Here's a full list of Final Fantasy XIV materials and ingredients needed to make all Goldsmithing crafts by mstieler.
Goldsmith-crafted ingredients you'll need more than one of:
- Copper Ingot x14
- Copper Rings x3
- Ragstone Whetstone x12
- Fluorite x7
- Danburite x7
- Sunstone x7
- Lapis Lazuli x7
- Malachite x7
- Sphene x7
- Brass Ingot x43
- Brass Rings x5
- Mudstone Whetstone x9
- Eye Of Water x2
- Eye Of Lightning x2
- Silver Ingot x75
- Eye Of Wind x2
- Silver Rings x4
- Siltstone Whetstone x9
- Goshenite x7
- Garnet x7
- Amethyst x7
- Heliodor x7
- Aquamarine x8
- Peridot x7
- Mythril Ingot x74
- Mythril Rings x4
- Pearl x5
- Basilisk Whetstone x18
- Zircon x8
- Tourmaline x8
- Turquoise x9
- Rubellite x9
- Spinel x8
- Amber x8
- Electrum Ingot x72
- Electrum Rings x3
- Black Pearl x6
- Rose Gold Nugget x49
- Astral Eye x2
- Rose Gold Clasps x2
- Rose Gold Ingot x13
Level 1-10 materials:
- 2 Animal Sinew
- 4 Bone Chip
- 12 Copper Ingot
- 42 Copper Ore
- 3 Copper Rings
- 15 Fire Shard
- 1 Hard Leather
- 1 Leather
- 4 Marbled Eye
- 24 Ragstone
- 4 Ragstone Whetstone
- 4 Ram Horn
- 6 Soiled Femur
- 44 Wind Shard
- 2 Antelope Horn
- 7 Bat Fang
- 1 Bone Staff
- 35 Brass Ingot
- 4 Brass Rings
- 2 Bronze Ingot
- 1 Clear Glass Lens
- 2 Copper Ingot
- 1 Copper Scepter
- 1 Cotton Yarn
- 1 Crow Feather
- 1 Danburite
- 26 Fire Shard
- 1 Fluorite
- 2 Hard Leather
- 1 Lapis Lazuli
- 1 Malachite
- 3 Marbled Eye
- 18 Mudstone
- 7 Ragstone Whetstone
- 2 Ram Horn
- 1 Ramhorn Staff
- 7 Raw Danburite
- 7 Raw Fluorite
- 7 Raw Lapis Lazuli
- 7 Raw Malachite
- 7 Raw Sphene
- 7 Raw Sunstone
- 1 Soiled Femur
- 1 Sphene
- 1 Sunstone
- 3 White Coral
- 125 Wind Shard
- 43 Zinc Ore
- 3 Aldgoat Leather
- 7 Antelope Horn
- 1 Ash Lumber
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 8 Brass Ingot
- 1 Brimstone
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Chocobo Feather
- 2 Clear Glass Lens
- 6 Danburite
- 1 Dew Thread
- 1 Earth Rock
- 1 Eye of Ice
- 1 Eye of Wind
- 1 Fire Rock
- 105 Fire Shard
- 6 Fluorite
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 1 Hard Leather
- 1 Ice Rock
- 1 Iron Ingot
- 6 Lapis Lazuli
- 2 Lightning Rock
- 6 Malachite
- 1 Marbled Eye
- 8 Mudstone Whetstone
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 1 Ragstone Whetstone
- 2 Red Pigment
- 1 Scalekin Blood
- 18 Siltstone
- 47 Silver Ingot
- 225 Silver Ore
- 4 Silver Rings
- 1 Silver Spectacles
- 6 Sphene
- 1 Staghorn Staff
- 6 Sunstone
- 2 Water Rock
- 1 White Coral
- 2 Wind Rock
- 335 Wind Shard
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 10 Aldgoat Horn
- 2 Aldgoat Leather
- 7 Amethyst
- 7 Aquamarine
- 18 Basilisk Egg
- 1 Basilisk Whetstone
- 1 Boar Leather
- 3 Clear Glass Lens
- 1 Damaged Cudgel
- 1 Eye of Earth
- 1 Eye of Fire
- 223 Fire Shard
- 7 Garnet
- 1 Goathorn Staff
- 7 Goshenite
- 2 Green Megalocrab Shell
- 7 Heliodor
- 1 Hippogryph Sinew
- 1 Iron Rivets
- 1 Jade
- 1 Linen Yarn
- 1 Marbled Eye
- 1 Mudstone Whetstone
- 49 Mythril Ingot
- 222 Mythril Ore
- 4 Mythril Rings
- 1 Mythril Spectacles
- 1 Oak Lumber
- 3 Pearl
- 7 Peridot
- 7 Raw Amethyst
- 1 Raw Aquamarine
- 7 Raw Garnet
- 7 Raw Goshenite
- 7 Raw Heliodor
- 7 Raw Peridot
- 3 Red Coral
- 2 Scalekin Blood
- 9 Siltstone Whetstone
- 28 Silver Ingot
- 1 Silver Scepter
- 3 Steel Ingot
- 1 Steel Plate
- 2 Toad Leather
- 6 Whitelip Oyster
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 1 Wind Crystal
- 814 Wind Shard
- 3 Wolf Fang
- 5 Adamantoise Shell
- 4 Aldgoat Horn
- 8 Amber
- 1 Aquamarine
- 3 Astral Rock
- 11 Basilisk Whetstone
- 6 Black Pearl
- 8 Blacklip Oyster
- 3 Boar Leather
- 1 Brass Rings
- 1 Cactuar Needle
- 1 Chipped Hora
- 1 Chocobo Feather
- 2 Clear Glass Lens
- 7 Cobalt Ingot
- 1 Cobalt Plate
- 1 Darksteel nugget
- 72 Electrum Ingot
- 288 Electrum Ore
- 3 Electrum Rings
- 1 Eye of Fire
- 2 Eye of Lightning
- 2 Eye of Water
- 1 Eye of Wind
- 1 Fire Crystal
- 405 Fire Shard
- 1 Garlean Steel Joint
- 1 Garlean Steel Plate
- 1 Jade
- 25 Mythril Ingot
- 3 Ogre Horn
- 2 Pearl
- 1 Peiste Leather
- 1 Pinprick Pebble
- 1 Quicksilver
- 3 Raptor Leather
- 1 Raptor Sinew
- 8 Raw Amber
- 9 Raw Rubellite
- 8 Raw Spinel
- 8 Raw Tourmaline
- 9 Raw Turquoise
- 8 Raw Zircon
- 5 Red Coral
- 1 Rosewood Lumber
- 8 Rubellite
- 2 Snurble Tufts
- 8 Spinel
- 1 Spoken Blood
- 1 Toad Leather
- 8 Tourmaline
- 8 Turquoise
- 2 Undyed Felt
- 1292 Wind Shard
- 5 Wolf Fang
- 1 Woolen Yarn
- 8 Zircon
- 9 Aqueous Whet Stone
- 2 Astral Eye
- 2 Astral Rock
- 1 Astrolabe Clinometer
- 6 Basilisk Whetstone
- 1 Boar Leather
- 2 Clear Glass Lens
- 49 Copper Ore
- 8 Darksteel nugget
- 2 Darksteel Plate
- 13 Fire Cluster
- 16 Fire Crystal
- 147 Gold Ore
- 2 Hard Hippogryph Leather
- 2 Hippogryph Leather
- 1 Legionary Visor
- 117 Peacock Ore
- 1 Radiant Astral Eye
- 2 Rose Gold Clasps
- 13 Rose Gold Ingot
- 49 Rose Gold Nugget
- 1 Rubellite
- 1 Turquoise
- 1 Undyed Linen
- 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 27 Wind Cluster
- 30 Wind Crystal
- 5 Adamantoise Shell
- 14 Aldgoat Horn
- 5 Aldgoat Leather
- 8 Amber
- 7 Amethyst
- 2 Animal Sinew
- 9 Antelope Horn
- 8 Aquamarine
- 9 Aqueous Whet Stone
- 1 Ash Lumber
- 2 Astral Eye
- 5 Astral Rock
- 1 Astrolabe Clinometer
- 18 Basilisk Egg
- 18 Basilisk Whetstone
- 7 Bat Fang
- 6 Black Pearl
- 8 Blacklip Oyster
- 2 Blue Pigment
- 5 Boar Leather
- 4 Bone Chip
- 1 Bone Staff
- 43 Brass Ingot
- 5 Brass Rings
- 1 Brimstone
- 2 Bronze Ingot
- 2 Brown Pigment
- 1 Cactuar Needle
- 1 Chipped Hora
- 2 Chocobo Feather
- 10 Clear Glass Lens
- 7 Cobalt Ingot
- 1 Cobalt Plate
- 14 Copper Ingot
- 91 Copper Ore
- 3 Copper Rings
- 1 Copper Scepter
- 1 Cotton Yarn
- 1 Crow Feather
- 1 Damaged Cudgel
- 7 Danburite
- 9 Darksteel nugget
- 2 Darksteel Plate
- 1 Dew Thread
- 1 Earth Rock
- 72 Electrum Ingot
- 288 Electrum Ore
- 3 Electrum Rings
- 1 Eye of Earth
- 2 Eye of Fire
- 1 Eye of Ice
- 2 Eye of Lightning
- 2 Eye of Water
- 2 Eye of Wind
- 13 Fire Cluster
- 17 Fire Crystal
- 1 Fire Rock
- 774 Fire Shard
- 7 Fluorite
- 1 Garlean Steel Joint
- 1 Garlean Steel Plate
- 7 Garnet
- 1 Goathorn Staff
- 147 Gold Ore
- 7 Goshenite
- 2 Green Megalocrab Shell
- 2 Green Pigment
- 2 Grey Pigment
- 2 Hard Hippogryph Leather
- 4 Hard Leather
- 7 Heliodor
- 2 Hippogryph Leather
- 1 Hippogryph Sinew
- 1 Ice Rock
- 1 Iron Ingot
- 1 Iron Rivets
- 2 Jade
- 7 Lapis Lazuli
- 1 Leather
- 1 Legionary Visor
- 2 Lightning Rock
- 1 Linen Yarn
- 7 Malachite
- 9 Marbled Eye
- 18 Mudstone
- 9 Mudstone Whetstone
- 74 Mythril Ingot
- 222 Mythril Ore
- 4 Mythril Rings
- 1 Mythril Spectacles
- 1 Oak Lumber
- 3 Ogre Horn
- 117 Peacock Ore
- 5 Pearl
- 1 Peiste Leather
- 7 Peridot
- 1 Pinprick Pebble
- 2 Purple Pigment
- 1 Quicksilver
- 1 Radiant Astral Eye
- 24 Ragstone
- 12 Ragstone Whetstone
- 6 Ram Horn
- 1 Ramhorn Staff
- 3 Raptor Leather
- 1 Raptor Sinew
- 8 Raw Amber
- 7 Raw Amethyst
- 1 Raw Aquamarine
- 7 Raw Danburite
- 7 Raw Fluorite
- 7 Raw Garnet
- 7 Raw Goshenite
- 7 Raw Heliodor
- 7 Raw Lapis Lazuli
- 7 Raw Malachite
- 7 Raw Peridot
- 9 Raw Rubellite
- 7 Raw Sphene
- 8 Raw Spinel
- 7 Raw Sunstone
- 8 Raw Tourmaline
- 9 Raw Turquoise
- 8 Raw Zircon
- 8 Red Coral
- 2 Red Pigment
- 2 Rose Gold Clasps
- 13 Rose Gold Ingot
- 49 Rose Gold Nugget
- 1 Rosewood Lumber
- 9 Rubellite
- 3 Scalekin Blood
- 18 Siltstone
- 9 Siltstone Whetstone
- 75 Silver Ingot
- 225 Silver Ore
- 4 Silver Rings
- 1 Silver Scepter
- 1 Silver Spectacles
- 2 Snurble Tufts
- 7 Soiled Femur
- 7 Sphene
- 8 Spinel
- 1 Spoken Blood
- 1 Staghorn Staff
- 3 Steel Ingot
- 1 Steel Plate
- 7 Sunstone
- 3 Toad Leather
- 8 Tourmaline
- 9 Turquoise
- 2 Undyed Felt
- 1 Undyed Linen
- 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth
- 2 Water Rock
- 4 White Coral
- 6 Whitelip Oyster
- 1 Wildfowl Feather
- 27 Wind Cluster
- 31 Wind Crystal
- 2 Wind Rock
- 2610 Wind Shard
- 8 Wolf Fang
- 1 Woolen Yarn
- 1 Yellow Pigment
- 43 Zinc Ore
- 8 Zircon
If you have a question or would like to submit your own FFXIV Goldsmithing hints, tips or tricks, please post them in the comments section below. Thanks for visiting and for your contributions.