Edge Online has put together a "Making Of: Xbox" where they revealed many of the possible (and hilarious) names the console could have had.
Here are some quotes from Xbox Designer, Seamus Blackley:
“First, there were our code names, which were WEP – ‘Windows Entertainment Project’ – designed to make Microsoft executives comfortable, Midway – ‘Midway between a PC and a console or ‘Battle of Midway’ – you decide – and DirectX Box, which was shortened to xbox in email very early on.”
“Phase four was a battle between us and the naming guys, when we decided we just wanted to risk it and go with Xbox – since that’s what everyone called it anyway – and they wanted, for some unknowable reason, to call it ‘11-X’ or ‘Eleven-X’. Finally, we told them no, but still had to decide: X-Box, xBox, XboX, Xbox, X-box…”
Here is the full list of names Microsoft was proposing before settling on just "Xbox":
- MAX (Microsoft Action Experience)
- AIO (All In One)
- MARC (Microsoft Action Reality Center)
- MIND (Microsoft Interactive Network Device)
- FACE (Full Action Center)
- MITH (Microsoft Interactive Theatre)
- R&R (Reality and Revolution)
- XON (Experience Optimised Network)
- MVPC (Microsoft Virtual Play Center)
- MARZ (Microsoft Active Reality Zone)
- TAC (Total Action Center – discs/games could be called TACs)
- LEX (Live Entertainment Experience)
- M-PAC (Microsoft Play and Action Center)
- RPM (Real Performance Machine)
- MOX (Microsoft Optimal Experience)
- E2 (Extreme Experience)
- MTG (Microsoft Total Gaming)
- VIP (Virtual Interactive Player)
- PTP or P2P (Powered To Play)
- VIC (Virtual Interactive Center – disks/games could be called VICs)
- MEA (Microsoft Entertainment Activator)
- AMP (Active Microsoft Player)
- VPS (Virtual Play System)
- TSO (Three, Six, Zero)
- EHQ (Entertainment Headquarters)
- O2 (Optimal Ozone or Optical Odyssey)
- MIC (Microsoft Interactive Center)
- MAP (Microsoft Action Play)
- MEGA (Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Attendant or Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Assembly)
- CPG (CyberPlayGround)
- VERV (Virtual Entertainment & Reality Venture)
- OM (Odyssey of the Mind)
- P2 (PowerPlay)
- IS1 (Interactive System In One)
- MET (Microsoft Entertainment Technology or Microsoft Entertainment Theatre)
Personally I find some of these names hilarious. Hey, anyone want to play some Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Attendant or Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Assembly? Haha.
What do you guys think? Post a comment and let me know.
Posted by George