Here's a list / guide of GTA 5 Online jobs and missions including their rewards, payouts, tips, and more sorted by highest payout first.
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- You can use CTRL + F on a keyboard (or the search feature in your browser) to find a specific job or mission quickly.
- Press X (Xbox 360/One), square (PS3/PS4), or MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON (PC) to delete a job if you don't like it. You can also cancel a job in progress with the same button but it is not recommended because it gives you bad rep.
- If a mission is too far away to drive to, try getting a helicopter at this location (other locations) or call Merryweather for a helicopter pickup that costs $1000.
(You can shoot the heli pilot and fly it yourself. If you do this too many times, you will get blacklisted by Merryweather for 10 minutes, but that's the only penalty) Eventually you can also call Lester to locate a helicopter.
(Note: As of the latest update, you can't call Lester or Merryweather during some missions.)
- The San Andreas Flight School 1.16 update increased payouts for most of the lower paying missions, so the payouts you see may be lower than their actual value. Currently, you can think of the payouts for most of those missions as double + ($3000 through $9,000) + the bonuses listed below.
(Although take note that while most lower payout missions have been increased some high payout missions have actually been reduced.) Locking a mission in first person mode will give you a higher payout. (On PS4, Xbox One and PC)
- You now get extra cash for completing missions / jobs on the normal / hard difficulty settings and playing with other people Payouts now also depend on the amount of time spent in a mission, the amount of enemies that spawn, enemies killed, number of deaths, and other variables, so they will vary. And lastly, since the latest update, you no longer get half the payout if you repeat a mission. You will always get the full payout.
Top 40 Jobs and Missions
- Stocks and Scares
- Rooftop Rumble
- Docks to Stock
- Base Invaders
- Method in the Madness
- Chopper Trail
- American Exports
- Defender
- Landing Gear
- On Maneuvers
- Artificial Scarcity
- Satellite Communications
- Trash Talk
- Chemical Extraction
- Bust Out
- Extradition
- Judging the Jury
- Docks to Stock II
- Mixed Up With Coke
- Dry Docking
- Hack and Dash
- The Los Santos Connection
- Wet Work
- Out of Harmony
- Sinking Feeling
- Stick Up the Stickup Crew
- Time to Get Away
- Blow Up II
- Blow Up III
- Master Data
- GTA Today
- Crime Scenester
- On the List
- Hard Labor
- A Titan of a Job
- Diamonds for Trevor
- Teaser Trailer
- Quarry Quarry
- Crystal Clear Out
- Show Me the Money
All Jobs and Missions
Stocks and Scares Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 2550 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Get someone to cover you while you hack the door/crack the safe |
Rooftop Rumble Contact: Martin Rank: 75 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 2970 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Blow up the car in the back |
Docks to Stock Contact: Lester Rank: 70 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 1800 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Take as many cargobobs (location) as possible, very few enemies on the ground. When you get to the container, use the large lifting vehicle to move the container to a spot where a cargobob can pick it up, watch out for enemies who attack |
Base Invaders Contact: Ron Rank: 27 Payout: $12,500 Base RP: 850 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Get into Rons plane, land somewhere safe in the base (don't parachute out or the mission will fail because Ron's plane can't be destroyed), then make your way to a jet. Take the jet, and destroy the other two with it. Then land and destroy the last one. Another way is grab a helicopter if you can (location, call Merryweather and shoot the pilot, or call lester) and land on the roof of a hangar and shoot the lazars, or land at the airfield, get in an army vehicle and drive by and drop grenades / sticky bombs. Once all 3 lazars are destroyed, steal the cargobob and deliver it |
Method in the Madness Contact: Trevor Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 3300 Players: 1 Max: 4 | One person can pick up both packages. Steal a boat and go straight to Trevor |
Chopper Tail Contact: Trevor Rank: 70 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2200 | Get in the buggy and find the helicopter which is heading West, follow it, once you arrive, get some cover and take out all the enemies and deliver the equipment to Trevor's trailer. Enemies will chase you but you can outrun them if you floor it. (Alternate: At the start of the mission, take a helicopter to the buggy, then once you enter the buggy, get out and go back to your heli to follow the enemy heli) |
American Exports Contact:Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2050 Players: 1 Max: 4 |
Go to the military base (location) A very easy way to get into the military base is to drive off the small hill next to the fence at this location. The cargobob is located on a helipad close to the large open hangar. (cargobob location) Once you steal the cargobob, if there are no helicopters on you, try flying towards the ocean and losing the wanted level there. Another way to lose the wanted level is to land the cargobob somewhere in the mountains, then get out, take out the police helis and then hide in a bush / small tree. Once you arrive at the container park the cargobob take out the enemies guarding it, once you attach to the container with your cargobob (hold right on the D-Pad to release the hook) an enemy helicopter will spawn, carefully detach the container, land, get cover, take out the enemy heli, then deliver the container |
Contact: Martin Rank: 70 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2200 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Fly behind the contact, and use missiles to destroy the enemy helicopters that appear. (Note that they won't try to attack you, so focus on taking them out as they fly behind the contact.) |
Landing Gear Contact: Ron Rank: 55 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 1700 Players: 4 Max: 6 | Let one person get into a plane to spawn the enemy helis, then get in buzzards and destroy them all. Whoever gets in the plane needs to dodge missiles from enemy buzzards, so be ready to do loops, barrel rolls, etc. Other players in Buzzards should cover the plane on the way back. |
On Maneuvers Contact: Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $11,500 Base RP: 2050 Players: 1 Max: 3 | Have someone grab the buzzard (don't attack, sneak around the enemies to the buzzard, they won't attack until you attack them or get very close) get in the buzzard and carefully take out the enemies around the Annihilator, then clean up the area, and have someone get in the Annihilator. Have the buzzard quickly take out the jet and two attack choppers headed for the Annihilator. Even if you don't take out the jet, you can still dodge it if you fly low and fast, you can also outrun the enemy helicopters if you go fast enough. |
Artificial Scarcity Contact: Martin Rank: 19 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2200 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Multiple people recommended but not required for this one. You will need to destroy seven trucks, some of which will try to drive away. Sticky bombs will be useful in this mission. A few SUVs with enemies will try to chase you, so take them out.The last few trucks might require you to go into an area with lots of enemies, so be careful. If you go to the street on the other side of the facility where the trucks are, you can climb a ladder to the roof and use grenades, or a grenade launcher to take out the last remaining trucks easier. You don't have to kill the enemies this way. |
Satellite Communications Contact: Trevor Rank: 60 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2600 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take out all the enemies guarding the trailer and then get in the truck. If you're driving the truck, only shoot the bikes in front of you, the ones behind can't hit you so floor it, try to stay ahead of them and deliver the trailer to the gas station. |
Trash Talk Contact: Martin Rank: 81 Payout: $10,000 2500 Players: 1 Max: 6 | Bring 4 sticky bombs to destroy the Garbage trucks, then grenades for the HQ. Lots of enemies guarding the remaining garbage trucks, after they are destroyed, the boss will try to flee on foot, kill him to complete the mission. Note: You can also destroy the garbage trucks by shooting the large gas tank a few times, it's located on the left side next to the front wheel. |
Chemical Extraction Contact: Lester Rank: 65 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2500 Players: 1 Max: 6 | Fight your way to the van, then get in and quickly get out to find some good cover, an enemy helicopter will arrive, shoot it down, then get in the van again, and find some more cover, some cars with enemies will spawn as you drive out of the compound, kill them then deliver the van |
Bust Out Contact: Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Head towards the bus quickly before it arrives at its destination, shoot the driver, pick up the guy, and lose the cops. You can use a helicopter for this one for easier completion |
Extradition Contact: Martin Rank: 50 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2050 Players: 1 Max: 6 | You can go to the Sandy Shores landing strip (the large one) to get two jets for this mission. Thanks to BristolClark for the tip! (Note that I could not find the jets on the PC version.) Make sure you wait until everyone is ready to go into the base, (location of entrance to base from driving off a cliff) once inside take as many jets as possible. You can also call Lester to get a helicopter to get to a jet easier. Once you destroy the Titan, quickly fly toward the DA (big red dot on the map behind you) and blow up his limo with lock on missiles before he gets to his destination. If you can't hit him with your missiles, a good trick is to have someone stay in the area around Del Perro Beach and wait for the DA then take him out as he passes by. You can lose your wanted level by flying your jets really high and toward the ocean, then go back and parachute down to the briefcase. |
Judging the Jury Contact: Martin Rank: 65 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 2100 Players: 1 Max: 8 | Take as many people as possible and have everyone go individually in fast cars. Stickies are very useful for the last jurors (Note: This is a timed mission) |
Docks to Stock II Contact: Lester Rank: 75 Payout: $10,000 Base RP: 1720 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take a second helicopter |
Mixed Up With Coke Contact:Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $9,500 Base RP: 2000 Players: 1 Max: 6 |
3 people recommended. Start by throwing a sticky bomb over the fence at the cement truck near the street, and have someone destroy the other one with a grenade. After you destroy the 2 cement trucks, 2 more will pop up on the map so have other people ready to destroy them. Enemies with suvs will attack, but try to ignore them and destroy the remaining trucks to complete the mission. (You can call lester to locate an attack helicopter for this one) |
Dry Docking Contact: Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $8,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Don't go alone, you will need someone to cover your back while you crack the safe because enemies will keep spawning and running up to you. Once you go get the boat, go slowly in the boat you can have someone stand in it to shoot. Once you steal the boat, a helicopter and other boats will come after you. Recommended to get out and snipe or shoot the helicopter and take out the enemy boats. |
Hack and Dash Contact: Lester Rank: 60 Payout: $8,000 Base RP: 1000 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Go with at least one other person. Have them cover you while you hack the the door. Once you steal the cars, lose your wanted level and deliver them to the warehouse |
The Los Santos Connection Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $8,000 Base RP: 2700 Players: 1 Max: 6 | (Note: During this mission you can destroy green crates to find cash. Be careful not to blow them up) First two parts are easy, just get the location, kill the enemies, get in the SUV, then get to the depot, take out the enemies (enemies will also arrive in vehicles), and hack the laptop (there is also a respawning health pack in the container next to the laptop if you need it) As you drive to the airport, enemies in SUVs will chase you but if you drive fast enough you can ignore them. Once you arrive at the airport, before anything, kill the enemies around the hangar (use the white/red checkered power generator for cover) and grab a buzzard (attack helicopter), then destroy the plane parked at the end of the runway. Now go back to the hangar, destroy all the vehicles in the hangar and kill the enemies, grab the coke (theres also respawning body armor near by if you need it), take out the enemies that arrive, destroy the chopper then deliver the package using a buzzard. |
Wet Work Contact: Ron Rank: 55 Payout: $7,000 Base RP: 2300 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take out the enemies from above with a sniper, then once you get in the boat, don't stop. The passenger should have a micro SMG to cover. Once you arrive at the destination, you will have to take out a bunch of lost, so get to some cover quick. Use the white container right when you walk up the stairs as cover, and take out the enemies to complete the mission. |
Out of Harmony Contact: Trevor Rank: 50 Payout: $7,000 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 | This one has a time limit, so it's best to take at least a few people. Try to clear out the enemies at the cement works as fast as possible (you can have extra time if you start by sniping a few first, before the timer starts. Then take the trailer. Bikers will follow and shoot at you, but if you drive fast enough they won't be able to catch up. |
Sinking Feeling Contact: Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $7,000 Base RP: 2500 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Take both SUVs in case. Careful when there are 2 tunnels, at the exit it's easy to get stuck. |
Stick Up the Stickup Crew Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $6,000 Base RP: 2250 Players: 1 Max: 4 | A lot of enemies covering the truck. Use one car per person for cover. After you take the truck, SUVs and a helicopter will chase after you, just floor it to the drop off point. As long as you keep the SUV behind you, they will have a hard time shooting you |
Time to Get Away Contact: Martin Rank: 21 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Drive over to the Donkey Punch Family Farm, once you get there, El Stupido will be in a barn surrounded by enemies. Driving in is a bad idea, instead park somewhere on the hills next to the barn (there is a way up to the hill west of the barn), and snipe as many enemies as possible. Then drive into the barn to rescue El Stupido. As he gets in your vehicle, a bunch of enemies in vehehicles will chase after you. But you can outrun them if you drive fast enough to the airfield. |
Blow Up II Contact: Simeon Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Get in the banshee and move it to the street. Move the cars next to each other and either use either a jerry can, a grenade or shoot a cars engine to blow it up. |
Blow Up III Contact: Simeon Rank: 31 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Bring a jerry can, or some grenades. Very few enemies in this one, so it should be easy. |
Master Data Contact: Lester Rank: 16 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 | First get to the storage unit and take out the enemies. Once you take them out, two vehicles with enemies will arrive from both sides so get to cover. Then look for the black truck loaded with surveillance equipment in the area (should be south east of the warehouse near the water). Once you get in the truck, enemies will arrive, so get out, get to some cover take them out. Another enemy vehicle will chase you as you get closer to Lester's warehouse, but if you drive fast enough you can ignore them. |
GTA Today Contact: Simeon Rank: 1 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 3000 | 2 or more people recommended for this mission. Recover the 4 cars located all around Los Santos. |
Crime Scenester Contact: Lester Rank: 20 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 2100 | In this mission you will need to recover some marked bills from a crime scene. Once you arrive, you will get a 3 star wanted level and a bunch of cops will attack. Grab the marked bills and lose the wanted level, (I don't recommend trying this one solo since the bills are swarming with cops) then deliver the cash. |
On the List Contact: Martin Rank: 18 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1900 | Martin will ask you to take out five targets around LS. First one is in a dune buggy at the observatory, the second one is on a billboard downtown, the third one is on a motorcycle close by. The fourth one is in gang territory with many enemies covering him and the last one is at the marina, you will have to chase him in a boat. |
Hard Labor Contact: Gerald Rank: 19 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Multiple people recommended for this mission, as well as a fast vehicle. Drive over to the construction site and start by taking out the gang members on the first floor. Use the construction site for cover. Then head to the second floor and take out the gang members. After that, while heading to the roof, the gang boss will make a run for it in a helicopter, get in a fast car and chase him down. He will fly to the North East of the map near the ocean, and land. You can drive up there to take him out if you can't catch his helicopter. Take out the boss to complete the mission. |
A Titan of a Job Contact: Lester Rank: 24 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 2000 Players: 1 Max: 6 | Snipe the enemies in the hangar, drive up, finish the rest, move the Semi (be careful not to blow it up, or you will have a hard time getting the titan out of the hangar), a few more enemies will spawn, then steal the titan and land it. |
Diamonds for Trevor Contact: Trevor Rank: 70 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 2700 | Get in the boat then exit immediately to wait to destroy an enemy heli that will be coming from far away, also an enemy boat will attack as well. |
Teaser Trailer Contact: Lester Rank: 40 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1700 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Lots of enemies with body armor covering the trailer so it's best to aim for the head, so take your time and get some good cover for this fight, after you , get a truck. Tthere is one parked just East of the mission area near the large blue dome, location or steal one driving on the road nearby. Then have someone cover it while you haul the trailer back. Enemies will attack you on your way back, but if you drive fast enough you can ignore them. |
Quarry Quarry Contact: Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1300 Players: Max: 4 | Two or more people recommended. Clear both areas of the vans before entering one. Snipe from the hill nearby the mission area if possible. Get in a van, then as soon as enemies appear, exit the van and get to some cover to take out the enemies, then deliver the vans. |
Crystal Clear Out Contact: Trevor Rank: 28 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 1000 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Come heavily armed, 2 people or more is best. It's easier to go by boat to Trevors' house, so right after you grab the coke, jump in the water and get in a boat. Enemies will arrive by car, but you can ignore them. |
Show Me the Money Contact: Martin Rank: 55 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 950 Players: 1 Max: 4 | The van is weak, so be careful to only shoot the drivers. 2 people in the van, then 1 car per person for cover. Some enemies in hummers and a helicopter will spawn right when you enter the van, find some cover and take them out, then deliver the van. |
Crank Up the Volume Contact: Ron Rank: 30 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Recommended 2 people or more. RV will be driving around the map, surround it and grab it, note: After you grab the RV groups of bikers will attack you so be ready to fight them off before driving it back |
Check Out Time Contact: Martin Rank: 35 Payout: $5,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Drive up to the witness and aim your shot carefully, then take a picture from your vehicle. Lose your wanted level and deliver the picture to Madrazo's house. |
Grab Your Ballas Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Ignore the ballas, go straight for truck (it leaves the depot to the exit to the right) A bunch of enemy SUVs will attack as soon as you grab the truck, so be ready. |
By Land, Sea, and Air Contact: Lester Rank: 30 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 970 Players: 2 Max: 4 | One person gets in first heli, the other person shoots down enemy helis. |
Out of Court Settlement Contact: Martin Rank: 22 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 1400 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Get to the lawyer quickly, park in front of his car and take your time on your first shot to get a headshot. Then grab the evidence and deliver it to Madrazo's house. |
Editor and Thief Contact: Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $4,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Catch up to the enemy and then park in front of them in your car then aim for the head and use your UZI to quickly take him out (if you miss, they will try to speed off, so make sure you block their car), take the photographs (you can do it from your car so no need to exit the vehicle), then evade the cops and drive to Madrazo's house. |
Handle With Care Contact: Martin Rank: 20 Payout: $3500 Base RP: 1600 Players: 1 Max: 4 | 2 or more people recommended for this mission. (4 is best so you can have 2 people drive boats and 2 covering them) Drive down to the docks, and take out all the smugglers. Grab the package at the top then run down to the docks and steal the two smuggler's boats. Enemies will chase you in boats, so be ready to shoot them yourself, or have someone cover you from the back of the boat while you deliver it. If you floor it and keep full speed, the enemies will have a hard time hitting you. Deliver both boats to finish the mission. |
All In The Game Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 700 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Take out the ballas protecting the Baller, then drive away as fast as possible. An enemy car will follow, try to take them out (or just floor it) and deliver the car. |
Denial of Service Contact: Lester Rank: 14 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 4 | This is a timed mission where you have to blow up several surveillance trucks around the city, so it's best to bring at least a few people and have a fast vehicle. You will have 10 minutes to blow up the trucks, then a final truck will appear, and once you blow it up, equipment will drop which you need to take to Lester after losing the cops. |
Coasting Contact: Martin Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1100 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take the truck and ignore the SUVs that chase you, as long as they are behind you, they can't hurt you. |
Four Trailers Contact: Lester Rank: 45 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 2550 Players: 1 Max: 6 | Go with at least two people (there are two trailers to steal) and buy some armor for this one, lots of enemies guarding the entrance, start by running over the guards in the front, then snipe and move in slowly to take out the rest. Enemies are also hidden behind the fences in the back, so watch out. Once you take the trailers, some enemy SUVs will chase you, just floor it to Lester's warehouse. Once you arrive, the suvs will stop chasing you |
Dish the Dirt Contact: Gerald Rank: 45 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Snipe the enemies first, or fire into them to get the guy with the package to drive away, then drive after him and take him out. Or you can wait near the road and shoot him as he is driving out, then pick up the coke and deliver it to Gerald's apartment). SUV's will chase you as you drive back, but if you stay offroad, they won't be able to catch up to you. |
War and Pieces Contact: Gerald Rank: 30 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 4 | Start by sniping from the nearby hill, then grab the coke. (Make sure to bring a fast car in case the guy drives off with the coke. If you don't want to kill all the enemies, fire a few rounds at them and then drive after the enemy running away with the coke, then take them out) Once you grab the coke, a bunch of enemies will come after you, get to cover and take them out, or try to outrun them in a fast vehicle, then deliver the package. Be careful not to blow up the package or you will fail the mission. |
Landing Strip Contact: Lester Rank: 22 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 900 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Leave at least one person at the landing strip to clear out the enemies before |
Last Chopper outta LS Contact: Lester Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 900 Players: 2 Max: 2 | Never jump, always take ladders, and go very slow on the roof, note that enemies are hidden |
High Priority Case Contact: Lester Rank: 25 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 850 Players: 1 Max: 4 | This mission is unnecessarily complex and not worth it without a helicopter. But if can't get one and still want to complete it, check out this YouTube video for an in-depth video guide on how to get to the top and finish the mission. For an easier way to do this mission, if you're above rank 30, you can get a Helicopter to get to the top. (Call Merryweather and shoot out the pilot or find one here) Land it on the tall building next to the mission rooftop. Snipe the enemies, then land on the main roof. Fight your way down, grab the briefcase and take cover behind a pillar because an enemy helicopter will attack, take it out and either get back to your helicopter or jump off and use a parachute and then to Lester's Warehouse. |
A Boat in the Bay
Contact: Ron Rank: 40 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Lots of enemies guarding the boat. Take them out from the top of the hill. Take them out then one person takes the boat, others can call Merryweather for a boat pickup or find one (usually hard to find during missions) On the way back, a heli will attack, get out, find some good cover and destroy it, then get back in the boat and book it to the objective. (Set a marker at the entrance of the river then follow the river up to get to the drop off point) Enemies will attack on the river, but just ignore them and go fast (dont forget to hold A (360), X (PS3), SPACE BAR (PC) for sharp turns in the boat. |
Holed Up - Burton Contact: Martin Rank: 50 Payout: $3,500 Base RP: 1650 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take a fast car to escort Juan, or if you're fast enough go in his car as a passenger. (Although not recommended as the suvs will attack while you are escorting, and its best to be in your own car) You can also try to lure the enemies away from Juan while he gets to the destination. When he does, the mission will complete even if you aren't there. |
No Hay Bronca Contact: Gerald Rank: 8 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take 2 people minimum, I recommend 3 or 4 though. For the first part, you can drive a large vehicle up to the building near the enemies and climb up to the roof to take out the enemies. After you grab the package, enemies will chase you. Second part is hard, you need cover. After you destroy the final car, the gang leader will flee, be ready to chase and take him out (park your vehicle close by) |
Water the Vineyard Contact: Martin Rank: 40 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 960 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Stay in the car, don't clear out guards in the vineyard, just chase the judge who escapes (in his car) Once you take him out and take a picture, enemies will chase you, get to cover and take them out, then go to Madrazo's house |
The Parking Garage Contact: Lester Rank: 55 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 2520 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Look for a video, you can complete this in 15 seconds (good RP, 4k approx) |
No Smoking Contact: Lamar Rank: 30 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1530 Players: 1 Base: 4 | Take out the enemies guarding the trailer then have one person drive the trailer, and other people cover them in a car. Enemies in SUVs will chase you, take them out and then deliver the trailer. If you drive fast enough, you can avoid the SUVs all together. |
Turbine Carbine Contact: Ron Rank: 25 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 990 Players: 1 Base: 4 | Snipe the enemies from the hill near the mission area. Once you grab the van, get ready for some bikers to attack you. Park somewhere and get behind cover. Then deliver the van to Trevor's trailer. |
Cops Capacity Contact: Lester Rank: 19 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1500 Players: 1 Max: 2 | This is a time limited mission, so having a fast car and multiple people is recommended. As soon as you blow up the two cop cars with (grenades or sticky bombs work well here) a timer will start. You will have two minutes to get to the van (climb on top of the wall on the right to blow up the van) throw a grenade under the van to blow it up, then quickly get to a vehicle and drive over to the bikes. (Another two minute time limit.) Destroy the bikes with a grenade, and then drive all the way to the prison bus to destroy it. Then lose the cops and go back to Lester's safehouse to complete the mission. |
Daemon Run Contact: Ron Rank: 25 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1050 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Make sure you have a micro SMG, clear the base, then hop on bike and never stop |
Lost My Mind Contact: Trevor Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 950 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take out the lost then get in the jet ski on the dock and chase down the package. Sometimes the enemy will drive off instead, in this case have a fast off road car ready to chase them down. After you pick up the meth, a bunch of enemies will chase after you, but if you drive fast enough, you can ignore them. |
Going Down the GOH Contact: Lamar Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 1500 | As soon as the mission starts, open your map and check which direction the tanker is heading, then set a waypoint ahead of it to intercept it. Get to the tanker and shoot out the driver to steal it. If you can't catch it before it reaches its destination, you will have to take out the enemies protecting it and steal it. 3 or 4 SUVs with enemies will arrive shortly after you get in, get out, get to cover and take them out, then deliver the tanker. If you can get ahead of the SUVs, you can ignore them all the way to the depot. |
Meth'd Up Contact: Gerald Rank: 7 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 800 | Drive off road straight to checkpoint with the RV, to avoid enemies spawning. |
Death From Above Contact: Martin Rank: 24 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 800 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Drive in fast (you can ignore the enemies if you're quick) kill the guy, then quickly take a picture from your car, and escape. If you take the picture and die, other people can still complete the mission by driving to Martin. |
Caught Napping Contact: Lamar Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 600 | Get in front of the vehicle with the hostage and shoot out the driver (Watch out for the hostage) Then the hostage will go to your car, and enemies will attack in SUVs, either park and get to cover, or shoot from the car, then get the hostage back to the store. |
Fuelling the Flames Contact: Ron Rank: 20 Payout: $2,500 Base RP: 600 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Snipe the enemies from the nearby hill and be careful of all the bikers who join the fight halfway through. Use the industrial area behind the tanker for cover to fight them, then deliver it. |
Dirt Road Contact: Ron Rank: 19 Payout: $2,000 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Kill the enemy holding the meth fast before he drives off, then deliver it. |
Cleaning the Cat House Contact: Martin Rank: 45 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 2600 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Take a helicopter if possible, then before you pick up Anna, bring the heli in as close as possible. After you kill some enemies, Anna will run outside so be ready |
Ticket to Elysium Contact: Lamar Rank: 18 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1250 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Doing this with a full team is faster. Chase the tanker, get in front of it, shoot out the driver and get in. Then lose the cops and deliver tanker to the depot. If you want to outrun the cops faster, try getting out and using a faster vehicle instead, then drive back to the tanker after you lose your wanted level. |
Hit 'Em Up Contact: Gerald Rank: 14 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Note: This mission has timed parts, so a fast vehicle is recommended. Drive over to the barber shop, then if you have a sniper rifle, get to the top of the mountain nearby and snipe Big T (the guy with the overalls). Now get to your car quickly and drive to intercept Little T, you will have 2 minutes to catch up and destroy the vehicles. Now drive over to the farm and take out Small F. (Before shooting, make sure you drive behind the area with the enemies and take out Small F right from the start. Then you can drive away without having to fight other enemies. Now drive over to the Motel to take out Terrance who is hiding in some motel buildings. then take out the rest of the ballas to complete the mission. |
Violent Duct Contact: Gerald Rank: 15 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 1300 Players: 1 Max: 4 | One player attacks from the front, another from the left, then one takes package, another kills the enemy van that arrives, or drive away fast and deliver it |
Lost MC RIP Contact: Lamar Rank: 25 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 800 | Get to the top of the hill next to the cemetary, take cover behind your car and snipe the Lost, then take out the remaining ones to complete the mission. |
Death Metal Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 650 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Grab a large vehicle (like a semi) and park it near the building right next to the mission area. Climb to the roof (example image) and take out the enemies, then grab the package. Note: Be careful not to use explosives since it could destroy the package and you will fail the mission. |
San Andreas Seoul Contact: Lamar Rank: 16 Payout: $1,500 Base RP: 630 | This job is better done solo. |
It Takes a Thief Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1320 Players: 1 Max: 4 | At least two players and some fast cars are recommended for this mission. Catch up to the two cars, park in front of them and take out the npcs with a micro smg, then deliver the cars. |
Chumash and Grab Contact: Gerald Rank: 35 Players: $1,000 Base RP: 1100 Players: 2 Max: 4 | Snipe out the enemies on the end of the pier first. |
Gassed Up Contact: Gerald Rank: 12 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1050 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Kill all the enemies from bridge, then go down in car. |
Gentry Does It Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 800 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Two cars to steal, so it's better to do this with at least 2 people. Grab the cars, lose the cops and then make the delivery. |
Rich Men in Richman Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Two people recommended for this mission. Get to the mansion and hack the keypad, once you open the gate, a bunch of enemies will spawn, take them out and repo the two cars. You will need to lose the cops before delivering the cars to the dealership. |
Flood in the LS River Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Snipe the enemies from the cover at the nearby bridge (good spot for cover + sniping), grab the package and get ready for enemies to chase you in SUVs, take them out or drive fast to make the delivery. |
Romance Isn't Dead Contact: Ron Rank: 13 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 750 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Clear the Lost base, then get in a van and immediately get out to kill the bikers. You can also just drive up to a van and drive away but kill the first guy standing close by. |
El Burro Heists Contact: Simeon Rank: 10 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 725 Players: 1 Max: 4 | When on site, make sure you don't go in too far and get cornered. |
Chasers II Contact: Simeon Rank: 16 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 725 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Try to get in front of the tornado and take out the driver, then quickly get in and deliver it, watch out for gang members on the street and an enemy vehicle. |
ATV Steal Contact: Simeon Rank: 25 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 600 Players: 1 Max: 4 | 2 or more people recommended for this mission, otherwise it will take too long since you have to chase down each ATV and then deliver all 4. Get a car, preferably a strong, fast, offroad vehicle, and drive to the race. Once you arrive, try to drive into all 4 ATVs to knock off the drivers and then deliver the ATVs. (Note: Be careful not to destroy any of the ATVs or you will fail the mission.) |
Pier Pressure Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1060 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Park your car in line with the tunnel and use it as cover (there is little cover in the tunnel) |
Blow Up Contact: Simeon Rank: 12 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1000 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Use the jerry can or throw a grenade at the hummer (if cars change, 2nd car on left row from in lot) |
Rockford Roll Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 950 Players: 1 Max: 2 | One person takes Cabrio, the other attracts police with as many stars as possible. Or just grab the Cabrio and outrun the cops. |
Deal Breaker Contact: Gerald Rank: 6 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1340 Players: 1 Max: 4 | Bring a vehicle for cover. |
Ballas to the Wall Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 650 | Start by running over the guy standing next to the car, then get in, ignore all the other enemies and drive off fast. Cars will chase you but you can outrun them. |
Where Credit's Due Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 1050 Players: 1 Max: 2 | Once you get in the zion you will get a wanted star, evade the cops and deliver the car. |
Chasers Contact: Simeon Rank: 5 Payout: $1,000 Base RP: 2000 | Catch up to the coquette, stop in front and take your time on your first shot to get a headshot. Then lose the cops and deliver the car to the dealership. |
Big thanks to SaintRebbel for the original list!
Note:If any missions from the official Rockstar content updates are missing, please post a comment below with the mission name so it can be added. Thanks for your help.
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