Path of Exile Ranger Melee Dual Wield Build by ykyshaeq.
Lvling 1-55
- In passive skills tree you must go for all possible HP passives earler than for DPS.
- After killing Hilock get dual strike as revard for 1st quest and buy 2 rapiers from vendor.
- Get cleave as 2nd reward.
- Get hatred as 3rd reward.
- Get added mana leech and link it to cleave after entering Cavern of woe.
- After that get 1 increased critical damage gem link to dual strike and always get lesser multiple projectiles for quests, trade this gems to others for Warlord mark, Whirling blades, Melee physical damage x2, added fire damage, faster atacks, Anger, Haste.
- Collect orbs and dont waste it on low lvl items. you must have 1-2 exalteds or 6-12 GCPs.
- After 55 lvl start farming piramid rare monsters till you get:
- x2 dragonbone rapiers(must be itemlevel 60)
- dex or dex str
- 55+ gloves, boots, chest, helm.
- Untill lvl 75 I recomend do only magic maps.
Recomended maps mods:
- Chaos damage per second, build have x4 more hp regen.
- 25% reflect ele or phys damage, liffeleech and reflect heal over it.
- Permanent temporal chains, you can move with whirling blades.
- Elemental equilibrium
- 2 unique bosses.
- More rare or magic mobs.

- Players cant regen hp\mp
- 50% slower regen
- Bloodmagic
- Enfeeble
Always check unique items in chat you need Kaom’s Heart chaos plate.
- 1 Hallowed flask with instant recovery on low hp
- 1 Hibrid flask with fast regen
- 1 Any Hallowed mana flask
- 1 Diamond flask
- 1 Granite flask
Roll it with chaos orbs.
If no Kaom’s heart:
- 55+ str armor or dex str armor- 80+ hp, 50%+ armor and 1-2 resists mods.
- 55+ boots- 80+ hp and 30 move speed
- 55+ gloves- 80+ hp and atack speed or mana leech
- 55+ helmet- 80+ hp and 50%+ armor mod
- ring1 2% lifeleech, 60+ hp and some resists mods
- ring2 1% manaleech, 60+ hp and some resists mods
- Amulet 3-5% lifeleech, very good if it have crit damage multipler also.
- Belt Heavy belt with 70+ hp.
- roll with orbs of alterations 100+ physical damage on yours Dragonbone rapiers then regal it.
- For party or solo use all 3 auras Hatred, Haste and Anger. Use Warlord mark curse when you need additional lifeleech and fst flasks charges.
- Ignore aof guys who cry in party about your hatred and warlord mark that its makes their dps lesser.
- Always iniciate combat and play like tank in party.
- Always use whirling blades on ranged mobs and kill it fast is possible.