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Game Details:
Killzone Shadow Fall is the sixth game in the entire Killzone series and the fourth for home consoles, it is also a PlayStation 4 exclusive launch title. Guns like the M82 Assault Rifle, the stA-52 Assault Rifle and the the stA-18 pistol are looking to make a return. New weapons like a hybrid sniper rifle/assault rifle made an appearance at both of the gameplay demos. There is also the OWL, an advanced hovering attack drone used by the Shadow Marshalls. It can attack, be used as a zipline, can shield you and can hack terminals. The game runs at 30fps at a 1080p resolution.
- Developer: Guerilla Games
- Publisher: Sony Comuter Entertainment
- Platforms: PlayStation 4
- Release Date: November 15, 2013
- Genre: First-person shooter