMO CRATE and ARROWS on the right. Head down the stairs to hunt more Boar and chickens, go to the middle building for a RELIC INRO (Commander's Inro) (3/4). Now start to cross the bridge and drop down to the rocks on the side to grab the GPS CACHE (7/15). Now head back to where you just found that relic and climb the wall up. Wrap around the structure to find a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE to open. Now head to the back and shoot through the wooden barricade and pick up the GPS CACHE (8/15). Now get in the central tower and climb the white painted wall to get RIFLE AMMO CRATE and a FOOD CRATE. Head around the roof and climb up the white painted wall here to start another enemy fight on the roof off to the right. I could not get them to use the zipline but you do have another chance to get the previous achievements here again with the dynamite. Now turn around and shoot a fire arrow at the SALVAGE BAG and drop down to get it. Climb back up to this spot and head over to where the enemies were just at. Now wrap around the structure on the left to climb another level to destroy another ALARM (3/4) and get the ARROWS up on the higher level. Look on the cliff wall to the west as you head south to find the final of the EFFEGIES (5/5) and you will unlock an ART GALLERY. Head south to locate a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE leaning against the machine in the center of the circle. Now head back to the north by taking the zipline and you will be up against more enemies that are protecting the windmill. Kill them all and then drop back down towards the way you came from. Head around the corner where the ARROWS are and shoot the wooden barricade to get RIFLE AMMO CRATE and the final RELIC INRO (Scribe's Inro) (4/4). Go to the other side for the GPS CACHE (9/15) and then climb back up and jump across to the windmill to summon more enemies to kill. Now head past the moving carts and loot the bodies as you move forward. You will be notified the second optional tomb is around here as well, hold off for just a moment. Turn to the left and open the FOOD CRATE and then go down the stairs, jump the gap, and then head around the corner to the left to burn a SALVAGE BAG. Go back the way you were and go down the stairs, wrap around to the right to find the final RELIC ANIMAL STATUARY (Jade Drinking Vessel) (3/3) on the left and a document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Obsession) (6/7) under the foundation of the building. Now head west behind the metal fencing for a GPS CACHE (10/15). Head south and shoot the wooden barricade to get a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, GPS CACHE (11/15), and a PLANT. As you leave this section go to the left to destroy the last ALARM (4/4) and drop down below for another GPS CACHE (12/15). Shoot through the wooden barricade, go through the tunnel, and shoot another barricade to reach a FOOD CRATE and then climb back up the way you came. Head north and go through the tunnel to wrap around and climb the stairs on the right. Grab the GPS CACHE (13/15) and then look at the cylinder cage hanging. You must shoot flame arrows through the holes to hit each SALVAGE BAG. Cross the beam and get teh two SALVAGE CRATES. You will also find FOOD CRATE, ARROWS, and a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE up here. Now jump over to the walkway and then climb the rope up to the top of the building. You will find ARROWS, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE all together. On the opposite side of this pile is a GPS CACHE (14/15) to pick up before heading back down the zipline. Head down the next zipline on the opposite side and open the SALVAGE CRATE near the southern tip before heading past the camp site WINDMILL and going in to the tomb if you want to. This tomb is called "The Chamber of Judgement", you can find this in section 3.05 - The Chamber of Judgement. You will find the final GPS CACHE (15/15) inside the tomb entrance tunnel in the first large cave opening. Here is what my stats look like so far: SURVIVOR Animal Instincts Survivalist Advanced Salvaging Bone Collector Arrow Retrieval Orienteering HUNTER Steady Shot Ammo Capacity Heavy Lifter Accomplished Killer BRAWLER Pain Tolerance Axe Strikes Axe Expert Dodge Counter Dodge Kill Dodge Kill Mastery BOW All available upgrades SHOTGUN All available upgrades RIFLE All available upgrades HANDGUN All available upgrades ############################################################################### ## S A V E Y O U R G A M E H E R E ## ## B Y S E L E C T I N G A D I F F E R E N T S A V E S L O T ## ## I F Y O U W A N T T O T R Y F O R A N A C H I E V E M E N T ## ############################################################################### Now climb the building back up to where the carts are moving across the gap and jump on one heading south to start heading towards grim. As you head out a cut scene will start and the enemy has caught up to Grim. Jump to the high platform here and start killing the enemy on the other side. Drop down and the enemy will start jumping across the ziplines to you, this should be the final amount you need for this ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Deadeye After the cut scene loot the bodies and head across the gap to the other side where Grim was at and loot the bodies here too. Either climb the ladder or go around back and climb the white painted wall. Once at the top start to cross the rope and a cut scene starts where the enemy cuts the rope on you. Start moving across the line fast and it will snap sending you right over to the rock climbing wall. Roth comes to the rescue from afar and then after the cut scene a rescue helicopter will radio in saying it is on its way. Jump across to the white wall and go up the stairs in to the tower for a camp site VISTA TOWER. Head across the broken bridge and leap across a gap. Roth radios to Lara and tells her she should sneak across the bridge by going underneath the bridge as enemies are swarming the bridge. Climb up a white painted wall and you will get inside a building. Climb up the wall in the back and then wrap around the walkway. Jump across the gap to the platform ahead as Roth radios to you. Now leap off the left ramp to the hanging boards and re-grip as the board breaks. Climb across the boards underneath as you hear the enemy above you wondering if you were caught yet. Climb all the way up and then Lara will crouch walk across the walkway. Lara will almost be seen by an enemy as Roth acts quickly and takes him out sending the whole bridge in a panick. Quickly shimmy to the right and climb up on the beam to jump forward to the next one. Now turn to the bridge and grab on to the wall as the enemy looks for Roth's position, they seem to have spotted him. Now reach the gap and wait for Roth to tell you it is okay to leap across. Once on the other side wait for the order a second time to shimmy over. Once he gives the all clear head to the right and a cut scene will start. After the cut scene re-grip and then climb the wood to reach a walkway underneath. Roth tells you that to many enemies are up above and tells you to make a run for it. Jump the gap and Lara will land on a roof that tilts forward sending her in to a slide. Jump the gap and keep running until you can jump to the climbable wall and make it to the top of this to get out of the line of enemy fire. Head in to the tunnel and then get down in to the flooded section to move forward. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.18 - Cavern Entrance o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head through the tunnel until you reach a room with branched paths, take the left one to grab a PLANT. Now head through the other path for a cut scene. When the cut scene ends Lara will be in a deep pool of blood and you will unlock a MODEL. Wade through the blood and guts to reach another area. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.19 - Geothermal Caverns o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Move up the path and take the ARROWS, shoot a flame arrow in to the natural gas to open a way forward. Quickly go through the hole and get to the camp site THE PIT. Get the SALVAGE BAG, ARROWS, and the final document CONFESSIONS OF A SOLARII (In Her Honor) (5/5). Use the fire to get a document LARA'S JOURNALS (No Escape) (6/10), this also unlocks an ART GALLERY. Now head further in the tunnel and go through the crack in the wall. Head up to the window for a cut scene and then head down the tunnel to the right. As you head down the path look in to the room and a little to the right for a firestarter SACK (1/6) you need to shoot with a flame arrow. Head down and wrap around to the left in the large room to get a SALVAGE CRATE. Now turn around and climb up the wall to where the candles are at for a RELIC CEREMONIAL FANS (Funeral Fan) (1/3). Now take the far left tunnel and a cannibal will toy with Lara as she heads to the back. Drop in the pit and open the two SALVAGE CRATES. Now climb out of the pit and the cannibal will drop down to attack, take him out. Now head through the middle tunnel through the gas tunnel and kill the cannibal inside. Climb up on the ledge for a SALVAGE CRATE and a GPS CACHE (1/5). Turn around and fire a flame arrow at the SACK (2/6) and then head back out of the tunnel. Go through the right tunnel and pick up the GPS CACHE (2/5) and then jump up in to the cave on the left for a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Drop back down and turn to the left for another SACK (3/6) to light. Now head back to the gate you saw the enemy throw a man in to this pit from and bust the pipe open. Stand back a ways and shoot the gas with a flame arrow. Now quickly sneak up the path and hide on the right side as the enemy comes down to check on the gate. Wait for them to split up and kill the enemy that stays behind to pee. Now quickly head after the guy that went to check on the gate to kill him. Get the PLANT, FOOD CRATE, and GPS CACHE (3/5). Sneak up the path and overhear the enemy playing a checkers game, soon a generator goes out up ahead and one of them goes to fix it...kill them both with headshots. Head over to the checkers table to get a document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Reyes: Dear Alisha) (3/7), you also unlock an ART GALLERY, and now wrap around to the right and open the FOOD CRATE. Now head up the steps and shoot the SALVAGE BAG on the right. Turn to the left and climb the wooden boards up to the top for the GEOTHERMAL CAVERNS COMPLETE MAP. Hop back down and head all the way up the path for ARROWS, camp site CATACOMBS, SALVAGE CRATE, and a RELIC CEREMONIAL FANS (Wedding Fan) (2/3). Now head back down the path and break the pipe to release more gas in the room. Head back up as a safe distance to shoot a flame arrow and get the metal crate to slide down below, climb up on the crate and then to the wooden beam to shimmy left. Lara will overhear more enemies, shoot a flame arrow at the gas to take care of them all. Look further north for a SACK (4/6) to shoot with a flame arrow. Open the FOOD CRATE behind you and then wrap around the walkway to see another SACK (5/6) hanging above where you just blew up the men. Hop down to the ground level to loot the bodies and then head north. Open the FOOD CRATE and the GPS CACHE (4/5) before climbing up the climbing wall. Take the PLANT and then climb up the second wall and sneak around the corner to kill an enemy standing away from the large group just on the other side of the wall. Look up above this enemies spot for the final SACK (6/6) to burn. Head to the right and shoot the enemy with the flashlight in the back of the room. Now shoot a flame arrow in to the gas leak to kill everyone else. Head down and loot the bodies and take the two PLANTS on the right side. Take the final document DIARIES OF A MADMAN (Lost) (7/7) on the left edge of the altar. Head around to the left in the tunnel for a SALVAGE CRATE and the final RELIC CEREMONIAL FANS (Inscribed Silk Fan) (3/3). Now head up the stairs for ARROWS and wrap around to the left for the final GPS CACHE (5/5) and a FOOD CRATE. Shoot a rope arrow in to the crane arm to move the cage towards the door. Now break the gas valve and shoot a flame arrow at it to cause a huge chain reaction. Start running through the tunnel as the cave starts to collapse and eventually Lara will be sent down another slope as all the gas leaks start to blow up. Run through the gasey area and jump out of the hole at the end to start a cut scene. After the enemy on the right gets yelled at and starts to walk away shoot him with a headshot. Now wait until the conversation ends so an enemy starts welding on the right side. Shoot the guy smoking and then the welder. Loot the bodies and take all the ARROWS and then break the gas valve behind the rubble. Shoot a flame arrow in the gas to break the counter weight free. Head up the now unblocked path and go left to wrap around to find more ARROWS and jump over to the platform. Jump across to the cage roof and then shoot a flame arrow over to the left gas stream, followed by the second gas line to push the cage in to the second counter weight. Now the cave floor collapses and Lara takes a fall but is caught luckily. Now shimmy over to the right and climb back up till the bar breaks. Re-grip and then wrap around the bottom of the cage to finally get on the roof as the wall on the other side explodes. Now Jump over to where the explosion just happened and open both valves quickly. Stand back a ways and then shoot a flame arrow at the gas to blow the cage over to safety. Grab the ARROWS and wait for the yellow cage to drop so you can grab on to it. Climb to the top and then jump over to the next cage which makes it fall, re-grip. You will unlock a MODEL, now run through the tunnel as they talk to you on the radio. Now head through the palace hall and pry open the door to enter the palace. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.20 - Solarii Fortress o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Move forward and go under the rubble to continue up the stairs, loot the bodies of the unfortunate. Exit on to the roof as the hole floor you were on collapses and leaves a burning mess behind you. Head across the roof to the climbable wall in the corner. Leap to the beams on the left and then climb up to the porch above as you hear the enemy yelling about the Queen being in the throne room. Take the linear path until a cut scene starts. Now run around the rooftop and take the zipline across to the other building. The enemy will now spot you and try to stop you from making it to the shrine. Take cover and kill the two men trying to kill you. Now jump across to that roof and you will have to re-grip. Climb up the climbable wall to run through the open smokey hallway. Watch the long cut scene and then you will be back in the throne room in a large fight with the enemy. Soon two heavily armored enemies will enter the room along with more enemies, dodge them and counter kill them both. Loot the bodies for SHOTGUN PARTS (3/3) and then head through the open hallway. Now head through the hallway killing the enemy as they rush you. After the cut scene a heavy gun turret will be firing at you that can tear through the concrete wall and other cover. Head to the right and roll up to the next set of cover. Then roll over to the right once more to get a little closer. Roll to the left now and then roll over to the porch further left. Climb the climbable wall and then leap out towards the rope for a cut scene. Lara will grab the GRENADE LAUNCHER mod and you must shoot with the alternate firing button up at him to send him to Hell. Now shoot the heavy metal doors to open them with the grenade launcher. Pick up the RIFLE AMMO CRATES and GRENADE LAUNCHER CRATE before heading through and killing the enemies. Fire a grenade in the room on the far end when you get close enough so they feel your wrath. Once they are all killed you will have access to the camp fire on the right to upgrade your shotgun and any other skills and weapons you want to mod. Climb up the wall and head through the burning hall, pick up the RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Crawl under the burning wood and when you reach the next room you will have a GRENADE CRATE available to shoot through the metal barricade. Now go to the right and use the zipline to get down below and grab the RIFLE AMMO CRATE and some GRENADE AMMO CRATES. Drop down and start killing enemies on the left, you will be really close to another ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Equalizer Carefully make your way around the bend to the right and kill off all the enemies they throw at you. When the cut scene plays you will be up against another heavy gun turret. Run forward to the barrels and crate to gain cover from the heavy turret. Now get over to the right crate stack when he stops firing. Shoot the explosive barrel in the front center so it is not used against you. Wait once again for him to stop firing and then quickly run over to the left side to hide behind the barrels and crate. Now quickly dodge forward to the structure in front of you and shoot the man on the roof above and the man on the right side upper walkway to have a safe climb. Once on the top look to the right and shoot the man in the next building over and take the zipline over to where he just was. Sneak forward in this building as the men notice Lara has a handy grenade launcher, get up to the window and simply shoot the building in front of you to kill them both. Now take the zipline across the river for a cut scene. Take the RIFLE AMMO CRATES and climb the structure on the right. At the top take the GRENADES and then use the zipline to cross to the other side where Sam just was at. Head up the sloped ramp and climb the climbable wall to the window above. A quick cut scene starts where a pyromaniac throws a molotov in to the building and it starts to burn up. Quickly climb the wall in front of you and jump to the beam to the right. Shimmy over to the right side of the beam and then leap over to the climbable wall and latch on to make it over to the opening where the pyromaniac was just at. Zipline down for a cut scene as the helicopter flies in to the area. Dodge the enemy from grabbing you and then Lara will get blasted across the bridge with an enemy hanging on, follow the QTE and then she will make it safely. Jump across the broken bridge pieces and then Lara will slide through a few walls to a cut scene. Roth and the group are in the helicopter and take off for higher ground as the building catches on fire. Quickly climb the structure on the right and wrap around to the left to leap across to the upper section of stairs, this breaks sending you through the wall. Leap out to the pole and get on the upper section to continue running. Now jump out to the climbable wall and start climbing as the wall collapses and puts you back inside the building. Re-grip and then jump to the railing and balance across to jump on the hanging crate. Re-grip again and climb up the crate to leap over to the opening as the crate falls. Now climb up the beam to the climbable wall and then leap to the beam on the right to make it to another climbable wall. This wall starts to crack and you need to re-grip once again. Get on the roof for a cut scene, then run up the ramp and leap out to the helicopter for a cut scene....Roth gives her mouth to mouth which looks like he is just making out with her and then takes an axe in the back. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.21 - Summit Forest o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Right away you will unlock a new MODEL and the TACTICAL PISTOL, and then go to the rock by the edge of the cliff for a document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Roth: An Apology) (4/7), this also unlocks another MODEL. Head forward and use the camp site for another document LARA'S JOURNALS (Don't Think, Don't Feel) (7/10). Head down the stairs and a little over to the helicopter crash site to locate a RELIC DAGGER (Chou Dynasty Dagger) (1/3). Go behind the helicopter for a SALVAGE CRATE and then move up and to the left to look behind a tree for a collectible MUSHROOM (1/10). Sweep back around to the right for another MUSHROOM (2/10). Heading a little ways away from the wreck towards the north you will find another SALVAGE CRATE, up against the northern tree line you will locate a GPS CACHE (1/5). Now head through the archway moving along the path. As you head up the path you will hear the enemy trying to find your group again as they talk to each other. As you approach the men wolves will start to howl, look on the left for another MUSHROOM (3/10) and a SALVAGE CRATE stashed in some bushes. Snipe the enemy with the bow or use the newly silenced pistol if you upgraded to it. Head to the left to snipe the enemy by the bridge and get another MUSHROOM (4/10) by the trees. Sneak back over to the southern side, still on the west side of the river, and take down another enemy. You should be close to another ACHIEVEMENT! You will find a MUSHROOM (5/10) here against the southernmost wall. @Achievement Unlocked - Picky Sneak north along the riverbank and get another MUSHROOM (6/10). Along the west wall you will find a climbable wall, use the fallen tree as a balance beam ramp and leap out to it and climb up. Jump over to the platform to the north west for ARROWS and shoot a flame arrow at the SALVAGE BAG below where the rope goes to lower the crate. Head across the rope for ARROWS and a RELIC DAGGER (Jade Ceremonial Dagger) (2/3). Get down and open your crate you dropped and then head south to get up on the rock platform and jump to the upper rock for another MUSHROOM (7/10) on the little cliff above. Kill the man walking around a little further south and then use a rope arrow on the support beam above the house in the air. Climb up the wall and then turn around to leap over to the ledge for a GPS CACHE (2/5). Get back in the house and jump through the door to the pole and get on the platform. Now shoot a rope arrow to your left at the rope spot to make a bridge. Cross the rope and make sure you are above the next rope to drop down on it, this automatically makes you slide to the platform on the left with ARROWS. Now climb this rope to the SALVAGE CRATE. Cross the water in the southern corner and go to the right and get the GPS CACHE (3/5) by the waterfall. Get on the eastern shore and wrap around the wall on your right passing the climbable boards to get a MUSHROOM (8/10) in the corner of the map. If you want to stir things up a bit and get in to a fire fight with anyone that is left shoot your shotgun at the wooden barricade above the wooden boards you can climb, then quickly climb in the tunnel and hide in the back for a little bit until they get closer, this idea also alerts packs of wolves...so if you want to be silent you should skip the tunnel and kill everyone first. Now that you are inside the tunnel go to the end and slide down the slope, jump out to the climbable wall, head to the right and jump over to the curved side of the climbable wall to re-cling. Now leap out to the platform on the right for a GPS CACHE (4/5). Now shoot a flame arrow above the plane wreckage to hit the SALVAGE BAG, collect it and the SALVAGE CRATE by the wreck. Climb back in the tunnel and jump out the way you came in to get to a platform with a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Use the rope to get on a platform and then leap to a small ledge on the tunnel's side for the final RELIC DAGGER (Japanese Ceremonial Dagger) (3/3) and rotate it around to the back to get more XP. Now head north to enter the hunting lodge and locate a new camp site HUNTING LODGE. Inside the building you will get two ARROWS and a document ANCIENT SCROLLS (General: The Conquerors) (7/10). Open the SALVAGE CRATE on the porch and then now is a good time to use the camp fire to fast travel back to the FOREST RUINS camp site and re-enter the "Tomb of the Lost Adventurer" if you have that DLC. Head around to the left side of the lodgeand you will find the areas only optional tomb with a SALVAGE CRATE to the right of the entrance and a MUSHROOM (9/10) to the left, found just to the right of the bridge. Head in to the tomb if you want, you will find more information on it in section 3.06 - Stormguard Sanctum. Wrap around to the left and skip the small house for now as a group of enemies come out of a cave talking about some dark things going on, kill them and a group of wolves they apparently now have as pets...? They said to send the wolves out after me..and they worked together. Rope arrow the door open for a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. As you climb up the stairs take the final MUSHROOM (10/10) on the right side. Cross the bridge and use a rope arrow to open the door on the other side. Head through the tunnel to see that they are caging and perhaps breeding wolves to make them an ally. Milk some XP here by shooting them all in the head for some nice amount of experience. Climb the wall and then rope arrow shoot the deer to have it swing out and hit the pole system and turn it. Quickly jump out to the pole and swing jump out to the climbable wall and attach to it to climb up and out of the room. Move forward for 100 XP. Now open the two SALVAGE BAGS and two SALVAGE CRATES in this next room, you will also find the last GPS CACHE (5/5) on the ground just to the left of the table. Now you will slide down a ledge and almost fall off to your death if you don't re-grip. Head along the narrow ledge and you will see a large group of bats fly out of the tunnel ahead and follow them back out to a section of Shantytown. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.22 - Shantytown Again o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Zipline down and Alex will finally radio you to let you know they made it down to the beach, you also get 900 XP! Head along the path and take the zipline down to a tower. Go around to the other side and take a rope bridge across to another tower where the gondola is working, wait for an empty platform to come by and jump on it to ride it down. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.23 - Gondola Transport o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o ############################################################################### ## S A V E Y O U R G A M E H E R E ## ## B Y S E L E C T I N G A D I F F E R E N T S A V E S L O T ## ## I F Y O U W A N T T O T R Y F O R A N A C H I E V E M E N T ## ############################################################################### The part coming up is a great place to get your zipline kills achievement finished off if you have not done so yet! Once the gondola suddenly stops go over to the edge and shoot a rope arrow at the post to create a zipline to get off the ride. Head around to the left for various AMMO CRATES. Now climb up the yellow ladder and Lara will say it is to quiet. Now zipline down to the boat that is raised up and Lara will be ambushed by enemies. Shoot them off the ziplines on the left and right sides, as well as the enemies rushing you straight on. Soon a cut scene starts where a heavy machinegun turret starts to open fire. The boat will then flip on its side and Lara must start to climb. Climb up and wait for the enemy that grabs on to the side to get hit by some falling debris before you can move to the right and climb inside the ship. Now run to the left as the gunner cuts away at the wooden planks. At the end of the walkway leap out to the yellow metal and it will swing you out of view as a cut scene starts. As Lara is ziplining wait for the QTE so she can time her jumps to the next zipline, the second one you will have to hit the drop button when time slows down as it does not tell you otherwise, followed by a guess of when to drop the third time in to the slide of metal sheeting. You then have to shoot the wooden barricade and then time another drop when time slows down again. When time slows down once again it is a good time to drop in to the water. Shoot through the wooden barricade to drop down another waterfall and then you can finally climb on to a dock in style, ART GALLERY unlocked! Move forward to squeeze through a crack in the wall and start running down the trail. Now jump off the walkway to the walkway below to reach the beach. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.24 - Shipwreck Beach o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Look to the right for a SALVAGE CRATE at the start and then drop back in the water to shoot the wooden barricade to be able to push the large floater down below. Climb back out above and climb the small step up to get a GPS CACHE (1/15) in the corner. Head down the path a little and turn to the right and you will see a path leading to the water on the right and a SALVAGE CRATE that has RIFLE PARTS (2/3) in it. Now get in the water and push one of the large weights close to the rock structure and the other inbetween this weight floater and the little rock platform that is out of the water so you can use them like stepping stones. On the last weight floater you should be able to leap over to the climbable wall and climb up it in a corkscrew fashion. At the top check the CAIRN (1/5). Get back on the main path and head south, wrap around to the right for another SALVAGE CRATE at the front of an old truck. On top of a rock is another CAIRN (2/5) to dig through. Head around to the right to reach a wooden structure to climb on with some SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and a SALVAGE CRATE that should have the SHOTGUN PARTS (1/3). Close to the ocean you will find a metal door that you can use a rope arrow on...but you find out that you no longer have the right tools for this, so we must skip it for now. Head south east from here to get a SALVAGE BAG and a SALVAGE CRATE up on the broken steps. Now head over to the camp site to add SURVIVORS' CAMP. Head in to the building to locate a document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Reyes: About Lara) (5/7) and a MODEL UNLOCK. In the other corner is a RIFLE AMMO CRATE. Bust open the door across the pathway with your axe to find a document ENDURANCE CREW (Jonah: Recognizing the Truth) (5/7). Now head over to the crew for a cut scene. Wait until the crew is done talking as Sam shoots the gun, then talk to Reyes three times, Jonah three times, and Sam three times as well to almost be done with this chatterbox achievement. Get off the boat and take a right, look at the beach for any crabs here and shoot it with the bow to get an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Crab Cakes Now turn back around and use the collapsed roof ramp to get on the roof for a GPS CACHE (2/15). Start heading east and you will find the entrance to a tomb that is blocked by what looks like a piece of a heavy wall that you can not get to budge yet without proper tools. Shoot the MINE (1/10) on the eastern wall from a distance to blow it up. Grab the GPS CACHE (3/15) right next to where it was. Turn to the north and climb on the sloped rock for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now head up the sandy path and get on the ledge to your left. Jump the gap and open the FOOD CRATE, then climb up higher to check the CAIRN (3/5). Head south to the wrecked building and get the SALVAGE BAG and then look out to the beach for a MINE (2/10) to shoot. Go under the wooden dock for a GPS CACHE (4/15). We can not go any further to the east at this time so get down on the beach for a stroll back to the west. By the large anchor just before the dock with the ladder is another GPS CACHE (5/15), you should be close to an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Bag Full O' Cache Now turn to look in the water, a little up and to the right you will see a MINE (3/10) on the other side of the little boat. Shoot the rope that has the boat tied to the dock and then rope pull it over to the blue crate to get a FOOD CRATE. Now climb the ladder and start jumping across the dock pieces. When you reach the crane, climb the ladder and open the SALVAGE CRATE before ziplining down. Jump on the pole and then cling to the climbable wall to climb up and jump over to the hole in the hull. As Lara drops in some more enemies are on patrol in the ship talking about how something bad must have happened up at the mountain. Get the SALVAGE BAG and then head south to snipe the first enemy. Now go up the stairs and take out the second. Head back to where you just killed the first enemy and look on the left and right sides out in to the ocean for two MINES (4/10) and (5/10). Go back up the stairs and climb the white wall to get on a beam, shimmy around to the right and jump up to the next beam. Now jump the hole and then climb up to the deck. Shoot the pulley attached to the anchor for a cut scene and then head up to it and collect the part. Cross the mast and you will hear more enemies up ahead as they think either the ship is falling apart or they are about to be visited by Lara Croft. Head in and kill all three of them. Wrap around to enter the cabin and get the RELIC YUAN DYNASTY JADE (Brown Jade Ink Box) (1/3), rotate to the back of it to get more XP. Now jump back across to the other side and zipline down, don't worry she automatically transfers to the next zipline. Get back to shore and back to camp for a cut scene...Dr. Whitman has returned...and you get a COMPOUND BOW! Speak with Jonah four times, Dr. Whitman twice, Sam three times, and Reyes twice to work towards the chatterbox acheivement; only one more group of conversations to go! Now head back to the east to the docks just in time to see a massive amount of seagulls flying quickly away from the island...wtf? Go up to the edge and shoot your rope arrow in to the climbable wall to make a rope bridge. As you climb up Alex radios in and says he doesn't need Lara's help. Get on the metal beam above to climb jump to the wall and climb up on top of it. Now jump over to and double jump off the wall to the north east to get on top of this structure. Leap over to the ledge for a GPS CACHE (6/15). Jump over to the large broken down cargo ship and shoot the SALVAGE BAG, we will pick it up later. Look in the water on the right side for a MINE (6/10) and then climb the mast to the top for a GPS CACHE (7/15), then climb all the way back down. Head down the slopped path to reach the level below and enter the room on the other side for a RELIC A FAMILY OUTING (Stuffed Bunny), look under the dress for more XP...wait wrong choice of words. Drop another level to open the crate we dropped earlier with BOW PARTS (2/3) and a RELIC YUAN DYNASTY JADE (Stained Jeade Head Rest) (2/3). Use the beam to get back to the second floor and then climb the green wall to get to the third floor. Get on the crate and use the zipline. As you head towards the tower a group of enemies will come out talking about how you killed a lot of the Russians and that the brother of those Russians is on the Endurance getting salvage. Quickly run to the left and hide behind the columns to stay out of sight. Snipe them both down with your new bow, then open the SALVAGE CRATE for the final RIFLE PARTS (3/3). Shoot the SALVAGE BAG on the right with a flame arrow and wrap around the back side for a CAIRN (4/5). Now wrap around to the left and enter the cave on your left for two SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES, RIFLE AMMO CRATE, and a GPS CACHE (8/15). Look left for a MINE (7/10) and then head to the tip of this section to look at the ocean, swap shoulders so you can aim around the rock and see the MINE (8/10) in the ocean. Now get on the two slabbed rock to jump on the rock structure in the water. Jump over to the middle post and make another jump to the dock piece above to get a FOOD CRATE and a GPS CACHE (9/15). Head to the north and head towards the wreckage. Climb up and then open the SALVAGE CRATE with a SALVAGE BAG to the right of that. On the opposite side behind the piece of ship is a GPS CACHE (10/15). Now wrap around to the other side for another MINE (9/10). Now get back to the columns and climb the broken one to leap over to the white wall and climb up to the walkway above. Go across the beam at the end and jump to the building, then jump over to the wood to climb up. Turn around and jump to the pole to reach a SALVAGE CRATE. Head back around the walkway the other way and look in the water by the wreckage straight ahead for the final MINE (10/10). Jump out to the wooden plank to make it swing you against the wall and then climb up. Use the climbable wall to climb the rest of the way up. Drop down to the right and open the FOOD CRATE. Now go inside to get a RELIC A FAMILY OUTING (Toy Train) (2/3), look under the train for more XP. This will also unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Archaeologist Now leave the room the way you entered and climb back up to take the zipline. More enemies will start walking around talking right in front of you again, wait for the conversation to end and kill them. Now jump across to where they were and pry the door open. Head in for the final RELIC YUAN DYNASTY JADE (Shaped Jade Head Rest) (3/3). Climb the ladder and go left for SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and a SALVAGE LOCKER. Jump across to the right and cling to the climbable rock if you want to enter the optional tomb. You can get more information on it in section 3.07 - The Flooded Vault , it has the final relic as well. It also has a camp fire to upgrade the rifle to a COMBAT RIFLE and to upgrade it to 100% ability giving you an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Now We're Getting Somewhere Jump back down to where you just were at before killing those last two men and then drop in to the water. Wade around to the other side where a low rock is and get up on the land. Now pull the weight floater over towards you with a rope arrow and then leap on top of it to get over to the land under the bridge. Look on the right side for SALVAGE CRATE and on the left side for a GPS CACHE (11/15). Head back to the lower path and go on the left side to get a GPS CACHE (12/15) up in the grass here, go through the tunnel for a SALVAGE CRATE. Now go around to the right of this path and climb the wall to get the final CAIRN (5/5). Continue along this path to jump out to the pole and then get up to the upper path again. Jump out to the mast and then balance beam your way to the crows nest. Shoot a rope arrow over to the climbable wall and then zipline across to get up on the other side. Head in to the building on the left to get a document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Hoshi: In Her Image) (8/10). Get on the roof for a SALVAGE CRATE, the barricade on the right can not be opened yet so continue up the path. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.25 - Cliffside Bunker o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head through the tunnel to come out the other side in to a new area. Check the grass straight ahead for a GPS CACHE (1/5), get the PLANT, and SALVAGE CRATE by the camp site. Shoot a rope arrow at the climbable wall and then zipline over. Climb to the right and then jump over to the piping on the right side. Jump over to the climbable wall and then move to the right to get on more piping. Climb up in to the turret room and skip the barricade at this time. Open the SALVAGE CRATE and burn the flag for PREVIOUS INHABITANTS FLAGS (1/4) and then get in to the tunnel to hear some enemies ahead. Silently kill the guy in front of you as the group a ways up is working on a generator being lifted. You can interrupt this by shooting the pulley and blowing them all up if you want...one guy will get angry and shoot another that is talking blasphemy if you wait. You should be close to another ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Widowmaker Get the GPS CACHE (2/5) in the corner near the hole you came in from. On the left side of the room is SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and RIFLE AMMO CRATE and GRENADES on the right side. Head to the back of the room for more ammo and a document WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Scientists: In Search of the Star) (3/6). Now go through the door on the left and as you step around the corner shoot the explosive barrel that they try to kick down at you. Have it blow up and kill both men and take out the light. Wait at the base of the stairs here for two more enemies to come down them. Once they are taken care of you will need to look out behind yourself by the door you just came through as they will try to flank you. Now head upstairs and go in the room on the right as more enemies start yelling wondering what is going on. Open the SALVAGE CRATES getting SHOTGUN PARTS (2/3) before heading the other way. Now you must shoot more enemies on the other side of the second floor and up on the third floor before moving forward. Jump across the gap and then go in the room on the left, stand by the doorway on the side and wait for the enemy to appear on the third floor to shoot his leg, then his head. Take the SALVAGE CRATE and any ammo you need before jumping over to the pipe and then climbing the wire panel. Now quickly get over to the column and hide behind the blue barrel. Look up on the roof to shoot the explosive barrel and kill the enemies up there. Jump across the gap and open the FOOD CRATE and SALVAGE CRATE, then balance across the pipe to the LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Check the center of the southern wall for another FLAG (2/4) poster you need to shoot with a flame arrow. Head back around and leap out to the lift. Shimmy around to the right and climb in, now jump to the roof. Shoot another FLAG (3/4) on the north western wall. Open the FOOD CRATE and find the GPS CACHE (3/5) in the eastern corner. Now drop down by the generator to locate another camp site. Go to the fire camp and pick up the document ENDURANCE CREW (Alex: Over His Head) (6/7), this will also unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Historian Now use the camp site to increase any stats or weapons needed to boost up. This should put you at an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Clever Girl Now head back towards the truck for a PLANT and a RELIC ANCIENT COINS (Japanese 2 Sen Coin) (1/3) all the way in the back, look at the back of it for more XP. Now wrap around the crates near the post for a PLANT and a GPS CACHE (4/5). Make a zipline out to the rock wall ahead and turn around to look at the yellow tower, the final FLAG (4/4) is here to shoot with a flame arrow. Now get on the zipline and get the final GPS CACHE (5/5) on the narrow ledge to the left. Now take the next zipline down to the Endurance as Lara drops down inbetween a bunch of pipes just before the enemy spots her. You now have a boss battle to go through. While the large man is pulling on the rope shoot him in the head with a powerful arrow or a silenced shot. Then quickly kill off his two friends. You must now dodge the blows from the large one and then shoot him only in the head. Eventually you get the chance to do a finishing blow, you must get all three QTE correct in order to kill him. You will now get the ROPE ASCENDER. Now shoot the cargo on the left side of the ship with a rope arrow and then tap the QTE to pull the object over and have it open the floor. Head down the hall until a cut scene starts and then pick up the final document ENDURANCE CREW (Sam: Adventures With Lara) (7/7). As you leave the room an enemy is leaving the hallway, head down after him and once the conversation is over shoot him in the head. Look across the gap in the ship and shoot the other enemy as well. Take the zipline and then go through the hall to drop in to the flooded section. Head in to the flooded room where Alex is and use a rope arrow to pull the wench towards the blockage. The track is also blocked so jump up and grab the left ladder side of the wench to move it over. Now get back to the door you came through to shoot another rope arrow at it and pull it back. Get on the right side ladder to move it and climb up in to the ducts above. Now get over to the rubble and kick it out of the way. Pull the wench back further and then get on the left ladder to move it over. Now get in front of the wench and pull it towards the door once again. The hook auto-latches and just needs you to pull it back again. Head inside for a cut scene. Now run down the hall and jump on the rope, use the QTE and ascend the rope really quickly. Climb the crates on the right and then ascend the rope back to shore. Now use the rope ascender on the generator above the door to drop it on the weak floor to open it up. Drop in the hole for another cut scene, you automatically get a document WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Scientist: Secret of the Island) (4/6). Pry open the door and then turn to the right and shoot a rope arrow in the door to open it. Get the SALVAGE BAG and RELIC ANCIENT COINS (100 Mon Coin) (2/3). You can now head back through the hole in the wall that brought you here originally. Open the barricade on the right to get the final RELIC ANCIENT COINS (Portuguese Tin Coin) (3/3). Now wrap around to the right for a PLANT and the CLIFFSIDE BUNKER COMPLETE MAP. Head to the post and rope arrow shoot the climbing wall to get back across and go back through the tunnel ahead. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.26 - Shipwreck Beach Return o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Use the rope arrow on the barricade on the left wall and get the FOOD CRATE. Now head up the rope and take out the three enemies here. Now on the first half of land up here go on the right side to drop down and get the SALVAGE CRATE that should have the final BOW PARTS (3/3) to make a COMPETITION BOW. Now wrap around the path for a GPS CACHE (13/15). Now get back up top and ride the zipline down to the beach and head over to camp for a cut scene. Talk to Jonah three times, Reyes three times, and Dr. Whitman three times to finally unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Chatterbox Check out the camp site to get a document LARA'S JOURNALS (The Promise) (8/10) and then talk to everyone again. If you want to explore the optional tomb we found but could not enter earlier, now is a good time to head over to it. Check out section 3.08 - Temple of the Handmaidens. This also will get you an ACHIEVEMENT, if you completed all the other tombs! @Achievement Unlocked - Intellectually Superior Now head to the north west corner to locate the door we skipped earlier and bust it open with a rope arrow. Use the axe on the lever to get it to drop down and this will allow Lara to climb up. You will locate a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Now wrap around the elevator shaft and jump up to the boards to climb up and get on the roof for a GPS CACHE (14/15). Now get over to the post and shoot a rope arrow in to the climbing wall to cross to the other side and make your way around to the right. Once you climb to the top wrap the wall here to find a document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Whitman: My Great Discovery) (6/7). Now check inbetween the two structures to get the final GPS CACHE (15/15). Climb up the wall to get on to the water tower and then shimmy around the side to get on top of it. Leap over to the ladder and climb to the top. Shoot the gondola car with a rope arrow to bring it close to you. Leap over to it when it swings back towards Lara. Now bring the next car closer and then get over to the land. Now jump up on the zipline and get over to your destination. Climb up the wall and shimmy across the pipes to climb up the ladders. As you head up the stairs wait for the two enemies to stop talking and then snipe them both. Climb the wall to the left of the blast doors to shimmy to the right and then leap out towards the climbing wall. Shoot a zipline to a climbing wall and head over to it. Wrap around the side and then leap to another climbing wall to climb up. Jump over to the ladder and climb up for a SALVAGE CRATE. Bust through the wall with your rope arrow. Now head through the turret room and out the other door to go around the corner. Now jump to the climbable wall and lower yourself in to the water below. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.27 - Research Base o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head to the left and get the GPS CACHE (1/3) on the ledge. Turn around and shoot a grenade at the metal barricade to get to a SALVAGE CRATE that has the final SHOTGUN PARTS (3/3) in them. Now shoot another grenade up at the second metal barricade to get to a RELIC HELMET (Chou Dynasty Helmet) (1/2). Wrap around the water to take a PLANT and then climb the wall. Turn around and get the SALVAGE BAG. Crawl through the crack in the wall and look at the upper left above the drop to shoot a TOTEM (1/5). Drop down to the section below to start hearing more enemies talking about the Oni are in the area and that they are looking for you. Move forward and pass the camp site since you can not use it at the moment while the enemy is right around the corner. Sneak over to the door and quietly kill off the enemy straight ahead...then look around the corner to the right for the second enemy to kill. Head back in and grab the document WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Solder: Awakening) (5/6) and then go to the camp site to build your final weapon. Pry open the door across from the campsite and look to the left up on the broken ceiling for TOTEM (2/5). Now still standing here look through the window straight ahead and to the right a little bit for another TOTEM (3/5) to shoot. Jump across the opening to the window to climb through and you will locate a GPS CACHE (2/3) and a FOOD CRATE. Jump back through the window and down in to the water to take a left to continue. Go to the blast doors and open them with the button. Call the elevator and it will jam as it heads down, now climb up on the crate to the right of the button to use the axe to unjam the elevator. Get on the elevator and climb through the hole on the other side and wrap around to the right to pry the door open. Head up the stairs to the first landing, turn around and leap to the ledge for a SALVAGE CRATE. Get up to the third floor and go in the inlet on the right for a RIFLE AMMO CRATE and a document GPS SECRETS (Unknown: Mysterious Orders) (1/2). Get the SALVAGE BAG hanging up above the corner on the third floor from the stairs above. Head up the stairs some more and jump across the gap to locate SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and a SALVAGE BAG in which you need to shoot the crate off the beam with a powerful arrow shot. Call the elevator up to the fourth floor and then head back down to the third floor. Climb the ladder and then pry another wheel off. Now shotgun blast the wooden barricade on the side of the elevator shaft and call the elevator back down to level three. Get back up to level four and call the elevator again, wait for it to almost reach the hole you just opened and drop down on to the elevator. Jump through the hole to the climbable wall and climb around to the left and leap to the next wall. Drop down on to the floor and open the SALVAGE CRATE, then pry the wheel off. Lower the elevator back down to level three and then jump up on to the floor where the crate was earlier to pry the final wheel off. You will get 100 XP, now drop down to where the elevator crashed on to floor one and pry the door open on the right. Shoot the TOTEM (4/5) on the right, then grab the FOOD CRATE. The enemy then calls out to the noise they just heard...they are right on the other side of the blast doors. Now enter the doorway and go left to open a SALVAGE LOCKER. Head to the right side and carefully hide behind the blue barrels as an enemy is on patrol, wait till he turns his back and silently kill him. Now break the SALVAGE CRATE and shoot the final TOTEM (5/5) through the fence. This will unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Inconceivable! Now go behind the crates to the right of where the salvage crate was for the final RELIC HELMETS (Ceremonial Helmet) (2/2). Kill the second enemy as he comes to investigate what happened to his friend. At the intersection jump the crates on the left to locate the RESEARCH BASE COMPLETE MAP. Now go down the right hall for a RIFLE AMMO CRATE, SALVAGE LOCKER, and FOOD CRATE. Now get on the front narrow side of the crates in this hallway to climb up above them to get behind the rubble for the final GPS CACHE (3/3)...you also get a note inside revealing the final document GPS SECRETS (Unknown: Failed Mission) (2/2) that you can listen to in your documents menu...it tells you that Mathias must be killed. Now move down the central hallway to walk along the boardwalk to the tomb. It looks like this area can be a good ambush spot... Move forward and grab the ammo you find on the bottom floor, two SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES and ARROWS. Now head up the stairs for a cut scene to see that the General committed suicide. You will get a document ANCIENT SCROLLS (General: Failure of Duty) (9/10). After the cut scene you will hear the enemy pinpointing where you are at. Head towards the entrance and an explosion will happen sealing you in. Once you kill enough enemies a short cut scene will start and more enemies will pour in. A rock will fall and open a new way out along the wooden boardwalk on the right side of the room. Once the enemies are taken care of climb up the wooden platform on the right and head down the path. Go through the tunnel and slide down the slope to jump to a climbable wall. Now head through the tunnel as Reyes radios you with the sound of a fire fight going off in the background. Break the SALVAGE CRATE and then continue through the cave to return to Shipwreck Beach and get 100 XP. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.28 - Shipwreck Beach Return II o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Shoot a rope arrow and then zipline across, look to the right as two enemies are arguing here. Wait until they are done talking and then snipe them for two easy quiet kills. Take the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and further down the RIFLE AMMO CRATE if you need them, then head through the opening to jump to the rock where another SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and RIFLE AMMO CRATE is at. Now use the rope ascender and climb the rope to the top of the tower and then zipline down the next line to start a cut scene and get 100 XP. Head to the camp fire and get any gear upgraded to what you need. At this point I only needed 29 more salvage to finish off my last part to fully complete my gear and finish leveling up one more time. You can get this by heading back to previous areas and hunting some animals! You should be close to unlocking two more ACHIEVEMENTS! @Achievement Unlocked - Lethal @Achievement Unlocked - The Professional Now head back to the boat and jump on to start the cut scene to enter the Mountain Pass. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.29 - Mountain Pass Return o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Shoot a rope arrow in to the climbable wall and then climb across to the tunnel above for a cut scene. Now go to the right and shoot a rope arrow over to the climbable wall and then zipline down to it, then climb up. Now jump up the wall and in to the hole to get in to the building. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.30 - Chasm Stronghold o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head around the corner and hide behind some barrels as a squad of samurai walk by in the room ahead. Once they have moved on through the door to the left move in to the room and light the debris in the back of the room on fire. Crawl through the hole and soon the Stormguard and Oni will be walking in front of you. This is an infinite line of stormguard so carefully sneak up to the edge and then move to the right slowly. Head up the stairs and in the distance you will see the stormguard putting armor on the Oni. Head up and to the right for a FOOD CRATE, then cross the plank of wood to the other side. Now jump up on the rail above and shimmy to the right past the stormguard. You now need to leap across the ledge towards the opening...this makes a skull fall and you must re-grip. The Oni is then alerted and a cut scene begins. Run through the tunnel as it starts to light up and explode with arrows and literal explosions. Lara eventually slides down a tunnel in to a cavern. You will find SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE on the right as you move forward to be attacked by three stormguard. Continue through the doors ahead to reach a camp site SHELTERED HALLWAY with a FOOD CRATE. Use the camp fire for a document LARA'S JOURNALS (The Monastery) (9/10). Head up the path to open another FOOD CRATE just before reaching the door that you must pry open. Move forward for a cut scene and then head to the left to climb the wooden structure as Reyes starts chatting on the radio with another gun fight, you will see a stormguard leave the upper area where its boarded up, slide down below. Head around the room of corpses and take the RIFLE AMMO CRATE and SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Head out to the bridge for a cut scene. You will now be in what seems to be the stormguard and Oni living area and must fight a large army of them. Once the first wave is taken down move forward for a cut scene and now shielded stormguard will rush you, aim for the head or dodge kill them. When the second wave is destroyed you will have to move up the now fallen column to the area above to get the third wave. Kill the shielded stormguard and then take out the archers in the distance. Head around the corner and the building on the right will be populated by a fourth wave of enemies as they kick out some large explosives and shoot them with flame arrows. Shoot the stack of explosives in the middle of the structure to make the whole thing blow up. As you wrap around the corner a large fifth wave of stormguard will attack straight ahead. Take this wave down and then a final sixth wave will get enraged and charge you one last time. Head to the back structure for a small cut scene and then use the rope arrow to open the way. Head up the ramp and go towards the building for a cut scene and then head inside. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.31 - Chasm Shrine o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o You will find a camp site SACRED HALL in the corner and a RELIC VASES (Kansu Burial Urn) (1/3). Take the ammo and shoot the SALVAGE BAG down from the ceiling. To the right of the door is the final document WARTIME INTELLIGENCE (Soldier: Last Stand) (6/6). Now pry open the door and head to the left to locate the final document ENDURANCE OFFICERS (Whitman: Crossing the Line) (7/7) at the end of the walkway. Now use the ramp to jump up to the ladder and climb up a level to jump across and get the CHASM SHRINE COMPLETE MAP and a LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. Get on the bottom floor to get a RELIC VASES (Ban Chiang Vase) (2/3). Now turn the wheel on the right side, then the wheel on the left. Now use a rope arrow on the back of the cage to pull it back and release it in to the wall to smash through. Now turn the wheel on the right and then the wheel on the left so the cage is on top of the hole. Now get on the highest floor above the door you came through earlier and shoot another rope arrow at the cage to get it swinging, get on it and then leap over to the wall to climb over. Watch the cut scene and then go to the right and enter the small caved in hall for the final document ANCIENT SCROLLS (Hoshi: An End) (10/10). Now go through the tunnel on the left and you will find a SALVAGE CRATE and then a second SALVAGE CRATE just before reaching the last camp site, the game will tell you that you have reached the POINT OF NO RETURN...you can still get items later on after you beat the game, so don't worry about it. Grab the final RELIC VASES (Satsuma Vase) (3/3). Now pry open the doors to reach a new area. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 2.32 - Chasm Ziggurat o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head up the stairs and cross the bridge until a cut scene starts. Head to the left and enter the doorway for a FOOD CRATE and then shoot a rope arrow to the climbable wall. Climb it and then leap to the climbable wall on the right to leap once again to the right and land on the walkway. Jump to the other walkway and then leap out to the climbable wall. Climb up and then jump over to the other climbable wall to reach the top. Go through the snow and climb in to the building. Shoot a rope arrow at the side of the bell so it blows in the wind and smashes the door open. Head through and then climb the planks on the left side. Shoot a rope ladder at the bell and then climb up the rope as the bell breaks sending Lara on a nasty fall to where she barely grabs the beam, you will need to re-grip. Balance to the other side as the beam shifts and then jump to the platform straight ahead. Reyes will now radio you to let you know the stormguard are entering the building now. Jump across to the lower walkway and then leap to the stairs. The stairs then swing you over to a climbable wall that you can go around the corner on. When you reach the upper right corner double jump up the white painted wall and then climb the lattice to the floor above. Now head over to the post to see lightning striking the side of the cliff which reveals the climbable wall you need...thanks Sun Queen?? Shoot a rope arrow on it to cross. Leap to the left and then drop down a level to another climbable wall. Now climb around the corner and get up in to a hall where a camp site is located. Enter the next room and jump to the pole to get back on the lattice and climb up. When you reach the top where the wind is blowing all the structures apart, shimmy to the right and climb up more lattice to then reach a climbable wall. Have Lara reach the top by going up the wall and leaping to the other side, up higher and leaping to the other side to finally make it up, watch the cut scene up here. Now drop down and get ready to fight Mathias' Solarii, once they are dead you will have another cut scene. Climb the wall on the right and continue killing the enemies. This is a good place to get the achievement, Epic Fumble, if you haven't gotten it yet...simply get up to a pyromaniac bomber and 'axe' him a question as he pulls out some dynamite when a group of other enemies are rushing you to kill them all! Once the second wave is killed off the enemy will start shooting and yelling about the Guardians. Head towards the fire for another cut scene and then leap out to the cylinder piece of rock, re-grip to get back on top. Now leap to the climbing wall and get back up for a cut scene. You now have to fight an Oni as your boss fight! For this part of the fight just get the Oni to swing at you and then dodge out of the way so you can attack its back. After attacking him long enough the game will have you do a QTE. In the second part of the fight some Stormguard Archers will jump in to the fight to help the Oni, the archers are constantly refilled whenever they die. You still have to attack the backside of the Oni as well as defending against the arrow attacks. For this final part of the fight the Oni's faceplate is now removed so you can shoot him in the head and the back. You will still need to watch out for any archer attacks as well...unload the grenade launcher at this point to take him out quickly! Once the QTE appears this time you will have to do a few extra button presses to finally kill the Oni off. Now head down the path to the center and perform the required QTE and you will finally have completed the game! You will then unlock two more ACHIEVEMENTS! @Achievement Unlocked - No Stone Left Unturned @Achievement Unlocked - A Survivor Is Born ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tombs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.01 - Tomb of the Lost Adventurer (DLC) o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o This is an optional tomb that is available to people that pre-ordered Tomb Raider at GameStop, will probably become available for sale later on to everyone. Head in to the shaft and light your torch as you move forward. The title to the tomb will pop-up "Downloaded Tomb - Tomb of the Lost Adventurer. Now crawl through the low wall to find a pack of ARROWS. Head through the waterfall and your torch will go out. Now shoot the glass lantern above the crates and barrels to clear the way. Get in the water and remember the lamp on the left...it allows you to light your torch on fire. First go up the sloped ramp and shoot the lamp to light the cloth on fire to lower the wing of the plane. Now head to the far right side and climb up on the right side. Shoot the lamp above the dead body and this will weaken the supports for this long board. Give the board a shove to release a support on the plane. Now head back to the far left side and jump up the wall here. You will find multiple lamps laying on the ground, pick one up and throw it at the base of the tree to light it on fire and raise the plane again. One more to go! Head along the back and drop down and climb back up the next ledge to be in the center back. Shoot the lamp above and this will drop a fire attached to a rope on to a wooden crane. Get on the crates to jump and hang on the crane to release the rope and fire. The rope then will swing to the house full of junk that will burn and release the final piece to the plane. The tunnel in the back of your current location requires more gear in order to continue that way. Head back to where the lanterns are scattered and throw one to the opening of the back half of the plane to burn up the cargo inside. Now climb on to the plane and jump over to the back half to get up higher. Now get on the tail of the plane and jump over to the building. Open the golden chest for 250 XP and you will also unlock an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - One Smart Cookie Now we must come back when we have the additional tools to explore that back tunnel! Take the zipline back down to the front of the area and leave the mine for now. When you have the grenade launcher attachment head back in to the tomb to go back in to the back tunnel and blast open the first door. Inside you shall find a cache of items...HANGUN AMMO CRATES, SHOTGUN AMMO CRATES, RIFLE AMMO CRATES, three FOOD CRATES, GRENADE CRATE, four SALVAGE BAGS, and three ARROWS. In the corner opposite the wooden barricade you can shoot a rope arrow at the section on the beams to pull two SALVAGE CRATES and another FOOD CRATE down. Two of the bags will drop the crates on some beams, shoot the crate with a powerful arrow shot to knock them off the beams. Also open the LARGE SALVAGE CRATE in the back of the room. Now shoot the wooden barricade with the shotgun for a second LARGE SALVAGE CRATE. To the right of this is a shelf Lara can hang on to drop another FOOD CRATE and two more SALVAGE CRATES before heading out. You will also find two more SALVAGE CRATES on a shelf on the opposite side of the room. Carefully shoot the ends of these crates with arrows to get them to fall. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.02 - Tomb of the Unworthy o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head in to the tunnel and climb the climbable wall with the climbing axe. Light your torch by the fire and head in to the cave, just head towards the light on the other side as there is nothing in here of interest. Soon you will reach a DAY CAMP where you can spend skill points and upgrade gear. Now head through the waterfall to get to the actual tomb. Head past the first cage and over to the ramped walkway. Quickly jump off to the second cage and quickly leap off to the ledge ahead where you can light your torch again. Now jump back to the cage and light the three sacks on fire, this will lighten the cage and allow Lara to stand on it without it lowering. Now head over to the first cage and push it down to the pit below. Now get in to the second cage that is higher and jump out to the climbable wall...DON'T FORGET TO HIT THAT RE-GRIP BUTTON! Climb up to the top for 250 XP. Head to the end and open the chest for the TREASURE MAP, 1,250 XP, and 250 SALVAGE. You also get an ACHIEVEMENT if you don't have the DLC "Tomb of the Lost Adventurer" complete yet. @Achievement Unlocked - One Smart Cookie Head back down the zipline and through the waterfall to the camp fire and use any skills and salvage you have collected. Now head back through the tunnel and leave the tomb. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.03 - The Hall of Ascension o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Climb the wooden wall and then get over to the camp fire. Now run across the windy bridge and enter the building on the other side. Go to the left and crank the windows shut. Now quickly run to the front middle and crank the platform up till it stops when the first bottom window busts open..NO SOONER THAN THIS! You must then quickly jump on the structure to your left and then hop on the platform before the windows blow open. Once the window blows you to the right jump against the wall and climb up to the ledge above to shimmy around to the left. Leap over two spots and when you reach the walkway above you will be given XP as you have reached the treasure at the far end of the walkway. Open the chest for SALVAGE, HANDGUN PARTS (1/3), and the GPS CACHE MAP. Leave the way you came in and you are done with the tomb. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.04 - The Well of Tears o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Once you drop down in the hole pick up the GPS CACHE (3/15) and head further through the tunnel. Cross the plank and then open the SALVAGE CRATE. Wrap around the corner for another SALVAGE CRATE and then shoot a flame arrow at the SALVAGE BAG. Climb down the ladder to open it and then shoot a second SALVAGE BAG with a flame arrow. Drop down below by climbing down the climbing wall. Now squeeze through the crack to locate the tomb. On the raised land you will find a camp site to get any skills and weapon upgrades needed. Now take the yellow jerrycans and throw them on the lift above the central area to get it to lower. Once it lowers throw off jerrycans till you only have one or two left on. Now you must quickly run off the lift and get on to the raised land where the camp site is to leap off on to the lift as it raises up. When it hits the top you must then quickly leap to the other ledge up here to get off the lift safely. Climb up the ledge around the corner to get 1250 XP, 250 SALVAGE, and the SHANTYTOWN RELIC TREASURE MAP. Now take the zipline down and leave the way you came in. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.05 - The Chamber of Judgement o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head through the tunnel and grab the GPS CACHE (15/15) in the semi large cavern when it opens up on the left side before heading further through the tunnel. As you head through the cave it will get dark fast and then Lara starts to fall down a wet ledge, you must re-grip to survive. Now shimmy to the right and get on to some wooden beams that you can eventually climb up. Climb up the ledge to break the SALVAGE CRATE and then take the path on the right as the left one lets you exit the cave. Cross the plank to get over the chasm and follow the tunnel through a crack and in to the tomb. Take the jerrycan by the camp site and place it in the holding spot on the slanted metal sheet also near the camp site. From the ramp on the other side of the room you can leap to both shelves that hold a jerrycan to get them and place them on the ramp as well. Now use a rope arrow to shoot the rope with tire attached to smash the third shelf and get the jerrycan. Once all four cans are in place stand with them to angle it upwards. Run to the opposite end and leap out to the climbable wall and hang on to it. Climb up the wall and then leap over to the ladder, you will have to re-grip. Climb up and open the chest at the end for 1250 XP, 250 SALVAGE, HANDGUN PARTS (2/3), and the now useless SHANTYTOWN GPS CACHE MAP. Head across the swinging platforms and then leap in to the ancient tube slide...is this the first tube slide in existence!? and leave the tomb by going the other direction. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.06 - Stormguard Sanctum o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Head through the tunnel to reach the tomb and camp site. Now light the lantern and the three braziers with the flame arrow. Now shoot another flame arrow up in to the darkness above the statues to ligth a bunch of rubble to make it unblock a tunnel. Now shoot the rubble with a flame arrow above all the wood opposite the statues to create an explosion with the gas cloud behind it. Clear the gases once again with a flame arrow and quickly climb up to the platform above and go to the left to climb up another platform. Light the brazier above the clouds and then grab the ARROWS. Go across the beam and leap out to the climbable wall and get to the top, light the brazier. Head through the tunnel to open the chest for 1250 XP and the SUMMIT FOREST RELIC MAP. Now carefully climb back down and leave the way you came. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.07 - The Flooded Vault o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Go through the hole in the wall and wrap around to the left to shoot open a way back through the wooden barricade. Now head back the other way up the stairs and in to the room for a SALVAGE BAG, FOOD CRATE, and the final RELIC A FAMILY OUTING (Worn Wallet) (3/3), look in the wallet for more XP. Now go down the next hallway to reach a tunnel you must crawl through and reache the tomb along with a camp site. Head up the stairs and Lara finds this to be a research facility. Hit the button up here to trigger the power to come back on. Grab the SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE and then go back downstairs to open the blast doors. Go to the left to burn the pole holding the raft in place. Now go to the right and in to the generator room to shotgun blast the wooden barricade. Shoot a rope arrow at the raft to pull it towards you. Once it is close enough to jump on, get on it and then safely get around the corner to the other walkway. Rope arrow shoot the supports on the ceiling to counter weight the light that is in the water causing the electrical water. Quickly get through the water to the other side and now start pulling the raft over towards where the light is. Now pull the counter weight down again so the light goes up, quickly pull the raft under the light and it will stop the light from getting in to the water. Now get in the water and wade over to the stairs on the far end. Head up the stairs and open the chest for 1250 XP, SHIPWRECK BEACH RELIC MAP, and 250 SALVAGE. Take the zipline back down and leave the tomb the way you came in. Page Top o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 3.08 - Temple of the Handmaidens o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Inside the first room you will get a SHOTGUN AMMO CRATE. Head through the hole to the left. When you reach the broken bridge shoot a rope arrow to cross to the other side. Now head down the path to enter the tomb area. Now turn the wheel and quickly run to the left as the bouy goes under the cage. It will then hit the pole on the left side of the room and turn the pole above to let you jump to the other side. You then must quickly shoot a rope arrow in to the next pole to turn it so the bouy can pass through it as well and turn the pole the rest of the way so Lara can jump over to the climbing wall and get up to the top. Once you get the treasure you will have 1250 XP, 250 SALVAGE, the final HANDGUN PARTS (3/3), and the SHIPWRECK BEACH GPS CACHE MAP. You will also get an ACHIEVEMENT! @Achievement Unlocked - Intellectually Superior Page Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 - Game 100% completed Playing through a second time I noticed the "piece of sharp bone" was actually a rusty piece of rebar..updated the description Added in to "2.09 - Base Exterior" as best and earliest spot to get Former Adventurer achievement Guide updated to show you the best plan of action to get every single player achievement in the game...and only one run needed to do it! Version 0.97 - Chasm Shrine 100% completed Chasm Ziggurat started Version 0.94 - Chasm Stronghold 100% completed Chasm Shrine started Version 0.92 - For some reason the Flooded Vault camp site did not register on my check list and I had to re-visit it, so now Shipwreck Beach is 100% completed Research Base 100% completed Level is now maxed and weapons are all maxed Mountain Pass Return 100% completed Started Chasm Stronghold Version 0.87 - Only able to get 97% of Shipwreck Beach completed Started Research Base Version 0.86 - Cliffside Bunker 100% completed Working on Shipwreck Beach again, should finally have the needed items to get through the rest of the way Added Temple of the Handmaidens Version 0.81 - Found and added the missing two Mushrooms, thus Summit Forest is now 100% completed Shipwreck Beach 82% complete, from what I can tell we can not fully complete this section in one run Added the Flooded Vault Started Cliffside Bunker Version 0.68 - Summit Forest is 91% as I have missed two of the Mushrooms, will go back and search for them soon Second Shantytown visit 100% completed Gondola Transport 100% completed Shipwreck Beach started Version 0.64 - Solarii Fortress 100% completed Summit Forest started Added the Stormguard Sanctum Version 0.56 - Geothermal Caverns 100% completed Solarii Fortress started Version 0.53 - Mountain Descent 100% completed Shantytown 100% completed The Well of Tears tomb added The Chamber of Judgement tomb added Cavern Entrance 100% completed Geothermal Caverns started Version 0.41 - Chasm Monastery 100 % completed Back in to Mountain Village 100% completed Fixed the numbering error with the Illumination Statues that you have to light up in the Mountain Village Updated two salvage bags in section 2.11 Started Mountain Descent Version 0.35 - Cliffside Village 100% completed Mountain Village 82% complete, once again can't seem to get all of the items at this time without some type of new gear Mountain Pass 100% completed Started Chasm Monastery Version 0.31 - Base Exterior 100% completed Started Cliffside Village Version 0.26 - Mountain Base 100% completed Starting Base Exterior Version 0.22 - Base Approach 100% completed Starting Mountain Base Version 0.19 - Scavenger's Den completed Coastal Bluffs completed Coastal Forest started Coastal Forest split in to two sections (south and north), completed both sections to 100% items located DLC GameStop pre-order tomb for Tomb of the Lost Adventurer added to guide, still need a tool to access a new section in the tomb Mountain Temple 100% complete Mountain Village 36% complete as it does not seem possible to collect anymore items at this time in the section Starting Base Approach Page Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Copyright 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is the hard work of me Alan Stupak (Brokaliv). And I don't want anyone to take this guide and rip it off. This document cannot be changed or altered in any way, shape or form. You are welcome to ask permission if you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for private use only. You are free to print it out but you don't have permission to sell it for profit. This document is not to be published in any form of media publication unless you have the permission of me before hand. The websites listed below have permission to have this guide published on their sites. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That is all, thank you. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2013 Alan Stupak If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds please send some money to me through www.paypal.com at [email protected] Thanks for the support. GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com IGN - faqs.ign.com The Genie - www.thegenie.net Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com CheatCC - www.cheatcc.com Loose Lemon - www.looselemon.com Gaming Reality - www.gamingreality.com