Here's a full list of FFXIV materials and ingredients needed to make all Carpenter crafts by mstieler.
Some of the recipes call for earlier-crafted stuff (Ash Macahuitl, which uses Ash Lumber, which uses Ash Logs); unless I seriously screwed something up, all of that should be accounted for. Top of the list shows how many of the various ingredients will be needed to do all this (so you can get however many Lumber you'll need in total when you get to them).
Carpenter-crafted ingredients you'll need more than one of:- Maple Lumber x15
- Ash Lumber x17
- Elm Lumber x19
- Walnut Lumber x15
- Mahogany Lumber x9
- Rosewood Lumber x8
- Spruce Lumber x14
- Treated Spruce Lumber x3
- 1 Animal Glue
- 51 Ash Log
- 2 Ash Lumber
- 1 Beastkin Blood
- 1 Bone Chip
- 4 Bronze Ingot
- 6 Bronze Rivets
- 1 Cock Feather
- 1 Fish Oil
- 1 Growth Formula Alpha
- 2 Hempen Yarn
- 16 Ice Shard
- 1 Leather
- 3 Maple Branch
- 45 Maple Log
- 14 Maple Lumber
- 1 Maple Shortbow
- 1 Obsidian
- 1 Ragstone
- 1 Ram Horn
- 1 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 48 Wind Shard
- 1 Animal Glue
- 8 Ash Branch
- 10 Ash Lumber
- 2 Beastkin Blood
- 1 Bone Chip
- 1 Brass Ingot
- 3 Bronze Ingot
- 6 Bronze Rivets
- 2 Clove Oil
- 1 Cotton Yarn
- 1 Crow Feather
- 57 Elm Log
- 9 Elm Lumber
- 2 Fish Oil
- 1 Growth Formula Beta
- 2 Hard Leather
- 1 Hempen Yarn
- 20 Ice Shard
- 5 Iron Ingot
- 1 Lapis Lazuli
- 3 Leather
- 1 Maple Longbow
- 1 Maple Lumber
- 1 Ragstone
- 1 Soiled Femur
- 1 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 39 Wind Shard
- 1 Yew Branch
Level 21-30 materials:
- 2 Aldgoat Leather
- 1 Animal Glue
- 1 Animal Sinew
- 2 Antelope Horn
- 3 Ash Branch
- 3 Ash Lumber
- 1 Ash Shortbow
- 2 Beastkin Blood
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 2 Crab Oil
- 2 Crow Feather
- 8 Elm Lumber
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 1 Growth Formula Beta
- 2 Hard Leather
- 48 Ice Shard
- 6 Iron Ingot
- 3 Iron Rivets
- 1 Jellyfish Humours
- 2 Mudstone
- 4 Obsidian
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 2 Red Pigment
- 1 Scalekin Blood
- 1 Silver Ingot
- 3 Steel Ingot
- 1 Sunrise Tellin
- 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth
- 1 Walnut Cane
- 45 Walnut Log
- 7 Walnut Lumber
- 90 Wind Shard
- 1 Wrapped Maple Longbow
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 3 Yew Branch
- 3 Yew Log
- 1 Yew Lumber
- 2 Aldgoat Horn
- 1 Aldgoat Leather
- 2 Ash Branch
- 2 Ash Lumber
- 2 Beast Sinew
- 2 Boar Leather
- 1 Brass Ingot
- 1 Bronze Rivets
- 1 Cider Vinegar
- 1 Cotton Yarn
- 1 Diremite Sinew
- 1 Elm Lumber
- 1 Fish Glue
- 1 Fish Oil
- 2 Growth Formula Gamma
- 63 Ice Shard
- 1 Leather
- 1 Linen Yarn
- 27 Mahogany Log
- 3 Mahogany Lumber
- 4 Mythril Ingot
- 2 Mythril Rivets
- 5 Oak Branch
- 33 Oak Log
- 9 Oak Lumber
- 2 Scalekin Blood
- 1 Siltstone
- 1 Splintered Cane
- 7 Steel Ingot
- 2 Steel Rivets
- 1 Sunrise Tellin
- 1 Toad Leather
- 1 Undyed Velveteen
- 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 1 Walnut Fishing Rod
- 8 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 2 Wind Crystal
- 152 Wind Shard
- 1 Wormeaten Square Shield
- 2 Wyvern Obsidian
- 1 Yellow Yarzon Leg
- 1 Aldgoat Horn
- 1 Basilisk Egg
- 3 Boar Leather
- 1 Clove Oil
- 8 Cobalt Ingot
- 3 Cobalt Rivets
- 1 Crab Oil
- 1 Crooked Guisarme
- 1 Electrum Ingot
- 1 Elm Lumber
- 1 Green Megalocrab Shell
- 3 Horn Glue
- 1 Ice Crystal
- 83 Ice Shard
- 1 Iron Rivets
- 1 Jadeite
- 1 Lanolin
- 6 Mahogany Lumber
- 1 Mythril Cavalry Bow
- 3 Mythril Ingot
- 1 Oak Composite Bow
- 2 Oak Lumber
- 1 Ragstone
- 2 Raptor Sinew
- 1 Raw Garnet
- 1 Red Coral
- 2 Rosewood Branch
- 1 Rosewood Fishing Rod
- 24 Rosewood Log
- 8 Rosewood Lumber
- 1 Rotting Round Shield
- 2 Shark Oil
- 1 Siltstone Whetstone
- 1 Silver Ingot
- 2 Spoken Blood
- 1 Undyed Felt
- 1 Warped Bow
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 2 Wind Crystal
- 139 Wind Shard
- 4 Wyvern Obsidian
- 2 Yew Branch
- 1 Astral Rock
- 1 Bloody Bow Rim
- 1 Bloody Lance Head
- 2 Cobalt Rivets
- 1 Darksteel Ingot
- 4 Darksteel Nugget
- 1 Darksteel Rivets
- 1 Garlean Rubber
- 27 Hardened Sap
- 4 Ice Cluster
- 8 Ice Crystal
- 1 Raptor Leather
- 1 Sarnga Limb
- 42 Spruce Log
- 14 Spruce Lumber
- 3 Treated Spruce Lumber
- 1 Undyed Felt
- 7 Wind Cluster
- 54 Wind Crystal
- 3 Aldgoat Horn
- 3 Aldgoat Leather
- 3 Animal Glue
- 1 Animal Sinew
- 2 Antelope Horn
- 13 Ash Branch
- 51 Ash Log
- 17 Ash Lumber
- 1 Ash Shortbow
- 1 Astral Rock
- 1 Basilisk Egg
- 2 Beast Sinew
- 5 Beastkin Blood
- 1 Bloody Bow Rim
- 1 Bloody Lance Head
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 5 Boar Leather
- 2 Bone Chip
- 2 Brass Ingot
- 7 Bronze Ingot
- 13 Bronze Rivets
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Cider Vinegar
- 3 Clove Oil
- 8 Cobalt Ingot
- 5 Cobalt Rivets
- 1 Cock Feather
- 2 Cotton Yarn
- 3 Crab Oil
- 1 Crooked Guisarme
- 3 Crow Feather
- 1 Darksteel Ingot
- 4 Darksteel Nugget
- 1 Darksteel Rivets
- 1 Diremite Sinew
- 1 Electrum Ingot
- 57 Elm Log
- 19 Elm Lumber
- 1 Fish Glue
- 4 Fish Oil
- 1 Garlean Rubber
- 1 Green Megalocrab Shell
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 1 Growth Formula Alpha
- 2 Growth Formula Beta
- 2 Growth Formula Gamma
- 4 Hard Leather
- 27 Hardened Sap
- 3 Hempen Yarn
- 3 Horn Glue
- 4 Ice Cluster
- 9 Ice Crystal
- 230 Ice Shard
- 11 Iron Ingot
- 4 Iron Rivets
- 1 Jadeite
- 1 Jellyfish Humours
- 1 Lanolin
- 1 Lapis Lazuli
- 5 Leather
- 1 Linen Yarn
- 27 Mahogany Log
- 9 Mahogany Lumber
- 3 Maple Branch
- 45 Maple Log
- 1 Maple Longbow
- 15 Maple Lumber
- 1 Maple Shortbow
- 2 Mudstone
- 1 Mythril Cavalry Bow
- 7 Mythril Ingot
- 2 Mythril Rivets
- 5 Oak Branch
- 1 Oak Composite Bow
- 33 Oak Log
- 11 Oak Lumber
- 5 Obsidian
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 3 Ragstone
- 1 Ram Horn
- 1 Raptor Leather
- 2 Raptor Sinew
- 1 Raw Garnet
- 1 Red Coral
- 2 Red Pigment
- 2 Rosewood Branch
- 1 Rosewood Fishing Rod
- 24 Rosewood Log
- 8 Rosewood Lumber
- 1 Rotting Round Shield
- 1 Sarnga Limb
- 3 Scalekin Blood
- 2 Shark Oil
- 1 Siltstone
- 1 Siltstone Whetstone
- 2 Silver Ingot
- 1 Soiled Femur
- 1 Splintered Cane
- 2 Spoken Blood
- 42 Spruce Log
- 14 Spruce Lumber
- 10 Steel Ingot
- 2 Steel Rivets
- 2 Sunrise Tellin
- 1 Toad Leather
- 3 Treated Spruce Lumber
- 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth
- 2 Undyed Felt
- 2 Undyed Hempen Cloth
- 1 Undyed Velveteen
- 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 1 Walnut Cane
- 1 Walnut Fishing Rod
- 45 Walnut Log
- 15 Walnut Lumber
- 1 Warped Bow
- 2 Wildfowl Feather
- 7 Wind Cluster
- 58 Wind Crystal
- 468 Wind Shard
- 1 Wormeaten Square Shield
- 1 Wrapped Maple Longbow
- 6 Wyvern Obsidian
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 1 Yellow Yarzon Leg
- 6 Yew Branch
- 3 Yew Log
- 1 Yew Lumber
If you have a question or would like to submit your own FF14 crafting or carpenter hints, tips or tricks, please post them in the comments section below. Thanks for visiting and for your contributions.