A full list of FFXIV materials and ingredients needed to make all Armorer crafts by mstieler.
Some of the recipes call for earlier-crafted stuff (Heavy Darksteel
Flanchard calling for Darksteel Couters, which in turn calls for
Darksteel Ingots, which use Darksteel Nuggets, which use Darksteel Ore);
unless I seriously screwed something up, all of that should be
accounted for. Top of the list shows how many of the various ingredients
will be needed to do all this (so you can get however many Ingots,
Rivets, Plates, Rings & etc. you'll need in total when you get to
Armorer-crafted Ingredients you'll need more than one of (note that this is total, I'm not adding a "you need this many for 1-10", etc.):
By popular demand, I'll break the materials needed into chunks.
Level 1-10 materials
Armorer-crafted Ingredients you'll need more than one of (note that this is total, I'm not adding a "you need this many for 1-10", etc.):
- Bronze Ingot 44
- Bronze Rivets 10
- Bronze Rings 12
- Bronze Plate 19
- Iron Ingot 71
- Iron Plate 30
- Iron Rivets 17
- Iron Rings 15
- Steel Ingot 68
- Steel Plate 34
- Steel Rivets 9
- Steel Rings 11
- Mythril Ingot 48
- Mythril Rings 18
- Mythril Rivets 8
- Mythril Plate 19
- Cobalt Ingot 65
- Cobalt Rings 14
- Cobalt Plate 25
- Cobalt Rivets 17
- Darksteel Nugget 44
- Darksteel Ingot 10
- Darksteel Rings 6
- Darksteel Rivets 7
- Darksteel Plate 15
By popular demand, I'll break the materials needed into chunks.
Level 1-10 materials
- 2 Copper Ingot
- 44 Copper Ore
- 11 Earth Shard
- 96 Ice Shard
- 3 Leather
- 2 Maple Lumber
- 88 Tin Ore
- 3 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 2 Aldgoat Leather
- 2 Ash Lumber
- 3 Brass Ingot
- 1 Copper Ingot
- 21 Earth Shard
- 3 Elm Lumber
- 4 Hard Leather
- 154 Ice Shard
- 71 Iron Ore
- 1 Leather
- 14 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Beast Sinew
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 69 Bomb Ash
- 10 Brass Ingot
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Diremite Sinew
- 53 Earth Shard
- 1 Elm Lumber
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 367 Ice Shard
- 68 Iron Ore
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 2 Red Pigment
- 2 Silver Ingot
- 2 Tallow Candle
- 2 Toad Leather
- 3 Undyed Velveteen
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 2 Yew Lumber
- 1 Aldgoat Horn
- 6 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Sinew
- 2 Antelope Horn
- 11 Boar Leather
- 4 Brass Ingot
- 1 Dented Celata
- 1 Earth Crystal
- 102 Earth Shard
- 1 Electrum Ingot
- 1 Eye of Earth
- 1 Eye of Fire
- 2 Ice Crystal
- 491 Ice Shard
- 48 Mythril Ore
- 1 Oak Lumber
- 2 Peiste Leather
- 1 Rusting Scutum
- 2 Silver Ingot
- 2 Tallow Candle
- 1 Tarnished Hoplon
- 4 Toad Leather
- 3 Walnut Lumber
- 3 Adamantoise Shell
- 7 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Blackened Scale Mail
- 14 Boar Leather
- 1 Brass Ingot
- 65 Cobalt Ore
- 2 Earth Crystal
- 211 Earth Shard
- 9 Electrum Ingot
- 3 Hippogryph Sinew
- 3 Ice Crystal
- 926 Ice Shard
- 130 Iron Ore
- 3 Mahogany Lumber
- 1 Mossy Horn
- 1 Notched Buckler
- 7 Peiste Leather
- 8 Raptor Leather
- 3 Raptor Sinew
- 1 Ripped Haubergeon
- 1 Rosewood Lumber
- 1 Scarred Kite Shield
- 1 Siltstone Whetstone
- 2 Tallow Candle
- 3 Undyed Felt
- 3 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 1 Boar Leather
- 20 Coke
- 44 Darksteel Ore
- 13 Earth Cluster
- 18 Earth Crystal
- 1 Garlean Steel Plate
- 2 Hard Hippogryph Leather
- 6 Hippogryph Leather
- 1 Hippogryph Sinew
- 23 Ice Cluster
- 243 Ice Crystal
- 5 Rose Gold Nugget
- 3 Silver Ingot
- 1 Undyed Felt
- 3 Adamantoise Shell
- 1 Aldgoat Horn
- 29 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Sinew
- 2 Antelope Horn
- 2 Ash Lumber
- 1 Beast Sinew
- 1 Blackened Scale Mail
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 26 Boar Leather
- 69 Bomb Ash
- 18 Brass Ingot
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 65 Cobalt Ore
- 20 Coke
- 3 Copper Ingot
- 44 Copper Ore
- 44 Darksteel Ore
- 1 Dented Celata
- 1 Diremite Sinew
- 13 Earth Cluster
- 21 Earth Crystal
- 398 Earth Shard
- 10 Electrum Ingot
- 4 Elm Lumber
- 1 Eye of Earth
- 1 Eye of Fire
- 1 Garlean Steel Plate
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 2 Hard Hippogryph Leather
- 4 Hard Leather
- 6 Hippogryph Leather
- 4 Hippogryph Sinew
- 23 Ice Cluster
- 248 Ice Crystal
- 2034 Ice Shard
- 201 Iron Ore
- 68 Iron Ore
- 4 Leather
- 3 Mahogany Lumber
- 2 Maple Lumber
- 1 Mossy Horn
- 48 Mythril Ore
- 1 Notched Buckler
- 1 Oak Lumber
- 9 Peiste Leather
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 8 Raptor Leather
- 3 Raptor Sinew
- 2 Red Pigment
- 1 Ripped Haubergeon
- 5 Rose Gold Nugget
- 1 Rosewood Lumber
- 1 Rusting Scutum
- 1 Scarred Kite Shield
- 1 Siltstone Whetstone
- 7 Silver Ingot
- 6 Tallow Candle
- 1 Tarnished Hoplon
- 88 Tin Ore
- 6 Toad Leather
- 4 Undyed Felt
- 3 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 3 Undyed Velveteen
- 3 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 3 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 2 Yew Lumber
If you have a question or would like to submit your own FF14 crafting or armorer hints, tips or tricks, please post them in the comments section below. Thanks for visiting and for your contributions.