Here are a bunch of maps showing the locations of fishing spots in Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn.
Central Shroud:
Central Thanalan:
Eastern La Noscea:
Eastern Thanalan:
East Shroud:
Lower La Noscea:
Lisma Lominsa Lower Decks:
Middle La Noscea:
Mhor Dhona:
New Gridania:
Northern Thanalan:
North Shroud:
Old Gridania:
Outer La Noscea:
Southern Thanalan:
South Shroud:
Upper La Noscea:
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks:
Western La Noscea:
Western Thanalan:
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to submit some FF14 fishing tips, hints or tricks, please post them in the comments section below. Thanks for your contributions and for visiting the site.
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- FFXIV Level Maps (La Noscea, Thanalan and The Black Shroud)
- FFXIV Fishing Spot Maps & Locations