Here's a compilation of IV Breeding guides and information in Pokemon X and Y by lastier and others.
Things you'll need before you start:
- Dittos with perfect IVs in the five stats you want
Try to catch these in the friend safari: unlike in the wild, anything you catch there will have at least 2 perfect IVs, but it can have up to 5 supposedly. It's easier if you have a ditto with a lot of perfect IVs right off the bat.
- Destiny Knot
Found in Cyllage City, from a maid in the hotel. When attached to a parent, it ensures the offspring inherits 5 out of its 6 stats from either parent (no matter which parent holds it).
- These items (except macho brace): http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/EV-enhancing_item
16 BP each at the battle maison.
- Everstone
From a scientist in the house on the left of Geosenge town. Passes down nature (can't forget about that).
- Pokemon with the flame body or magma armor ability in your party to speed up hatching
A few useful links:
- Heres a visual guide on how to breed any 5 perfect IV pokemon
- Breeding Diagram - Perfect IV, Natures, Abilities, Egg Moves
- How to Froslass
- Tip: Have super training open while breeding
- Guide to Multiple egg moves in Generation VI
How the IV judge works:
(ace trainer, inside the Kiloude City pokemon center, on the left)
His dialog is similar to what's laid out in the tables there. Basically he will look over your pokemon, and the first thing he says is a general comment about its potential. If he says "outstanding" (the highest rating), it means its combined six IVs are 151 to 186 (the max).
He will then go on to list its highest IVs, in the order of HP, ATK, DEF, SPATK, SPDEF, and SPEED. Keep in mind, the order he lists them off is always like that, and it is NOT the descending order of the stat values. If he mentions more than one stat, it means they are tied for your highest IV.
He may say something to the effect of "your highest stat is HP, ATK is also good, SPDEF is also good, SPEED is good too." This means HP, ATK, SPDEF, and SPEED are tied for your best IV, even though it's not explicitly stated as such.
After listing those stats, he'll make an overall comment on them. This is important. If he says "they can't be beat", that means the stat(s) he just listed are 31 IVs each. That's what you want.
He'll then go on to tell you if you have any particularly low ones. He might say "how do you get through battle with a DEF stat like that?" This means DEF is really low. I'd like someone to confirm if this means the stat is 0, as I'm unsure. Sometimes you actually WANT a Pokemon with the lowest possible speed, for example.
Another clue that you might have a VERY low IV somewhere in the mix, is if he lists 4 or more IVs as being very high ("fantastic" or "can't be beat") and yet your overall rating at the very beginning was NOT "outstanding" or even "relatively superior" but just "above average." This means that some of the other, unmentioned stats are dragging down the total.
(ace trainer, inside the Kiloude City pokemon center, on the left)
His dialog is similar to what's laid out in the tables there. Basically he will look over your pokemon, and the first thing he says is a general comment about its potential. If he says "outstanding" (the highest rating), it means its combined six IVs are 151 to 186 (the max).
He will then go on to list its highest IVs, in the order of HP, ATK, DEF, SPATK, SPDEF, and SPEED. Keep in mind, the order he lists them off is always like that, and it is NOT the descending order of the stat values. If he mentions more than one stat, it means they are tied for your highest IV.
He may say something to the effect of "your highest stat is HP, ATK is also good, SPDEF is also good, SPEED is good too." This means HP, ATK, SPDEF, and SPEED are tied for your best IV, even though it's not explicitly stated as such.
After listing those stats, he'll make an overall comment on them. This is important. If he says "they can't be beat", that means the stat(s) he just listed are 31 IVs each. That's what you want.
He'll then go on to tell you if you have any particularly low ones. He might say "how do you get through battle with a DEF stat like that?" This means DEF is really low. I'd like someone to confirm if this means the stat is 0, as I'm unsure. Sometimes you actually WANT a Pokemon with the lowest possible speed, for example.
Another clue that you might have a VERY low IV somewhere in the mix, is if he lists 4 or more IVs as being very high ("fantastic" or "can't be beat") and yet your overall rating at the very beginning was NOT "outstanding" or even "relatively superior" but just "above average." This means that some of the other, unmentioned stats are dragging down the total.
Step-by-step on getting a 5+ IV pokemon:
Does your pokemon have a
hidden ability you want to pass down? If not, skip to step 2. If it has
two standard abilities, I recommend just disregarding the ability for
now, win 200 BP in the Battle Maison, buy an ability capsule, and use it
later to switch abilities to the one you want.
1) Catch your pokemon with its hidden ability. Let's use Dratini as the example. Both male and female pokemon can pass down hidden abilities through a Ditto. It is NEVER a sure thing the offspring will carry it, so keep trying til it does.
2) Breed with a Ditto of the right nature. The Ditto should be holding the Everstone. Hatch the Dratini.
3) Attach Everstone to the offspring (Dratini). Put it back in the daycare with a Ditto that has the IV you want (Let's say it's ATK). Make sure the Ditto is holding power bracer. This will guarantee ATK is passed down. Hatch the new Dratini. Attach the Everstone to it (repeat on every step, always attach Everstone to the parent whose nature you want to pass down, typically the non-Ditto).
4) This Dratini has perfect IVs in ATK. Next we want SPEED. Attach power anklet to a Ditto with perfect SPEED IVs, then pair it up with our most recent Dratini. Here's where we might have to try multiple times. The next Dratini will be guaranteed to have max IVs in SPEED, but it may not have max IVs in ATK anymore. Why?
The resulting Dratini inherits 3 stats from its parents, and 3 are randomly generated. If ATK is one of the randomly generated IVs, it won't be max (unless you get lucky, which is unlikely). Even if it IS one of the inherited stats, it may be inherited from the Ditto, and not the Dratini. Remember, our Ditto does not have perfect ATK IVs, only SPEED. However, if you catch a Ditto with perfect ATK AND SPEED in the friend safari, this makes things easier. That means that as long as ATK is one of the 3 inherited, it will be perfect, cause both parents have perfect ATK.
We want to keep breeding until the judge in Kiloude city tells us both ATK and SPEED are max. This may take (quite) a few tries. NOTE: Attaching a different power item to both parents does not guarantee two perfect stats are passed down, and nature becomes randomized again since you took off Everstone, so I advise against this.
5) We now have a Dratini with perfect ATK, and perfect SPEED. Repeating the above steps with the other Dittos will only get you as far as 3 perfect IVs. The way to get 5 requires Destiny Knot, and preferably a Ditto with multiple perfect IVs (at least the two you are missing), in my case my very lovely 4 IV Ditto, which I caught with perfect HP, DEF, SPATK, and SPDEF.
6) Once you have parents who, between the two of them, have your five different perfect IVs, you can start using the Destiny Knot. I gave the Destiny Knot to the 4 IV Ditto. My ideal Dratini has perfect HP, ATK, DEF, SPDEF, and SPEED. I don't need SPATK. It can possibly inherit ATK and SPEED from the Dratini parent, and the other three from the Ditto, thanks to Destiny Knot.
It's important to note that Destiny Knot simply expands the number of inherited parental IVs from 3 to 5. So 5 of Dratini's 6 stats are now coming from either of its parents, not necessarily the holder of Destiny Knot. This means that although we have the potential to produce that "ideal" Dratini I described, it may not inherit the right stats from the right parent. I want SPEED from the Dratini parent, for example, but it may inherit imperfect SPEED from the Ditto instead, which would make it a dud. Every egg is a new attempt at the ideal offspring.
All you can do now is hatch, hatch, hatch. Probability is a bitch. But here's a tip: during this step, you may hatch a Dratini with ATK, SPEED (the stats which the Ditto can't pass down for me), and other perfect IVs, but not all five you want. At this point, switch out the Dratini parent with this new Dratini to increase your chances of passing down perfect IVs. You may even decide to switch out the Ditto with another opposite-gender Dratini, assuming it has MORE perfect IVs. Just ensure that between the two, all five IVs you want are present. Eventually you'll get one with your five desired perfect IVs. This may take hours (as it did for me), especially since the hidden ability being passed is never a guarantee.
7) If you want six perfect IVs, do step 6 AGAIN, until you get another fiver with the same stats, of a different gender. Breed the two fivers together, one with Everstone, one with Destiny Knot. Destiny Knot can still only ensure 5 out of 6 will be passed down, but eventually, the sixth randomly determined stat will be perfect too. There's no trick to this part, just lots of hatching. However, I don't think this is necessary at all unless you run a mixed attacker, right? No need to be obsessive...
Hatching / breeding tips:
A Pokémon's Nature is typically assigned at random when it is encountered/born, but it can be controlled via breeding. If one of the parents hold an Everstone, that parent's Nature will be inherited by its offspring.
Like Nature, IVs are typically assigned at random when a Pokémon is encountered. Unlike Nature, IVs are always at least partly deterministic when a Pokémon is bred, however. Specifically, a child will always inherit exactly three of its parents' twelve stats, with the remaining three being random. Each of the three inherited stats can come from either parent. For example, a child could inherit its mother's Attack and Sp.Def. and its father's Speed, or it could inherit its father's HP, Attack and Sp.Atk.
Additional control over which IVs are inherited can be exerted via the EV-enhancing items, or the Power-items as they are also known. By equipping one parent with a Power Weight/Bracer/Belt/Lens/Band/Anklet, the IV of the stat affected by that item will always be passed down to the offspring. Two more stats are inherited at random from the parents, and the remaining three are as always completely random. This may not seem very significant, but as you will soon see, this lowers the odds of breeding a 31/31/31 IV Pokémon from astronomical to totally manageable.
You need to be able to check what IVs your Pokémon have. Otherwise it would be rather tricky to breed selectively for them. The game does not directly expose the IVs anywhere, but there are plenty of hints. For the complete theory behind how IVs are calculated, see http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/IV. For the purposes of this guide, it is enough that some very clever people have written IV calculators that are available online. There are several different once to choose from and none of them seem better than the others, so just pick whichever you like the most.
Without luck... Well, you get the idea. Thanks to MissKelly087 for correcting my math here.
Once you have the Pokémon you need, it's time to start breeding. Make sure the original non-Ditto parent has the Nature you want. If there is a particular IV you are more interested in than the others, you should breed that IV into your line last. Let's say you want to breed a Modest Gastly with 31 Sp.Atk., 31 Sp.Def., and 31 Speed, and you're most interested in Sp.Atk.., followed by Sp.Def. You should then start by breeding Speed into the line.
Generation 0: Modest Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Speed Ditto (Power Anklet)
This will produce a Modest Gastly with 31 Speed 100% of the time.
Generation 1: Modest 31 Speed Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Sp.Def. Ditto (Power Band)
This is were it gets a bit tricky. After Sp.Def. has been forcefully passed down, there are two more stats to be inherited, and 10 stats to choose from (five from either parent). You need one of those stats to be the Gastly's speed. The first stat has a 9/10 chance of not being Gastly's speed. The second stat has a 7/8 chance of not being Gastly's speed if the first one wasn't. Thus, the chance of either of the two remaining inherited stats being Gastly's speed is 1 – 9/10 * 7/8 = 21.25 %.
Generation 2: Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Sp.Atk Ditto (Power Lens)
This is the most time-consuming breeding step, but it will almost certainly be quicker than catching those 81 Dittos. After Sp.Atk. has been forcefully passed down, you need both the remaining inherited stats to be Gastly's Speed and Sp.Def. The first stat has a 2/10 chance of being either Gastly's Speed or Gastly's Sp.Def. If either Speed or Sp.Def. is chosen the first time, the last stat has a 1/8 chance of being the other one. The probability of both stats being the ones you need is 2/10 * 1/8 = 2.5 %.
All in all, in order to breed a single 31/31/31 Pokémon, you will need to catch some 60-80 Dittos (on average), and then go through three generations of breeding and about 46 eggs (again, on average).
Optionally, you can now start mass producing 31/31/31 Gastlys (or whatever Pokémon you've been breeding). Once you get that first 31/31/31, breeding more of the same species (or even the same Egg Group) becomes significantly easier.
Generation 3+: Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. Gastly (Everstone) + Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. 31 Sp.Atk. Gastly (Power Lens)
Sp.Atk. is forcefully bred into the offspring. The first of the two remaining inherited stats have a 4/10 chance of being either parent's Sp.Def. or Speed. The second remaining inherited stat has a 2/8 chance of being either parent's Sp.Def. or Speed, depending on which one was chosen first. Combined probability is then 4/10 * 2/8 = 10%.
Illustration of the above: http://imgur.com/zJ7tzWD
Why not make a couple dozen or a few hundred of these and send them all into Wonder Trade? 100% of the offspring will be Modest and have 31 Sp.Atk., and 70% will also have either 31 Sp.Def., 31 Speed, or both!
Destiny Knot Breeding (How to force 5 perfect IVs)
Location of the Desinty Knot:
1) Catch your pokemon with its hidden ability. Let's use Dratini as the example. Both male and female pokemon can pass down hidden abilities through a Ditto. It is NEVER a sure thing the offspring will carry it, so keep trying til it does.
2) Breed with a Ditto of the right nature. The Ditto should be holding the Everstone. Hatch the Dratini.
3) Attach Everstone to the offspring (Dratini). Put it back in the daycare with a Ditto that has the IV you want (Let's say it's ATK). Make sure the Ditto is holding power bracer. This will guarantee ATK is passed down. Hatch the new Dratini. Attach the Everstone to it (repeat on every step, always attach Everstone to the parent whose nature you want to pass down, typically the non-Ditto).
4) This Dratini has perfect IVs in ATK. Next we want SPEED. Attach power anklet to a Ditto with perfect SPEED IVs, then pair it up with our most recent Dratini. Here's where we might have to try multiple times. The next Dratini will be guaranteed to have max IVs in SPEED, but it may not have max IVs in ATK anymore. Why?
The resulting Dratini inherits 3 stats from its parents, and 3 are randomly generated. If ATK is one of the randomly generated IVs, it won't be max (unless you get lucky, which is unlikely). Even if it IS one of the inherited stats, it may be inherited from the Ditto, and not the Dratini. Remember, our Ditto does not have perfect ATK IVs, only SPEED. However, if you catch a Ditto with perfect ATK AND SPEED in the friend safari, this makes things easier. That means that as long as ATK is one of the 3 inherited, it will be perfect, cause both parents have perfect ATK.
We want to keep breeding until the judge in Kiloude city tells us both ATK and SPEED are max. This may take (quite) a few tries. NOTE: Attaching a different power item to both parents does not guarantee two perfect stats are passed down, and nature becomes randomized again since you took off Everstone, so I advise against this.
5) We now have a Dratini with perfect ATK, and perfect SPEED. Repeating the above steps with the other Dittos will only get you as far as 3 perfect IVs. The way to get 5 requires Destiny Knot, and preferably a Ditto with multiple perfect IVs (at least the two you are missing), in my case my very lovely 4 IV Ditto, which I caught with perfect HP, DEF, SPATK, and SPDEF.
6) Once you have parents who, between the two of them, have your five different perfect IVs, you can start using the Destiny Knot. I gave the Destiny Knot to the 4 IV Ditto. My ideal Dratini has perfect HP, ATK, DEF, SPDEF, and SPEED. I don't need SPATK. It can possibly inherit ATK and SPEED from the Dratini parent, and the other three from the Ditto, thanks to Destiny Knot.
It's important to note that Destiny Knot simply expands the number of inherited parental IVs from 3 to 5. So 5 of Dratini's 6 stats are now coming from either of its parents, not necessarily the holder of Destiny Knot. This means that although we have the potential to produce that "ideal" Dratini I described, it may not inherit the right stats from the right parent. I want SPEED from the Dratini parent, for example, but it may inherit imperfect SPEED from the Ditto instead, which would make it a dud. Every egg is a new attempt at the ideal offspring.
All you can do now is hatch, hatch, hatch. Probability is a bitch. But here's a tip: during this step, you may hatch a Dratini with ATK, SPEED (the stats which the Ditto can't pass down for me), and other perfect IVs, but not all five you want. At this point, switch out the Dratini parent with this new Dratini to increase your chances of passing down perfect IVs. You may even decide to switch out the Ditto with another opposite-gender Dratini, assuming it has MORE perfect IVs. Just ensure that between the two, all five IVs you want are present. Eventually you'll get one with your five desired perfect IVs. This may take hours (as it did for me), especially since the hidden ability being passed is never a guarantee.
7) If you want six perfect IVs, do step 6 AGAIN, until you get another fiver with the same stats, of a different gender. Breed the two fivers together, one with Everstone, one with Destiny Knot. Destiny Knot can still only ensure 5 out of 6 will be passed down, but eventually, the sixth randomly determined stat will be perfect too. There's no trick to this part, just lots of hatching. However, I don't think this is necessary at all unless you run a mixed attacker, right? No need to be obsessive...
Hatching / breeding tips:
- Flame body and magma armor have the same effect: they halve the number of steps you need to take before hatching. Having both abilities in your party does not stack the effects. Fletchinder is a good option since it can also fly to Kiloude City, where you will frequently need to go to check IVs.
- If you do have access to a Ditto safari zone, catch a bunch and try to find ones with 3+ perfect IVs (not necessary, but makes things faster). If they have commonly bred natures like Modest or Adamant, keep them too. I nickname my dittos based on their IVs and natures so I can reference them later (you can also use the shape markers). ('Atk/Def' is literally the name of my Ditto with perfect IVs in Attack and Defense). You might want to keep a few Dittos with Imposter if you encounter them (not that rare, in my experience), as there is no other way to obtain them.
- Since you'll be doing a lot of walking, you might as well keep a pokemon who evolves via happiness in your party, with a Soothe Bell. For instance, I am breeding Togepi at the same time as another pokemon, because Togepi has to evolve into Togetic before I can breed him again (ugh).
- One of the best places to hatch is right outside the day care, as the dirt road stretches from the cave entrance, through Camphrier City, to a ledge at the entrance of Route 5. The benefit of this is that you can see if the day care man is holding another egg when you pass him. Obviously, you want to be holding as many eggs as possible at one time so the steps you take hatch them all. Stay on your bike, and use the D-pad to go in a straight line, as the circle pad may make you veer off.
- Another good place to hatch is the circle around the tower in the center of Lumiose City. You can get on your bike and just hold left or right, going around and around instead of back and forth.
- Here is the dialog for what the daycare man says. Some people have the misconception that if he says, "The two don't seem to like each other", that means they won't produce eggs, which is not the case (there's just a smaller chance). The only time eggs won't be produced is if he says, "The two prefer to play with other Pokémon than each other."
- Don't wind up with too many eggs, because you can't release them or get rid of them, except by trading with someone else which is tedious.
Breeding Pokemon with Three 31 IVs guide:
Breeding for IVs
This guide explains how to breed Pokémon with very high IVs. If you're new to breeding, at this point you will want to know just what the heck an IV is. IV stands for Individual Value, and are part of what determines how strong a specific Pokémon can become in a certain stat (HP, Attack, Defense, Sp.Atk., Sp.Def., Speed). There are three other things that affect Pokémons' stats: Base Stats (BSs), Effort Values (EVs), and some thing called the Pokémon's Nature. I will briefly explain each one, but the bulk of this guide deals exclusively with IVs.Base Stats
The Base Stats are the most fundamental characteristic of every Pokémon species. As with IVs, there is one for each stat, and they range from 1 - 255. The BSs of every member of a specific species of Pokémon are the same. They are completely unalterable by legitimate means.Effort Values
Effort Values are the only permanent stat modifier that can be readily changed on a specific Pokémon (IVs and Nature can be controlled via breeding, but once they're determined they cannot be altered). EVs can have values between 0 – 252 for any stat, and every Pokémon starts with 0 at birth/capture and can accumulate a total of 510 across all stats. At level 100, 4 EVs translate to 1 actual stat point. For a more in depth look at EVs, see http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/EV.Nature
If you've been paying attention to your Pokémon, you'll probably have noticed a field called “Nature” among their stats. It can have values such as Hardy, Lonely, Brave, Adamand, Naughty, etc. What you may not have realized is that this isn't just flavor, but has an actual effect on your Pokémon's stats. Every Nature increases one stat by 10%, while decreasing another by the same amount. A Nature that increases and decreases the same stat has no net effect, and is therefore said to be neutral. For a complete list of Natures including which stats they alter, see http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nature.A Pokémon's Nature is typically assigned at random when it is encountered/born, but it can be controlled via breeding. If one of the parents hold an Everstone, that parent's Nature will be inherited by its offspring.
Individual Values
Individual Values can have values between 0 – 31 for each stat, and at level 100 one IV point equals one actual stat point. Unlike EVs, there is no cap for the IV total; it is theoretically possible to have a Pokémon with 31 in every IV. Statistically, the best you can hope to achieve is 31 in three of the six stats, with the remaining three being left up to chance.Like Nature, IVs are typically assigned at random when a Pokémon is encountered. Unlike Nature, IVs are always at least partly deterministic when a Pokémon is bred, however. Specifically, a child will always inherit exactly three of its parents' twelve stats, with the remaining three being random. Each of the three inherited stats can come from either parent. For example, a child could inherit its mother's Attack and Sp.Def. and its father's Speed, or it could inherit its father's HP, Attack and Sp.Atk.
Additional control over which IVs are inherited can be exerted via the EV-enhancing items, or the Power-items as they are also known. By equipping one parent with a Power Weight/Bracer/Belt/Lens/Band/Anklet, the IV of the stat affected by that item will always be passed down to the offspring. Two more stats are inherited at random from the parents, and the remaining three are as always completely random. This may not seem very significant, but as you will soon see, this lowers the odds of breeding a 31/31/31 IV Pokémon from astronomical to totally manageable.
You need to be able to check what IVs your Pokémon have. Otherwise it would be rather tricky to breed selectively for them. The game does not directly expose the IVs anywhere, but there are plenty of hints. For the complete theory behind how IVs are calculated, see http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/IV. For the purposes of this guide, it is enough that some very clever people have written IV calculators that are available online. There are several different once to choose from and none of them seem better than the others, so just pick whichever you like the most.
In order to actually breed that 31/31/31, you will need a couple of things. First and foremost, you need the EV-enhancing items, as detailed above. Without them, the probability for breeding a 31/31/31 is about the same as the probability for breeding a shiny under ideal conditions. Furthermore, you will need one Pokémon with an IV of 31 for each of the IVs you want to breed for. You have a few options for which exact Pokémon to get:- Lots of Pokémon from the same species
This can work if the Pokémon you want to breed is relatively common, and you are only interested in breeding that one species and no others. I wouldn't recommend it though, because it means that if want to breed a Pokémon with a 31 Attack IV and your initial Attack IV contributor is male, the previous generation must produce a female offspring with the desirable traits. This will normally decrease the viable egg frequency by 50%, although it can be considerably more or less than that if you're breeding something with a skewed gender ratio. - Lots of Pokémon from the same Egg Group
This is even worse than the previous option. When you breed two Pokémon of different species in the same Egg Group, the mother's species determines the species of the offspring. This means that all of your IV contributors must be male, and it also decreases the viable egg frequency by at least 50%. - Lots of Dittos
This is normally what you want to do. Ditto is genderless, but it can breed with almost any Pokémon, regardless of its Egg Group. The non-Ditto parent always determines the offspring's species, so you can even breed your male starters this way. If you intend to breed more than one species, Dittos is definitely the way to go. Breeding with Dittos is a lot more predictable than breeding within a specific species, so for the remainder of this guide I will assume you are using Dittos.
Without luck... Well, you get the idea. Thanks to MissKelly087 for correcting my math here.
Once you have the Pokémon you need, it's time to start breeding. Make sure the original non-Ditto parent has the Nature you want. If there is a particular IV you are more interested in than the others, you should breed that IV into your line last. Let's say you want to breed a Modest Gastly with 31 Sp.Atk., 31 Sp.Def., and 31 Speed, and you're most interested in Sp.Atk.., followed by Sp.Def. You should then start by breeding Speed into the line.
Generation 0: Modest Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Speed Ditto (Power Anklet)
This will produce a Modest Gastly with 31 Speed 100% of the time.
Generation 1: Modest 31 Speed Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Sp.Def. Ditto (Power Band)
This is were it gets a bit tricky. After Sp.Def. has been forcefully passed down, there are two more stats to be inherited, and 10 stats to choose from (five from either parent). You need one of those stats to be the Gastly's speed. The first stat has a 9/10 chance of not being Gastly's speed. The second stat has a 7/8 chance of not being Gastly's speed if the first one wasn't. Thus, the chance of either of the two remaining inherited stats being Gastly's speed is 1 – 9/10 * 7/8 = 21.25 %.
Generation 2: Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. Gastly (Everstone) + 31 Sp.Atk Ditto (Power Lens)
This is the most time-consuming breeding step, but it will almost certainly be quicker than catching those 81 Dittos. After Sp.Atk. has been forcefully passed down, you need both the remaining inherited stats to be Gastly's Speed and Sp.Def. The first stat has a 2/10 chance of being either Gastly's Speed or Gastly's Sp.Def. If either Speed or Sp.Def. is chosen the first time, the last stat has a 1/8 chance of being the other one. The probability of both stats being the ones you need is 2/10 * 1/8 = 2.5 %.
All in all, in order to breed a single 31/31/31 Pokémon, you will need to catch some 60-80 Dittos (on average), and then go through three generations of breeding and about 46 eggs (again, on average).
Optionally, you can now start mass producing 31/31/31 Gastlys (or whatever Pokémon you've been breeding). Once you get that first 31/31/31, breeding more of the same species (or even the same Egg Group) becomes significantly easier.
Generation 3+: Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. Gastly (Everstone) + Modest 31 Speed 31 Sp.Def. 31 Sp.Atk. Gastly (Power Lens)
Sp.Atk. is forcefully bred into the offspring. The first of the two remaining inherited stats have a 4/10 chance of being either parent's Sp.Def. or Speed. The second remaining inherited stat has a 2/8 chance of being either parent's Sp.Def. or Speed, depending on which one was chosen first. Combined probability is then 4/10 * 2/8 = 10%.
Illustration of the above: http://imgur.com/zJ7tzWD
Why not make a couple dozen or a few hundred of these and send them all into Wonder Trade? 100% of the offspring will be Modest and have 31 Sp.Atk., and 70% will also have either 31 Sp.Def., 31 Speed, or both!
Destiny Knot Breeding (How to force 5 perfect IVs)
With X/Y comes a feature
of the item Destiny Knot. When given to a parent during breeding, 5 of
the IV's of the offspring will be inherited from the parents instead of
3. This completely changes how breeding is done. Previously, the nature
of the Pokemon had to be kept constant with an everstone, since at the
final step, you could only hope to keep 3 IVs constant. With the destiny
knot, you can introduce perfect stats into each generation, then breed
the nature back in. Allow me to demonstrate:
STEP 1 (skip if parent can be found in friend safari)
parent (correct nature, no perfect IVs) + ditto (2 perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item on ditto
breed until you have a parent with 2 perfect IVs
result: parent with correct nature and 2 perfect IVs
STEP 2 (skip if you have ditto with 3 perfect IVs)
parent (correct nature, 2 perfect IVs) + ditto (2 perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item on ditto
breed until you get a parent with 2 IVs
result: parent with correct nature and 2 perfect IVs
STEP 3 (skip if you have ditto with 3 perfect IVs)
parent (correct nature, 2 perfect IVs) + ditto (2 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item ditto
breed until you get a 3 perfect IV parent with correct nature
result: parent with correct nature and 3 perfect IVs
repeat this with a different set of 3 stats
the goal is to get 2 parents that have 3 perfect IVs such that when combined, give you the 5 you want
parent (correct nature, 3 perfect IVs) + parent (correct/incorrect nature, 3 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-destiny knot on ditto
breed until you get 4 perfect stats
result: parent with correct nature and 4 perfect IVs
parent (correct nature, 4 perfect IVs) + parent (correct nature, 3 different perfect IVs)
-destiny knot
-power item on one of the stats that only one parent has perfect of
breed until you get a 4 perfect IV parent with incorrect nature
result: parent with incorrect nature and 4 perfect IVs
parent (correct nature, 4 perfect IVs) + parent (incorrect nature, 4 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on nature parent
-destiny knot on incorrect nature parent
breed until you get all 5 stats
result: parent with correct nature and 5 perfect IVs
There are a lot of steps, but you have a really high chance to get what you need at each step.
Having a 3 IV ditto allows you to skip the first 3 steps.
List of new Pokemon and their Egg Groups
STEP 1 (skip if parent can be found in friend safari)
parent (correct nature, no perfect IVs) + ditto (2 perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item on ditto
breed until you have a parent with 2 perfect IVs
result: parent with correct nature and 2 perfect IVs
STEP 2 (skip if you have ditto with 3 perfect IVs)
parent (correct nature, 2 perfect IVs) + ditto (2 perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item on ditto
breed until you get a parent with 2 IVs
result: parent with correct nature and 2 perfect IVs
STEP 3 (skip if you have ditto with 3 perfect IVs)
parent (correct nature, 2 perfect IVs) + ditto (2 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-power item ditto
breed until you get a 3 perfect IV parent with correct nature
result: parent with correct nature and 3 perfect IVs
repeat this with a different set of 3 stats
the goal is to get 2 parents that have 3 perfect IVs such that when combined, give you the 5 you want
parent (correct nature, 3 perfect IVs) + parent (correct/incorrect nature, 3 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on parent
-destiny knot on ditto
breed until you get 4 perfect stats
result: parent with correct nature and 4 perfect IVs
parent (correct nature, 4 perfect IVs) + parent (correct nature, 3 different perfect IVs)
-destiny knot
-power item on one of the stats that only one parent has perfect of
breed until you get a 4 perfect IV parent with incorrect nature
result: parent with incorrect nature and 4 perfect IVs
parent (correct nature, 4 perfect IVs) + parent (incorrect nature, 4 different perfect IVs)
-everstone on nature parent
-destiny knot on incorrect nature parent
breed until you get all 5 stats
result: parent with correct nature and 5 perfect IVs
There are a lot of steps, but you have a really high chance to get what you need at each step.
Having a 3 IV ditto allows you to skip the first 3 steps.
List of new Pokemon and their Egg Groups
Pokemon | Egg Group |
Chespin | Field |
Quilladin | Field |
Chesnaught | Field |
Fennekin | Field |
Braixen | Field |
Delphox | Field |
Froakie | Water 1 |
Frogadier | Water 1 |
Greninja | Water 1 |
Bunnelby | Field |
Diggersby | Field |
Scatterbug | Bug |
Spewpa | Bug |
Vivillon | Bug |
Litleo | Field |
Pyroar | Field |
Flabebe | Fairy |
Floette | Fairy |
Florges | Fairy |
Fletchling | Flying |
Fletchinder | Flying |
Talonflame | Flying |
Skiddo | Field |
Gogoat | Field |
Pancham | Field/Humanlike |
Pangoro | Field/Humanlike |
Furfou | Field |
Espurr | Field |
Meowstic | Field |
Honedge | Mineral |
Doublade | Mineral |
Aegislash | Mineral |
Spritzee | Fairy |
Aromatisse | Fairy |
Swirlix | Fairy |
Slurpuff | Fairy |
Inkay | Water 1 |
Malamar | Water 1 |
Binacle | Water 3 |
Barbaracle | Water 3 |
Skrelp | Water 1/Dragon |
Dragalge | Water 1/Dragon |
Clauncher | Water 1/Water 3 |
Clawitzer | Water 1/Water 3 |
Heloptile | Monster/Dragon |
Heliolisk | Monster/Dragon |
Tyrunt | Monster/Dragon |
Tyrantrum | Monster/Dragon |
Amaura | Monster |
Aurorus | Monster |
Sylveon | Field |
Hawlucha | Humanlike |
Dedenne | Fairy/Field |
Carbink | Ditto |
Goomy | Dragon |
Sliggoo | Dragon |
Goodra | Dragon |
Klefki | Mineral |
Phantump | Amorphous |
Trevenant | Amorphous |
Pumpkaboo | Amorphous |
Gourgeist | Amorphous |
Bergmite | Monster |
Avalugg | Monster |
Noibat | Flying |
Noivern | Flying |
Xernea | No Egg |
Yvetal | No Egg |
Zygalde | No Egg |
Gen 4 Breeding Guide:
To start, I am going to list the aspects of breeding to consider and what new aspects Gen VI has introduced
1) An egg takes 3 different stats of the 12 total IV stats ((HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed) x 2) of the parents and the rest are randomly generated from 0-31.
2) The nature of the egg is randomly generated and not dependent upon the parents.
3) The ability of the female has an 80% chance of passing down to the egg, while a hidden ability on a female has a 60% chance of passing down. In Gen VI they have added the option for males to pass down Hidden Abilities (only with ditto?) but the exact numbers are unknown so I'll stick with the Gen V numbers for now.
4) In Gen VI, pokeball breeding was introduced. Female non-ditto pokemon pass down the pokeball they were caught in to the egg (excluding the master ball).
5) Here is information from Bulbapedia for this.
8) There are certain items in Gen VI that assist with breeding.
10) There is a stats judge in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center that tells you how good you're pokemon are. The first description he gives (ie; Outstanding) determines the overall IV count you're pokemon has (0-186). But if you are breeding for perfect pokemon, all you should really care about is whether or not he mentions a specific stat and what he says after that. If he says "It can't be beat" it means that the stats mentioned are 31. If he says the stat are bad in some way, it means that they are 0 (not positive but from my own testing has been true).
11) Pokemon with the ability Synchronize are important because having it at the front of your party (fainted or not) makes it so that the nature of the synchronizer will appear 50% of the time on all wild pokemon, including legendaries. I have a box full of synchronize Abra of every nature for this very reason.
12) The female is the one who decides the species of the egg, except if using a ditto in which case it's always the pokemon that is not ditto (ditto can't be bred).
13) Flame Body/Magma Armor speed up the hatch rate so always have a pokemon with one of these abilities in your party when hatching. The hatching O-Power is also an immense help.
Now after you've read all of that I'd like to add on to some of the points I've made.
1) By using Destiny Knot, we can now make it 5 different passed down stats out of the 12 total. This is a huge deal because prior to Gen VI we could only breed for an ideal of 3 different IV stats. Keep in mind when I say ideal that doesn't mean you can't get more, I am just referring to the number of IVs we can control and pass down.
2) Everstone makes it so that you can be guaranteed to pass down the nature of the parent.
3) Ability Capsule can permanently change your pokemon's ability as long as it's not a hidden one.
4) If you use a ditto, it will be considered the "mother" so the pokeball of the ditto will be inherited instead of the female/male.
5) You should decide prior to breeding what moves you would like for the pokemon to have so you can decide whether or not you want to breed them in. For example, I am breeding a Cloyster with a Corsola that knows Rock Blast so I can get a shellder with Rock Blast, which I will then start breeding normally.
6) This has sped up breeding significantly. It is more efficient to breed with one of these than with a ditto, unless you have a ditto safari, but keep in mind #4.
Ok now it is time to decide what pokemon you would like to breed and what you want to eventually end up with. If you want Cloyster with those moves, nature, and ability, then you need to consider how to obtain those.
Moves: All of those moves are obtainable by leveling except for Rock Blast, which is an egg move. This means you need to breed it with a pokemon that can and has learned that move. An example of this would be Omanyte.
Nature: The nature is either Naive or Jolly. So instead of hoping for one or the other, the best thing you can do is bring a synchronizer with the nature you want to have the odds of the nature you want appearing to be 50%.
Ability: The ability "Skill Link" is not a hidden ability, meaning you don't have to have a dream world pokemon or catch a friend safari pokemon with your friend only to get the ability. However, Cloyster in Gen VI is only obtainable from an Ice safari, so you need to catch one there while your friend is offline to have a 50% chance of getting Skill Link as opposed to Shell Armor.
Now assuming the gender chance is 50% (it isn't always) and the ability chance is 50%, the chance of you getting a the specific female Cloyster you want is (1/2 [Gender] * 1/2 [Nature] * 1/2 [Ability]) = 1/8. So you would technically need to catch 8 cloysters if you want a specific one, 4 if you don't care about gender, and 16 if you want both genders.
However, as a breeding example I'll make it simpler and just assume that all you care about (or all that can be caught) is nature and breeding pokeballs down without a ditto. Using a synchronizer catch a bunch of cloysters (the females in the pokeball you want to pass down) and check their stats with the man in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center. Do this until you end up with a pokemon with 3 perfect IVs and another with 2 other perfect IVs. These are now the 5 IVs we can easily pass down.
Assuming you want these 5 stats, (ie: if you are making a special attacker you might want to keep catching until you get the missing stat instead of Attack) you can now just give an everstone to one of the parents with the right nature and a destiny knot to the other and you will be breeding 3-5 passed down IV pokemon every time.
Now let's say you are breeding a mixed attacker or just want a pokemon with 6 perfect IVs for the hell of it. Well what you can do is breed until you get eggs with better IVs than the parents and switch them out with the parents. ie: 4 stats perfect male egg; switch the 2 stat perfect male parent with this. Do this until you have both parents with 5 perfect IVs and you now have the highest chance possible of obtaining an egg with 6 perfect IVs (before actually having 6 perfect IV parents). If you want to keep breeding for trades, you can then just switch out the parents with 6 perfect IV pokemon and you'll have a perfect IV factory.
There are a few things to keep in mind though. If you are not using the safari and have random IVs, a ditto with perfect IVs in some stats is the best method of injecting stats (using power items) since it can be used for any pokemon. But the general idea behind it all is to breed/catch until you get a pokemon with 1 new thing that you like and add it to the mix. This will eventually get you to the point where you have what you want. Egg move pokemon will take more time though.
And another thing to keep in mind is that some pokemon like Honedge (generally) should have 0 speed instead of 31, because their builds are based around being slow rather than fast. So 31 isn't always "perfect".
1) An egg takes 3 different stats of the 12 total IV stats ((HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed) x 2) of the parents and the rest are randomly generated from 0-31.
2) The nature of the egg is randomly generated and not dependent upon the parents.
3) The ability of the female has an 80% chance of passing down to the egg, while a hidden ability on a female has a 60% chance of passing down. In Gen VI they have added the option for males to pass down Hidden Abilities (only with ditto?) but the exact numbers are unknown so I'll stick with the Gen V numbers for now.
4) In Gen VI, pokeball breeding was introduced. Female non-ditto pokemon pass down the pokeball they were caught in to the egg (excluding the master ball).
5) Here is information from Bulbapedia for this.
- The Pokémon will start with any moves that it learns at level 1 (In Generation II and Generation III, they learned all moves that are level 5 and below in their learnset.).
- The Pokémon will start with any moves that it would learn by leveling up only if both parents know the move. This does not apply to moves that later evolutions can learn (such as Breloom's Mach Punch, which Shroomish cannot learn).
- The Pokémon will start with any TM or HM moves (and in Crystal, Move Tutor moves) that the father knows and the baby can also learn by machine. [Removed in Gen VI]
- The Pokémon will start with any Egg moves that the baby can learn and the father [now both parents] knows.
- The moves will take precedence in the order listed, and if there are more than four moves to learn, the moves will start being overwritten much like when leveling up at the Pokémon Day Care.****
- Wild baby pokemon (ie: Mime Jr. in the wild) are guaranteed to have three perfect (31) IV stats.
- Some of the "storyline" pokemon are guaranteed to have at least one perfect IV stat, like the Lucario and the Lapras given to you.
- Friend Safari pokemon are guaranteed two perfect stats.
- Legendary pokemon have 3 perfect IVs.
8) There are certain items in Gen VI that assist with breeding.
- Power Items (Not Macho Brace) allow a specific IV from a pokemon to be passed down to the egg guaranteed. This deducts from the 3 total IV stats passed down.
- Everstone (now in Gen VI) guarantees that the nature of the parent holding it be passed down to the egg.
- Destiny Knot Increases the default 3 total IV stats passed down from the parents to 5 total IV stats. (Introduced in Gen VI)
10) There is a stats judge in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center that tells you how good you're pokemon are. The first description he gives (ie; Outstanding) determines the overall IV count you're pokemon has (0-186). But if you are breeding for perfect pokemon, all you should really care about is whether or not he mentions a specific stat and what he says after that. If he says "It can't be beat" it means that the stats mentioned are 31. If he says the stat are bad in some way, it means that they are 0 (not positive but from my own testing has been true).
11) Pokemon with the ability Synchronize are important because having it at the front of your party (fainted or not) makes it so that the nature of the synchronizer will appear 50% of the time on all wild pokemon, including legendaries. I have a box full of synchronize Abra of every nature for this very reason.
12) The female is the one who decides the species of the egg, except if using a ditto in which case it's always the pokemon that is not ditto (ditto can't be bred).
13) Flame Body/Magma Armor speed up the hatch rate so always have a pokemon with one of these abilities in your party when hatching. The hatching O-Power is also an immense help.
Now after you've read all of that I'd like to add on to some of the points I've made.
1) By using Destiny Knot, we can now make it 5 different passed down stats out of the 12 total. This is a huge deal because prior to Gen VI we could only breed for an ideal of 3 different IV stats. Keep in mind when I say ideal that doesn't mean you can't get more, I am just referring to the number of IVs we can control and pass down.
2) Everstone makes it so that you can be guaranteed to pass down the nature of the parent.
3) Ability Capsule can permanently change your pokemon's ability as long as it's not a hidden one.
4) If you use a ditto, it will be considered the "mother" so the pokeball of the ditto will be inherited instead of the female/male.
5) You should decide prior to breeding what moves you would like for the pokemon to have so you can decide whether or not you want to breed them in. For example, I am breeding a Cloyster with a Corsola that knows Rock Blast so I can get a shellder with Rock Blast, which I will then start breeding normally.
6) This has sped up breeding significantly. It is more efficient to breed with one of these than with a ditto, unless you have a ditto safari, but keep in mind #4.
Ok now it is time to decide what pokemon you would like to breed and what you want to eventually end up with. If you want Cloyster with those moves, nature, and ability, then you need to consider how to obtain those.
Moves: All of those moves are obtainable by leveling except for Rock Blast, which is an egg move. This means you need to breed it with a pokemon that can and has learned that move. An example of this would be Omanyte.
Nature: The nature is either Naive or Jolly. So instead of hoping for one or the other, the best thing you can do is bring a synchronizer with the nature you want to have the odds of the nature you want appearing to be 50%.
Ability: The ability "Skill Link" is not a hidden ability, meaning you don't have to have a dream world pokemon or catch a friend safari pokemon with your friend only to get the ability. However, Cloyster in Gen VI is only obtainable from an Ice safari, so you need to catch one there while your friend is offline to have a 50% chance of getting Skill Link as opposed to Shell Armor.
Now assuming the gender chance is 50% (it isn't always) and the ability chance is 50%, the chance of you getting a the specific female Cloyster you want is (1/2 [Gender] * 1/2 [Nature] * 1/2 [Ability]) = 1/8. So you would technically need to catch 8 cloysters if you want a specific one, 4 if you don't care about gender, and 16 if you want both genders.
However, as a breeding example I'll make it simpler and just assume that all you care about (or all that can be caught) is nature and breeding pokeballs down without a ditto. Using a synchronizer catch a bunch of cloysters (the females in the pokeball you want to pass down) and check their stats with the man in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center. Do this until you end up with a pokemon with 3 perfect IVs and another with 2 other perfect IVs. These are now the 5 IVs we can easily pass down.
Assuming you want these 5 stats, (ie: if you are making a special attacker you might want to keep catching until you get the missing stat instead of Attack) you can now just give an everstone to one of the parents with the right nature and a destiny knot to the other and you will be breeding 3-5 passed down IV pokemon every time.
Now let's say you are breeding a mixed attacker or just want a pokemon with 6 perfect IVs for the hell of it. Well what you can do is breed until you get eggs with better IVs than the parents and switch them out with the parents. ie: 4 stats perfect male egg; switch the 2 stat perfect male parent with this. Do this until you have both parents with 5 perfect IVs and you now have the highest chance possible of obtaining an egg with 6 perfect IVs (before actually having 6 perfect IV parents). If you want to keep breeding for trades, you can then just switch out the parents with 6 perfect IV pokemon and you'll have a perfect IV factory.
There are a few things to keep in mind though. If you are not using the safari and have random IVs, a ditto with perfect IVs in some stats is the best method of injecting stats (using power items) since it can be used for any pokemon. But the general idea behind it all is to breed/catch until you get a pokemon with 1 new thing that you like and add it to the mix. This will eventually get you to the point where you have what you want. Egg move pokemon will take more time though.
And another thing to keep in mind is that some pokemon like Honedge (generally) should have 0 speed instead of 31, because their builds are based around being slow rather than fast. So 31 isn't always "perfect".
Location of the Desinty Knot:
On the road in between Vert Plaza and South Boulevard, there is Cafe Cyclone, a punk girl and a beauty. If you battle the beauty, she gives you a destiny knot. People who lost their destiny knots, rejoice!
Faster (Shinty) Hatching Guide:
Guide by ykwt.
What you will need:
- A bike. (Acquired in Cyllage City)
- A Pokemon with Flame Body (I use Fletchling's evos, but there are many other Pokemon you can choose from, such as Magby/Magmar)
- A foreign Pokemon (Most people use a foreign Ditto)
- The Pokemon you would like to breed
- Max Style (This is obtained very easily in Lumiose City. Go to the Pokeball Specialty Shop and purchase 1 Pokeball of your choice. You will need to do this 100 times, one Pokeball at a time. You will now have maximum style)
- Hatching O-Power (Max Style is required to obtain this O-Power, as well as all other O-Powers, once you have all of that, you can get this O-Power from Mr. Bonding in Cafe Introversion)
- OPTIONAL: 4000 steps on your 3DS
- Firstly, I get 4000 steps on my 3DS by either shaking it or actually going out for a walk. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS, BUT IT DOES MAKE LIFE EASIER LATER ON.
- Next, I put my Pokemon with Flame Body at the front of my party and take out all other unnecessary Pokemon.
- I go to the Daycare and give them my Japanese Ditto and the Pokemon I'm wanting to breed.
- Once I leave the Daycare, I hop on my bike and bike up and down the long stretch of road from the cave all the way to the small town after the bridge.
- Once the Daycare Man has an egg for me, I pick it up from him.
- This is where the 4000 steps and Hatching O-Power comes in. You go into your O-Power list and select the Hatching O-Power. Using this O-Power will hatch your eggs faster, but it requires energy to use. The 4000 steps quadruples the rate of which you gain energy back, so you can constantly be using your O-Power over and over again without waiting for your energy restore.
- Hop on your bike and begin going back and forth, collecting eggs and depositing hatched Pokemon.
IV Checking by Eye Guide
If you're worried about having exactly 31 IVs, unfortunately there's
bad news: Ditto is the only Pokémon you can check completely by eye at
level 30, which is simply a quirk of its base stats and the rounding in
the stat calculation formula. In the spreadsheet, only cells shaded in
green are guaranteed to be a 31 IV. For the others, the IV could be
If you just want high IVs, then by all means use the spreadsheet to do a quick check without needing to go to the IV judge. You can also see how the stats are relative to the maximum possible.
Of course, the IV judge will always be able to tell you which of your stats have 31 IVs, but this spreadsheet allows you to have a quick reference without needing him.
Edit (00:48 GMT): For anyone interested, I did the maths a while ago to get the probability of getting a Pokémon with different numbers of perfect IVs in the friend safari. Since two IVs are set at 31, but the others are random, this gives the following (approximate) probabilities:
If you just want high IVs, then by all means use the spreadsheet to do a quick check without needing to go to the IV judge. You can also see how the stats are relative to the maximum possible.
Of course, the IV judge will always be able to tell you which of your stats have 31 IVs, but this spreadsheet allows you to have a quick reference without needing him.
Edit (00:48 GMT): For anyone interested, I did the maths a while ago to get the probability of getting a Pokémon with different numbers of perfect IVs in the friend safari. Since two IVs are set at 31, but the others are random, this gives the following (approximate) probabilities:
Perfect IVs | Chance | Fraction |
2 | 0.88 | 8/9 |
3 | 0.113 | 1/9 |
4 | 0.0055 | 1/200 |
5 | 0.00018 | 1/5,000 |
Thanks to lishyguy for the guide.
If you have any other Pokemon X and Y IV breeding hints, tips, or tricks please post them in the comments below. Thanks for your contributions and for visiting the site.