Here's a full list of FFXIV materials and ingredients needed to make all Blacksmith crafts by mstieler.
Some of the recipes call for earlier-crafted stuff (Darksteel Rivets, which use Darksteel Nuggets, which use Darksteel Ore); unless I seriously screwed something up, all of that should be accounted for. Top of the list shows how many of the various ingredients will be needed to do all this (so you can get however many Ingots, Rivets, Plates & etc. you'll need in total when you get to them).
I know that some of the materials here are craftable by other
classes. If someone wants to list those and what their costs are, that
would be awesome; otherwise, once I've got the rest of the lists done,
I'll alter them to the component parts of the other class craftables
(instead of Leather, it'll be 1 Earth Shard and 1 Animal Skin, etc.).
Blacksmith-crafted Ingredients you'll need more than one of (note that this is total, I'm not adding a "you need this many for 1-10", etc.):
- Bronze Ingot x42
- Bronze Rivets x10
- Iron Ingot x53
- Iron Rivets x8
- Steel Ingot x41
- Steel Rivets x5
- Mythril Ingot x22
- Mythril Rivets x5
- Cobalt Ingot x36
- Cobalt Rivets x5
- Darksteel Nugget x19
- Darksteel Ingot x5
Level 1-10 materials
- 3 Ash Lumber
- 2 Bone Chip
- 1 Clove Oil
- 104 Copper Ore
- 24 Earth Shard
- 86 Fire Shard
- 4 Fish Oil
- 1 Hard Leather
- 2 Leather
- 15 Maple Lumber
- 2 Ragstone Whetstone
- 52 Tin Ore
- 3 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 1 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Glue
- 17 Ash Lumber
- 5 Brass Ingot
- 1 Bronze Plate
- 1 Clove Oil
- 1 Crow Feather
- 35 Earth Shard
- 8 Elm Lumber
- 104 Fire Shard
- 1 Fish Glue
- 4 Hard Leather
- 183 Iron Ore
- 3 Jellyfish Humours
- 1 Mudstone Whetstone
- 4 Ragstone Whetstone
- 1 Ram Horn
- 2 Undyed Cotton Cloth
- 2 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 5 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Antelope Horn
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 46 Bomb Ash
- 4 Brass Ingot
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Chocobo Feather
- 6 Clove Oil
- 2 Crab Oil
- 90 Earth Shard
- 7 Elm Lumber
- 222 Fire Shard
- 3 Fish Glue
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 92 Iron Ore
- 3 Iron Plate
- 7 Mudstone Whetstone
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 2 Red Pigment
- 2 Silver Ingot
- 1 Steel Plate
- 3 Toad Leather
- 3 Undyed Cotton Cloth
- 1 Undyed Velveteen
- 13 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Wolf Fang
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 11 Yew Lumber
- 1 Blunt Goblin Dagger
- 1 Blunt Goblin Gladius
- 6 Boar Leather
- 1 Brass Ingot
- 1 Chocobo Feather
- 2 Crab Oil
- 1 Earth Crystal
- 145 Earth Shard
- 1 Electrum Ingot
- 1 Fire Crystal
- 302 Fire Shard
- 4 Fish Glue
- 6 Linseed Oil
- 1 Mudstone Whetstone
- 81 Mythril Ingot
- 1 Mythril Plate
- 19 Oak Lumber
- 7 Siltstone Whetstone
- 2 Steel Plate
- 2 Toad Leather
- 1 Undyed Linen
- 3 Undyed Velveteen
- 11 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 2 Wolf Fang
- 1 Yew Branch
- 1 Yew Lumber
- 2 Aldgoat Horn
- 1 Aldgoat Leather
- 9 Basilisk Whetstone
- 1 Blunt Goblin Longsword
- 1 Blunt Goblin Scimitar
- 6 Boar Leather
- 2 Brass Ingot
- 82 Cobalt Ore
- 3 Cobalt Plate
- 1 Earth Crystal
- 191 Earth Shard
- 3 Electrum Ingot
- 2 Fire Crystal
- 436 Fire Shard
- 5 Horn Glue
- 41 Iron Ore
- 1 Jadeite
- 1 Linseed Oil
- 13 Mahogany Lumber
- 1 Notched Bill
- 3 Oak Lumber
- 1 Peiste Leather
- 2 Raptor Leather
- 1 Raptor Sinew
- 1 Rosewood Branch
- 13 Rosewood Lumber
- 4 Shark Oil
- 2 Silver Ingot
- 1 Sunrise Tellin
- 1 Tourmaline
- 4 Basilisk Whetstone
- 1 Bloody Bardiche Head
- 1 Blunt Aeolian Scimitar
- 45 Coke
- 90 Darksteel Ore
- 2 Darksteel Plate
- 6 Earth Cluster
- 20 Earth Crystal
- 11 Fire Cluster
- 123 Fire Crystal
- 2 Hippogryph Leather
- 1 Horn Glue
- 6 Rose Gold Nugget
- 3 Shark Oil
- 9 Spruce Lumber
- 2 Aldgoat Horn
- 7 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Glue
- 1 Antelope Horn
- 20 Ash Lumber
- 13 Basilisk Whetstone
- 1 Bloody Bardiche Head
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 1 Blunt Aeolian Scimitar
- 1 Blunt Goblin Dagger
- 1 Blunt Goblin Gladius
- 1 Blunt Goblin Longsword
- 1 Blunt Goblin Scimitar
- 12 Boar Leather
- 46 Bomb Ash
- 2 Bone Chip
- 12 Brass Ingot
- 1 Bronze Plate
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 2 Chocobo Feather
- 8 Clove Oil
- 82 Cobalt Ore
- 3 Cobalt Plate
- 45 Coke
- 104 Copper Ore
- 4 Crab Oil
- 1 Crow Feather
- 90 Darksteel Ore
- 2 Darksteel Plate
- 6 Earth Cluster
- 22 Earth Crystal
- 485 Earth Shard
- 4 Electrum Ingot
- 15 Elm Lumber
- 11 Fire Cluster
- 126 Fire Crystal
- 1150 Fire Shard
- 8 Fish Glue
- 4 Fish Oil
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 5 Hard Leather
- 2 Hippogryph Leather
- 6 Horn Glue
- 316 Iron Ore
- 3 Iron Plate
- 1 Jadeite
- 3 Jellyfish Humours
- 2 Leather
- 7 Linseed Oil
- 13 Mahogany Lumber
- 15 Maple Lumber
- 9 Mudstone Whetstone
- 81 Mythril Ingot
- 1 Mythril Plate
- 1 Notched Bill
- 22 Oak Lumber
- 1 Peiste Leather
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 6 Ragstone Whetstone
- 1 Ram Horn
- 2 Raptor Leather
- 1 Raptor Sinew
- 2 Red Pigment
- 6 Rose Gold Nugget
- 1 Rosewood Branch
- 13 Rosewood Lumber
- 7 Shark Oil
- 7 Siltstone Whetstone
- 4 Silver Ingot
- 9 Spruce Lumber
- 3 Steel Plate
- 1 Sunrise Tellin
- 52 Tin Ore
- 5 Toad Leather
- 1 Tourmaline
- 5 Undyed Cotton Cloth
- 5 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 1 Undyed Linen
- 4 Undyed Velveteen
- 24 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 3 Wolf Fang
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 1 Yew Branch
- 12 Yew Lumber
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