Here are all the unlockables in GTA Online. A GTA Online update also added the ability to mod your cars engine, turbo, etc. at certain ranks (30, 60, 90+) instead of having to win races. Check the mod shop with the car type of your choice for the exact ranks.
- Rank 1: Sawed-Off Shotgun, Pistol
- Rank 2: Stunt Jumps, Pistol Clips
- Rank 3: Car Mod Shop, Pegasus, Shops, Hold Ups, One On One Deathmatch, Shooting Range
- Rank 4: Pistol Flashlight,
- Rank 5: Garages, Personal Vehice Delivery, Movies, Pistol Supressor, Micro SMG
- Rank 6: Tennis, Golf, Darts, Arm Wrestling, Strip Club, Bumpers (Custom Chin Spoiler)
- Rank 8: Import/Export, Bumpers (Painted Rear Bumper), Windows (Light Smoke)
- Rank 9: Exhaust (Chrome Tip), Combat Pistol, Combat Pistol Extended Clip
- Rank 10: Bounties, Auto Armor 20%
- Rank 11: Parachuting, Combat Pistol Suppressor, SMG, Parachutes (Blue)
- Rank 12: Merryweather Crate Drop
- Rank 13: Ammo Drop
- Rank 15: Survival, Grenade, SMG Supressor, Parachutes (Black Smoke Trails), Grill (Painted Light Surroundings)
- Rank 16: Parachutes (Red)
- Rank 17: Bull Shark Testosterone, Pump Shotgun, Suspension (Lowered)
- Rank 18: Gang Attacks, Parachutes (Yellow Smoke Trails)
- Rank 19: Armored Truck, Sticky Bomb
- Rank 20: Back-Up Helicopter, Gas Can, Wheels (Bulletproof)
- Rank 21: Remove Wanted Level, Sniper Rifle, Lights (Xenon Lights), Bumpers (Painted And Chin Spoiler)
- Rank 23: Parachutes (Seaside Stripes), Hood (Ram Air)
- Rank 24: Assault Rifle, Parachutes (Orange Smoke Trailers)
- Rank 25: Boat Pick-Up, Explosives (Ignition Bomb)
- Rank 26: Roll Cage (Stunt Cage)
- Rank 27: Parachutes (Red Smoke Trail)
- Rank 28: Parachutes (Hornet)
- Rank 29: Assault SMG
- Rank 30: Helicopter Pick-Up, Auto Armor 40%, Exhaust (Big Bore)
- Rank 31: Windows (Dark Smoke)
- Rank 32: Parachutes (Patriot)
- Rank 33: Automatic Pistol, Hood (Carbon Hood)
- Rank 35: Send Mercenaries
- Rank 36: Suspension (Street)
- Rank 37: Assault Shotgun
- Rank 38: Parachutes (Widowmaker)
- Rank 40: Off The Radar, Reveal Players
- Rank 41: Hood - Triple Intake
- Rank 42: Carbine Rifle, Buzzard
- Rank 44: Parachutes (Rainbow)
- Rank 45: Bumpers (Painted And Large Splitter)
- Rank 49: Windows (Limo)
- Rank 50: Mugger, Airstrike, Auto Armor 60%, MG, Explosives (Remote Bomb)
- Rank 52: Exhaust (Side Exit)
- Rank 53: Hood (Single Intake)
- Rank 56: Parachutes (Black), Suspension (Sport)
- Rank 60: Grenade Launcher
- Rank 64: Bumpers (Extended Chin Spoiler)
- Rank 70: Advanced Rifle, Tank
- Rank 71: Suspension (Competition)
- Rank 80: Auto Armor 80%, Combat MG
- Rank 90: Heavy Sniper Rifle
- Rank 100: Auto Armor 100%, RPG (Rocket Launcher)
- Rank 120: Minigun

- Annihilator (Helicopter): GTA Online Rank 37
- Buzzard Attack Helicopter (Helicopter): GTA Online Rank 42
- Rhino Tank (Tank): GTA Online Rank 70
- For aircraft locations and unlocks see the Helicopter Location page
- Dunce Cap: Be in a Bad Sport lobby. This happens when you blow up other players cars repetitively and quit missions before they're over. Is removed when you become a Good Sport.
- Hammer: Buy the Collectors Edition of GTA V.
- Bulipup Shotgun: Buy the Collectors Edition of GTA V.
- Pistol .50: Buy the Collectors Edition of GTA V.
- Baseball Bat: Can be obtained by picking it up during a Deathmatch. Can also be found in the mission Meth'd Up.
- Crowbar: Can be obtained by picking it up during a Deathmatch.
- Golf Club: Go to the golf course and find a citizen holding a golf club, then kill them. They should drop a golf club. Simply pick it up and escape the police.
- Red Skull T-Shirt: Achieved when you get to the final round of a Survival game.
- Los Santos Belle T-Shirt: Achieved when you pick up one of the special crates before anybody else.