Welcome to our Civilization 6 hints, tips and tricks. Here you will find useful tips for both beginners and a few advanced tips as well.
- Faster Travel for Units - Try to start with trade routes to your own cities even if the rewards aren't as good. Trade routes create roads which allow your units to travel between your cities faster.
- Upgrading Units - You can use gold to upgrade your units to more powerful versions.
- Attacking Cities - To attack cities and try to take them over, try to get a bunch of units surrounding a city first, a few archers, catapults and a few horsemen.
Then attack with all units on the same turn to surprise your opponent.
- No More Global Happiness - In Civilization 6, global happiness is no longer an issue. This means you can take cities and not have to raze them to maintain your happiness.
- Exploring Further - Don't be quick to decline open borders requests from other Civs. With open borders, you can explore an opponents land to see how where their cities and units are.
- Growing City Borders - Generating culture allows your cities to increase the size of their borders.
- City States are an important asset. Early on it may be tempting to attack a city state to take their city, but it's more profitable to befriend them in the long term.
Sending enough envoys to a city state will grant you the ability to walk in their territory, heal and upgrade your units.
- Expand More Often - Unlike in Civilization 5, there is no happiness penalty for expanding too much and taking too many cities.
This allows you to go for a rapid expansion start by going wide over tall, if you can manage to take down other cities early with your military units.
- More food - If you put feudalism farms next to each other, you will gain a food bonus.
- Making lots of gold - A good way to get gold in Civ 6 early on is to build lots of trade routes. This also helps with building a strong army since each unit costs gold.
When going to war, try not to wipe out too many city states so you can continue trading with them.
- Useful stats - The reports feature at the top left of the screen gives you a useful summary of all of your cities, their current status, amneties, and more.
- Military Unit Combat Bonuses - If you fortify your military units, they will get a +2 combat bonus and a defense bonus.
- War Strategy - If you are at war with many nations and one nation wants to give up, you should let them. This will allow you to focus your resources on less enemies, with the added bonus of the gift you recieved from the surrendering nation.
- Diplomatic Service allows you to declare a holy war with less grievence if you declare war on a Civ who is converting your cities.
- Trade routes can be very valuable and the gold you get from that nation can help fund your military for wars against hostile nations.
- Rotating the map - You can hold ALT and then LEFT CLICK to rotate the map and see from other angles.
- Friends Are Important - Try to befriend a few civs around you early on. This way if you get attacked randomly, you will have an ally to help protect your cities.
- Natural Wonders - Settling a city near a natural wonder has great benefits.
- Covering more ground - You can now transfer units from city to city for fast unit production. This allows for much more flexibility when going to war with nations on different sides of the map.
- Best Map to play - There are many type of maps you can play, and of course it's all a personal preference, but if I had to choose one it would be Pangea.
On Pangea all the Civs in the game are on the same continent. This allows easier and faster contact with other civs, without having to sail across a large body of water to discover them.
- Upgrading Units - Don't forget to upgrade units later in the game. For example upgrading archers around the 1600-1700s will give you field cannons.
- Science Focus - Like in Civ 5, science is very important because it means better tech, culture, religion, military, etc.
- Check AI Strength - If you hover your mouse over the different empires in the world rankings UI, it will show you their military strength compared to yours.
Check this often to make sure you aren't falling behind. If your military strength is too low, other Civs will notice and may attempt to invade you.
This menu also shows you the win conditions of the current game, and how much progress every other player or A.I. has made.
- Early On Goodies - Try to explore tribal villages early to gain money and population in your cities.
- Best Defensive Civ - America is the best Civ If you prefer to sit back and build up defenses. While you prepare for enemy attacks, you can research science as your main win condition.
- Set up governors in cities you take in military campaigns and place a military unit there to keep order. This way you are less likely to lose the city to a revolt later on.
- Protecting units - To protect your defenseless units like workers and settlers, create an escort formation with one of your military units.
This way whenever one of your units moves, the military unit will move with it, protecting it.
- Which DLCs To Buy - Keep in mind Gathering Storm contains all previous DLC mechanics, so if you can't decide which DLC to buy, start with that first.
The only thing Gathering Storm does not contain is the new Civs.
- Grievance - Although you are less likely to get denounced compared to the previous Civ games, there is a new grievance stat.
This means the more you grief and perform actions such as capturing cities, the more other Civs in the world will notice and have a negative reaction to your actions.
- World Congress Occurrence - Once the World Congress is formed, it will occur every 30 turns. This will allow all Civs to vote on different issues that affect every Civ.
It takes 2-4 downvotes in the world congress to prevent measures against you. This depends on the amount of allies you have, and who doesn't like you.
- Disasters in Gathering Storm - The new flood storms and volcanoes can pillage and destroy your cities, but can also sometimes refresh the lands they pass, producing more yield from each tile.
Coastal cities will also be susceptible to being submerged if a flood happens. You can use flood barriers to protect these tiles.
Keep in mind settling near volcanoes is high risk, high reward. Your city and tiles may take damage when it erupts, but there is a chance of harvesting more resources if you survive.
Wake sleeping units - Although later in the game it may be very useful to put units to sleep, try to keep track of where the sleeping units are located. Sometimes you may forget about your sleeping units, and they may miss opportunities to perform actions.
Faster loading and turns - If you have a slower PC, try playing on the smaller map sizes. There are less Civilizationas and City States to load, and the turns take a lot less time since the game has to cycle through less AI.