Here are some tips and tricks for the action RPG Sekiro. (Updated 1/14/21)
- Hit A to jump, jump near a wall to wall jump, hit X to hug walls, and you can peak behind walls.
- You can stealth by crouching in bushes or moving under floors, warning markers will let you know if enemies have detected you.
- There are 5 slots available to equip and switch out quick items.
- You can jump and use X to hang off of ledges.
- You want to break posture attacking one enemy. Then you can deathblow, RB attack, RB after breaking posture to deathblow.
- You can parry then counterslash right after with RB.
- Some opponents take multiple death blows shown as red markers above their vitality.
- Pellets slowly restore vitality.
- You can use ash to distract enemies to get by without getting noticed.
- Scupltor Idols are like bonfires, they refresh HP and restore resurection, also quick items and spirit emblems will be restocked. You can also fast travel between idols.
- Enemies drop loot and money, items can be different than loot can be found in places, x hold to aquire loot, x to pick up items.
- You can return to life once per bonfire touch. Killing enemies will also restore your charge.
- Some enemies use attacks that cant be guarded. Try to respond with each responce, LB as thrust lands, Y before sweep lands jump, and A before grab lands step dodge.
- Make sure the button layout is suitable for you! This is really important. You want to give yourself the most comcofrtable playing experience.
- For example, I made trigger my dodge/running button, then made triangle my button to activate prosthetic tools, then made circle my button for cycling prosthetic tools.
- When it comes to minibosses and bosses, don't focus on the HP and nothing but the HP.
The two red orbs are their lives, once those are gone, they're dead. Bosses protect these juicy red orbs with their posture, once their posture is broken, that's one orb ready to be eliminated.
So where does HP come into all this? HP is vitality, the life-source of their posture regeneration. A boss with over 50 percent hp can still regen their posture quickly, lower than 50, not so much.
Less HP makes the posture of some bosses easier to break, and thus, the boss is easier to kill. No posture = dead orb = no orbs = dead boss.