Below is a list of cheats, codes and secrets for Dota 2.
Single Player Cheats
These cheats can only be used in private lobbies. You must select "Enable cheats" in order for them to work.
To activate the cheats, you will need to press the default chat key (by default "Enter") at any time during the match.
Effect | Password |
All bots gain x levels. | -lvlbots <x> |
Destroys all wards. | -killwards |
Disables lane creep spawning. | -disablecreepspawn |
Displays AI status. | -dumpbots |
Enable lane creep spawning. | -enablecreepspawn |
Gain x levels. | -lvlup <x> |
Gain x unreliable gold. | -gold <x> |
Gives the player full health and mana, and renews cooldowns. | -refresh |
Kills all creeps. | -killcreeps |
Moves the player to fountain, also respawning if dead. | -respawn |
Sets the timer to 0:00, creeps spawn and game starts. | -startgame |
Spawns a rune randomly at one of the two rune spots. | -spawnrune |
Spawns creeps instantly. | -spawncreeps |
Spawns neutral camps instantly, taking into account neutral spawn blocking. | -spawnneutrals |
Turn off "allvision" mode, going back to default fog of war vision. | -normalvision |
Turn off "wtf" mode. | -unwtf |
Turn on "allvision" mode, where the player is given vision of both factions. | -allvision |
Turn on "wtf" mode, where abilities have no mana cost or cooldown. | -wtf |
If you have any of your own Dota 2 cheats, codes or secrets please post them in the comments below. Thanks for visiting and for your contributions.
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