Here are some tips and tricks for the theme park simulation game, Planet Coaster.
- Performance Tip - To keep your FPS high, try to avoid placing highly-detailed workshop scenery. The custom scenery on the Steam workshop can cause noticeable slowdowns.
- Ride Prices - A really good strategy for pricing your rides is to charge $6 for every star the ride has.
- Happier Staff - Make sure to increase staff room capacity early on by clicking on it and hitting the gear icon. This way your staff will be happier and less likely to quit.
Another way to make your staff happier is to train them.
- More capable vendors - If you keep getting a message that states "too many guests are trying to use vendor", try training the staff member who is working at that vendor.
- Marketing Tip - When set up a new marketing campaign, make sure you uncheck "auto renew". It's easy to forget and have a drain on your monthly profits.
- Scenery Tip - When placing similar scenery, try rotating it and maybe even changes sizes to prevent it from looking the same.
- Placing Paths - The path placement in this game can be confusing at first, but you simply need to move your mouse in front of the path to create more.
- Useful Keys - You can use CTRL + Z to undo, and CTRL + Y to redo. Hold Z to rotate objects, and hold Shift to raise and lower.
- More items - When browsing items, make sure you toggle the "DLC Items" button located on the right side. This will give you access to a lot more items when building.
- FPS Tips - The game seems to run better in borderless windowed than full screen mode.