Written by mizubee
This guide will provide tips on how to achieve the "Spare Some Change for Gas" achievement in DiRT 5.
If you're an achievement hunter for DiRT 5, chances are you've seen the "Spare Some Change for Gas?" achievement and groaned. This guide aims to provide tips on how to get this grindy achievement by simply letting the game play itself!
Getting Set Up
First and foremost, I recommend that you finish the career mode and hunt the other achievements before going for this one, as doing so will add more miles to your total and thus reducing the overall grind. I had 480-ish miles myself after having completed each other achievement prior to starting this one.
Before launching DiRT 5, create a macro on your keyboard that continously presses your acceleration key. (For example, I have set up a keybind on the - key on my numpad to repeat the w key.)
If you cannot assign a macro to a key on your keyboard, use another method to have your car accelerate non-stop (such as placing a small, heavy object on the key, or taping down your accelerate button if you're on controller.)
After having created method to accelerate, launch DiRT 5 and navigate to the Free Play menu by going:
- Main Menu -> Arcade -> Free Play
Then, set up your event to match the following settings:
For location, it is important that you pick Norway -> Sprint Hans Circuit. Do NOT pick Hans Circuit Reverse! I found from personal experience that the collision on the walls of the circuit are kind of wacky and may cause your car to get stuck.
For car class, any is fine. However, I personally choose Rally GT.
For weather, any should be fine. However, the safest bet may be to pick clear weather.
Ensure the number of laps is 50 and the grid size is 1. This makes it so you do 50 laps with no other opponents.
Letting the Game Play Itself
After finishing the setup, now it's time to let the game do the work!
Once the race starts, simply start your macro (or alternative method) and watch as the car makes sweet love to the wall for the next 50 laps. You're safe to leave the game running at this point, so maybe watch a YouTube video or do some house work while you wait.
Using this method, I have personally found that I gain 22 miles towards the achievement after an approximately 21-23 minute race.
Written by Mizubee